Search results

  1. Mendel

    Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry and AE911Truth File Lawsuit Against FBI

    To me, a non-lawyer, this seems to indicate that compensatio that is not excessive would not be a problem. I'd expect that the other lawyers on the board should be able to judge the amount and validity of legal fees billed, but I'd also expect that there is a process to perform these checks.
  2. Mendel

    Calculator for viewing angles

    @deirdre you can measure these angles in reality with a theodolite (app) or a sextant. Because they are in reality, they are also in photographs of reality. @Rory I like to use "height" when referring to a vertical distance (as opposed to a vertical angle) to avoid confusion, as in "height...
  3. Mendel

    Calculator for viewing angles

    "line-of-sight angle" is correct terminology, so it works for non-laymen as well. ;) Mathematics has no predictions, because it doesn't use observations to check its results. You prove that 2+2=4, given the axioms and definitions, and that's that. But you can't ever prove anything in science...
  4. Mendel

    Claim: footage of Great South Bay Bridge supports flat earth

    1) Gymnasium floors are not guaranteed to be flat. If they're curved, you will see curvature. We've been through this with football fields designed for drainage. 2) With typical floor undulations, perspective compression (foreshortening) should indeed make much of a level floor undiscernable if...
  5. Mendel

    Calculator for viewing angles

    @Rory I'm concerned that people could mistake your "viewing angle" for the angular size. It also has the drawback of misleading people trying to look it up on search engines. "Angle of elevation" is the general term, and a negative elevation angle is understood to be a depression.
  6. Mendel

    Full-Disk HD Images of the Earth from Satellites

    I probably should correct my calculation post above where I stated that Himawari is on a 20 minute cycle. In each 10-minute period, the AHI will scan the Full Disk once, the Japan Area and Target Area four times, and the two Landmark Areas twenty times. These 10-minute divisions are basic units...
  7. Mendel

    Calculator for viewing angles

    @Rory your "viewing angle" is called "angle of elevation" by everyone else, or "angle of depression" when it is downward as in your sketch. If you add 90°, it's a "zenith angle", since it's then relative to the straight-up direction.
  8. Mendel

    Full-Disk HD Images of the Earth from Satellites

    @Learjet if it's one visible band, why is the surface blue and green and brown? and also I thought Himawari has three visible band sensors?
  9. Mendel

    How can we explain perspective calculations simply?

    @deirdre no, it's not compression. Compression happens when the gradient of optical density is uneven. And yes, they are working backwards from the assumption that Earth is flat, and making their physics fit that, which is what they're accusing us of doing with the globe. John D is leaving...
  10. Mendel

    Spillway Failure and Possible Collapse of Guajataca Dam, Puerto Rico

    Quebradillas, Puerto Rico, April 24, 2018 – During an aerial tour of Puerto Rico, staff members from the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform observe repair work on a spillway of Guajataca Dam, which was compromised by Hurricane María on September 20, 2017. FEMA partners with...
  11. Mendel

    How to Debunk Flat Earth Without Relying on NASA or Photos

    That's similar on Flat Earth, because the moon is supposed to be above the equator there as well. The problem with the moon is, how far away is it? Because if it is close and flat, it should appear elliptical in most places; if it is close and spherical, Australians should see a partially...
  12. Mendel

    How to Debunk Flat Earth Without Relying on NASA or Photos

    I just found out that I had Walter Bislin's sundial in mind, decribed at The page contains a blueprint PDF, assembly instructions, and information on usage as well as a 3D simulator. The advantage over a...
  13. Mendel

    Where and How could the Wallace Experiment Easily Be Repeated?

    @Lee Gray @Rory John D is doing an experiment on the Bedford level on April 13th, but it'll be one of these "can we see the laser" type things again. Everyone's invited. Source:
  14. Mendel

    Does Sundial Disprove Flat Earth?

    Actual shadow lengths near the equinox (53°N, 8°E, GMT+1): Source: March 15, 2019, sun shadow track in New South Wales, Australia (by Dinki Di Dori):
  15. Mendel

    Christchurch (NZ) Mosque Shootings

    "The media" are not providing factual information? Can you support that? Because I see a lot of factual information, and not a lot of yelling, in the media I use to keep informed. For example, the concern "we need a wall to stop drug trafficking" has been prominently and repeatedly addressed...
  16. Mendel

    Christchurch (NZ) Mosque Shootings

    I did not refer to the "liberal media". I did not refer to "the shooter". I put up a hypothetical when I wrote that someone running amok may not be a lunatic. I posed that the person might be "acting reasonably" on unreasonable beliefs. And I disagree with the notion that terrorism never...
  17. Mendel

    How can we explain perspective calculations simply?

    The angles alone account for perspective position and size change due to distance:
  18. Mendel

    Christchurch (NZ) Mosque Shootings

    It's uncomfortable to realize that there idiots on any team that has self-selected members: no matter which issue we are debating, there's likely to be a "total lunatic nutjob" out there agreeing with us. Since we see our side of the issue as reasonable and rational, this realisation may be...
  19. Mendel

    The Spreading of Misinformation Online

    The first part of the following study examines in detail how Russian media outlets played a part in introducing and spreading misinformation about the Skripal incident online. I found it interesting that these conspiracy theory mechanisms we all know can apparently be employed as part of a...
  20. Mendel

    MediaWise #IsThisLegit program

    I'm describing a video that demonstrates three simple debunking steps for social media and offers help debunking misinformation. In my opinion, it's like a basic vaccination against conspiracy theories: it's the attempt to teach the basic debunking steps we all use, to everyone. Source...