Chemtrails Video with Ballast Barrels

Jay Reynolds

Senior Member.
[Thread split from: ]

Found over at Michael J. Murphy's Facebook page is this video by John Massaria:

It isn't actually a video, really only an audio track featuring Dane Wigington and Russ Tanner speaking on the telephone, along with some slides.
Dane and Russ, in case you didn't know, were the guys who participated in the conference call where raising funds to shoot down "chemtrail" planes was discussed.

What I noticed about John Massaria's film was that he uses just about all of the ballast barrel pictures found on this thread, with the implication that he is showing something related to "spraying". He also shows some fuel dump pictures, some lavatory drain pictures, the circular water spray icing test rig and even the atmospheric sampling tubes, you know, the ones that face upstream making it pretty clear they aren't made to "spray" anything.

Now, Michael J. Murphy obviously knows that those photos don't represent anything other than ordinary aviation equipment. If e had thought they were anything else, he surely would have put some of them in his movies, but he didn't. He knows those pictures, yet he is directing his viewers towards the misinformation.

On to John Massaria:

According to his FB page, John Massaria has a science degree and is the PR Director and Facebook Creator for the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). This is an international partnership of Europe, North America and East Asia in cooperation with the Republic of Chile, is the largest astronomical project in existence. ALMA will be a single telescope of revolutionary design, composed initially of 66 high precision antennas located on the Chajnantor plateau, 5000 meters altitude in northern Chile.

Yes, here is the Facebok page John Massaria 'created' for ALMA:!/pages/ALMA-Alma-Atacama-Large-Millimeter-Array/262914997118603

As you can see, short on astronomy but long promoting John Massaria's video full of fakery...........
Looking further, you find that ALMA is making some striking announcements........
Somehow they just KNOW that Martial Law is coming to America.........

View attachment 1741

So, what John has done is to fake a Facebook page for a legitimate science site to promote his ideas and videos.

According to his own Facebook page, he is also a member of "The Experiencers", an alien encounter research team (whose website creator can't spell his name). His self-description sounds super-human!

“Indigo People” or the actual term “indigo” may have come from the color of the sixth chakra (energy center) or third eye chakra. There’s a theory that indigo’s are largely governed by the third eye chakra which explains several of their traits. On his Indigo People page, John writes, about me, “I just realized that I always knew I had heightened senses. My sense of smell is beyond anyone I know, my eye sight is 20:15 (beyond normal), and my hearing is beyond 20hz-20,000hz and now, just today, I find out my Color IQ FM Hue Color Acuity is perfect, putting me in a category of no peers for my sex and age. My IQ is 163 and after reading the descriptions of what Indigo’s are like, and after finding no Facebook pages to talk with others, I made my own. I hope we can all unite and feel at home in sharing our stories.”

Lastly, I found it curious that John Massaria doesn't feature his video full of misleading pictures on his own youtube channel.

You will, however, find the video on a channel by a Youtube user named "Uni-Brow Studio Vision".

There are enough similarities, likes and comments between Uni-Brow and John Massaria's channels to make it clear enough that both channels have the same owner. Which is which and who is who is anyones guess, as is the truth about everything John Massaria, I suppose. If John is as smart as he says he is, and seeks the truth, he will correct much of what he has put out. If not, well we shall see about that.

I have sent John Massaria a PM over at Youtube to come here and straighten out the misleading parts of his video.


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Just a few days ago, I was insulted by a person on FB and he started bragging to me, about how smart he was, that he was ranked 7th in science in the US, than that he was he had his art featured on TV. A little checking and I found a man with that name that is a know interior designer. I emailed him (Linked in is so helpful). I thought that his son might have gotten access to his FB page. It turned out that he didn't even have one.

The conspiracy folks will take the names of others---I have had to have pages with my name and avatar, removed twice from FB.
What never fails to astound me is the ability of these people to ignore inconvenient truths when it suits them. Dr Coen Vermeeren of "Case Orange" fame, an aeronautical engineer with a surprising lack of knowledge about aviation, ( he claimed that the smoke being generated by aerobatic teams is a powder)' did actually address the ballast tank issue and correctly stated it was used for flight test. The film can be found on Harold Saives website alongside with photos of ballast tanks which claim them as proof of chemtrailing!! Harold lives in a wonder world....
My email fouls up when I try their contact addy, I would suggest that someone contact ALMA and let them know that there is a fake FaceBook page up in their name and that it is being used to promote nonsense.

putting John's name into their directory came up blank. He may be this guy

John Massaria

The college fits

I am John Massaria. If you have something to ask me, message me through my youtube channel... Unlike you folks I hide nothing. My picture is ME. The facts about my education and back round is 100% authentic. My name is authentic. Not one of you de-bunkers use a real picture for your image OR a real FULL name. So what does that say to your readers? Stop investigating me and stalking me... I make videos as a hobby, I created a facebook fan page for ALMA- I also run 5 other Facebook FAN pages... so what! I removed the video on ALMA facebook web page, sometimes I post videos I spend time making on my fan pages and I share them by accident... so that I fixed... thanks for monitoring me and ALMA fan page...

I also have a few administrators that maintain ALMA Fan Page, again SO WHAT! I'm busy with that and a million other things... Yes I have copyrighted and published my own books and have designs with the US Patent and Trademark Office, under my name and my company's attorney name, and yes some of this was done when I was age 14, 16 and even in my early twenty's...

I produced many products on my own and ran many company's. I have donated more than $100,000 dollars worth of good and services to The Homes For The Troops. I have donated to the Boys And Girls Club, The YMCA etc... and I strongly believe in the Constitution of The United States- and I like Judge Napolitano... I also believe policing the world is wrong when we have problems of our own that need to be solved here on our own soil. As far as the Xpericners Team Sponsored By The John E. Mack Institute, yes I am on that team of investigators- I was just added perhaps a month ago... and YES just last week the web master spelled my name wrong on one (that's one) of the three pages- the other 2 pages my name is spelled correctly.

Yes, talking about me is amazing. I am a fascinating character. If you have any more questions on my life or my videos, I ask that you contact me and ask me what you want to ask me... as far as the photos used in my sky seeding video... which ones exactly are inappropriately used?

And for the record, so I am clear, the Chem-trail term or weather modification, or seeding the sky is used interchangeably by so many, semantics is not the best suit of the internet conspiracy bloggers these days- such as shame... what should we call it when they spray lines in the sky? Cog trails? Are you guys debunking the images solely as incorrect or the entire fact that they weather manipulate the sky's to block sun light among other things... I want to know your position on this tantalizing subject....

Lastly... I also kindly ask you remove my linkin info (its old, I sold that business 2 years ago and can not change the images or info on linkin since the email was part of the company). Ok?
John, it seems to me that you tried to use ALMA to promote your own theories. If you post bunk, expect folks to call you on it.

Why don't you contact Linked in to get the inaccurate information pulled? Why are asking me to do that, I don't work for them.

You know, maybe your list of what you have done and such, impresses some folks, it doesn't me.
I am John Massaria. ....

Well congrats on your rich and accomplished life - perhaps the only relevant question people would like answered is related to Jay's observation...

"What I noticed about John Massaria's film was that he uses just about all of the ballast barrel pictures found on this thread, with the implication that he is showing something related to "spraying". He also shows some fuel dump pictures, some lavatory drain pictures, the circular water spray icing test rig and even the atmospheric sampling tubes, you know, the ones that face upstream making it pretty clear they aren't made to "spray" anything. "

Why did you use those pictures to represent something they don't actually do?
... Not one of you de-bunkers use a real picture for your image OR a real FULL name.

... snip ...

And for the record, so I am clear, the Chem-trail term or weather modification, or seeding the sky is used interchangeably by so many, semantics is not the best suit of the internet conspiracy bloggers these days- such as shame... what should we call it when they spray lines in the sky? Cog trails? Are you guys debunking the images solely as incorrect or the entire fact that they weather manipulate the sky's to block sun light among other things... I want to know your position on this tantalizing subject.....

Excuse me? This is my real name and I use a selfie for my avatar.
Mick West also uses his own name and photo of his self.

My position on your position of chemtrails is that it is the most childish theory I have heard of. To block the sun. Really? What if you drove 10 miles; would the contrail still "block the sun"?

We call them contrails. That's what they are.
what should we call it when they spray lines in the sky?

I want to know your position on this tantalizing subject
Contrails are natural. They are made by the products of combustion into very cold and humid air. These products are carbon dioxide and WATER.

You don't understand them, or the atmosphere. You promote "chemtrails" and yourself. That is, you promote A LIE, and yourself. The lie you promote attacks "authority" while it promotes yourself.

The thing is, the "authority" makes and operates, as best it can, aircraft designed in a tradition of real research and technical excellence, which provide an excellent high-quality service which improves our society. It depends on an accurate knowledge and understanding of the atmosphere to do so.

You, on the other hand, promote an absolutely mendacious campaign based on your absolute ignorance, which improves our society in no way whatsoever. You are creating HARM from IGNORANCE. You are doing no-one any good.

Kindly desist, and get yourself a decent education.

Oh yeah, I'm Tony Duncan, JazzRoc, Jazzy, beachcomber2008 on YT. It's my pic. I was good-looking once.
I have sent John Massaria a PM over at Youtube to come here and straighten out the misleading parts of his video.

John, you came but did not discuss the misleading images of ordinary test flights you inserted into a conspiracy theory about stuff being sprayed. None of the ballast barrel pictures you show spray anything, the water simply moves internal to the airplane. The research plane instrumentation doesn't spray anything, either, it draws in samples from the atmosphere.

I'm thinking you won't discuss these because you are ashamed of what you have done. Maybe your shame is because you've been fooled, maybe because you know you are promoting a lie and to admit that seems to be a diminishment of the high regard you hold out for yourself. I wrote you just to see whether you would be honest enough to correct an honest mistake. I see that John Massaria isn't honest at all. John Massaria is now knowingly promoting a hoax.

John Massaria, you claim to be a super-man, but your actions show you to be something far less. That was my original assessment of your character, and your actions leave me less impressed than before.
John, it seems to me that you tried to use ALMA to promote your own theories. If you post bunk, expect folks to call you on it.

Why don't you contact Linked in to get the inaccurate information pulled? Why are asking me to do that, I don't work for them. (Answer: BECAUSE you posted it here- did you not? ... and I ask you remove it kindly- thank you)

You know, maybe your list of what you have done and such, impresses some folks, it doesn't me.

I am not trying to impress you... I just thought since you like talk about others, namely me, all about who I am and what I do, I figure you might want some facts about me instead of trying to paint a distorted image of me. I don't even know your real name or your real photo. You used an Irish Celtic Round Knot for you avatar- which is meaningless when you like to look up and post images o me in your threads. (More questions come to my mind: Are you stalking me or creating some sort of smear campaign on my name or cyber bulling me?) So your credit has diminished as a spokes person debunking people and your collective effort to diminish ideas and ideology should be evident and transparent to me and should be to others. You hide yourself while you investigate me? Who are you anyway?
John, you came but did not discuss the misleading images of ordinary test flights you inserted into a conspiracy theory about stuff being sprayed. None of the ballast barrel pictures you show spray anything, the water simply moves internal to the airplane. The research plane instrumentation doesn't spray anything, either, it draws in samples from the atmosphere.

I'm thinking you won't discuss these because you are ashamed of what you have done. Maybe your shame is because you've been fooled, maybe because you know you are promoting a lie and to admit that seems to be a diminishment of the high regard you hold out for yourself. I wrote you just to see whether you would be honest enough to correct an honest mistake. I see that John Massaria isn't honest at all. John Massaria is now knowingly promoting a hoax.

John Massaria, you claim to be a super-man, but your actions show you to be something far less. That was my original assessment of your character, and your actions leave me less impressed than before.

Wow more insults. My Response: What do you copy and paste this to all the people? Standard response for the standard misinformed- because we all are lumped in one group? I have basic understanding chemistry and science. I understand perfectly what a condensation trail is- I have always known the difference-"con"trails are merely water vapor and condensation, due to the area where airliners travel in the troposphere and the temperature which changes the water expelled from jet engines to an ice like trail.... what I think you are confusing is those very trails are polluting the air, water and earth. What I am saying is those pictures show airline equipment. Right? They are on airliners RIGHT? They aren't on a sub marine? They aren't inside a space craft. They are inside of airliners. And Airliners Pollute and contaminate the earth- "con"trails and ALL. Geo-engineering or seeding the sky for weather manipulation is public knowledge - no conspiracy there... we have governments admitting to it all the time... but the question here is, by creating shields or clouds by artificial means emits toxins in the air and consequently enters our water table and effects our eco system. Are you going to deny JET FUEL is toxic? That Terra forming clouds is 100% non toxic? The images and photos are infact jet liners equipment... and it is perfectly illustrating the fact that jet liners cause pollution and we already know for a fact they seed weather clouds. What you are saying, if I may be so bold is to say, I labeled the pictures in accurately as spraying devices? I never did... I just showed images of airliners EQUIPMENT. END of story. If they aren't airliner equipment, then I will ackowlege your points. If I miss labeled one MYSELF in the video, the please show me where. The image of the switches labeled "contrails" is again, an image available in public domain- and is in fact on a airliner... are we saying that the labeled switches are made up or a joke? Or the water containers they use to stabilize the plane while testing is NOT air craft equipment? The slide show shows air craft equipment- and air craft pollute and create artificial cloud production. Before I go on, which we all can go on... I also recommend finding the PDF "Belfort Group Citizens in Action Case Orange: Contrail Science its impact on Climate and Weather Manipulation Programs Conducted by the United States and it's Allies." I can also suggest some more reading material myself... latter on that to prove my point that we are poor stewards of the earth and attention should be called to this fact alone. THAT IS MY only point for making that video. Protect mother earth and explore ways we are poisoning her, and let others think critically for themselves.

Get a decent education? Wow, insults. Now its going that way. When did it get to that point? I feel like you guys are adolescent in nature, like some how I am talking to children on a blog site using slurs and insults. Please refrain from insults, if you want to debate.

Here is a copy of one letter I was sent from Greg McKee who studied at University of Technology, Sydney sent over some very informative documents... here is his copy of what he sent over. I will C&P it at the end of this dialog... I read & viewed about 90% it (some was missing links and missing data and some were repeated data).

Hi John

I've copied this from an earlier letter I wrote to a guy who was fanatically convinced chemtrails were real so please don't take the tone personally but please follow the links and look up the topics addressed cheers.
This was NOT originally addressed to you or anything you've written, but as you've expressed an interest in "chemtrails" you may find the information highly relevant to your interest:
I've sent a LOT of information because there are a lot of claims made by people and I've done a lot more real research on these subjects than the people that make claims about the trails in the sky.
What I've written here is only the tip of the iceberg of what I know about this subject.
Everything I've written here is VERIFIABLE.
That means you can FACT CHECK yourself from historic and published scientific sources.
It's not a matter of my opinion but of verifiable evidence and documentation YOU can look up yourself and check.

Info YOU can look up as EASILY as checking an encyclopaedia:

So after reading the verifiable facts, when you hear people say "contrails only can last a short time" rather than keeping silent, you can CORRECT those people's wrong beliefs with thorough documentation.

You might recognise me as an Oscar winner from "Babe" or my work on Starwars EpisodeIII or The Matrix or Happyfeet and I'm the world expert on the Killer Whales of Eden NSW but i'm also an expert on atmospheric physics and aviation and know my science and history of this subject to an extreme degree.
I've added together a lot of links to address the numerous claims of conspiracy theorists. From the idea that "grids" and paperclip shaped loops are a mystery to the claim that the long trails in the sky are a new phenomenon, to the idea that ice crystals can only last a few seconds in the sky and must quickly dissipate or the claim that govt's have already admitted to chemtrails or the claim that there are unusual amounts of Aluminum or Barium in samples collected at ground level. Why are some trails short and some long in the same sky, or why do they seem to turn on and off and leave gaps.
I cover films and websites such as "Why & What in the world are they spraying" and and others, so please don't tell me to go watch it or read it because I already have gone through those in great depth and checked all the claims. ie, I do an extreme amount of fact checking.
Yes I have already read long lists of patents. I address those too.
Probably any point you've been told is already covered in the info below.
If you want to find out about real conspiracies, go see "Gaslands" and "Food Inc". If you want the verifiable truth about "chemtrails" read on.
The most basic fact chemtrail believers often fail to consider is that a Cloud is water condensation.
A contrail, ie condensation trail is ALSO water condensation.
Both clouds and contrails are water condensation, so if someone suggests to you that water condensation can only last a few seconds or 5 minutes max etc, then you will know that is complete nonsense. A lie. misinformation, BS
Clouds , which are water condensation can obviously last more than a few seconds, can spread out and grow larger in size over the course of a few hours so the claim condensation always disappears quickly is simply wrong. Someone is either ignorant or lying to you if they try to tell you condensation can only persist a short time in the sky.
If you believe the claims that the long white lines in the sky that often criss cross in grid patterns are a new phenomenon you might like to ponder the lyrics of classic folk singer Jonie Mitchel's 1976 song "Amelia"
"I was driving across the burning desert
When I spotted six jet planes
Leaving six white vapor trails across the bleak terrain
It was the hexagram of the heavens
it was the strings of my guitar
Amelia it was just a false alarm"

Some folks claim that normal natural clouds are puffy and anything else must be artificial.
They think clouds with wave formations are due to haarp, and clouds with long streaks beneath them are due to dripping chemicals.
If you think you know what natural clouds should look like, take a look at these photos taken in the 1890s and published in Arthur Clayden's 1905 book "cloud studies"

These are photos taken years before the invention of the airplane by the Wright brothers.

For that matter, have a careful look at the images from Richard Scorer's 1972 book "clouds of the world"

Look familiar?
Remember most chemtrail theory promoters try to convince as many people as they can that long trails never existed prior to the late1990s.

But musty old books prover beyond any doubt that claim is completely false.

Some folk think that because some conspiracies are true, then somehow that is evidence that other conspiracy theories must be true.
Nope, each claim must be judged on it's own merit.
A whole bunch of spurious claims do not add up to a greater truth, just a greater error. People think by not understanding things in any detail they can still see the "big picture" and "connect the dots".
That is called apophenia.
I deal with the human tendency to find patterns where none actually exist in later paragraphs on paradolia and apophenia.
You will learn something very important when you read it.
Chemtrailers make a LOT of claims, so I've made a LOT of comments to address those claims.
Sure it takes a long while to read, but the fact is that people fall for the chemtrail hoax because they are often too lazy to read detailed information and just want to watch youtube videos or look at conspiracy websites.
Do you think airline pilots need to study aviation science or do they just watch youtube videos?
Do you think aircraft designers, doctors or engineers or electronics designers study their fields by reading in depth or do they just watch youtube videos?
You can check ALL the information I've posted from multiple sources and verify for yourself if it is true or not.
If you can find even a single scientific error, please tell me.
If you can go through any of the listed atmospheric science papers and point out where and why they are wrong then please tell me and show your working.
If you have found an error then that is great and scientists the world over will be excited and you will become famous.
If you want to know who I am you can look at my personal websites
I'm from Sydney Australia
I've spent years studying whaling history.
I've spent years studying robotics and science and cinema.
You've possibly heard my name read out at the oscar's ceremony.
You might have video of me in your DVD collection if you have the StarWars films.
You might have enjoyed my orca scene in Happyfeet. You might have enjoyed my special effects in "the Matrix" or Peter Pan or the disneynature documentary "oceans".
I've spent years studying aviation and learning to design planes, build jet engines and fly gliders and hang-gliders.
I studied Science at university level and also have an Industrial design degree.
Some people obsess for decades about sports scores , tatoos, train spotting or dog and horse breeding.
I'm interested in science and engineering topics like marine science, contrails and aviation and I enjoy discussing them.
I spend hours behind my computer now days doing animation for documentaries and have to wait ages sometimes for renders and uploads and downloads to finish.
Why should I care if you believe in "chemtrails" or you want get other people to believe in them too?
Well one of a number of reasons is because of the fact that my family and I travel in airliners quite often and I have a long list of screen grabbed threats from youtube of "chemtrail" believers who think any plane that leaves a long white trail should be shot out of the sky. Passenger planes leave long white trails in the sky.
Belief in "chemtrails" encourages some deluded people to want to shoot down those planes. To effectively murder innocent holiday makers.
Seems like a pretty good thing to discourage to me, even if hopefully these mentally ill people can't shoot that high.
I also know that thousands of people live in constant fear of "chemtrails". Fear and misery at the thought the trails in the sky are an attempt to kill them.
Can you imagine if you came across a huge group of people who were convinced the white wakes behind speedboats were a deadly poison designed to wipe out humanity and they were determined to convince everyone they met to be terrified of seawater. If they were trying to spread such nonsense to everyone you knew and your children would you just stand back and let them spread fear-mongering nonsense or would you feel motivated to tell scared people they had been misinformed and the wakes were just harmless water?
If you want to know exactly what jet planes are flying above you anytime anywhere in the world you can use this tracking software.
It even has an iphone and android app so you can hold your phone up and identify the planes above you leaving trails.
It picks up planes with particular transponders so It doesn't always detect ALL planes but it easily identifies more than enough to prove that the vast majority of planes in the sky leaving long persistent trails are normal passenger jets, NOT unmarked or military planes.
So no more guessing about "unmarked" military planes, but exact squawk and flight numbers.
If you don't believe the tracking information is accurate you can easily verify the planes match the tracking info.
By using a telescope and camera.
There is a huge aviation hobby built around photographing airliners at altitude, just like train spotters spot trains.,telescope
A modern telescope is easily able to read the insignia and flight numbers even on military aircraft, so even if you think you've spotted a "chemtrail tanker" you will have the actual insignia and numbers that ALL military and commercial aircraft carry.
However don't think that somehow your crap handycam that uses digital zoom can do the job.
Digital zoom cameras stop being able to record any new data once they have reached the limit of their optical zoom. If you keep zooming it just guesses what detail might be there through "interpolation".
Only an actual optical zoom can reveal genuine detail.
I'm going to mention a few films you may have watched such as "what in the world are they spraying" and other such internet postings and I'll also mention welsbach materials . All of the points raised in such films etc are covered in my comments and links. If you try to come back with ."but what about....." then it's probably because you haven't read all of the links and understood the physics I'm explaining in this post.
For most chemtrail believers their most common comment is "well I just don't remember them in the past"
That's pretty funny because there are plenty of believers who have been "trying to get people in the street to just look up" for over a decade.
In other words these believers have been trying to get others to notice the trails in the sky. What is remarkable is that many of the people that they point the trails out to have never noticed them before untill just recently, often a few days ago.
They say things like "wow, I've never seen/noticed them before"
But obviously these people MUST HAVE SEEN THEM but simply never paid attention and NEVER NOTICED THEM.
Because they never paid attention they thus HAVE NO MEMORY of them prior to having them pointed out and told they are dangerous.
Their lack of memory of them has NOTHING to do with whether or not the trails were in the sky in the past. It ONLY reflects on whether or not the people paid attention. And untill someone claimed they were dangerous, they had no reason to pay attention.
What the believers invariably fail to grasp is THEY are exactly the same.
They DID see them in the past but never paid attention and so have no memory.
Some folks will dispute that and will say, "but I'd remember for sure if I'd seen them prior to 1999" etc
Then if they had ever watched ANY of the following old movies they would have a clear memory of seeing them in the past WOULDN'T THEY!!!!!
If you personally have ever watched ANY of this small selection of the hundreds of movies with long trails clearly visible in them, then you inevitably have seen long trails prior to 1999.
If you remember seeing these films but don't remember seing the trails in them then that proves you saw trails in the past but didn't pay them any attention and thus formed no memory.
Having no memory of something is not evidence of anything other than not being observant.
Moby Dick 1956 ,
“The Flim Flam Man”, 1967
Back to the Future,
Blazing Saddles,
Straw Dogs,
Mad Max (roadwarrior)
Deathrace 2000,
Battle of Britain,
Raising Arizona,
the Right Stuff,
Top Gun,
Cheyenne Autumn,
The Italian Job,
Crocodile Dundee
Ten Commandments
“Little House on the Prairie”
"Horse Soldiers"
Magnificent 7,
National Lampoon Vacation.
"A man alone"1955
Diamonds are forever
The waltons. Daniel Boone
"Zorro" (episode No. 25)
12 O'Clock High (1949).
Hudson Hawk.
Dances with wolves,
Robin Hood 1968
" in Which we serve" 1942
Spies like us
Irma la Douce.1963
Joe Kidd 1972
''Rooster Cogburn'' 1975.
'The Misfits'' 1961.
''The Boys From Brazil''.
Superman IV
Rat Patrol Ep24 1967
Conan the barbarian 1982 a jetplane contrail can be seen in the sky above Conan’s head in the “tree of woe” crucifiction scene. The exact shot when this is seen is when the camera is pointing upwards at him from the ground.
“the outer limits” Tv series “The premonition ” also has quite a decent contrail cirrus grid in the opening shot
Robin Hood 1967:
Strategic Air Command (1955
Here's a simple question.
Did you know that water vapour is invisible?
It is an irrefutable fundamental fact in atmospheric science
How much water do jet airliners release in their exhaust? Most sources quote around 6 to 8 tons per hour!
The same weight in water as a cement truck.
A small swimming pool full EVERY HOUR.
A boeing 747 releases 12tons of water per hour.
What happens when even a few cup fulls of water encounter the -50 freezing cold of cruising altitude? This is what happens. Watch carefully
Now think how big that cloud of ice crystals would be with 8 TONS of water. Big enough to stretch horizon to horizon.
In fact because the sky also already has a lot of water in it, the presence of the added water from the jet and small bits of soot from unburnt fuel trigger even more water that was already in the sky to join the contrail.
Invisible water already in the sky adds itself to the water from the engine contrail and helps it grow. By how much? Most of the water in a persistent contrail was actually already in the sky. That's why they form in conditions of high relative humidity at the altitude they are in.
Now you might say "but it's a stinking hot day here on the ground in mid summer Florida (or where-ever), so there's no way that could be ice"
But they are NOT on the ground. Central Florida has the same latitude as MT Everest in Nepal. The same distance from the equator, yet in mid summer, Mt Everest is covered in Ice and Snow. Airliners cruise 5000ft to 11,000ft higher than Mt Everest. (That's why people who stow away in airliner wheel wells don't survive)
Even directly above mid summer Death Valley in a heat wave you would freeze to death.
When the water from the engines encounters high relative humidity of water already in the sky it becomes impossible for it to evaporate.
It is impossible to "just dissipate".
For a contrail to "just evaporate" the sky has to be dry with low humidity. For a contrail to "just melt away" the sky needs to be warm enough to melt ice.
The sky at cruise altitude is normally about -50C below zero.
NOTHING is going to melt.
In fact the liquid metal Mercury freezes solid and can be used to hammer nails at the temperature airliners fly in !
But the sky at jetliner height for much of the year is not dry. In fact for about 62 days of the year it is supersaturated. That means the humidity is MORE than 100%, In fact for only a small part of the year is the tropopause too dry for contrails to not form. The majority of the year the conditions allow contrails to form. and for an average of 62 days a year, the sky is so humid that a SINGLE PLANE can make the whole sky turn overcast in the region around it, horizon to horizon.
Ice crystals are a natural result of the fact that for every ton of jet fuel burnt in an engine, more than a ton of water comes out the exhaust. It's just basic combustion chemistry. Every single day there are close to 80,000 jetliner flights per day.
Say there are only 75,000 flights which is a commonly used average figure
75,000 flights per day worldwide , 4hours average.
2million, 4HundredThousand TONS of water added to the sky by passenger jets.
That water is ADDED to the many more millions of tons that were already there! So much water that it often won't accept any more without the added water condensing into contrails.
Most of that added 2,400,000tons of water is released into -50C temperature.
It freezes. It forms huge contrails
Now remember every single day 2,400,000 tons of water are added to the sky . If that water doesn't freeze, it evaporates. What happens when something evaporates? It makes the surrounding air MORE HUMID.
More jet aircraft flying = More Humid atmosphere
More Humid atmosphere = Contrails Persist LONGER.
So as the day goes on, the sky gets more humid and trails last longer, often causing complete overcast.
it's not a conspiracy, it's basic science.
Now think carefully.
No human has ever seen water vapour.
The scientific definition of water vapor is a "colorless invisible gas."
I'm not talking about "common usage terms" your grandma used for "vapour"
The fog around a boiling kettle is not steam or vapour.
It is liquid water droplets in a mist that have condensed from the invisible vapour.
If people don't understand phase changes of water from invisible vapour to visible droplets or ice then no wonder they don't understand clouds.
The sky above you is filled with MILLIONS of tons of invisible water, even a completely clear blue cloudless sky. A clear blue sky can contain MORE water than an overcast cloudy sky.
If you don't believe that then it's because you don't understand the physics and WHY clouds form.
You might think it is no big deal that you probably had no idea that water vapor is invisible but it is at the core of why people so easily fall for the chemtrail hoax.
If you didn't know or perhaps refuse to believe water vapor is invisible, it means you don't or didn't know one of the most BASIC aspects of atmospheric science upon which all others have their foundation.
If you don't understand such a fundamental fact then "common sense" ideas about what is normal about atmospheric phenomena have no basis in the real physics of the sky and you have insufficient fundamental knowledge to discern reality from BS
Now remember there are about 80,000 passenger jets flying EVERY SINGLE DAY.
ALL of these planes use cabin pressurisation, whereby in order for the passengers and crew not to pass out from lack of oxygen, the air OUTSIDE the plane is pumped directly INSIDE the plane and compressed and concentrated for crew and passengers to breathe.
Most significantly the air entering the plane is NOT FILTERED so there is NOTHING to prevent any chemical present in the sky from instantly entering the cabin and filling the cabin.
I'll repeat that fact once more to let it sink in.
Of the 80,000 passenger jets flying the trail filled skies EVERY DAY, none of the air that is pumped inside for an average of 6hours is filtered on the way in.
If there were "chemtrail" materials in the long trails in the sky, there is NOTHING to prevent them filling up the cabins of 80,000 passenger jets.
In fact chemtrail believers regularly say "why doesn't someone just fly up there and take a sample of a trail and we'll know for sure?"
Well that is EXACTLY what is done 80,000 times EVERY SINGLE DAY.
And the result of all that sampling is the fact that the chemicals claimed by chemtrail believers to be forming vast white long clouds simply are NOT THERE.
Some believers argue that flight crews wouldn't speak out against their employers in case they lose their job.
But that is completely absurd. Flight crews lose their jobs all the time as airlines try to cut costs, merge and often go bankrupt.
And flight crews actively SUE their employers.
A great example is "air toxic syndrome" where flight crews have taken legal action against their own airline employers over the fumes from overheated phosphate based hydraulic and engine oil which sometimes enter the cabins and cause headaches.
Remember there's no filtering for air entering from the compressor bleed air so ANY fumes from outside the plane go straight into the cabin.
Flight crews militantly monitor cabin air quality because they value their health over sucking up to employers.
What chemical is most commonly claimed by chemtrail believers to be forming vast long white spreading clouds in the sky in vast grid patterns?
: Aluminium oxide.
What is aluminium oxide?
It's the abrasive grit that is used to make sandpaper.
That's right chemtrail believers are claiming that the skies are filled with vast dense white clouds of SANDPAPER GRIT.
Aluminium oxide has a moh's hardness of around 9
Volcanic ash, which is no-where near as abrasive as aluminium oxide, has a moh's hardness of about 5 and can cause airliners to fall out of the sky with failed engines and will abrade all forward facing surfaces , particularly the windscreens. 10 minutes of exposure to an invisible volcanic ash cloud can cause airliners to fall from the sky but chemtrail believers seriously suggest that miraculously tens of thousands of airliners are flying through dense clouds of aluminium oxide with zero ill effect.
Some folk say, but the govt has admitted it!
Kucinich included reference to "chemtrails" in his HR2977 congress draft bill.
There's that word "chemtrail" submitted to govt so that means that govt admits they are real!
Oh really?
The draft bill which was in fact rejected as nonsense was drafted by UFO "enthusiasts" Alfred Webre and Carol Rosin.
Extraterrestrial weapons (light sabres?) and other "speculative" exotic weapons were also mentioned. The bill didn't go anywhere any more than Canadian Member of parliament Mike Lake's submission.
Kucinich's submission to govt was rejected but folk think because a subject is mentioned in a bill it must be real.
So what was the subject that canadian govt parliamentarian Mike Lake submitted to govt in petition form, and is officially tabled in Canadian govt documents?
BIGFOOT. An official Canadian govt submission was to have BIGFOOT protected by an act of govt.
So if you think a word on a piece of paper submitted to a govt is proof of that subject's existence, then BIGFOOT has the same credibility as "chemtrails".
Call me wild and silly, but I'm inclined to agree.
But hang on, didn't Obama announce that geoengineering might be considered in the future?
And geoengineering is secret speak for "chemtrails" right?
Geoengineering refers to a large set of proposals.
A proposal is something to happen in the future.
When a couple "proposes" on valentines day, it doesn't mean they are married.
It is a proposal for marriage to happen in the FUTURE.
Proposal=future get it?
President Bush also made a proposal announcement.
He proposed there would be a human base on the moon.
So is there a human base on the moon?
No, he only proposed it.
Geoengineering proposals include suggestions to have giant fleets of ocean going ships that spray seawater high into the sky constantly.
Seen these babies out on the waves?
That's because like other forms of geoengineering they are proposals.
Sure there are numerous proposals for delivering welsbach materials into the atmosphere but as is explained elsewhere here, welsbach material are not invisible, and so a dense white cloud of them could never have a clear invisible gap at the start of them.
If you see a clear gap, as is observed in th evast majority of "chemtrail" videos, then you CANNOT be seeing welsbach materials, no matter how many patents you find or proposals you read.
People say, "but the govt is so evil, don't you think they aren't evil enough to spray poison on us?"
Sure govts can be evil. but just because they might be evil, how is that in itself proof that an absurdity is true?
Then we may as well believe the govt is filling our streets with spy squirrels, cloned ninja grandmothers or with robot dogs.
Are some govts evil?
So it must be true!
How dare you suggest that extrapolation is nonsense!
Documents prove that robot dogs have been trialed!
There's the smoking gun!
Thus surely all the dogs we see are really robots.
We can now safely state that all the dogs we ever see are actually robots controlled by the NWO!
But you may argue that Dogs are a well documented phenomenon with many decades of science behind their study and robot dogs do not actually have the same characteristics as real dogs.
Well the same applies to contrails.
The diverse characteristics of contrails are well known to pilots and scientists. One of their most commonly observed characteristics is that the contrail from a Jet engine has a clear invisible gap of 50ft or so before the contrail forms. That's because the water exhausts as high temperature water vapor, an invisible gas, which then cools and freezes into visible ice crystals.
Sprayed substances have a universal characteristic that can never change.
The can never be invisible at point of exit from their spraying device.
So if a trail has a clear gap section in front of it then it CANNOT be a spray of any form.
Some folk claim aluminum and barium are added to jet fuel and that is what the trails are.
Besides the fact that barium glows brilliant green when heated and is the green color in fireworks and neither substance could result in an invisible gap in a trail, think about the claim that the trails are fuel additives.
How can they only leave a trail at high altitude?
When does a plane use the most fuel and leave the most exhaust?
On takeoff!
So the densest, most prevalent trails should be at airports, with thick clouds of white belching out of taxiing jets, and even thicker dense clouds belching out on takeoff from airports and military bases.
Is that observed ANYWHERE in the world?
So it is impossible for the trails to be the result of fuel additives, otherwise the trails would be visible at ALL altitudes ALL the time.
You might be mystified by "grids". Why would aircraft leave X's in the sky?
Well ask yourself why would trail bikes leave X's on the ground in dirt?
The answer to that is very simple isn't it. The bikes are going in different directions and their paths cross.
No mystery.
How about cars crossing on an intersection? No mystery.
Well planes go to different destinations to. Nth Sth, East West.
Check out how busy North America is:
Check out worldwide:
Quite a few intersections aren't there.
The intersections are fixed points over the ground in close proximity to radio beacons such as VORs
But hang on, there is always wind high in the sky, averaging about 60mph.
If planes are following fixed paths above the ground, their contrails will blow sideways with the wind at an angle to their real path.
What happens when the next plane comes along the same path a few minutes later?
It's contrail will be parallel to the first trail ! And the next trail will be parallel again like lined paper. Rows! Even though the planes are flying a fixed path over the ground, their trails form parallel rows.
It's like tracing a groove in a desk with a crayon but moving the paper each time.
Now planes intersect above VORs so that means an X intersection will be blown by the wind too.
So what happens if you trace an X groove in a desk and you move the paper?
A grid forms !
My Kids learned how to do this in Kindergarten.
A fixed intersection, yet if the atmosphere or paper drifts a neat grid forms.
I wonder if the people who are mystified by grids ever learned such simple geometry in kindergarten or skipped over the basic knowledge that any 5 year old knows?
Look how easily parallel rows of contrails form from a single fixed flight path above the ground.
An intersection of two flight paths makes a grid as described above.
I find it astonishing that anyone, even a 10 year old could be mystified by grid formations knowing that wind blows contrails from their origin.
But Hang on, planes can't stop at intersections!
How do they not crash?
The answer is "flight separation rules".
By flying at different altitudes in multiples of 1000ft, greater than the height of the Seattle Tower the planes manage not to crash. They fly far above or below each other, even when flying side by side. They are never on the same level. It's too dangerous.
That sort of height difference also means the temp pressure and humidity can be very different and the persistence or length of their trails can differ greatly, even though the planes look close together from the ground.
That is why planes that look as though they are flying side by side from the ground can have very different length trails.
It's because they are at very different heights.
But what about those oval paperclip loops?
Why on earth would planes do that?
Well what happens when you are trying to park a car and the car park is congested? You either stop in a queue or circle the block.
Well planes can't stop in a queue, they have to keep flying while they wait to land at a congested airport so they are put in "holding patterns".
Now you don't want to have legions of jets flying around you in circles whilst concentrating on landing or taking off so air traffic controllers get the planes waiting in holding patterns to hold a few hundred km's away. That is really only about 10 or 15 minutes away. So jet airliners often fly these loop patterns far above remote rural towns which only have a small airport with a VOR.
The locals might think it's suspicious because their airstrip can only take crop dusters and rural planes. In reality the jets only need the VOR for a position fix whilst they wait the turn to land far away.
So they circle around and around waiting their turn.
Sure it wastes fuel and time. But that's better than ten jets all crashing on the same landing strip at once because they couldn't be bothered waiting. Who cares if you're late? Most people would prefer to land alive than DEAD on time.
But some folk say, why do these planes only fly on certain days?
Do they?
Why do people say there are no planes in the sky?
Are you sure?
It it because you can't see or hear them?
When there are no contrails they are almost impossible to detect!
An airliner at cruise altitude is impossible to hear.
Sound volume attenuates with distance, so that at 10km below the sound from them is quieter than a mouse.
If planes are not making contrails, and there are no clouds to focus on, humans usually can't see them at all. That is due to empty field myopia
There are just as many planes but without long white streamers behind them the human eye doesn't have the resolving power to easily spot them.
It's like letting a bright red helium balloon go at a fair and not looking at it for 2 minutes, then trying to find it in the sky. It will still be bigger in vision than a jetliner but almost no-one can spot a balloon like that.
If it's a clear blue sky day and there are no contrails, have a look at your area on, or if you have an iphone and flightradar24 or planefinder software aim the phone at the sky and it will highlight where the planes are.
If you are in the UK or Nth America there will likely be numerous aircraft in the sky above you but you will not have noticed a single one unless you know exactly where to look and even then it is nearly impossible.
But why are the planes hard to see and look unmarked?
It's the same reason you can't see the shadow side of the moon in daytime.
It's trillions of tons of black rock, but even with a telescope only blue sky is visible. Has the NWO turned it invisible?
The atmosphere scatters light. Blue light scatters the most. It's called Rayleigh scattering and it's the reason a distant mountain looks blue rather than brown or green. The light from a distant airliner gets scattered too, so after a certain distance, only a few light-rays from the plane manage to reach your eyes, usually the brightest sun reflection off a round part of the plane and sunlight bouncing off a white contrail
The rest gets scattered by the atmosphere. Ever put your head in the sea with a dive mask and noticed you can't see distant fish? Only the ones near you. It's the same light scattering effect. The distant fish aren't invisible, they are just hard or impossible to see due to scattering.
Air is much less dense than water so it takes a much greater distance for the
scattering to make things seem invisible.
At 10km up, you can't usually see writing or markings or windows on aircraft, especially because they are usually on the top half! The further away the plane, the harder it is to see anything.
Some planes like emirates have markings on the underside.
Watch this video from start to finish to see how what seems to be an unmarked invisible "cloaked" mystery plane is simply a normal Emirates passenger jet seen through a lot of Sky
Some CTers show photos of tanks inside aircraft and insist they are an essential part of the "chemtrail spraying" that began in 1996.
Oh Really?
Then why are such tanks visible in footage from the 1950s and 1960s of passenger airliners undergoing flight testing
Have a look at the water ballast tanks that are used for ALL prototype airliners.
Here's a vid of the very first prototype 747 in 1969
See the ballast tanks that appear in "chemtrail" videos.
There they are way back in the 1960s. They were also used in the 1950s for testing the boeing 707.
They are used to test the effect of weight shift distribution on airliners by moving water around to simulate the mass of passengers and cargo.
No insurance company is going to allow 300 passengers aboard an uncertified airliner so the companies need to work out how the plane will perorm with difering weights representing passenger numbers.
No one is going to risk their backs lifting sand bags around so they just pump water.
Funny how they are claimed to be for something that started in 1996 yet there they are in publicly broadcast films from the 1960s
Now Chemtrailers insist the trails aren't ice crystals but are Aluminum or barium dust instead.
Hmm, barium is the element that makes Fireworks bright green.
If it was added to fuel the Jet exhaust would be brilliant green colour on Takeoff and every other part of the flight
Aluminum when it oxidises becomes one of the hardest and most abrasive substances known to man. It forms the grit in sandpaper.
Not the best thing to run through a jet engine if you want to stay in the air.
If the trails are not ice crystals but aluminum, then that gives us some figures to test for reality.
There are also calculations on how much weight would need to be carried if a 100km long trail that is 1km wide as is documented by satellite photos was really aluminum as is claimed by CTers
This is a calculation I picked up from another dude on a science forum:
"Did anybody from CT community ever asked what is the total mass of particles (and/or droplets) in one such contrail line, that can be more than 1 km wide and more than 100 km long? Such lines are documented in satellite imagery.
Here is simple estimate for you all. To be visible, that is, to scatter visible light, these particles must be larger than the visible light wavelength(s). This means that they are at least a few microns (0.000001 m) in diameter. And for the trail to be seen against the sky, there have to be dozens, even hundreds of particles in the path of light beam. Imagine that all these particles are condensed together in the direction of the light beam so that all the thickness of the trail is compressed into a thin film made only of the particles. The thickness of this film will be at least 100 microns (0.0001 m), thickness of hair. This value is grossly underestimated, but, due to its width and length, the volume of this film will be at least:
V = 0.0001 m x 1000 m x 100 000 m = 10 000 cubic meters.
This volume of water has the mass of 10 000 metric tones, which is about seven times heavier than a maximum payload of jumbo jet. Note that this is a rather modest estimate, as there are many much longer and wider trails observed in the satellite images, each has been left by a single plane. These trails cannot be made solely from the stuff ejected by the plane, they have to be made mostly from the stuff that already was in the atmosphere, which, in any case, is mainly a condensed water vapor."
To add to that point, CTers claim the trails are Aluminum oxide
That 10,000 metric ton calculation is just for water density.
Aluminum is 4 times that density. Volume for volume, aluminum is 4 times heavier than ice, so for the same visual appearance of aluminum powder rather than ice crystals, a 100km long trail would be 40,000 metric tonnes
Thus it is IMPOSSIBLE that a trail that long could be made from materials that came only from the plane.
Contrails of course rely on most of the water ALREADY being in the sky to allow their formation and persistence. The detail of which is in papers below.
There is also the "web's" that cover huge areas of forests, fields, suburbs etc.
They literally are that: Webs form "ballooning spiders" and have been a common phenomenon for MILLIONS of years.
In the middle ages it led to the term "gossamer".
Cloud seeding:
Highly publicised and only works at low altitude.
Cloud seeding is no mystery and has been highly public for many decades.
It doesn't leave long trails in the sky.
All sorts of people have used cloud seeding to try to increase rainfall and snowfall. There is no secret about it. Some companies advertise in the yellow pages and in business directories. They make promotional movies as you have seen. Hardly a secret is it!
Australia has tried it for decades because we have a country very susceptible to drought and skifields that get less snowfall each year. iodide safety csiro&f=false
But the snow will contain silver iodide!
It won't be pure snow!
But hang on, the silver iodide is used to nucleate snow flakes and water drops. The silver iodide aerosol nucleates the snow flakes and rain drops.
Surely we're doomed!
But every snow flake that has ever fallen since creation has required an aerosol to nucleate it! It usually comes from mineral dust or airborne bacteria or fungal spores and other muck.
The public perception of snow and rain is that they are pure but in fact the opposite is the case. Every single drop of water and every snowflake that has ever fallen contained a speck of dust
China used cloud seeding using artillery to try to make their summer olympics clear of rain. They boasted of it!
Hardly a secret to send press-releases to every olympics country on earth is it!
The silver iodide is released in such small amounts that it is not usually detectable in rainfall or snowfall above natural levels that are already there.
Concentrated silver iodide can be harmful yet in cloud seeding it is hardly concentrated.
Normally about 100grams is dispersed over about 100miles.
That means 3.5 ounces spread over 100 miles!
Oh the humanity!
That 100 miles then is further dispersed as the clouds spread rain over a much wider region.
Silver iodide breaks down in the soil to silver and iodine.
Regardless of its potential health effects in such tiny concentrations, cloud seeding is NOT conducted from jet aircraft at high altitude.
One may as well obsess about crop dusting pesticides which ARE HARMFULL! Crop dusting is conducted at LOW altitude a few feet from the ground and is no more relevant to high altitude trails than cloud seeding.
You may have seen a German video of a newsreader talking about Düppel.
That is not the German word for chemtrails but the German word for chaff.
Strips of metal that are sent out in small bombs by fighter jets to confuse radar. These actually are aluminium coated bits of fibreglass that resembles wool
The chaff falls in distinctive vertical streaks and in no way resembles the trails behind large jets. Not only that, but an jet simply does not have the load carrying capacity to make a dense white chaff trail 100km+ long as is observed regularly in satellite pictures. That would require a jet to be able to carry 40,000tons of payload which is simply impossible
You have probably read comments by conspiracy theorists that long contrails never occured in the past and only appeared around 1996.
Why do they say that?
It is not true.
Ed Griffin says it.
It is NOT true
Here's an old popular science magazine article that proves it's not true:
To quote from 1969 "It is certain that many occasions-30 to 40 days a year, say the cause of cirrus cloud cover is contrails. This cloud cover can take in a substantial part of a continent half the US"
There are huge numbers of similar articles you can read all proving how common long contrails were even in the 1960s and how normal it was for them to form cloud.
Here's another one from 1980,6622896
There are HUNDREDS of such articles and just as many photographs and film proving those claims are nonsense
If you search through peoples old photo albums on flikr prior to 1996 you will see innumerable large contrail photos. Go watch Mad Mad, Back to The Future, DeathRace 2000 and innumerable old films all of which accidentally capture large persistent contrails in the back ground.
Since the evidence proves beyond ANY doubt that long and spreading trails existed long before the time chemtrail theorists say they first appeared, why would people like Alex Jones and Ed Griffin etc say such things?
Because they are deliberately lying.
They WANT to deceive you to make money.
If you do not fully understand every single scientific principle in all of the following articles, then you should LEARN THEM and listen to other people who DO understand them.
read this science paper from 1970
I scanned it decades ago whilst doing my science and engineering university degrees
"The spreading of jet contrails into extensive cirrus sheets is a familiar sight. Often, when persistent contrails exist from 25,000 to 40,000 ft, several long contrails increase in number and gradually merge into an almost solid interlaced sheet."
from Peter Kuhn," Airborne Observations of Contrail Effects on the Thermal Radiation Budget" published 1970.
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences Volume 27, Issue 6 (September 1970)<0937:AOOCEO>2.0.CO;2
Please make an attempt to understand the contents.
It is just the tip of the iceberg of 70+ years of rigorous atmospheric science that proves beyond any doubt that the things people write on the internet about "chemtrails" are utter rubbish.
Direct tests of trails in the sky have been done hundreds of times.
Not guesses from finding junk on the ground but real tests where planes have flown up into the sky DIRECTLY into a trail and sampled it .
The tests are conclusive .
The trails are water Ice crystals<0464:OTTOCI>2.0.CO;2
"In situ observations of contrail microphysics and implicationsfor their radiative impact"JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCHMay 1999
It is easy to see trails forming from jet engines. Airliner passengers film it all the time.
nflight own own plane contrails
Persisting contrails have been documented since 1918
They were documented throughout the 1920s and 30s , particularly the spanish civil war during dogfights.
They were filmed over Paris in 1936
Extract from ''Flight To Arras'' Pub 1943
''The German on the ground knows us by the pearly white scarf which every plane flying at high altitude trails behind like a bridal veil. The disturbance created by our meteoric flight crystallizes the watery vapor in the atmosphere. We unwind behind us a cirrus of icicles. If the atmospheric conditions are favorable to the formation of clouds, our wake will thicken bit by bit and become an evening cloud over the countryside''.
Even in 1950 sky spanning pcontrails were a regular sight. Pan-Am film of the Boeing 377 stratocruiser piston engined passenger propellor plane at 4:59 & 5:58
& at 0:23
By 1962 they were in posters promoting airtravel such as the TWA adverts
look at this classic old 1959 film of the 707 at 7:32 &1:20 at 1:40 ice conditions tropopause&f=false
"Measurements of the Growth of the Ice Budget in a Persisting Contrail"
R.G. Knollenberg
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
Volume 29, Issue 7 (October 1972) pp. 13671374
"Multiple Contrail Streamers Observed by Radar"
Journal of Applied Meteorology;Volume 13, Issue 5 (August 1974)
Abstract: An unusual case of multiple streamers or filaments with the characteristic mare's tail pattern in vertical section has been observed by radar where the generating elements were condensation trails laid by high-altitude aircraft. The contrails were laid perpendicular to the wind and as they drifted a multitude of streamers formed along each trail.
"The Effects of Aircraft Wake Dynamics on Contrail Development"
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
Volume 58, Issue 4 (February 2001)
"Influence of propulsion efficiency on contrail formation"
Ulrich Schumann
Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Wessling, Germany
Abstract: Higher η causes contrails at higher ambient temperatures and over a larger range of flight altitudes.
"On the radiative properties of contrail cirrus"
Geophys. Res. Lett., 25(8), 11611164.
"Optical properties of contrail-induced
cirrus: discussion of unusual halo phenomena"
Ralf Sussmann- Journal of Applied Optics- June 1997
Measurements of the growth of the ice budget in a persisting contrail (Contrail ice budget measurements with optical array particle size spectrometer onboard Sabreliner, noting water abundance reduction at subtropopause jet traffic levels)
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. Vol. 29, pp. 1367-1374. Oct. 1972
"Cirrus, contrails, and ice supersaturated regions in high pressure systems at northern mid latitudes"
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 8, 1689-1699, 2008
"On the Transition of Contrails into Cirrus Clouds"
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
Volume 57, Issue 4 (2000)
"Cirrus Clouds and their Supersaturated Environment -Overview, Examples, and Problems"
Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre
"Global Modeling of the Contrail and Contrail Cirrus Climate Impact"
Jet Contrails and Cirrus Cloud: A Feasibility Study Employing High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
Andrew M. Carleton and Peter J. Lamb
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (March 1986)
Monthly Weather Review
Volume 98, Issue 10 (October 1970)
"Measurements of the Growth of the Ice Budget in a Persisting Contrail"
R.G. Knollenberg
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
Volume 29, Issue 7 (October 1972) pp. 13671374
"Multiple Contrail Streamers Observed by Radar"
Journal of Applied Meteorology;Volume 13, Issue 5 (August 1974)
Abstract: An unusual case of multiple streamers or filaments with the characteristic mare's tail pattern in vertical section has been observed by radar where the generating elements were condensation trails laid by high-altitude aircraft. The contrails were laid perpendicular to the wind and as they drifted a multitude of streamers formed along each trail.
"The Effects of Aircraft Wake Dynamics on Contrail Development"
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
Volume 58, Issue 4 (February 2001)
"Influence of propulsion efficiency on contrail formation"
Ulrich Schumann
Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Wessling, Germany
Abstract: Higher η causes contrails at higher ambient temperatures and over a larger range of flight altitudes.
"On the radiative properties of contrail cirrus"
Geophys. Res. Lett., 25(8), 11611164.
"Optical properties of contrail-induced
cirrus: discussion of unusual halo phenomena"
Ralf Sussmann- Journal of Applied Optics- June 1997
Measurements of the growth of the ice budget in a persisting contrail (Contrail ice budget measurements with optical array particle size spectrometer onboard Sabreliner, noting water abundance reduction at subtropopause jet traffic levels)
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. Vol. 29, pp. 1367-1374. Oct. 1972
"Cirrus, contrails, and ice supersaturated regions in high pressure systems at northern mid latitudes"
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 8, 1689-1699, 2008
"On the Transition of Contrails into Cirrus Clouds"
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
Volume 57, Issue 4 (2000)
Jensen, E. J., A. S. Ackerman, D. E. Stevens, O. B. Toon, and P. Minnis, 1998: Spreading and growth of contrails in a sheared environment. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 31,557-31,567.
Mannstein, H., R. Meyer, and P. Wendling, 1999: Operational detection of contrails from NOAA- AVHRR data. Intl. J. Remote Sens., 20, 1641-1660.
Meyer, R., H. Mannstein, R. Meerkotter, U. Schumann and P. Wendling, 2002: Regional radiative forcing by line-shaped contrails derived from satellite data. J.Geophys.Res.,107(D10),10.1029/2001JD000426.
Miloshevich, L. M., H. Vömel, A. Paukkunen, A. J. Heymsfield, and S. J. Oltmans, 2001: Characterization and correction of relative humidity measurements from Vaisala RS80-A radiosondes at cold temperatures, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 18, 135-156.
Minnis, P., J. K. Ayers, R. Palikonda, and D. Phan, 2004: Contrails, cirrus trends, and climate. J. Climate, 17, 1671-1683.
Palikonda, R., P. Minnis, D. R. Doelling, P. W. Heck, D. P. Duda, H. Mannstein, and U. Schumann, 1999: Potential radiative impact of contrail coverage over continental USA estimated from AVHRR data. Proc. AMS 10th Conf. Atmos. Rad., Madison, WI, June 28 -- Jul 2, 181-184.
Palikonda, R., P. Minnis, D. P. Duda, and H. Mannstein, 2004: Contrail coverage over the United States of America during 2001 derived from AVHRR data. Meteorol. Z. (submitted).
"Cirrus Clouds and their Supersaturated Environment -Overview, Examples, and Problems"
Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre
Here's a small selection of vids of commercial airliners and their massive trails. The same trails some imbeciles claim are impossible to be contrails and can only be "chemtrails".
The combustion of all hydrocarbons produces H20. kerosene has approx 15 carbon atoms per molecule.
C15H32 + 23O2 --> 15CO2 + 16H2O" 1 mol kerosene combusts to 16 mol water & 15 mol CO2.
1 mol kerosene weighs 12*15 + 32*1 = 212 gram.
1 mole O2 weighs 16*2 = 32 gram.
1 mol CO2 weighs 12 16 16 = 44 gram.
1 mol H2O weighs 2*1 + 1*16 = 18 gram.
212 gram kerosene + 736 gram oxygen -> 660 gram CO2 + 288 gram water MORE water than the original fuel
Another major component of jetfuel is decane.
So Combust with oxygen :
2 C10H22 + 31 O2 ->20 CO2 + 22 H20
2mol of Decane weigh 284 grams.
22 mol of Water weigh 396 grams.
So 396 grams of water result from every 284 grams of decane fuel
Piston and jet engines produce a greater amount of water in their exhaust than the original mass of fuel they had to start with.
You have probably believed the nonsense reports such as "what in the world are they spraying" where contrary to what the video claims, in fact pond sediment, sludge, canyon runoff and puddle residue were collected and sent as samples of "rainwater".
Here's the actual report
How much aluminum does soil NATURALLY contain?
7.1% on average
Yes the normal worldwide average of aluminum in soils is 7.1% or 71,000ppm (parts per million) or 710,000,000ug/L
So a tiny spec of soil in a water sample vastly changes the aluminum content.
Where does this natural level of aluminum come from?
Aluminum is the 3rd most common element on earth's land surface.
It is the most common metal and it is found EVERYWHERE on earth naturally and always has been since before the time of the dinosaurs.
So since aluminum is so common everywhere, it is very easy to contaminate anything like water you want to test for aluminum with even tiny specs of dirt.
So when the idiots in "what in the world are they spraying" have wind blown dirt accumulate in open air ponds, all that natural aluminum will comprise about 7.1% of the pond sediment and sludge and puddle residue they collected and fail to mention in their video test results.
Poor sampling methodology conducted by morons is only proof of idiocy, and has zero relevance to the contents of contrails at 10km altitude.
Here's an email sent to the film makers:
Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 8:57 AM
Subject: A few brief point on "What in the world"
Dear Sir,
I watched your documentary, "What in the world are they spraying" with interest, but I have a few of issues I'd like to raise.
1) The film seems to suggest that water from the pond was tested at 375,000 ug/L aluminum. However the lab report says it was sediment. Since sludge is basically soil, then 375,000 ug/L is a perfectly normal level. Ordinary soil has an aluminum content averaging 7.1%, or 71,000,000 ug/L
2) The hair test on the little girl were used to suggest that aluminum must have been sprayed. Yet the levels on the report were only 33% higher than that listed for a healthy adult, and children are known to naturally excrete aluminum at a higher rate than adults. Hence the use of that test result seems rather misleading.
3) Aluminum toxicity in soil has been a known problem for a hundred years. Breeding crops to be aluminum resistent has always been a goal, and hence a normal application of genetic modification. How then can this be evidence of aerial spraying?
4) The tests used for aluminum were EPA 6010B, Plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. This does not distinguish the form in which the aluminum is in. Hence any contamination with aluminum oxide, which is present in very large amounts in soil and dust, would throw off your tests. Basically, if the water had just a tiny bit of dirt in it, from dust or otherwise, then the results wold be immediately off. This was not addressed in the movie.
I hope that you can post a clarification on these issues.
I have no specific education in these subjects, and prefer to remain anonymous, so that the facts may speak for themselves. I refer you to the references below for confirmation.
Original test results from the pond, as shown in your film
"Description: Pond Sediment"
"Matrix: Sludge"
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry -- Summary Report Hair Analysis Panel Discussion Exploring The State Of The Science
"Aluminum in hair is not a useful biological indicator of exposure"
" Studies suggest, for example, that alkaline earths and zinc are not excreted as much in early years of life. The opposite is true with aluminum, of which children excrete higher levels than adults (Paschal 1989). "
Botanical Gazette of the University of Chicago, Volume 71, page 159, from 1921.
"Aluminum as a factor in soil fertility"
Ed Griffin states that normal contrails are only about 20plane lengths.
That is obviously total garbage and the Boeing films from 1950 prove his statement completely wrong. He has no credibility whatsoever.
Even this film of a visit to paris in 1936 and the Berlin 36 olympics proves that huge long trails existed way back then.
The Kuhn paper includes photographs of normal persistent contrails that have spread to form complete overcast. A well known phenomena even in the 1960s and 70s.
I have linked to numerous other sources that prove beyond any doubt that long spreading, overcast causing contrails have been a regular sight for over 70 years.
Additionally Chemtrail believers imply that after such contrails are seen aluminium is found directly below and the film makers claim it is from geoengineering sources. However the very Geoengineering proposals they mention suggest that the whole point of the proposals of delivering welsbach materials in the future at high altitudes is so that they would last a very long time at high altitude. Weeks or months at least.
Upper atmosphere winds average about 100km'hr or approx 60mph.
It is nonsensical to claim geoengineering aluminium materials are being delivered in sufficient volumes to appear as a white trail in the sky often hundreds of KMs long, particularly when videos of such trails shown in the very same video show a substantial air gap behind any possible point of delivery and the trail itself.
Aluminium and its oxides do not have an invisible state the way water has an invisible state.
Any "sprayed" aluminium would be immediately visible and dense from its point of exit from the aircraft, and never with a clear gap as seen in most "chemtrail" videos.
That geoengineering materials, supposedly crafted to persist in the atmosphere for months at a time would be detected directly below an area they were delivered shortly afterwards is delusional in the extreme.
Mineral sand aerosols from the sahara desert in Africa make their way to Nth and Sth America and they begin their journey from ground level.
The idea that aerosols delivered at 10km altitude would fall on the ground below them is laughable.
Every major city on earth has numerous air quality monitoring stations that operate around the clock.
These are often beneath flight routes where long or spreading contrails are regularly seen. Amazing how thousands of air testing stations often run by non govt organisations, individuals etc do not report exponentially rising levels of aluminium even though being directly below busy flight paths.
But what about Barium! you cry.
The KSLA test found many times the safe limit of barium in a sample collected in a dish on the back of a truck! It must have only come from a chemtrail and the dust couldn't have blown in the wind from ground based sources for the 2 weeks the dish was left outdoors in a barium mining region!
The level of barium was dangerous! We're doomed!
Here's the report:
Notice the figure for Barium
ug/L is a Metric system scientific unit for micrograms per litre, so 68.8 ug/L
means 0.0688parts per million
The EPA safe level for barium is 2000ug/L
The WHO safe level for barium is 7000ug/L
So rather than being high, the KSLA barium reading was 30times LOWER than the normal safe level
Funny how chemtrailers repeatedly claim there are high levels of barium but in fact their prime evidence that gets repeated regularly actually proves LOW levels of barium.
Barium is a naturally occurring element that erodes from Baryte rocks.
Where is a source of Baryte rocks rich in barium that get eroded in strong desert winds? Arizona.
Naturally occurring barium lies on the surface and gets blown around by the wind, yet amazingly, when it gets collected on a "chemtrail sampling" pickup truck after 2weeks in the open, it proves to be a LOW quantity of barium, and that is for the most famous "chemtrail" barium sample ever!!!
Barium is added to fireworks and results in the brilliant green flame.
If barium were added to jet fuel as some claim, then in the temperatures of a jet exhaust it would glow bright green.
Ever seen a bright green trail in the sky?
Then barium is NOT added to jet fuel.
Where is barium used and how does it get into some people's water supply along with real cancer causing chemicals?
In drilling for natural gas. If you want to learn about a REAL conspiracy, go see "Gaslands"
Patent application 20100043443
That is a patent to PREVENT contrails forming so military jets can't be spotted, a huge problem for military aviators.
That's why millions are spent on STEALTH, so military planes are hard to detect. A big long white trail in the sky is a giant "here I am" target.
Here's a typical example of what airline pilots think of "chemtrails"
Some people refer to a video of a KC10 jet that is leaving a contrail with rainbow like colours and a poster "Tankerenemy" has labelled features on the wings as "nozzles". The features are not nozzles but flap-track fairings.
Every single airliner on earth has them, yet the Italian CT nut was so deluded he ignored a common feature on every jet airliner on earth and claims them to be something else just to fit the requirements of his mental illness.
The tankerenemy video was posted by USAFFEKC1O as a piss-take.
It's amazing that people fell for it!
It shows the typical and common phenomenon of "Aerodynamic contrails"
Aerodynamic contrails resulting in colourful trails:
That is a video claimed by a hoaxer to be a "chemtrail plane" and the poster pretends its identity is a mystery.
That is the famous GulfStream G1 operated by Bagatelle under the tutelage of Dr Peter Daum for atmospheric SAMPLING
It is extremely well known to people who are aviation enthusiasts.
It is incredibly EASY to find a huge amount of information on the plane, its crew and its sampling instruments so I extremely surprised so many people have fallen for a silly hoax claim about it.
The fact is that Chemtrail believers tend not to bother to understand nor check the details of specific claims, as if the sheer number of chemtrail claims is a mass so overwhelming it cannot be wrong.
Effectively, it is a call to "sheep flock truth."
There are so many sheep running towards this cliff that they cannot be wrong where they are going.
On the contrary, by not understanding details, it becomes VERY easy to be swayed by nonsensical arguments.
Remember hundreds of error filled claims presented together do not make a greater truth.
They are simply a greater collection of error.
A few years ago a few hoaxers put together a whole bunch of error filled claims trying to suggest that the moon landings were faked.
Many people were swayed because so many bits of "evidence" were presented as supporting the claim.
The BIG PICTURE impression of so many bits of "evidence" seemed utterly convincing to people who did not pay precise attention to detail.
In fact, despite the huge number of points raised by the Hoaxers, every single one was wrong and filled with error .
In fact the whole faked landings claim was utter nonsense yet millions of people were fooled because they only wanted to look at the big picture and didn't methodically pay attention to the details.
Make sure that you are not being swayed by what seems to be an exercise in "connecting the dots" when perhaps , like the "chemtrail" hoax, every one of those dots if inspected in detail may prove to not be connected to any other at all.
There is are two phenomena in human perception that are extremely powerful called paradolia and apophenia .
The tendency in humans to believe in meaning or pattern in things when in reality there really is none.
It is an irresistible urge in many people and is the reason many people believe in conspiracies when there are none, hidden meaning in people's comments when there are none, and connectedness in events when in reality there are none.
It is why people sacrificed their own Children on mountains in the hope of appeasing Gods that did not exist. Why they threw people into volcanos and burned "witches". Why they give money to religious groups to pay for the "sins" of dead relatives.
That is why simple superstitious people may wage war on their neighbours in the hope that it will please the cloud spirits and make rain for their crops.
That is why they think floods or fires or storms or meteors earthquakes were the result of unappeased Gods or ancestor spirits when in reality none existed and there are just natural phenomenon.
They see a willfull reason for something when there really isn't one.
Contrails form long trails in the sky, not because someone willfully wants them to, but because that's the way the laws of physics work.
A speedboat leaves a long white trail, not because someone wants it to but because that is just fluid dynamics at work.
When you drive a motorcycle on dirt, your bike leaves tracks behind, not because you are deliberately trying to make tracks but because it is IMPOSSIBLE for you NOT TO.
Sometimes they are deep tracks, sometimes they are shallow tracks.
It's not because some bike tracks are Chem tracks and some are normal but because it is the specific conditions of the ground , being sandy, wet or rocky etc that determine the track formed. Sometimes you will ride over a patch of hard ground and you won't leave any tracks.
You are not deliberately switching the track on or off, it's just that the ground conditions are not suitable for a track to form.
It's the same with contrails.
Make sure you are aware of this natural tendency in all humans and that you are not falling for that instinctive urge to find a deliberate wilful intent to a phenomenon when in reality it may not exist.
Pay extremely close attention to the details and the REAL big picture will emerge.
Have you ever driven down a road and your wheels send out a huge splash of water that sprays people at a bus-stop?
Did you turn that spray on and off?
Nope, the water was already there on the road in the form of a puddle wasn't it.
Contrails are very similar. They rely on water ALREADY there in the sky in patches or puddles of high relative humidity.
You may already be familiar with these patches of high relative humidity.
They are known as CLOUDS.
Notice how clouds are in isolated areas with quite clearly defined boundaries.
The edge of the boundary between cloud and no cloud may be as little as 50ft.
A jet aircraft crossing the boundary between non-cloud forming conditions and cloud forming conditions is doing 500mph and so goes from cloud to no cloud conditions in a fraction of a second.
LESS than a second.
That means planes often fly from contrail forming conditions to non-contrail; forming conditions in less than a second.
When a plane does that, the contrail appears to turn quickly from off to on and perhaps back again, yet in reality , due to the patches of differing humidity in the sky, it is no more mysterious than the ability of planes to quickly fly into and out of clouds.
Sometimes the patches of moisture are visible . Higher up they are not visible and only become visible when they cause a plane to form a contrail.
Sometimes people see a third trail from the belly of a plane with no gap in front of it!
Surely this must be something not from the engines that is being dumped?
YES, YES it is!
How sinister!
As sinister as flushing a sink in the numerous bathrooms on board.
Ever been in a full airliner and waited in the cue for the toilet after the meals?
There's a lot of washing and tap use going on
Airliners have something called a drainmast.
It is a heated tube that takes wastewater from sinks and galleys on board an airliner and it releases waste water (not the toilets flushes though) out through the belly of the plane.
Because the water is only room temperature and not engine heat, it comes out as liquid.
A sink full takes about a minute to empty sometimes, so at 500mph that makes a white ice crystal trail 8miles long, sometimes longer.
When the flight attendants dump a pot of unwanted cold coffee down a sink, there goes another mysterious "third chemtrail" !
Here's a simple challenge for you people who believe in Chemtrails.
Get out from behind your computer, and go to an busy airport.
Try to find a single airline pilot who is mystified by the massive white trails that they fly past every day and that their own planes generate.
Perhaps you could try to convince this guy that the planes he videos leaving persistent contrails aren't really airliners but are unmarked white military planes as claimed on conspiracy sites
People can visit this science forum :
and try to convince the meteorologists, airline pilots, physicists and engineers who regularly post there that what they understand of atmospheric science and aviation is all wrong and contrails are really "chemtrails" because they read it on the internet
A well researched introductory site to the subject is
Good luck
Either by day or a little after sunset, in fine weather, a little, light, long-drawn cloud is seen, like a long very straight line.
- Aristotle, Meteorologica, 340BC
Content from External Source
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John, you came but did not discuss the misleading images of ordinary test flights you inserted into a conspiracy theory about stuff being sprayed. None of the ballast barrel pictures you show spray anything, the water simply moves internal to the airplane. The research plane instrumentation doesn't spray anything, either, it draws in samples from the atmosphere.

I'm thinking you won't discuss these because you are ashamed of what you have done. Maybe your shame is because you've been fooled, maybe because you know you are promoting a lie and to admit that seems to be a diminishment of the high regard you hold out for yourself. I wrote you just to see whether you would be honest enough to correct an honest mistake. I see that John Massaria isn't honest at all. John Massaria is now knowingly promoting a hoax.

John Massaria, you claim to be a super-man, but your actions show you to be something far less. That was my original assessment of your character, and your actions leave me less impressed than before.

Am I in a room with adolescents slinging insults and judgements? You guys actually sit around all day and debunk people. Wow... do you debunk God? Do you de-bunk we are NOT polluting the sky's. Do you de-bunk EMF causes neurological disorders? Do you de-bunk aspertaime is NOT a neurotoxin and excitotoxin. That cell phones DO NOT emit radiation... that will eventually break down cells and create cancer? Are you debunking cell phone towers have incidents of cancer clusters around them? Do you guys still think smoking is ok for you like they did in the 1940-1970's? Do you deny government programs in general like MK Ultra? Or Project Paper Clip? Do you deny governments have performed insidious acts (like LSD experiments on mass populations, and from 1946-1948 the CDC used STD "Inoculation" shots on unknowing patients in hospitals around the country- giving them STD's?) Do you de-bunk that ALL the photos used in my video The Most Important Topic For 2013 slide show do not show aircraft equipment? If they don't clearly show aircraft equipment, I will remove them... I never labeled ANY photo did I? No. I never even created the photos. These are photos of aircraft equipment- fact. Did I create those photos? No. So please debunk that. Did I imply we are poor stewards of the earth and that airliners cause pollution- YES, and burning jet fuel is toxic and seeding clouds for well documented weather manipulation is toxic- YES. And if you want to debate if jet liner fuel is burned cleanly, then lets go to it. The clouds being produced by jets is TOXIC. The Cloud seeding for weather manipulation is TOXIC. Stop beating around that bush.

Debate is one thing, but casting insults, like get an a proper education is in appropriate.
John, the point is that the barrels are of known purpose and they are harmless. You might as well show photos of seats.

Your inclusion of the barrels implies there's something nefarious going on with those barrels. Do you understand what they are?
so a moderator is controlling what is printed? wow... thats good I think for your side. What a way to win a debate...

Making rash conclusions, are we? The comments are strictly moderated as Mick said, mainly to enforce the politeness policy here. We have never removed any post here because it presents an opposing view.
I had written a lengthy response to the extent of my knowledge on this very subject, as a guest, and IT WAS never published. I tried to copy and paste it as a guest 4 times. It kept saying it will get published to wait. It never got published by your mod. So I am tired of responding... and trying to figure out if you guys understand THEY ARE aircraft equipment and we are talking about aircraft in the video. Should I show a submarine or tank part, I would ask you inform me of that I had mistakenly thought a part of a tank or sub was part of a jet liner. Those water tanks shown a few times in the slide show are INFACT air liner equipment. So, they belong in my video. Airliners are involved with pollution and creating artificial clouds with toxic chemicals in their trail. FACT right? Jetliner fule when burned is in fact TOXIC am I correct? We admit between both of us, that we create artificial rain clouds and manipulate the weather as a fact right? What are we debating here? That jets don't pullte the air we breathe? or that we don't seed the clouds for weather manipulation? And that both ARE TOXIC to everything we hold dear on this earth.

well... I spent a good 30 mins writing as a guest, and wasted time trying to get it on the forum. It never got published as a guest, and I tried at least 4 times... imagine that and how I feel wasting my time here... forcing me to register to respond... which I have no issue with, other than I am pissed as a guest my info is gone... poof.

so where is my guest info I posted? where?
wow... I did respond to this as a guest, but it was never published... so here is what I know about chem trails and "con"trails and condensation trails... this is what I have studied:
[... Repeat of Greg's letter, above ...]
John, that letter is from Greg, a poster here. I don't disagree with any of it.

The issue here is the you are suggesting the barrels are something bad. Greg addresses that in the letter.

Do you understand what the barrels are? That they are no more harmful than airline seats?
yes, and I apologize you and one other here use their real name. One of the few, but you were not asking or posting this originally so I didn't see you there...
now after how much time... anyway... bottom line Airliners burn toxic jet fuel and leave plumes of toxic clouds around the earth. We also use planes to disperse chemicals for seeding for clouds. I showed airliners and their equipment... debunk that guys from all sides... please... bring it.
now after how much time... anyway... bottom line Airliners burn toxic jet fuel and leave plumes of toxic clouds around the earth. We also use planes to disperse chemicals for seeding for clouds. I showed airliners and their equipment... debunk that guys from all sides... please... bring it.

This has been beaten to death...

I do not contest cloud seeding. That has always and continues to occur across the United States. I have a professor who participates in it. Whether you think it is toxic or killing us...I don't know. I can assure you it's not.

Airlines do burn jet fuel - only fuel they can really take. Is it toxic? Most fuels are, but as long as you don't do anything stupid with it, it won't kill you.

Prove that they leave plumes of "toxic" clouds. If they're so toxic and we're all getting poisoned, how come there have been no reports of increases in hospital admissions due to poisoning, or even a report of increased deaths?
sorry, I am done debating and rest my case at that... if that's your best response. You don't know me. I dont know you. Lets just leave it alone. Jet fuel and the clouds they create are TOXIC. Period. End it there. And we all agree. Oh yea, lets also agree the earth is heating up and ummm, let's also agree species are dying at an alarming rate like no other in our known history. That is what my video is about... NOT ABOUT pictures that clearly show airplane equipment- which is perfectly what the very topic is center around... its about TOXIC air and soil and water and our debate here is done. Unless you want to debate these things are untrue.
now after how much time... anyway... bottom line Airliners burn toxic jet fuel and leave plumes of toxic clouds around the earth. We also use planes to disperse chemicals for seeding for clouds. I showed airliners and their equipment... debunk that guys from all sides... please... bring it.

This thread is about the ballast barrel photos. If you do not believe that those barrels are spray containers and part of a deliberate spray program, why do you have them in a video about spraying?

Airline emissions are no more toxic than other hydrocarbon combustion.

Most of the time no clouds form in the exhaust plume of aircraft. It is only when the planes fly through air parcels meeting specific conditions that the water that is naturally present in exhaust from combustion engines that the water condenses and freezes.

The equipment you showed that is referenced in this thread is not related to cloud seeding or any other type of "spraying". Plus, the vast majority of trails are behind commercial passenger planes. That would not be the case if the "spray planes" were full of tanks and not carrying passengers.
The comments are strictly moderated as Mick said, mainly to enforce the politeness policy here. We have never removed any post here because it presents an opposing view.
So you moderate according to politeness? some might consider the absence of insults a definition of politeness, and your moderation failed several times when they were addressing me directly. So, you guys can all be misserable insulting here on this forum. Have fun.
Jet fuel and the clouds they create are TOXIC... That is what my video NOT ABOUT pictures that clearly show airplane equipment

Your video also has lots and lots of photos of contrail cirrus and natural cirrus clouds. Those aren't toxic. If clouds created by aircraft exhaust were toxic then airliner crews and passengers would be the first to suffer.

its about TOXIC air and soil and water and our debate here is done.

There are existing thread here about the claim that chemtrails are causing elevated levels of toxic substances in air, soil, and water. So far nobody has provided valid evidence of such claims.
There are existing thread here about the claim that chem-trails are causing elevated levels of toxic substances in air, soil, and water. So far nobody has provided valid evidence of such claims.
You sound like the guys in the 1940's and 1950's, "cigarette smoking isn't bad for you, we have no evidence it is..." ... wow... you really beleive that one back then too I guess.
Yes, I guess our air and water tables are pure then huh and our blood free of PCB's, Mercury and Lead? Aluminum is not on the rise either huh? Have any kids? Did you ever get a blood test for all of these? I have. For mercury you need special needle to test levels in the blood, along with a 48 hour urine test and hair and nail samples. I did them all. What does that prove? We are being poisoned... many people blame many things one of them is the white trails emitted from planes. They are clear and present. And they represent much more than water vapor... what are they burning h2o? Are they extracting hydrogen? No... so do more research about IF plane trails are safe... also read: "The Belfort Group Citizens in Action: CASE Orange - Contrail Science, It's impact on Climate and Weather Manipulation Programs Conducted by the United States And It's Allies" Evergem Belguim. It clearly illustrates my point of toxic fumes and what the CHEMCLOUDS (not CONclouds)- CHEM as in chemicals left in the trail of a jet. You know the saying, what goes up must come down...

this is just one ONE, article I found without even trying:
"Nearly 200,000 airplanes and helicopters in the U.S. continue to fly on fuel containing lead, despite the toxic metal's known health risks to the children living, playing and breathing below." and I quote: In 2010, the EPA identified 16 regions in the United States that fail to meet clean air standards for lead. Each one of these regions either contains or is next to an airport that uses leaded avgas. A study out of Duke University in 2011 found that the closer a child lived to a North Carolina airport with avgas, the more lead was likely flowing through that child's blood. There is no safe level of lead exposure, according to the EPA. Even in small doses, inhaling or ingesting the metal could damage a child's brain and lead to learning disabilities and decreased intelligence. "
LOL they said could! lol. COULD wow!
John, Mick chose my avatar for me---I don't use a picture of myself ANYWHERE, because I am not pretty and being a woman, that counts. Most of the time, my avatar is a picture of a piece of my art.

I do not appreciate your insults or accusations that I am 'stalking' you.

Now would you please answer the questions that have been presented to you? Where is the evidence of toxic chemicals from jet fuel exhausts? Why did you show and imply that normal aircraft items were connected to con trails/chem trails?
John, Mick chose my avatar for me---I don't use a picture of myself ANYWHERE, because I am not pretty and being a woman, that counts. Most of the time, my avatar is a picture of a piece of my art.

I do not appreciate your insults or accusations that I am 'stalking' you.

Now would you please answer the questions that have been presented to you? Where is the evidence of toxic chemicals from jet fuel exhausts? Why did you show and imply that normal aircraft items were connected to con trails/chem trails?

Debunking is your game... I get it. Ok... again I direct you to as mentioned NUMEROUS TIMES... "Contrail science, it's impact on climate and weather manipulation programs conducted by the united states and its allies.pdf"
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I don't think anybody is disputing that pollution in general is an issue. Yes, aviation contributes a certain amount to total pollution but engines are also getting more and more efficient and thus less polluting.

Avgas is only used in airplanes with piston engines, the vast majority of which are small private planes like the Cessna 152. Turbine engines burn highly refined kerosene with no lead added.

There are several current and former aviation professionals on this forum, myself included, so you're not telling us anything new about the world of aviation. I think it's obvious who's being irrational and juvenile here.
wow... again with the insults. I love that- Your moderator failed fourth time.
You made me laugh.
Your a de-bunker I get that.
The WHITE plumes in our skys after a jet flys ARE toxic because they burn TOXIC fuel. Yes, their is water vapor and yes it shows up mostly in the troposphere- yes.
I am not going to keep posting docs from "Contrail science, it's impact on climate and weather manipulation programs conducted by the united states and its allies" its very tiresome... read it or stop speaking like you did. Its only 328 pages. I'll give you more time than most bills in Congress get.... say, 16 minutes? Here is another list of TOXIC emissions from fumes... the so called condensation (condensation trails (LOL CON-TRAILS)wow what a word- implying water)
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So you agree that this picture from your video is NOT a tank full of some kind of toxic geo-engineering chemtrail substance? Is that right?

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I never said it was anything less THAN airplane equipment. I didn't EVEN label it as chemical containers did I? I did a video on the eroding atmospheric conditions and climate change and the extinction of many many animals, plants and life as we know it here on earth... a dialog between two men (not even me). I posted all AIR A PLANE photos... NOT TANK PHOTOS not drone photos, not submarine photos... THEY ARE speaking about jets and well... that is a jet in that there photo isn't it ? Did you read anything I wrote in these thread or are you just wasting time by asking the same questions over and over?
Why did you NOT answer the question posed to you?

At the very least you posted pictures that would LEAD others to think that they were connected to chem trails. WHY? Why not post them and explain their purpose?

Instead you go off on a tangent.

Cars burn 'toxic' fuel as well. Folks are exposed to those toxins a lot more than those that are thousands of feet above us, mixed into millions of cubic yards of the atmosphere.
I don't think anybody is disputing that pollution in general is an issue. Yes, aviation contributes a certain amount to total pollution but engines are also getting more and more efficient and thus less polluting.

Avgas is only used in airplanes with piston engines, the vast majority of which are small private planes like the Cessna 152. Turbine engines burn highly refined kerosene with no lead added.

There are several current and former aviation professionals on this forum, myself included, so you're not telling us anything new about the world of aviation. I think it's obvious who's being irrational and juvenile here.

Did you read the document? Did you even read the Document title? Did you read what I posted. Any of it? I can't keep repeating the same thing to you... as much as I would like to. You seem like a nice member and all... except where you say I am juvenile.