Apparition in child’s room?


"Why the image look so fuzzy from my new CCTV camera at night? When people approach in, it looks like ghost walking in my garden." The HD security IP camera or analog (TVI/AHD/CVI) are equipped with CMOS sensor which can do an excellent job during the day. However it doesn't perform well in low light condition. People choose CMOS sensor basing on the performance at day for the cost. CMOS is cheaper than CCD. Eventually, the performance at night is compromised.

To improve the night vision, adding the Infrared LEDs to the camera is the first step. However, it doesn't help much, the infrared is still too weak to generate the fair image at night, then activating the frame accumulation (or slow shutter). This is the main reason cause the image fuzzy or (ghost). "Shutter speed can have a dramatic impact on the appearance and quality of photographs, especially when moving objects are involved" (Wikipedia) Let's take a example, when you walk from your garden to the living room, the camera should take 80 pictures, now the camera only takes 40 pictures in order to accumulated more illumination for each picture. The detail should be stay two separate picture, mix into one. The picture looks very good and bright if everything stay still. As long as you walk, you lost the details and see the ghost on the monitor.

"Why the image look so fuzzy from my new CCTV camera at night? When people approach in, it looks like ghost walking in my garden." The HD security IP camera or analog (TVI/AHD/CVI) are equipped with CMOS sensor which can do an excellent job during the day. However it doesn't perform well in low light condition. People choose CMOS sensor basing on the performance at day for the cost. CMOS is cheaper than CCD. Eventually, the performance at night is compromised.

To improve the night vision, adding the Infrared LEDs to the camera is the first step. However, it doesn't help much, the infrared is still too weak to generate the fair image at night, then activating the frame accumulation (or slow shutter). This is the main reason cause the image fuzzy or (ghost). "Shutter speed can have a dramatic impact on the appearance and quality of photographs, especially when moving objects are involved" (Wikipedia) Let's take a example, when you walk from your garden to the living room, the camera should take 80 pictures, now the camera only takes 40 pictures in order to accumulated more illumination for each picture. The detail should be stay two separate picture, mix into one. The picture looks very good and bright if everything stay still. As long as you walk, you lost the details and see the ghost on the monitor.

But the child looks reasonably clear. I accept that the child is not walking but it does move it’s head without severe blurring.
i actually thought it was pretty blurry for such a slight movement.
Ok so what do you think that figure was walking so purposefully across a child’s room late at night? A burglar? The figure seems much less solid than the child. I don’t think that effect Is due to its movement as its moving quite slowly.
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Ok so what do you think that figure was walking so purposefully across a child’s room late at night? A burglar? The figure seems too ghostly to be a human being.
im not sure it is a child's room. shes not in a crib.
Looks very human to me.

her dad going to the garage to grab another beer from the garage fridge? her grandma going to laundry room to get that load out of the dryer she ran earlier?

im not sure it is a child's room. shes not in a crib.
Looks very human to me.

her dad going to the garage to grab another beer from the garage fridge? her grandma going to laundry room to get that load out of the dryer she ran earlier?


You’re right. It looks like a living room with a TV and couch. However I think the child is in a crib. Also I don’t think there is any program on the TV. It looks like someone has gone to bed without turning the TV display off. The message on the screen might have popped up after they left the room. I still think that figure is not human as it is much more ghostly than the child. I don’t think it is moving fast enough for the ghost effect to be due to motion blur.
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Yes it's a collapsible playpen. And the baby is pretty fuzzy, but he's closer to the camera, and he's fuzzier when he moves. The person walking through the room is further away and moves a little faster than the baby does, hence the poor quality camera is having more trouble resolving him/her.

While we are supposed to stick to specific claims, I sometimes think context is important. This is the second one today I believe, from the same "" right? It's ghost click-bait type stuff. They string together all manner of seemingly strange looking stuff. Out of focus stuff, overloaded sensors, shadows and full on hoaxes, it doesn't matter. If someone wants to believe, that's fine, what's important is they click.
I've kinda a deja-vu moment, wasn't the original video of post #1 (taken at Gettysburg iirc?) already discussed somewhere here on MB?
Kind of odd that 7News didn't link to any of the original videos.

Anyway, this one was reported on locally and by the Daily Mail on March 25th, 2019, with details of the people involved:

In the first report the baby's mother's fiance's father said:

"The gentleman that lived here originally committed suicide apparently by jumping out this window, which is one story down."

While in the second the fiance's mother said:

The former owner of the home was an elderly lady who lay with a broken hip for 'a very long time' until she was found dead at the bottom of the stairs.

They also claim that the baby had scratches on its face - no photos provided of that - and that they were looking for a new home because of this incident and a few others like it.

The TV show 'Ghost Nation' did an episode about it in 2019:

Personally, I would agree with Deirdre - it looks like someone walking from the couch across the room.

Also notice that there appears to be a shadow cast on the ceiling right at the beginning.
In the first report the baby's mother's fiance's father said:

While in the second the fiance's mother said:

They also claim that the baby had scratches on its face - no photos provided of that - and that they were looking for a new home because of this incident and a few others like it.

lol i just listened to a review of "Ghost Nation: Nightmare in the Nursery" because i didnt want to spend 2.99 on Amazon for it.

One of their team investigated the death claims and neither is true. "Tim" the original owners son did not commit suicide, he died in hospital like 100 miles away from diabetes. and "elenor/elizabeth?" the one who supposedly fell down the stairs, did die in the house but in her bed from a long case of cancer.

Ghost Nation review also noted:

41:43 "Jason says they couldnt 100% recreate the spirit that was caught on on teh nanny cam. He said they got close to it. I wish they would have shown that. (apparently they didnt air that)"

* and note: we really don't know if its the same nanny cam, or even the same time of day. because the footage looks like night to me based on shadows.

and 9:09 in video they apparently told Ghost Nation they were watching the nanny cam live, but they told media at the time they watched the footage later.

9:09 "were watching nanny cam live"
* media articles they state they watched it after finding scratches on Lily's face after waking from a nap.
Mum-of-one Heather Brough, 25, had woken her one-year-old baby Lily Higgins from a nap and taken her downstairs when she found three deep 'purple scratches' on her cheek.

Heather, who lives with her fiance Josh Higgins, 30, at his mum Kris' guesthouse claims the unexplained injuries prompted them to check the baby camera to see if she had scratched herself while sleeping.

But when they reviewed the footage, they discovered a male figure briskly walking past Lily's cot before disappearing into thin-air.

i guess i should note that ghost claims were by both women all over the house and before the nanny cam. but surprisingly Ghost Nation debunked them all really. i mean for some reason they said uncle Bob is here..because they heard knocks after asking a few questions (gotta keep the viewers interested)

but the voices in the shower were from the water heater.
the footsteps up the stairs were either the animal signs in the attic or again the water heater which was near the stairs.

There might have been another one they debunked but i forget now.
i just listened to a review of "Ghost Nation: Nightmare in the Nursery" because i didnt want to spend 2.99 on Amazon for it.

Lucky for me I "just so happen" to have a free copy of that episode, which I'm skimming through now.

The fiance's mom (Kris Higgins) says:

- the original owner was Dorothy, she fell down a set of stairs and broke her hip, lay there for a few days and died
- Dorothy had a brother called Timothy who lived in the guest house and committed suicide by jumping out the second storey window
- Dorothy the ghost once tripped her and she fell down some stairs

The mom of the baby (Heather) says:

- "the scariest thing was watching the nanny cam live" (but it's not clear if she's saying she was watching it live or if she refers to the camera as a "nanny cam live" the way you might refer to a "live stream" that actually happened some time ago)

The ghost boys find Lauren, Dorothy's great niece, who says:

- Dorothy passed away in her bed (aged 79)
- Dorothy was an ornery school bus driver who didn't like kids
- Tim was Dorothy's son
- He had diabetes and died at the U of M hospital 30ish miles away (I found out he died September 6th, 1999 aged 40 and is buried next to Dorothy in Highland)

The ghost hunting team says:

- the original video was recorded around 1.30pm
- they couldn't recreate the video
- Dorothy died after "three years of complications of the heart" (congestive heart failure)
- Dorothy had a brother called Robert
- we don't know how or where he died
- hello, is there anybody there?
- ooh, we can hear weird noises
- I heard a voice! it sounded male
- I think the spirit might be Robert!
- ooh, the house might be on top of a Native American burial mound
- maybe those noises we heard were tribal beats or something
- [speculation about all sorts of things]
- hm, I think the noises Heather hears are probably just the water pipes
- and some of the others noises were probably those animals we saw signs of in the attic
- the video is really the only thing that's properly spooky about the whole case

Then they conclude by telling the family:

- Robert might be the dominant spirit here and be behind the hauntings, he seems to be answering our requests and we think we captured his voice in recordings (saying "where's Timmy?")
- "we do believe you have paranormal activity going on [but] it's nothing that can hurt you"
- probably those tripping and choking incidents were imagination

Kind of silly really. But the family seemed happy to know there wasn't a suicide, Dorothy didn't die on the floor in agony, and they're only being haunted by her brother and a few hundred disgruntled Native American spirits.
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Yep, they said "we came close but we couldn't 100% recreate it".

It showed them trying to recreate it, and they seemed to feel they had the camera in the right place, with the right kind of conditions, but it doesn't look the same to me:


Also, here's Robert's obituary:

I wonder how his kids or grandkids would feel if they found out these silly overly-sincere men in baseball caps were trying to make out he was haunting a baby? :D
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There is some kind of shadow on the ceiling which moves in sync with the "ghost". The figure is probably the headlight from a car passing by, and the shadow is a reflection of that light inside the room. The human-like form and movement is pareidolia.
that is a different angle (to the tv) and the baby cam had a nightlight or something attached to it.
they have a light source flooding the room wither from the room the ghost goes into or from the tv which was a "black" screen in the original .
also the ghost had a white bottom, where the test guy is wearing black pants. but his light shirt area looks blurred out pretty darn close.

did they use their own cameras to recreate it? i thought they would just run the baby cam.


Yep, they said "we came close but we couldn't 100% recreate it".

It showed them trying to recreate it, and they seemed to feel they had the camera in the right place, with the right kind of conditions, but it doesn't look the same to me:



  • 11-19-2021 8-32-54 AM.jpg
    11-19-2021 8-32-54 AM.jpg
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did they use their own cameras to recreate it? i thought they would just run the baby cam.

Looks like the baby cam running to their own phone:


They say: "this is pretty dead on" and "that's the exact spot" - so kinda sloppy. Though some of that may be down to the editing: in the screenshot I posted above it looks like there's light from an adjoining room, but in the show they turn that off in a preceding shot. And they say they try lots of different ideas that weren't shown, including mentioning "a shadow from outside".

The figure is probably the headlight from a car passing by

Would that work given the location of the house?

(arrow pointing to the upstairs window)

Also, it was around 1.30 in the afternoon - but it could have been a dark day, such as one of these:

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Looks like the baby cam running to their own phone:
hmm.. something though is lighting up the back of the couch, and the play pen. can you tell if there is a window sill just above that dresser? not too high though..maybe a foot up?
Maybe there's a light on the nanny cam, or the green light is enough to throw that much light in the dark. Or perhaps they had some sort of nightlight on for the baby.

As for windows, there really aren't many in that house:

(Upper-right is the one for that room)

The figure is probably the headlight from a car passing by

Against the headlight theory, it really does just look like someone walking to the bathroom. The 'figure' appears to be behind the couch, the crib, etc, but also low down, with 'legs' below window height. And the shadow on the ceiling looks more like it's being generated by a light source from around where the TV is rather than the window (to my untrained eye). Plus, the baby apparently responds to it.

This might help visualise the path of any light:

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either way, if that guy's pants weren't black we wouldn't even know he was there. so their pics do it for me. thanks :)
Also, maybe this is slightly better quality (download if not):

Really looks to me like a normal human on his way for a wee.
Yep, they said "we came close but we couldn't 100% recreate it".
Kinda convenient maybe? I wonder if they get too close to recreating it, they might back off a little? They get to act "scientifical" (not sure on the spelling, IIRC, Sharron Hill coined this word in reference to ghost/bigfoot hunters adapting the trappings of science, but using it incorrectly) and almost recreate it, but then proclaim it's 'ol Uncle Bob spooking around the place.

However, if the couple latter ends up in a custody battle and mom says something like "that was, in fact, my lazy old man going for yet another beer in the middle of the day when he was supposed to be watching the baby", our ghost crew can maintain that Uncle Bob is still lurking around, but in this case it turns out we got real close to recreating what really happened.

They find a ghost, but maintain their scientific credibility and give themselves an out if the original story changes.
i'm thinking the show is called Ghost Nation. I'm guessing very few people tune into such shows because they never want to see ghosts on tv.

the video footage is the viral big draw. (and also the money maker for the family).
it seems to me they felt comfortable debunking the non-viral stuff (voices in the shower, footsteps on stairs) because they still had uncle bob on video :)

ps. if i heard footsteps on my stairs (corporal) or voices in my shower.. i'd be gone. a fleeting gossamer spirit, ignoring my baby and passing through on a hike wouldn't bother me nearly as much! so.. it is possible.. never saw the show... these guys are being somewhat responsible in tamping down the anxiety of the parents and grandmother. It's preferable not to have a baby being raised in such a high stress and scared environment.