ASTER satellite data of Aluminum on the surface of the Earth


New Member
So, I use this ASTER data occasionally to look at likely areas of prospectivity, rarely do I select Aluminium because it mostly just tells me the rocktypes, which I already know...But after seeing (and being astounded by) the "chemtrails" claims, specifically Aluminium in soils, which as I'm sure you are all aware, is the third most common element in the Earths crust....I had a look at Al levels over my own little bit of the globe that I dwell on...and yeah as expected, no discernible patterns, trends or features that correspond to anything other than rock-types. If vast amounts of aluminium was being dumped by aircraft, then there would be trends matching the prevalent wind directions or at the very least, a complete obliteration of the natural signatures in the soils. IDK if you have access to ASTER data in the US, but some friendly US geologist should be able to find it easily and debunk the whole Aluminium story...;jsessionid=1mkvx00yazwfs1245zls5pw1c7 select the ASTER imagery tab at the bottom and tick AlOH composition + content tabs....Maybe someone a bit more Savvy than me can get some screen dumps + overlay flight path data?
@Geo-ron, would you be so kind and tell us: what are the most common (typical) minerals/rocks which are based on or contain aluminum compounds - globally and in your area?
I'll do my best, the highest grades of Aluminium can be found in Bauxite, its a kind of rock one usually finds in the tropics, (often on top of carbonate rocks, like limestone or dolomites) where heat + rainfall have effectively stripped most other elements from the surface, these bauxites can also form in other environments, but it takes a whole heap longer...Aluminium is pretty-much everywhere, I have a database of ~6700 soil samples we have taken for mineral exploration and the average value is 3.7%, peak value of 7.4% and minimum of 0.9% and never once did I think that these values were the result of airborne dosing, they're natural, and Aluminium in either a anhydrous or oxide state, is everywhere.

Clay minerals
are hydrous aluminium phyllosilicates.

Clays are formed, as Geo-ron says, from weathering of rocks, so the aluminum was originally in the bedrock, and is transformed to clay over great periods of time.

Bedrocks are typically:

Basalt: Basalt generally has a composition of 45–55 wt% SiO2, 2–6 wt% total alkalis, 0.5–2.0 wt% TiO2, 5–14 wt% FeO and 14 wt% or more Al2O3. Contents of CaO are commonly near 10 wt%, those of MgO commonly in the range 5 to 12 wt%.

A worldwide average of the chemical composition of granite, by weight percent, based on 2485 analyses:[7]
SiO2 72.04% (silica)
Al2O3 14.42% (alumina)
K2O 4.12%
Na2O 3.69%
CaO 1.82%
FeO 1.68%
Fe2O3 1.22%
MgO 0.71%
TiO2 0.30%
P2O5 0.12%
MnO 0.05%

Coal is a sedimentary rock, and contains about 10% clay washed into the peat bogs where it forms.

Ironically, some leaders of the chemtrail movement have advocated geophagy, consumption of aluminum rich clay (zeolite, bentonite) as a prophylactic against purported "chemtrails".
Is that just over Australia?
No Mick just from a tiny bit of it that I work on, I'll have a look but old data from exploration companies generally becomes pubic once they drop the ground, there's a massive dataset out there for anybody who wants to look for Aluminium assays.

There's a dataset by the USGS that covers the US, I'll have a play later today and see if I can generate a map....Nobody has every really looked at the data to determine if there's some kind of correlation with A/C flighpaths, but then again, nobody has looked at soils tests to check for Vanadium where the blessed virgin Mary has miraculously appeared either....Both are as likely to have a correlation.
Nobody has ever really looked at the data to determine if there's some kind of correlation with A/C flighpaths, but then again, nobody has looked at soils tests to check for Vanadium where the blessed virgin Mary has miraculously appeared either....Both are as likely to have a correlation.

There would not be a direct correlation anyway. Depending on the terminal velocity of an alleged spray material, the effects could be seen tens to hundreds of miles downwind. You'd need to model the fallout distribution before any such correlation could be determined.
well, what do you know...the nice chaps at the USGS have done all the hard work for us...

The other version of the map on that site also has a KML overlay (Google Earth), which is quite useful for locating cities, etc (like Mt Shasta - a hotbed of Chemtrail activism thanks to Dane Wigington).



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I read "A short History of nearly Everything" by Bill Bryson whilst on holiday (On a wonderful Greek island)

And he stated in his book that Aluminium was one of the most abundant elements on the planet, (which I did not know - why should I!!!) so presumably it would be odd if you did not find Aluminium if you had the time and inclination to look for it
I've always found it kind of mind-blowing that aluminium--as a usable metal--
made it's appearance so late on the world stage (just ~85-120 years ago, depending on one's methodology)
given it's abundance and versatility...

Yeah, I know it was no picnic converting the al in the ground into window frames...but still...

p.s. First time--as an American--I heard "aluminium" I thought it was absurd...
but I think we pretty much only have the canucks on our side at this point...
I've always found it kind of mind-blowing that aluminium--as a usable metal--
made it's appearance so late on the world stage (just ~85-120 years ago, depending on one's methodology)
given it's abundance and versatility...

Yeah, I know it was no picnic converting the al in the ground into window frames...but still...

p.s. First time--as an American--I heard "aluminium" I thought it was absurd...
but I think we pretty much only have the canucks on our side at this point...

Lol, He did go thru the different spellings/pronunciations in the book - Bill obviously thought it worthy of comment too