Berenstain VHS says Berenstein


Senior Member.
[update: another copy found with Berenstein spelling suggests production typo (or possibly brought from an alternate universe :) ]

Claim: a user says she was moving house and stumbled upon this VHS (copyright 1988) # 81955-1, which shows the side panel reading "Berenstein".

But all other online copies with the same numbers say "Berenstain" on the side panel.

note in the photoshopped version, the fake "e" is the only letter that isnt touching the other letters.


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The 'e' is a pixel for pixel copy of the first 'e' in Berenstain that has been copied and pasted over and then cleaned up around the edges. This left two clues:

1) The stroke at the base of the 't' is shortened
2) The 'e' is the wrong shape. The letters progressively lean to the right along the text.


The Mandela effect is one of those things that's impossible to debunk, as the theory (of shifting between alternate timelines) is actually based on evidence being inconsistent, so anything at all can simply be incorporated into the theory.

So is this worth debunking? Well, it's kind of fun practice, and perhaps some people actually do believe in it. So it's kind of like Flat Earth debunking.
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Claim: a user says she was moving house and stumbled upon this VHS (copyright 1988) # 81955-1, which shows the side panel reading "Berenstein".

But all other online copies with the same numbers say "Berenstain" on the side panel.

note in the photoshopped version, the fake "e" is the only letter that isnt touching the other letters.

It looks like on the top label it's spelled with an 'a'.
The 'e' is a pixel for pixel copy of the first 'e'.
It doesn't much look like a pixel for pixel copy to me. Though it could have been copied and retouched a little.

Also, the original sharer of the image has posted a video of the copy in question:

I'm going with the typo in production theory, backed up by another copy which was sold on eBay with the "e" spelling on the side, but the correct "a" spelling everywhere else (a total of 19 times):





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It doesn't much look like a pixel for pixel copy to me. Though it could have been copied and retouched a little.

Yeah, "pixel-for-pixel" was inaccurate.

And from the above, it looks like a production error is quite likely.
I don't think we can title this "debunked" though, as the label does actually say that. The idea that this is evidence of imperfect merging of alternate timelines (rather than a typo) should be self debunking.
So I'm gonna conclude that the company that produced the cover and the two labels spelled 'Berenstain' correctly 19 times, and spelled it incorrectly once. They put it out there and someone noticed. Then they corrected it, as demonstrated on other, probably subsequent issues.

In a way, this is another good example of how easily the spellings are confused, and perhaps even a possible source of ME-believers' memories.

Plus, evidence against the idea of an alternate universe, given the haphazard way the name has supposedly been 'changed'.

Whoever's doing it isn't doing it well. ;)
and perhaps even a possible source of ME-believers' memories.
i dont know about that. This ashtray woman insists ( on reddit ) that she had all the movies and all the books and was a super fan. SO primarily she was exposed to the correct spelling.

But considering that these ME believers have been searching for years for a single product that had the misspelling and then suddenly literally a month apart TWO copies of this misspelled tape pop up on the internet only a month apart... if that's possible, its also possible she is sliding between dimensions. Probably next week both those tapes will say "stain" on the side label. But unfortunately we lost track of the sold tape and if her tape changes noone will believe its the same tape :(
But considering that these ME believers have been searching for years for a single product that had the misspelling and then suddenly TWO copies of this misspelled tape pop up on the internet only a month apart...
I guess part of it is that she noticed it because she was into the Mandela Effect, and now it's known which product has a misspelled label people know which one to look out for.

At the minute there are eleven "Learn About Strangers" VHS cassettes on eBay, and I'd wager at least one or two of them have the wrong label. But hardly anyone would think to look, let alone take a picture of the side of the cassette.

I tells ya, there's some money to made there... ;)
and I'd wager at least one or two of them have the wrong label. But hardly anyone would think to look, let alone take a picture of the side of the cassette.
Think we can talk Mick into buying 100 or so old vhs copies of "Learn about Strangers" ? I would buy them but i'm having a hard time believing a newly released line like that would have a misspelling. I could see a later version maybe when it's not such a big deal.

I tracked down 3 tapes that seemed to be released Sept 12, 1988 from the TV show. The Messy Room was another one. 'And the Truth' too.

I was actually doing factory work that year (not in videos) and there is quality control, so only a few could have been released. If that,imo. It would be like finding the Golden Ticket i think.
Here's an idea:

1. Buy all the "Learn About Strangers" videos.
2. Post one on eBay with a photo showing the misspelled side (whether it has it or not).
3. Sell for exorbitant price as super-rare 'proof' of Mandela Effect.
4. When buyer receives it and says it has the "Berenstain" spelling on the side...
5. Tell them it must have been "changed" en route, and feign 'freaking out'.

Whadda they gonna do? Deny such things are possible? ;)
Here's an idea:

1. Buy all the "Learn About Strangers" videos.
2. Post one on eBay with a photo showing the misspelled side (whether it has it or not).
3. Sell for exorbitant price as super-rare 'proof' of Mandela Effect.
4. When buyer receives it and says it has the "Berenstain" spelling on the side...
5. Tell them it must have been "changed" en route, and feign 'freaking out'.

Whadda they gonna do? Deny such things are possible? ;)
you could just print out a fake label. and replace the original. They have free brushes online that make splot marks of all types. You would probably need a nice clean original though to get the color to match your top sticker. scan it in and start playing.

Hers though is even rarer then we thought. someone pointed out to me that her tape has a silver VHS. This is indeed fairly rare as i looked at about 30 BB tapes (all years) and only found one other Movie Rental or Library version that also had the silver VHS. And i doubt they are boot legs as i dont think photoshop capabilites was that great back then.

Dr Suess (another Random House production) cant find any with silver VHS. No seasame street etc. did find 1 muppet babies with silver.

She should hold on to that thing, her grandkids can bring it onto Antique Roadshow in 50 years.
Some more Mandela Effect things that are being ignored for some reason:

-Rick used to say, "Play it again, Sam." Now, inexplicably he says, "You played it for her, you can play it for me," then later, "If she can stand it, I can! Play it!"

-Whatever happened to the movie where Cary Grant says, "Judy! Judy! Judy!"? There isn't one anymore. A whole movie is missing!

-Jimmy Cagney famously said, "You Dirty Rat!" But I can't find the movie. Where did it go?

-"We don't need no stinking badges" For some reason he now says, "Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinking badges!”

Digging deeper:

The Alexander Pope quotation used to be, "Inconsistency is the hobgoblin of a small mind." But now inexplicably it's been changed to, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." Why, it doesn't even mean the same thing!

Hamlet used to say, "Alas poor Yorick, I knew him well." But now he says, "Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio."

It used to be:

Juliet: Romeo, Romeo. Wherefore art thou, Romeo?

Romeo: Here, my love!

But now Romeo is silent and Juliet keeps gabbling on about a rose or something, completely forgetting that she was wondering where Romeo is.

It used to be:

Gertrude: Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

But now it's:
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
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But now Romeo is silent and Juliet keeps gabbling on about a rose or something, completely forgetting that she was wondering where Romeo is.
I know your post isn't serious, but you know "wherefore art thou" doesn't mean "where are you?", right?
Some more Mandela Effect things that are being ignored for some reason:

-Rick used to say, "Play it again, Sam." Now, inexplicably he says, "You played it for her, you can play it for me," then later, "If she can stand it, I can! Play it!"

-Whatever happened to the movie where Cary Grant says, "Judy! Judy! Judy!"? There isn't one anymore. A whole movie is missing!

-Jimmy Cagney famously said, "You Dirty Rat!" But I can't find the movie. Where did it go?

-"We don't need no stinking badges" For some reason he now says, "Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinking badges!”

Digging deeper:

The Alexander Pope quotation used to be, "Inconsistency is the hobgoblin of a small mind." But now inexplicably it's been changed to, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." Why, it doesn't even mean the same thing!

Hamlet used to say, "Alas poor Yorick, I knew him well." But now he says, "Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio."

It used to be:

Juliet: Romeo, Romeo. Wherefore art thou, Romeo?

Romeo: Here, my love!

But now Romeo is silent and Juliet keeps gabbling on about a rose or something, completely forgetting that she was wondering where Romeo is.

It used to be:

Gertrude: Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

But now it's:
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Elementary ny dear Watson. Only the books though.
Elementary ny dear Watson. Only the books though.
Anybody else remember when "ny" was spelled "my"? Defiantly was in ny universe.

Also, differing to ZW, I pacifically remember James Cagney saying, "You dirty rat! You killed my brother" - and now when you look for someone called James Cagney apparently he never even existed. Plus I also remember: "Badgers? We don't need no stinkin' badgers!"

Why are they changing all this? Whyyyyyy?
"Wherefore art thou?" means
"Why are you here?"
No, "Wherefore art thou Romeo?" (note the lack of comma) actually just means "Why are you Romeo?", ie "Why, out of everybody I could have fallen for, must you be the son of that family? It doesn't half make things awkward."

Hence the following lines about forsaking his name:

O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll no longer be a Capulet.
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Interesting. Thanks for the explanation. Never been much for Shakespeare. Partially because I don't speak the language.
and Rambo USED to say "Don't push me, I'll blow you away!" and NOW he says nothing like it in the film but NOW if you go back and watch First Blood he DOES say "Are you pushing me?"
see, its not just me. this guy has a bit of a thing for the Berenstain Bears and yet he consistently calls them Berenstein throughout his video too. Its going to take me a while to get through his website to see if he says anything about misprints

Published on Aug 25, 2015
I think it's the world's largest Berenstain Bears collection. I have well over 700 Berenstain Bears books (and don't tell me it's the BerenstEin Bears!), as well as nearly 2,000 other Berenstain Bears-related items. They include a wide variety of items such as VHS and DVD videos, board games, puzzles, stuffed animals, video games, figurines, toys, clothing, software, collectibles, party supplies, decorative plates and music boxes, and more! Of course I also have Berenstain Bears audio books, books in foreign language, Braille books, and books ABOUT the Berenstains!

Would you like to know more about my collector and/or the Berenstain Bears? Visit my Berenstain Bears Blog:

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Found this at my neighbours place, amoungst some stuff ready for a garage sale. It's a VHS tape.

The front cover, The Berenstain Bears Not-So-Buried Treasure.

The back cover blurb and it's trademark info on the cover keep this spelling consistent.

However, on the tape itself, the title keeps the stain spelling, but it also has the text "the Berenstein Bears Cartoons.." as part of its own copyright info.

Appears it was printed in 1994 in Hong Kong* and found in Australia :)

Edit: it says printed/duplicated in Hong Kong on the tape, but conflictingly printed/duplicated in the US on the cardboard sleeve...


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So what is the deal with this? What is debunked?
If I recall, this thread is an offshoot from another discussion about the mandela effect here:

In a nutshell, some folks think that where their memory of something is at odds with the facts, the likely explanation is the merging of two different timelines, not that they are mistaken. This tends to manifest itself where a lot of people are similarly mistaken about the same thing.