Search results

  1. Mendel

    2020 US Election - Current Events

    I'm assuming the Democrats are going to keep their majority in the House. What's the 2021 Senate predicted to look like? If a lot of former Republican voters support Biden, but confirm Republican senators, Biden might be looking at a difficult presidency.
  2. Mendel

    2020 Vienna Terror Attacks

    Fog of war, yes. The 20-year-old perpetrator was born in Austria, his parents were immigrants. He had been jailed because he'd attempted to join ISIS, undergone a deradicalisation program, and was deemed to be no longer dangerous. The attack reminded me of the 10/2019 attack in Halle/Germany...
  3. Mendel

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    Here's a conundrum: The numbers are calculated from the number of deaths by month in the SCB database for the years 1860 - 2019 and for 2020 the running updates from SCB, which lags two weeks and now are solid for September with the October 19 updated Excel sheet. This is divided by the yearly...
  4. Mendel

    2020 Vienna Terror Attacks

    Derzeit gehen die Behörden davon aus, dass es in dieser Zeit an sechs Orten zu Schusswechseln kam. Sieben Polizisten machten von ihren Dienstwaffen Gebrauch. [..] Die Polizei war mit 250 Kräften zweier Spezialeinheiten im Einsatz und riegelte die Gegend um die Tatorte weiträumig ab. Hinzu...
  5. Mendel

    2020 Vienna Terror Attacks

    The situation this morning, from the sources I linked above: -- 3 more victims died overnight, bringing the confirmed death toll to 5 (including the perpetrator who was shot) -- 15 people were injured -- public transport is available again -- children don't have to go to school today -- alleged...
  6. Mendel

    2020 Vienna Terror Attacks

    Official word as of 30 minutes ago: 23.45 Uhr: Die Polizei sucht nach dem mutmaßlichen Terroranschlag in Wien weiterhin nach Tatverdächtigen. "Wir sind nach wie vor im Kampf gegen die mutmaßlichen Terroristen", sagte Innenminister Karl Nehammer am späten Montagabend im ORF. Er gehe von mehreren...
  7. Mendel

    2020 Vienna Terror Attacks

    So far, 2 deaths confirmed, according to ; and 15 people injured. As long as they haven't caught all of the perpetrators, who knows. Die Attentäter von Wien haben sich wohl nach Vorbild des Pariser Anschlags im Jahr 2015 als Ziel einen Ausgeh-Hotspot...
  8. Mendel

    What does "genuine UFO" mean in the Condon Committee report

    From the Condon report: 2. Definition of an UFO An unidentified flying object (UFO, pronounced OOFO) is here defined as the stimulus for a report made by one or more individuals of something seen in the sky (or an object thought to be capable of flight but when landed on the earth) which the...
  9. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

    I couldn't find out who the original artist is.
  10. Mendel

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    Note that the Oklahoma difference between cities with and without mask mandates extends to the death rate: That blog post includes a very detailed analysis sourced from publicly available data. Elsewhere on the same site: With the current surge in Europe, I expect the G7 average to rise...
  11. Mendel

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    If one and the same person is tested 5 times, they're still only one case. Do you agree? If a person is positive for SARS-NCoV-2 in a PCR test, the virus has infected their body and replicated in it. Do you agree with that? The "positivity rate" compares the numbers of positive tests. This may...
  12. Mendel

    Detecting AI-generated faces

    That's the site I remember looking at. It does have its own section of tips, but its main attraction is the quiz:
  13. Mendel

    Tucker Carlson's Missing Package

    It's not in doubt that Tucker said that. Have you ever played "telephone" as a kid? Messages get altered in transit, especially if that is done orally, so "we threw the envelope away, it had a hole and was empty" could become "it was open and empty" and that could become "it was opened and...
  14. Mendel

    Tucker Carlson's Missing Package

    Bits of transcript: So, we won't see that envelope. Note that we don't know if the seal was broken. And that is a problem. Everybody makes mistakes. I'm not assuming that. Well, yes. Tucker Carlson tells the story a certain way because he has an interest in spinning it a certain way. If...
  15. Mendel

    Identifying Landing Lights Reported as UFOs

    CRJ-900 landing Source: From the reddit video: The reddit aircraft appears to have the red strobe mounted on the fuselage, and the landing lights further out and aft on the wings than the CRJ.
  16. Mendel

    Tucker Carlson's Missing Package

    Intercepting a specific piece of mail in the mail system, how would you go about that? In the old days, iit would impossible, but is there a law enforcement interface to this that would let them do that if they had a court order? Re: thumb drives in the mail, I did a quick Google search that...
  17. Mendel

    Tucker Carlson's Missing Package

    First, I'm embedding the tweets you linked (no-click policy). I can't watch Twitter videos on my tablet, but I'll look at them later. Source: Source: I tried to find out...
  18. Mendel

    Tucker Carlson's Missing Package

    It's not clear to me that the "package" was opened. It may have just become damaged, and if the information was on a thumbdrive, it may have slipped out. And if you put a thumbdrive in a plain envelope, then having a small hard thickish thing in a soft flat envelope may cause it to become...
  19. Mendel

    Tucker Carlson's Missing Package

    Speculation: A big part of the conspiracy scene is secrecy: we've seen in conversations here that conspiracy theorists may claim that even simple documents like patent filings might be suppressed, or that there may be repercussions for possessing or sharing certain information. It's all untrue...