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  1. Mendel

    Debunked: Dr. Shiva's Scatterplot Analysis of Michigan Precincts

    From his point of view, he did! The trouble is that the original Dr Shiva didn't care to set a balanced base line. The original analysis is biased, and Matt Parker simply shows that it is. Mat does NOT argue that the "Blue Shiva" plot has meaning; he uses it to show that the "Red Shiva" plot...
  2. Mendel

    Debunked: Trump's Claim of "1,126,940 votes created out of thin air" in PA

    A failure to check autoritative data sources. Which, in a legal proceeding, may amount to ineptitude, but they're fairly pressed for time for this one.
  3. Mendel

    Allegations of Election Irregularities by Gregory Stenstrom of Marque Star

    Have a look at this image from one of my previous posts: Technically, the VerityScan devices are tabulators; they tabulate the vote for a single precinct. Every precinct has one of these. And these precinct election results are stored on the vDrive (and also printed out via the integrated...
  4. Mendel

    Allegations of Election Irregularities by Gregory Stenstrom of Marque Star

    You're assuming that Breitbart or Stenstrom know what they're talking about, and that they will distinguish "voting machine" from "tabulator"; I suspect any PC running election software is a "voting machine" to them, regardless of its function. Yes. That is why he must be talking about a...
  5. Mendel

    Allegations of Election Irregularities by Gregory Stenstrom of Marque Star

    I don't know why Stenstrom calls the vDrives "USBV cards", they're not called that anywhere else that I can see. Here are some images from a Michigan manual that show how they're used: The vDrives transfer the data from the local precincts to the county level tabulator. During voting, they're...
  6. Mendel

    Allegations of Election Irregularities by Gregory Stenstrom of Marque Star

    You'd expect a law enforcement unit specialized in computer forensics to do it in their lab; but they'd only do it if there was reasonable suspicion of a crime, which there isn't -- no evidence. So the suggestion of doing hard drive forensics is a great PR move: it suggests that there was a...
  7. Mendel

    Allegations of Election Irregularities by Gregory Stenstrom of Marque Star

    Gregory Stenstrom was recruited by Leah Hoopes (this is spelled wrong in the transcript). She's a Republican Party Committee member. Committee people serve as a point of contact between the voters, elected officials, and their political party. They are considered party officers – not public...
  8. Mendel

    Allegations of Election Irregularities by Gregory Stenstrom of Marque Star

    He seems to have been an official GOP poll watcher for the City of Chester. He was apparently not an official poll watcher for the counting center. So he may or may not have been briefed on poll station processes; he wouldn't have been briefed on the procedures in the counting center; but...
  9. Mendel

    Allegations of Election Irregularities by Gregory Stenstrom of Marque Star

    Yeah, but that was re: whatever they did on Thursday. He recounts watching the election on Tuesday, so he was on-board then; the question is, how much in advance of Tuesday? Early enough to get the information briefing, if there was one?
  10. Mendel

    Allegations of Election Irregularities by Gregory Stenstrom of Marque Star

    I think his testimony by itself shows his lack of adequate qualification in the security field. BitBlocker is a software-based write blocker that inhibits writing to storage devices to avoid tainting the contents of persistent media. That's from a 2010 paper. Note that it's a software, not a...
  11. Mendel

    Allegations of Election Irregularities by Gregory Stenstrom of Marque Star

    I understood that he wanted access to equipment (on Thursday!) that was no longer in use? And since it is evidence of the election, it's being kept under lock and key, and access is restricted to prevent people from tampering with it. As it should be. Do you have a source for Stenstrom being an...
  12. Mendel

    Allegations of Election Irregularities by Gregory Stenstrom of Marque Star

    Marque Star JANUS© incorporates a one of a kind video and data visualization capability that is both visually "lossless" and infinitely scalable that enables our clients to see data, and the future, beyond the limits of the human eye, current technology, and imagination. "Oculus Deo" is...
  13. Mendel

    Allegations of Election Irregularities by Gregory Stenstrom of Marque Star

    What you want is knowledge on how these paper trails are generated and audited in Delaware County. If they're printing these reports when they close down the poll stations, they have a paper path toward a second tally that parallels the electronic tally; and that's what they'll use to audit the...
  14. Mendel

    Allegations of Election Irregularities by Gregory Stenstrom of Marque Star

    My understanding is that the tabulators in the precincts have removable USB storage that is collected in the central location to provide a quick tally of the votes cast that day. There should be another USB device locked into the machine that carries a copy of the data, and there should be a...
  15. Mendel

    Allegations of Election Irregularities by Gregory Stenstrom of Marque Star

    If the existing lawsuits are any indication, this won't stand up in court. No judge is going to disenfranchise all of the absentee voters based on a case that isn't even alleging fraud. Basically, what Stenstrom is claiming here is that some things that happened were not documented to procedure...
  16. Mendel

    Allegations of Election Irregularities by Gregory Stenstrom of Marque Star

    Claim 1: [around 54:00] People who had posted a mail-in ballot that wasn't shown as received in the database came to the polls and asked to vote; they were not given a provisional ballot, but they were given a regular ballot and voted that way. This was brought to the attention of the election...
  17. Mendel

    Allegations of Election Irregularities by Gregory Stenstrom of Marque Star

    The GOP Pennsylvania Senate Policy Committee held a public hearing to discuss 2020 election issues and irregularities on November 25 in Gettysburg, PA. One of the speakers was Gregory Stenstrom. Transcript: Gregory Stenstrom: (52:54) It’s a tough group to follow. My name is Gregory...
  18. Mendel

    The "Whistleblowing" Chinese Doctors

    I've just now come across an Associated Press article published back on June 3rd which details the timeline further, based on sources at the WHO. I've excerpted the article below, focusing on the timeline of how the information developed for officials and researchers in China. I suggest reading...
  19. Mendel

    Website projects massive depopulation by 2025

    Do you have evidence for this? Death-wise, offically (via ECDC data), China has suffered very little from Covid-19; and India has half the deaths of the US with four times the population (10/100,000). I wouldn't label that "badly hit". Economically, it's unclear how quickly the economies will...
  20. Mendel

    Debunked: Dr. Shiva's Scatterplot Analysis of Michigan Precincts

    Yes. And I'm saying that neither model of vote switching reflects reality, based on how the data is not matching the model. I also agree that there is no case that either thing is evidence for fraud. There are several reasons for that. (1) First, no evidence from past elections is used. Dr...