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  1. Mendel

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    @Agent K Information from Lower Saxony (a German state, population ~8 million): Es gibt derzeit 8070 laborbestätigte Covid-19-Fälle (+119 im Vergleich zu gestern) in Niedersachsen. 223 Menschen, die mit dem Virus infiziert waren, sind verstorben. In niedersächsischen Kliniken werden derzeit...
  2. Mendel

    Boris Johnson in ICU with Coronavirus Symptoms

    IIRC it cut off about a day on average? And if we're talking about the same study, weren't the patients treated while the symptoms were relatively mild, and only the control group had severe symptoms? I don't think we should speculate on how BJ was treated, if it isn't reported; and from what I...
  3. Mendel

    Claim:HIV Protein Sequences in Covid-19 (report withdrawn by authors) & other "man made" claims

    It could've come from a sexton cleaning out a church steeple full of bat shit, who knows? If they ever narrow down the animal population that has the virus, we might learn more. Actually, they did look at the mutation rates for SARS-CoV-1 and MERS and HCoV-OC43 and then estimated off that. For...
  4. Mendel

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    @Agent K , you are equating test availability in New York at the time of that anecdote (NY had 7845 cases then) with test availability in Los Angeles --> bad assumption. I told you what "the tip of the iceberg" is --- they tested everyone on the Diamond Princess, and there were similar studies...
  5. Mendel

    Claim:HIV Protein Sequences in Covid-19 (report withdrawn by authors) & other "man made" claims

    Yep. In that study, the first patient fell ill on December 1st. We know now that that was not patient zero. 27 (66%) patients had direct exposure to Huanan seafood market (figure 1B). Market exposure was similar between the patients with ICU care (nine [69%]) and those with non-ICU care (18...
  6. Mendel

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    Your assumptions are bad. Americans are older on average, which means you have somewhat more severe cases, but 75% vs 80% is close. You wrote that 20% of hospitalized patients are on ventilators, 20% of 25% is 5%, again close to the Wuhan value of 4.7%. 5% of the positive patients have critical...
  7. Mendel

    Claim:HIV Protein Sequences in Covid-19 (report withdrawn by authors) & other "man made" claims

    In this case, it is, though. Compare: if the police think a suspect has been shot with a gun stolen from my gun locker, and there is no evidence that any of the guns were stolen, that disproves it. If none of my guns fired the shot, that's it. If you have the genetic fingerprint of the virus and...
  8. Mendel

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    @Agent K 1) You don't have to be "very sick" to get tested. Fever and a cough is enough. But you need to hospitalized, work in a hospital, belong to a high-risk-group, or be essential. The CDC hasn't advocated teasting contacts for 3 weeks now, which indicates to me that they have given up on...
  9. Mendel

    Claim:HIV Protein Sequences in Covid-19 (report withdrawn by authors) & other "man made" claims

    Yes, if we could find a closer match in some animal population, that would be interesting to virologists, and help prevent reinfection from the same reservoir. As it is, they did detect what looks like pangolin genes in SARS-CoV-2: there is a virus in pangolins that is pretty close to SARS-CoV-2...
  10. Mendel

    Sources of EMF Readings at Skinwalker Ranch

    Oops, I was looking in the wrong state. :-o Anyway, the radar is ~100km away: Active FAA facility 57 road miles north of Grand Junction Colorado. Location: Overlooking Douglas Pass along Hwy 139 in Garfield County, Colorado. Lat: 39.63868 Long: -108.76278...
  11. Mendel

    Claim:HIV Protein Sequences in Covid-19 (report withdrawn by authors) & other "man made" claims

    The National Review quotes the Wallstreet Journal: Significantly, the same analysis shows that the most recent common ancestor of the human virus and the RaTG13 virus lived at least 40 years ago. So it is unlikely that the cave in Yunnan (a thousand miles from Wuhan) is where the first infection...
  12. Mendel

    Sources of EMF Readings at Skinwalker Ranch

    Except there is no airport nearby, radar coverage is cone-shaped with the antenna at the tip of the cone, and they are in a cave?
  13. Mendel

    Sources of EMF Readings at Skinwalker Ranch

    When people are passing directly below a high voltage powerline, they can be exposed to an electric field between 2 to 5 kV/m and to magnetic fields of less than 40 µT. The strength of the electric and magnetic field diminishes rapidly with distance to the line. Low voltage power lines cause...
  14. Mendel

    Sources of EMF Readings at Skinwalker Ranch

    ADS-B The ES ADS-B message is a 120 bit transmission that contains the aircraft identification, position, velocity, and status. The message is broadcast with a period that ranges randomly between 0.4 and 0.6 seconds. This randomization function is designed to prevent aircraft from having...
  15. Mendel

    Sources of EMF Readings at Skinwalker Ranch

    Radar Altimeter On a commercial aircraft, the radar altimeter sends predominantly straight down. Radio altimeter transmitter power levels range from 40 milliwatts to 5 watts. Some pulsed radio altimeters used for Federal research and development programs (e.g., missile testing) have peak power...
  16. Mendel

    Sources of EMF Readings at Skinwalker Ranch

    In the U.S., the maximum RF output power for wireless microphones is limited to 250 mW. I would expect the phone to use a high output power level especially when the reception is...
  17. Mendel

    5G Health Claims and Theories

    From your source: "a very short duration (on the order of a few seconds)", so (assuming a 1000W oven) it'd deliver 30 000W over an area 0.5m in diameter. It'd heat like a 1200W hair dryer aimed at the palm of my hand (10 cm diameter) for a few seconds and could penetrate clothes as it did so...
  18. Mendel

    Wuhan Funeral Urns as an Indicator of Death Rate?

    At the peak, there were 5000 bodies waiting to be scorched into ash at one of Wuhan's eight crematoriums, a worker tells me -- a far cry from two dozen per day before the pandemic. 14700 per quarter, divide by 13 gives 1130 per week, divide by 5 gives 226 per day, divide by 8 gives 28 per day...
  19. Mendel

    5G Health Claims and Theories

    Obviously, that's true if you vary the power levels. If you use more power on any frequency, it can always become more dangerous. If you compare equal power levels, for radio waves ranging from shortwave to digital transmissions, lower frequencies do pose a higher health risk as the higher ones...
  20. Mendel

    Flat Earth and Refraction with Oil Platforms Hillhouse and Habitat

    I'm thinking that a drone might cause too much air flow and upset the gradient, perhaps a balloon on a kite line with length markers? There are cheap radio thermometer sensors for home use (so you can place a sensor on the outside wall without the need to drill a hole), but getting the balloon...