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  1. Mendel

    Demonstrating How Refraction Helps You See Over The Horizon , public domain image by Beojan Standard Atmosphere: p0 = 101.325 kPa, T0 = 288.15 K, ρ0 = 1.225 kg/m³ Search for air density height and you'll find more variations of this diagram.
  2. Mendel

    Russia's role in promoting conspiracy theories

    in the same sense that president Trump colludes with Fox News. Calling "Getting interviewed by a news station, and sharing some of their news items publicly" collusion has the potential to confuse an audience about what the word "collusion" actually means. There is no conspiracy, just a...
  3. Mendel

    Debunked: Gyro Experiment - Proves Motionless Earth?

    Three Comptes rendus articles by Foucault of 1851 (pendulum) and 1852 (gyroscope, gyrocompass) are reprinted in , unfortunately, they contain no details about his experimental setup except that the gyro allowed 8 to 10 minutes of good...
  4. Mendel

    Debunked: Gyro Experiment - Proves Motionless Earth?

    Update: Youtube just recommended the original video by Rob Durham to me, of which the above is a mirror. Commenters there make the points that a) the heading indicator seems to have a "latitude nut", used to adjust precession, and b) the self-assembled gyro may have been balanced in the same...
  5. Mendel

    Debunked: Gyro Experiment - Proves Motionless Earth?

    Joël Sommeria writes in Foucault and the rotation of the Earth that Foucault cranked his gyroscope up to 200 revolutions per second (12,000 rpm), and it spun for 10 minutes while he read the precession with a microscope:
  6. Mendel

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    Well, no. He already knows it refracts downwards, because he has ignored the effects of altitude and pressure. He put out this video in January before officially announcing the Pier2Pier experiment. He later published another video on refraction which no longer has any reference to height or...
  7. Mendel

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    You can't learn from that experiment because it is not answering a useful question. Can we see a light although we should not? Yes, because of refraction. Can we not see a light, although we should? Yes, because of refraction. The question that Flat Earth needs to be asking on this is, a) how...
  8. Mendel

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    a globe by day, a plane by night
  9. Mendel

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    The red line (the "mirror") is convex, and like a convex mirror, compresses the image. Is this line straight in your flat Earth refraction model, i.e. is this a way to prove the globe?
  10. Mendel

    Bucka's Earth Rotation Experiment

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post, but since Bucka mentions that during calibration, this effect also happens, and it's been at the back of my mind ever since: how are the chances of putting together a homebrew gyrocompass? I'm a bit unclear on the concept, but apparently if you...
  11. Mendel

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    I just did a google search for thermal gliding , and found pictures like these: and when I use wind thermal coastal seaward, I find Note that the sea breeze is landward during the day, at least in summer. The diagonals in the bottom diagram reverse their slopes in the morning and in the...
  12. Mendel

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    The next attempt is in two weeks, Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd. Source: Low tides at Newhaven are at 19:32 (Fri), 7:52 and 20:15 (Sat) (NTSLF prediction). I would assume a two-hour interval around those times would be good for low tide observations...
  13. Mendel

    WTC7: Determining the Accelerations involved - Methods and Accuracy

    No, that does not follow. If you have free fall, and measure height with some inaccuracy, then, due to that inaccuracy, the average measured acceleration will be g, but short intervals will be seen to vary in either direction. However, that is an artefact of the measuring error: if in a series...
  14. Mendel

    Demonstrating How Refraction Helps You See Over The Horizon

    Suggestion: you could draw equidistant parallel lines on the outside of the tank, see how they look from inside
  15. Mendel

    Demonstrating How Refraction Helps You See Over The Horizon

    Dang Jos has made experiments with butane and liquid nitrogen that show this by using gas to cause refraction. The first two use butane, the third uses liquid nitrogen, and there are more on his youtube channel. He is open to suggestions. Source: Source...
  16. Mendel

    The Conspiracy Theory Spectrum

    Well, now I want to see an online self-test: something with 40 questions to be answered, and as a result you get your place on the spectrum. You could then actually show by how well respondent's answers correlate, whether this spectrum exists or whether it is bunk. You want definitely want to...
  17. Mendel

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    John D posted a short video confirming that that's precisely what happened. Chalk one up for established science. My own posted guess had been that the setting sun behind Worthing pier would become a problem, and after sunset the tide would be arriving. Would it be possible to set up a time...
  18. Mendel

    Full-Disk HD Images of the Earth from Satellites

    It's not about the distance, it's about the legitimacy of the satellite images. If there is an image that's "impossible", it serves as evidence for the space conspiracy. There must be a reasonable explanation for it. First, some corrected values: R=3963 miles (semi-major axis, since we're on or...
  19. Mendel

    Lasers vs. Flashlights vs. Daylight for Observing the Curve of the Earth

    sometime in the afternoon, the sun stops heating the atmosphere, and it starts to cool, get denser, and compress downward. That increases the pressure and density gradients, and causes evening dew. Over land, the surface cools as well, but water cools a lot less, resulting in a steeper...
  20. Mendel

    Explained: Agenda 21 Map of "Simulated Reserve and Corridor System / Biodiversity [Propaganda]

    Note the difference between 30% and 50%. Putting this into perspective: the whole world has signed the Biodiversity Treaty (except the Vatican and Andorra), and only the US have not ratified it (Wikipedia:Convention on Biodiversity) Germany is highly industrialized, and not exactly known for...