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  1. Mendel

    Water Level Showing Mountain and Horizon Dip Due to Curvature

    This is re: the "water level on a plane" question that was discussed earlier. Video description: Liquid (ice tea) stays level with respect to the cockpit's interior as pilot Bob Hoover executes a barrel roll, turning the horizon through 360°. Source: Well, you have...
  2. Mendel

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    It limits the initial beam angle to a provable 2*arctan((diameter of laser aperture+diameter of cap hole)/2 /length of pipe), and makes an appeal to intuition that the beam is straight. Assuming that the copper pipe shows no internal reflection, which is, well, debatable, unless the laser can be...
  3. Mendel

    Water Level Showing Mountain and Horizon Dip Due to Curvature

    A water level is only accurate if the density of the liquid is the same throughout. That makes Laser's "red and clear" and your image poor evidence, because the composition of the liquid in each end is visibly different. With any level, the thing to do is to take two pictures, one with the...
  4. Mendel

    Lasers vs. Flashlights vs. Daylight for Observing the Curve of the Earth

    The observation takes place (starts) an hour before sunset with the sun low in the sky, and the air starting to cool. If the weather was overcast and windy, I would expect the refraction to be slight, and the lights only to be visible from a height; if the day was sunny and the evening is calm...
  5. Mendel

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    I just saw that John D no longer labels the Brighton event as an experiment. That means he refuses to state a hypothesis such as "if you observe Worthing Pier from the old Brighton Pier at an altitude of 1m above low tide, a light at the altitude of 1m can be seen." I guess this means that...
  6. Mendel

    Simulating Atmospheric Refraction

    Thank you! Your humidity gradient image does show a noticeable change near the waterline where the laser/light would be located. That is also where any temperature gradient resulting from air/water temperature difference would be strongest. Both probably depend on wind speed. I haven't yet...
  7. Mendel

    How to Show the Horizon is Below Eye Level, Using Actual Eyes

    View of Maledives airport (VRMM) from the North, the vanishing point is exactly on the wing edge. The seawall visible on the left is not distorted, it is curved in reality.
  8. Mendel

    How to Show the Horizon is Below Eye Level, Using Actual Eyes

    They're appealing, but don't rise to scientific standards. There is no proof that the sides of the pool are parallel. We don't know the airport, if we did, we could get the data for the elevation of either end of the runway to determine the slope of the runway [see below], and regulations (plus...
  9. Mendel

    Lasers vs. Flashlights vs. Daylight for Observing the Curve of the Earth

    A fourth/fifth method is daytime observation of a laser or powerful light, as planned for the 2019 pier2pier observation. A sixth method is observing the light produced by reflecting the sun with a mirror. There is regularly a big difference between refraction during the day (low/negative k)...
  10. Mendel

    Simulating Atmospheric Refraction

    I don't see how it assumes that, if the gradient varies with height, then k varies as well, with the layer? Do you determine refraction from the densities of the layers directly? The study below used single-sided and reciprocal zenith angles to measure k in Greece, correlating the measurements...
  11. Mendel

    Simulating Atmospheric Refraction

    How good is your simulation at low heights above water? Humidity is probably a strong factor. I don't see the relationship from Wikipedia:Atmospheric refraction anywhere, is that part of the computations in some other way? (original source: "Monitoring of the refraction coefficient in the lower...
  12. Mendel

    Angels in a Snowstorm on Mt Athos - Bokeh?

    I have the exact opposite impression: the bigger angels are brighter and seem closer. How can you tell?
  13. Mendel

    Bucka's Earth Rotation Experiment

    Ok, I am not sure I understood your question correctly the first time. Are you asking if we can tell from a video whether the device has been adjusted correctly? There are criteria for getting the steps right: * find the neutral position of the torsion scale (let it swing with the rod fixed...
  14. Mendel

    Bucka's Earth Rotation Experiment

    Well, it's good if it works without any undue jerks. Probably needs a youtube tutorial. ;-P @deirdre The second part was written almost two years later. First Bucka outlines a method to enhance the effect. In the original, that axis is oriented N/S to eliminate the gyrocompass effect, but here...
  15. Mendel

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    The The "ROMER LED Rechargeable Handheld Searchlight/Torch" is a 6000 lumen flashlight. The lasers have 10mW and 30mW, respectively. In light of the sun's position, I'd simply use mirrors, Brighton requires one, Worthing requires two since the sun is in their back. But I guess they also want to...
  16. Mendel

    Bucka's Earth Rotation Experiment

    I just read through the German paper, and in the light of the preceding discussion, here's what I found: The Frame needs to be light, ideally just wires, and the spacer. Fishing line might be too elastic? There's an adjust built into the spacer to tighten one of the vertical so that the axis...
  17. Mendel

    Observations of Brighton from Worthing Pier

    Dr John D is repeating the Worthing-Brighton oberservation on Sat Feb 2nd 2019 3:30 pm as a group event; various people have been invited, and the interested public is welcome. More details and a moderated temporary forum can be found at the project website, My...
  18. Mendel

    Welcome Thread - New Members Post Here

    Hi! I've been looking into Flat Earth for a few weeks now, come across metabunk on Google searches, and then @Rory planted the notion in my mind to look more closely. The section on how to debink and psychology is interesting, and probably needs more work? because I'm still fairly clueless as...