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  1. Mendel

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    The spreadsheet in my previous post has a tab, "average deaths by day". (They used to have a graph for that, but people apparently used it to conclude Covid-19 was harmless since the average rate wasn't that high yet.) Since we had well over 6000 Covid-19 deaths worldwide yesterday (ECDC)...
  2. Mendel

    Claim: UK Coronavirus Bill (HC Bill 122) means "bad things"

    I just looked at the German legal situation. We already had the power to quarantine for at least 20 years, but we did add the power for people other than doctors to treat you (limited until January 1st). We don't have the mental health provisions, presumably because we're not that short-staffed...
  3. Mendel

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    Italy took 43 days to go from 100 cases to 100 000. Spain did it in 36 days. The US only needed 31 days. Source: Source: , Tab "cumulative cases". This is the data underlying...
  4. Mendel

    Claim: UK Coronavirus Bill (HC Bill 122) means "bad things"

    @deirdre good point! is the official collection of documents, which includes the bill as a single PDF file, and also other documents, such as the impact assessment from the deaprtment of health and social care. It is...
  5. Mendel

    Claim: UK Coronavirus Bill (HC Bill 122) means "bad things"

    I exect that's the anti-anti-vaxxer bill: clearly, it is there to apply to coronavirus measures, and the only reason to not want to comply with the law is if you want to walk around and potentially infect other people. There needs to be a legal basis for the government to not let you do that...
  6. Mendel

    Discussing 5G EMF Concerns, Theories, and Conspiracy Theories

    Not sure if this is best here or on the Covid forum? 5G phone masts are being set alight in the UK, after online conspiracy theories have misleadingly linked the cell towers to the coronavirus...
  7. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    NY Gov Andrew Cuomo on March 22nd on what he wants the Federal government to achieve with the DPA (press conference). I thought he also mentioned that the DPA helped with the funding, but that may have been in the Q&A afterwards that is not in the transcript...
  8. Mendel

    The "Whistleblowing" Chinese Doctors

    The BAL samples were taken for diagnosis of the pneumonia. You only take a small amount to run a test and store the rest in a refrigerator so you can run other tests later. The CDC would have given some of the stored samples to the university researchers who had the means to do the genome...
  9. Mendel

    The "Whistleblowing" Chinese Doctors

    Before I get I to this, let me note that even after the disease had been studied, medical professionals and other public figures in the Western world said this was just "like a flu". The low mortality compared to e.g. SARS and the high humber of mild cases made this epidemic hard to identify at...
  10. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    @derwoodii Sermo, the largest online physician network in the United States, today announced the launch of Sermo Sponsorship, a portfolio of offerings that provides new opportunities for pharmaceutical, biotechnology and life sciences companies to engage physicians and educate them on new...
  11. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Yes, but both the time and the NBC article state the facts: that GM's commitment to the ventilator production has "never wavered", and that Trump's intent is to "ensure the quick production of ventilators that will save American lives." The aim is to make it happen faster, not to force it to...
  12. Mendel

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    No. Rember the "lag behind Italy" trackers? Where we looked how far along the path that Italy had taken we all were? The rate of spread determines how well a country is doing. As long as it's up, you'll eventually get to the point where the other countries are now. Any country that adds more...
  13. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    The main point of using rated orders isn't to compel companies to help. From what I remember of Gov. Cuomo's press conference in Javits Center, the point is that the government can loan companies money for this (e.g. GM has to change their factory to make the new product, this costs money, and...
  14. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    @DavidB66 Death figures are problematic for several reasons: a) they lag infections (I'd say ~2 weeks) as the virus needs a bit of time to kill someone b) most of the dead (>90%) are older than 60, so if you scale by population, you need to scale by that age group c) a small number retirement...
  15. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    This is from paragraph 4511 of the law: Allocation of materials, services, and facilities The President is hereby authorized (1) to require that performance under contracts or orders (other than contracts of employment) which he deems necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense...
  16. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    You are wrong, just check the facts. PRESIDENTIAL MEMORANDA Memorandum on Order Under the Defense Production Act Regarding General Motors Company NATIONAL SECURITY & DEFENSE Issued on: March 27, 2020 [...] Sec. 2. Presidential Direction to the Secretary of Health and Human...
  17. Mendel

    Why Does the Sun Rise and Set In a Straight Line?

    If you do a cylindrical projection where the axis of the cylinder is aligned with the globe axis, it ought to be straight (and the horizon ought to be bent). Basically, use a pinhole camera with a semicircular projection surface and put the pinhole in the center of the diameter. I think what...
  18. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    This is the said report: The Defense Production Act Committee Report to Congress Calendar Year 2018 Report to Congress June 24, 2019 DPA section 101 authorizes the President...
  19. Mendel

    Why Does the Sun Rise and Set In a Straight Line?

    The path of the sun is only curved with reference to a straight horizon; but the horizon is curved in itself, too! Mount a camera horizontally and swivel it, and you will create a panoramic image where the horizon is a straight line, and the sun's path bends. Affix the camera to an equatorial...
  20. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    I just quoted you the facts why that is not true. The states did not have any idea of the magnitude of the problem developing for their population because they did not have access to sufficient testing, and that was the fault of the FDA and the CDC, which are federal agencies with regulatory...