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  1. Mendel

    Coronavirus and Younger people

    The official German data provided by the RKI for the dashboard lists the cases by age group and sex, here's a timeline (using yesterday's data). Note that the last few days are typically incomplete, as some county health offices take a while to enter the paper forms online. Observations: -...
  2. Mendel

    Wuhan Funeral Urns as an Indicator of Death Rate?

    It wasn't denied, the WHO was there, I posted the proof, which includes the fact that the WHO has personnel in every country of the world permanently. We have credible reports and newspaper footage that Wuhan was in Lockdown and that China is using an App to enforce contact tracking and...
  3. Mendel

    Wuhan Funeral Urns as an Indicator of Death Rate?

    Were they deceiving anyone back in 2003? The WHO mission did go to Wuhan. It appears not everyone went; I believe the city was still under quarantine at the time? From the WHO press briefing...
  4. Mendel

    Wuhan Funeral Urns as an Indicator of Death Rate?

    The Guardian, March 25 Chinese premier Li Keqiang has warned local governments not to cover up new cases of Covid-19, as low daily rates of infection prompted the relaxing of travel restrictions in Hubei province, where the pandemic started. Li’s comments came as analysts questioned the...
  5. Mendel

    Wuhan Funeral Urns as an Indicator of Death Rate?

    @DavidB66 My experience is that China has been cooperating with the WHO in this outbreak and in past outbreaks. For them not to do that, they'd have to be dumb or evil, and there is a political agenda behind painting them as that. Now, if the pandemic continues to run rampant, one of two things...
  6. Mendel

    Wuhan Funeral Urns as an Indicator of Death Rate?

    I'm assuming that none of them contain ashes, and based on 11 Mio inhabitants in Wuhan, a yearly death rate of 0.74%, this would be the supply for 6 months for one of the eight establishments. We're seeing a half-truth here, the evidence is not strong enough for accusations...
  7. Mendel

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    On March 27th, the RKI published Epidemiological Bulletin 14/2020 (German only), entitled "Schwereeinschätzung von COVID-19 mit Vergleichsdaten zu Pneumonien aus dem Krankenhaussentinel für schwere akute Atemwegserkrankungen am RKI (ICOSARI)" (Severity estimate of COVID-19 in comparison to data...
  8. Mendel

    Ospreys over Los Angeles

    Kinda makes sense that they're taking this opportunity when the airspace is a lot more empty than usual.
  9. Mendel

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    Today, I took the ECDC worlwide data download and made a graph of the per capita daily reported cases in the most affected (per capita) countries, using the 2018 population figures included in that file. The curves are smoothed with a B-spline because infections are continuous even if reporting...
  10. Mendel

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    But why would that correlate with government measures?
  11. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    The FDA Emergency Use Approvals are listed on and include e.g. the ventilator splitters that the Gov. of NY talked about, as well as permissions to use PPE approved in other countries. Quite a...
  12. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

  13. Mendel

    Wayne Coste's new hypothesis for WTC1+2 collapses: nano-thermite propellants!

    Slight nit to pick: air is definitely compressible, but to compress air creates pressure, doing it suddenly creates a pressure front, and then you have the overpressure effects you've described. (If the building had been filled with liquid, ...)
  14. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    From her instagram pictures, it looks to me like she as placed in a single room in the isolation ward, which would isolate her from Covid-19 patients. UPDATE: 7:18 p.m. ― Kathy Griffin told The Los Angeles...
  15. Mendel

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    First, I'm sorry: I had prepared a screenshot of the claim I was referencing, but apparently forgot to include it with my post: Their claim is that the lockdowns have not affected ILI, and that's refuted by the kinsa article you had cited. For Covid-19, it depends what we are talking about...
  16. Mendel

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    I stand corrected. As a side note, the WHO dropped the "without a known cause" requirement recently: The criterion “absence of another diagnosis” was also omitted because its inclusion in the 1999 definition had resulted in the exclusion of ILI cases with underlying chronic conditions, e.g...
  17. Mendel

    Bugs and Suggestions for

    Your login cookie is set for and not, so your browser doesn't know to send it. Same site, different hostname = new login
  18. Mendel

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    The NY Post quote states that 7 of the 8 cases were screening officers. Compare that to In the past 14 days across the nation, there are 28 TSA screening officers who have tested positive for COVID-19. In addition, 10 non-screening employees who have relatively limited interaction with the...
  19. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    National Geographic says the social media messages about animals reclaiming cities are hoaxes: The swans in the viral posts regularly appear in the canals of Burano, a small island in the greater Venice metropolitan area, where the photos were taken. The “Venetian” dolphins were filmed at a port...
  20. Mendel

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    I think I just found the "Coronavirus is a hoax" motherlode, apparently collects every scientific (science-adjacent?) argument in favor of the hypothesis that nothing out of the ordinary is happening. Debunking all of the claims on that page seems...