
  1. CapnPegleg

    Cool lenticular over Mt. Shasta

    Popped up in my FB feed: Amazingly, no chemtrail discussion in the comments, but there are several more angles.
  2. P

    Hi all, I'm new to this forum, so still trying to find my way around. I wanted to comment regarding

    Hi all, I'm new to this forum, so I'm still trying to find my way around the site. I wanted to comment on the Shasta county video. I'm a meteorologist from NZ and while I accept there may be increases in various pollutant elements in the atmosphere, I in no way believe there is a concerted world...
  3. Steve Funk

    Shasta County Supervisors to discuss chemtrails

    Should be interesting. I will try to be there. Tuesday, May 15, 9:00 am