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  1. Mendel

    Beautiful Photographs that show the Earth's Curvature

    Morning Glory Posted on December 13, 2011by Shannon Winslow This sunrise this morning, framing Mt Rainier (with its shadow cast on the underside of the clouds), made me wish for the eloquence of a poet to describe its glories.
  2. Mendel

    Beautiful Photographs that show the Earth's Curvature

    Zoomed-in image of Lake Pontchartrain causeway, from a high hotel window at the Northern end
  3. Mendel

    Beautiful Photographs that show the Earth's Curvature

    Power lines on Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana
  4. Mendel

    Beautiful Photographs that show the Earth's Curvature

    Atlas V launch, November 13th 2020, from Cape Canaveral with NROL-101 spy satellite. The lower part of the launch trail is shaded by the globe, while the upper part is lit by the sun.
  5. Mendel

    A Skeptical Call To Arms

    All over the Western world, there's a deep-seated disagreement over "what's wrong with this country" that causes whole regions (and the people in these regions) to lose wealth. In my opinion, there is a related split on the political and psychological issue of what causes and prevents a person...
  6. Mendel

    Claim: The Democrats are trying to take away freedom of religion

    NEW YORK (RNS) — Two days before Election Day 2020, Pastor Justin Adour of Redeemer East Harlem Church had a message he knew his congregation didn’t want to hear. Though it “might make your stomach turn a little bit,” he told both his socially distanced live listeners and viewers watching...
  7. Mendel

    Claim: The Democrats are trying to take away freedom of religion

    In some circles, a person's political stance on abortion is often seen as a placeholder for their stance on religion. But that's an oversimplification. The graphs cites CDC data, but health department reporting on abortions has fluctuated so much over the years that making broad comparisons...
  8. Mendel

    Claim: The Democrats are trying to take away freedom of religion

    Right now im being censored for posting facts. Why? Bc they make trump look good. I believe in freedom of religion. The dems are trying to take that away as well and the only god is science. So guess what I'm finding jesus. So when I see BLM and antifa holding F jesus signs I see the devil...
  9. Mendel

    Debunked: Dr. Shiva's Scatterplot Analysis of Michigan Precincts

    The strongest argument in that video is that if you do the analysis for Biden, you see the same thing: so if their reasoning was correct, you'd have to conclude that the election was rigged in favor of both Trump and Biden -- which is clearly absurd -- and that proves their reasoning is wrong...
  10. Mendel

    Debunked: Dr. Shiva's Scatterplot Analysis of Michigan Precincts

    I'm always in two minds about this. Yes, something like that can be engineered, for fame or profit. But also, sometimes you're just in good faith looking for something and stop thinking once you found it (and then, when you eventually do find out you were wrong, you're committed with your...
  11. Mendel

    Claim: Ballots in Wayne County were run through the tabulator and counted as many as 4-5 times

    There's a paper trail for this; thanks to the good work by Ed Felton of Princeton and others, voting machines without a paper trail are on the way out. Election officials do check the tallies; if it's been properly set up, with a bipartisan set of four eyes. That's all part of the procedure, and...
  12. Mendel

    Debunked: Dr. Shiva's Scatterplot Analysis of Michigan Precincts

    Statistics done wrong Sometimes, as in this case, a statistical analysis looks unusual. Dr Shiva's scatterplot looks unusual because nobody normally analyses vote shares that way. As a skeptical observer, the question you need to ask is, how did he hit on performing exactly that analysis? It's...
  13. Mendel

    2020 US Election - Current Events

    The judge was not persuaded by affidavits given by GOP poll challengers, some of whom admitted they had not attended an Oct. 29 walk-through session before the election and “did not have a full understanding” of the process. “It is clear also that they did not operate through the leadership of...
  14. Mendel

    Debunked: Suspicious "Biden Only" Ballots in Georgia

    The OAS is considered by some to be part of a US effort to spread democracy in Latin America; with 28 observers, it seems like a symbolic effort that says "look, we are the same as you" that aims at having all OAS countries allow observers at their elections. On Election Day, the members of the...
  15. Mendel

    2020 US Election - Current Events

    This is how you legally rig an election. Note that this is not for the US senate, but a seat on the Florida state senate. MIAMI – Why would candidates for Florida Senate seats do no campaigning, no fundraising, have no issue platforms, nor make any effort to get votes? Local 10 News has found...
  16. Mendel

    Debunked: Dr. Shiva's Scatterplot Analysis of Michigan Precincts

    Yes. Strictly speaking, they're included in all the races on the ballot. Yes. I assumed a voter who does that votes a Republican in some of the races further down the ballot, not necessarily Senate -- could just be local politics. But yes, it also includes ballots that just have the...
  17. Mendel

    Claim: Ballots in Wayne County were run through the tabulator and counted as many as 4-5 times

    It says on page 28: In some cases, a user may want to discard a batch. An example of such a situation is when a batch is accidentally scanned twice, or when the quality of the batch is brought into question. So allegation 3 hinges on what a "jam" is: if it's merely an unreadable ballot...
  18. Mendel

    Debunked: Dr. Shiva's Scatterplot Analysis of Michigan Precincts

    It's different, with more Biden voters choosing the split ticket. That's not really surprising as we know many Republicans have announced they would support Biden, so I'd expect split-ticket voters to have a Biden choice more often. I've graphed the "split ballot proportion" for both...
  19. Mendel

    Debunked: Dr. Shiva's Scatterplot Analysis of Michigan Precincts

    That's a good way to put it. And even the graphs they cherry-pick don't actually show any anomalies. I think the decimals argument is that, by finding alleged rounding errors they try to prove that this feature is turned on, and then they surmise that it's turned on to manipulate the vote. But...