Search results

  1. DavidB66

    Claim: DNA evidence confirms existence of black panthers in the British countryside

    If the anecdote is true, and no fakery involved, the finding of a carcass up a tree would be almost definitive evidence of a panther or panther-like big cat. (Ocelots are good climbers, so that might be another candidate.) Of course these are not native UK species. Conceivably a large native...
  2. DavidB66

    Fravor's Hypersonic UFO observation. Parallax Illusion? Comparing Accounts

    Perhaps, but not necessarily. For Rendlesham the problem is that the 'witnesses' were people unfamiliar with the area and literally stumbling around in the dark. The US Navy cases are rather different. For the Nimitz tic-tac case, one of the leading hypotheses is that the object was a secret...
  3. DavidB66

    Fravor's Hypersonic UFO observation. Parallax Illusion? Comparing Accounts

    I think he has said something like that in interviews, etc, but I don't recall it being explicit in the report (Historical Record, Volume I). By accident or design, the 'famous four' cases (Nimitz, FLIR1, Gofast, and Gimbal) seem to fall through cracks in the scope of the review, as no...
  4. DavidB66

    The Ariel School, Zimbabwe UFO sighting - has it ever been debunked?

    That reminds me that there is a very funny 2010 Norwegian film called Troll Hunter - a kind of mock documentary in the tradition of Blair Witch Project. Speaking from memory, there is a nice moment where the actual Norwegian Prime Minister casually mentions in a (spoof) news conference that...
  5. DavidB66

    Claim: UFO's May Be Stealth Aliens Living in Caves, on the Dark Side of the Moon or Alaska

    Remind me, which is the Dark Side of the Moon?
  6. DavidB66

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    I was thinking mainly of the other workers on the site, who allegedly had just been 'barked at' and told 'in you go and mind your own business'. Even if they didn't respond to that with a Glasgow kiss (look it up if you need to!) it would hardly be the way to keep them quiet about the event...
  7. DavidB66

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    I think the spelling 'Randall' is more common, but 'Randell' does exist. By an odd coincidence, when I Googled 'Kevin Randell' the first result was actually for Kevin D. Randle, an American UFOlogist! [Sorry, I see that the name should be 'Russell'. I was taking 'Randell' from #1,145 above.]
  8. DavidB66

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    I wonder what was 'mysterious' about the two figures? Did they have three eyes? But seriously, in the relevant time and place (the 1990s in Scotland), I doubt that a group of workers would be so deferential as to instantly obey orders from strangers with no uniform and no apparent authority...
  9. DavidB66

    Claim: Photos from the Soviet liberation of Auschwitz were faked/staged

    I wouldn't trust anything the Soviets said about Auschwitz, because a) I wouldn't trust anything the Soviets said about anything, and b) for many years the Soviets played down the specifically Jewish aspect of the Holocaust, preferring to emphasise the nationality of the victims, especially...
  10. DavidB66

    The Ariel School, Zimbabwe UFO sighting - has it ever been debunked?

    This reminds me of a suggestion that I floated a long time ago, probably in this thread. Apart from Gideon's 'puppet' hypothesis, there are other 'non-alien' possibilities. The one that I suggested was that local kids in the neighborhood deliberately pranked the Ariel kids by dressing up as...
  11. DavidB66

    Sitrec Development is Open Source and Partially Funded by an Anonymous Organization

    Putting on my conspiracy hat, maybe Mick was paid by a UFO-bro front company to do all this work to keep him preoccupied and distracted from debunking! But seriously, I don't see why anyone should object to any branch of the military (or DHS, etc) paying for the tool to be developed if it makes...
  12. DavidB66

    Ariel School UFO - glinting reflections through vegetation how to visualise?

    I would be wondering what had been on TV or in cinemas recently. The British incidents are a bit too early for Close Encounters (released in 1978 in the UK) but not for Star Wars (1977).
  13. DavidB66

    Ariel School UFO - glinting reflections through vegetation how to visualise?

    All this discussion of whether Dallyn is this boy or that reminds me that there are a couple of photos somewhere (probably another thread) which look very like photos of the same boy (not Dallyn) at different ages giving different accounts of the UFO event. It's worth bearing in mind that a...
  14. DavidB66

    Diamond Shaped Object Over Eglin

    I think #28 just solved Calvine!
  15. DavidB66

    Ariel School UFO - glinting reflections through vegetation how to visualise?

    He specifically claims to have seen that what other children thought was a spacecraft was just a rock. From other discussions here (e.g. #41 above) we know that there were rocks in the surroundings of the school. On the general question of credibility, it may be important that Vico was (if his...
  16. DavidB66

    Ariel School UFO - glinting reflections through vegetation how to visualise?

    There is a long new interview with Dallyn Vico here: Source: Vico is the guy who claims he was at Ariel at the time and the 'aliens' story was a childish fabrication. Without detailed comparison, which I don't have time for, I don't know...
  17. DavidB66

    Michelle Reyes, LaGuardia UFO from Plane Window

    A lot of people on Twitter/X try to counter Mick's analysis by asking 'how do you know the object is static'? The short answer is that we don't know this, but Mick doesn't claim otherwise. The point is that if the object is a balloon, or something else just drifting with the wind, certain...
  18. DavidB66

    Anti-gravity Drive From "New Force" Defies Physics

    Ah, but they only promise up to 100% effectiveness, which is quite compatible with no effectiveness at all!
  19. DavidB66

    Michelle Reyes, LaGuardia UFO from Plane Window

    If I understand correctly, on the assumption that the object is a balloon, its distance from the plane is almost irrelevant to the calculation of its size. We also need to assume that wind speed can be ignored (or that the plane's speed is measured relative to the air), and that the camera does...
  20. DavidB66

    Eglin AFB UAP

    Someone on Twitter/X (@SwinkMcCloud) pointed out that there are different kinds of lighting balloon. Some of them have a built in 'hat'; others have a detachable one: Source: One can imagine that the detachable type might shift...