Claim: ISIS: Created and Supported by the CIA?


Active Member
I have been bombarded with links purporting that ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State is a CIA/Mossad concoction, created to demonize Islam, spread terror and give the US further justification to invade other Islamic countries. As is typical of this argument, accompanying one post was the following:

OUR GOVERNMENT/NATO/ISRAEL/IMF/UN ARE THE #1 THREAT AND TERRORISTS AND SPONSORS OF GLOBAL TERRORISM IN THE WORLD!!!! They have openly and officially declared war against all patriotic Americans and openly and routinely attack us. Thus the Nazi agenda to disarm the American people and their constant false flag attacks around the US and world is all part of their global conspiracy to subjugate and exterminate humanity.
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I realize the above statements are far too much to unpack in one thread, since the statement is too broad.

To debunk:
1. Was ISIS a creation of the CIA/Mossad?
2. Is ISIS/ISIL being aided and abetted by the U.S. Government/CIA


ISIL completely fabricated enemy by US: Former CIA contractor (PRESS TV)

Suspicions Run Deep in Iraq That C.I.A. and the Islamic State Are United (NY TIMES)
BAGHDAD — The United States has conducted an escalating campaign of deadly airstrikes against the extremists of the Islamic State for more than a month. But that appears to have done little to tamp down the conspiracy theories still circulating from the streets of Baghdad to the highest levels of Iraqi government that the C.I.A. is secretly behind the same extremists that it is now attacking.
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Was ISIS Created By The CIA? Many Arabs Think So (Inquisitr)

Following is Alex Jones arguing - ISIS: Creation of the CIA

(if this issue is covered somewhere else, I apologize. I could not find it.)
Edit: Made a paragraph of nonsense because the article had typo'd ISIS as ISS at one point and I thought it was intentional.

The ISIS/CIA thing is a common conspiracy theory in that part of the world. Many people also think the Red Cross, Catholic Church, and Coptic Christians are CIA constructs. In part it springs from the fact that the CIA did some pants-on-head stupid things during the search for Bin Laden like actually dress up like Red Cross and give out (allegedly fake) vaccines. Ultimately it's no different than any of our more familiar western-born conspiracy theories.
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OUR GOVERNMENT/NATO/ISRAEL/IMF/UN ARE THE #1 THREAT AND TERRORISTS AND SPONSORS OF GLOBAL TERRORISM IN THE WORLD!!!! They have openly and officially declared war against all patriotic Americans and openly and routinely attack us. Thus the Nazi agenda to disarm the American people and their constant false flag attacks around the US and world is all part of their global conspiracy to subjugate and exterminate humanity.
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Wait, did I get so caught up with holiday shopping that I somehow missed the big declaration?
("...openly and officially declared war against all patriotic Americans...")

Perhaps it was on MSNBC...explaining how most of us heard nothing of such a massive "official" & "open" announcement :eek:
Seems like a fairly broad claim which would be pretty difficult to debunk without any specific evidence, but the claim that "ISIS is a creation of the CIA" is made (in the Press TV article at least) by supposed 'former CIA contractor' Stephen Kelley.

The only link I could find to him and the CIA is that his company 'S.K Industries' made lasers that were possibly used by the CIA; seems like the lasers were used on guns. My question would be, why would a contractor supplying lasers to the CIA be given any exposure to information so sensitive?

It also seems Stephen Kelley really is convinced of almost every conspiracy going and even has a book which:
outs Illuminati/Templar mile-deep underground bases, even a bunker under the Getty Museum in L.A. and the tunnels that connect them on several continents. - See more at:
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He also claims to have been asked to invent weapons for use against aliens by the Templar's and Bilderburgs...

So, seems like the claim being made is from an, at best, very dubious source.

(this is my first post. Love the forum and hope this info is of some use).
The only link I could find to him and the CIA is that his company 'S.K Industries' made lasers that were possibly used by the CIA; seems like the lasers were used on guns. My question would be, why would a contractor supplying lasers to the CIA be given any exposure to information so sensitive?
They wouldn't. They'd have some security clearance, but knowing a device exists is one thing, and knowing specific operations its been used in is something else entirely.

I'm not going to say this SKI guy is lying, but using this position as a contractor to call oneself an insider is a common tactic of liars. Most people (and most reporters) don't realize just how many people contract with various agencies, or how many people work for them and have no access to sensitive information, so having even the most passing connection to the agency is seen as the same as having full access to all its darkest secrets.
Admittedly, I havent watched the video but I do know that some of this "reasoning", at least initially as ISIS entered Iraq, was because the large quantities of US weapons that ISIS captured from the Iraqi army. Photos of ISIS with US weapons was where I saw this theory first mentioned.
The whole middle East has been a war zone for years, after all, NATO and the Soviet Union fought the cold war by proxy there from the 50's onwards. Both the US and the soviets flooded the area with every kind of weapon you can think of from combat knives to fighter jets and battle tanks for years, each supplying their own pet governments and rebel groups. These weapons soon found their way onto the terrorist markets and into the hands of every group from the South American 'shining path' guerrillas to the IRA, ETA and beyond. So much so that by the 1970's the combo of semtex explosives, the trusty AK-47 and a Smith and Weston side arm was the kit of choice for the discerning terrorist / freedom fighter no matter where they were in the world, and most of that gear came from the middle east.

Now in the past 20 years or so there's been the Iran / Iraq war with the US supplying the Iraqis. then there's been the two gulf wars with lots of US weapons in use, and as mentioned above the US equipping of the Iraqi forces since the end of GW2. Then there's the civil war in Syria and the still on going ad oft over looked Kurdish conflict with Turkey, not to mention areas like the Yemen which have large numbers of tribal areas and the internal disputes that go with them. All of which means guns of all types from every nation that makes them are going to be available in the region. You have also got to bear in mind that the region is going to be a magnet for every arms dealer on the planet, and rest assured that if military style assault weapons are available over the counter in American high street stores, through third and fourth party dealers the same weapons are gonna show up in the Middle east.

So the fact that US weapons and equipment show up in ISIS videos just shows US weapons are available to them, not proof that the CIA is giving them the weapons directly.
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This is an interesting document...
It gives an over view of weapons captured from ISIS in Syria and attempts to identify the origins of these weapons. The results make an interesting read. weapons from US, modern Russia (and Soviet Union era), Belgium, Croatia, Saudi Arabia, and Austria amoungst others.


M79 90 mm anti-tank rockets captured from
IS forces in Syria are identical to M79 rockets
transferred by Saudi Arabia to forces operating
under the ‘Free Syrian Army’ umbrella in 2013.


Islamic State forces have captured significant
quantities of US-manufactured small arms and
have employed them on the battlefield.


Unidentified parties applied secondary serial
numbers to two of the Chinese-manufactured
M80 general-purpose machine guns, which the
YPG captured in Syria from IS forces. These serial
numbers are directly sequential, which suggests
that the two machine guns most likely derive from
the same intermediary.


Unidentified parties used oxy-acetylene torches
or arc welders to remove the serial numbers of
IS weapons captured by the YPG in Syria. The
consistent welding methods applied to several
weapons suggests that the same party removed
the serial numbers—most likely to conceal the
point at which parties diverted the weapons from
legal (state-owned) to illicit (non-state) custody;
and that the weapons were diverted from a
common source.


YPG forces captured US-made materiel
documented close to Ayn al-Arab, Syria, roughly
two weeks after the fall of Mosul to IS forces.
The distance between the two regions is roughly
500 km. The speed of transfer to Ayn al-Arab
demonstrates the logistical competence of IS
forces and the strategic importance of Ayn al-Arab
to the group
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The last point here is of most relevance I think, as to put things into lay-mans term, it is saying ISIS has got it's arse in gear on a logistical level, making sure it has the weapons it need, where and when it needs them.

(and back ground info on the reports authors...)
CAR investigation teams work on the ground in active armed conflicts. The teams document weapons at the point of use and track their sources back through the chains of supply.
CAR teams investigate weapons in a variety of conflict-related situations—be they recovered by state security forces, surrendered at the cessation of hostilities, cached, or held by insurgent forces.4
By aggregating data on thousands of individual weapon transfers, CAR provides the evidence-based information required to develop effective arms control and counter-proliferation strategies.
CAR investigation teams work in active armed conflicts across the globe, including theatres of international concern, such as Iraq, Libya, Somalia, South Sudan and Syria.
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there's lots more on the site, including the 'itrace' project.

iTrace is a European Union-funded project (Council Decision 2013/698/CFSP), which provides policy makers with precise, verified information on transfers of diverted conventional weapons and ammunition. The project combines an extensive programme of in-conflict field investigations with the world’s most powerful public access weapon tracking database.
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As well as weapons, ISIS also captured a number of military vehicles, which were initially supplied to the Iraq Security forces by the US, during the capture of Mosul Airport in June 2014:
Compounding the challenge, ISIS fighters seized large quantities of weaponry from the security forces when they overran their bases, including vehicles, arms and ammunition that will help the group to press further offensives... a photograph circulating on jihadi Twitter feeds showed what appeared to be the first U.S. Humvee in Syria being inspected by one of the country’s most famous foreign jihadis, the Chechen fighter Omar al-Shishani.
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When ISIS captured Mosul Airport in June 2014, it seized a number of UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopters and cargo planes that were stationed there
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Some sources have lately been claiming that IS has been found using Israeli/Western arms, any information to debunk this?

It appears Israel has in fact previously been in bed with certain muslim fundamentalist groups, as is explained in the following article
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If it's true, there's not much reason to suspect Israel or the US is actually involved, anymore than there is to suspect Russia or China is involved because they use Russian weapons and their Chinese knockoffs. US and Israeli weapons are also available on legitimate and illegitimate markets just like Russian ones - Russian weapons may be the go-to for the budget minded upstart terrorist or dictator, but Israeli and western guns are available and widely used enough to ensure that some have captured the same iconic recognition in popular culture as "criminal" guns that the AK-47 has - the Uzi, for example.

The US has also armed many coalition members in the region, as well as Iraqi forces. ISIS has recruited fighters away from some of those forces, and has captured territory and weapons in northern Iraq.
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Some sources have lately been claiming that IS has been found using Israeli/Western arms, any information to debunk this?

It appears Israel has in fact previously been in bed with certain muslim fundamentalist groups, as is explained in the following article

I think I would be aware of the Veterans Today claim of two UK aircraft being shot down, and I have heard nothing of the sort.

In fact, the last fixed wing aircraft to have gone down in either Iraq or Syria was the Jordanian F16 and the Syrian MiG 21 shot down by the IDF last September.
While my post related specifically to the articles claiming that western powers had actually been caught supplying arms to IS, I agree that the sources which provide such news are of questionable quality, at least.
They all predate living memory, though. To a single lifetime it can be hard to see the difference between 100 years and 1000.
The CIA was founded in 1947, its precursor in 1942, and Mossad in 1949.

As an aside, believing that a 100 year-old organization founded a prominent 1000 year-old one (even older, in the case of the Copts) requires the believer to argue that much of received history is fabrication and myth (or in a blue police box.) Exactly how old the orgs and whether I 'see the difference' are is irrelevant - though I think of 500 years as being no less distant than 600 years, I still cannot believe a 500 year-old cause had a 600 year-old effect.

In any case, all I've managed to get out of Google were CIA/Mossad/Zionist CTs involving more recent events like the formation of IS (with the exception of the Coca-Cola/Pepsi CT) and did not find anything about Copts or the Catholic Church being CIA constructs as was suggested above. Some links would be helpful.
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I first started lurking Metabunk when the "fake snow" thing hit. I didn't believe for a second that anything was amiss. it was just nice to see those claims get debunked.

Then I came across this claim:

So I joined up specifically to make that thread. Just as I had expected, it was a claim with no basis in reality (the idea that Baghdadi is a Mossad agent originally came from Iran with the help of "Snowden Leaks"). And I had a feeling that the general idea of ISIS being a CIA/Israeli/Western-Zionist backed group would come up again, which leads me to here.

Some sources have lately been claiming that IS has been found using Israeli/Western arms, any information to debunk this?

I'll just address this point:
You can't "debunk" the idea that certain people are using certain weapons. If there are pictures and videos of it (there are) then it's a fact. You also can't draw a connection and say "Since they ARE using weapons from XYZ then they MUST be in cahoots with them".

Correlation (ISIS is using western weapons)=/=Causality (Western powers are supplying ISIS with arms)

If it did then the former USSR would be the first suspect for supplying Jihadists, what with all those Kalashnikovs and DsHK's they seem to get their hands on.
Yeah that's basically the way I looked at it until some very odd claims appeared that the West had actually been caught supplying the Jihadists, such as the news article alleging two British C-130s were shot down above Iraq. It's largely all nonsense indeed, but what do you guys think of the support Israel has lately been giving to the Al Nusra front across the Golan heights between Israel and Syria? Is it just an ordinary case of 'the enemy (Al Nusra) of my enemy (Assad, Hezbollah) is my friend'? Vice did a report on this.
but what do you guys think of the support Israel has lately been giving to the Al Nusra front across the Golan heights between Israel and Syria? Vice did a report on this.

First of all, are you implying that Israel is helping terrorists?

Can you provide a link to where Vice claims Israel is giving support Al Nusra in the Golan Heights?
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Can you provide a link to where Vice claims Israel is helping Al Nusra in the Golan Heights?

I think he means this:
Just an excerpt that one may find relevant (emphasis mine)
"In November, VICE News sent a video team to the Golan Heights where they witnessed and recorded occurrences similar to those outlined by the UN. The team saw IDF soldiers treating wounded Syrian fighters along the border. Though VICE News could not confirm the affiliation of the fighters, some of the rebels being treated by Israel had long hair, a characteristic that is associated with members of the al Nusra Front.
Once the patients were stabilized, Israeli forces moved them to hospitals outside of the Golan Heights and inside Israel proper. At one hospital, VICE News spoke with a patient who identified himself as a member of the Free Syrian Army. He said that after recovering he hoped to return to fight in Syria. The Free Syrian Army is reportedly cooperating with al Nusra in parts of the Golan Heights."
I didn't read the article top to bottom (got a friend with me) but even skimming I can see that the article does not claim what he says it does.
Oh, and the title of the article is New Evidence Suggests Israel Is Helping Syrian Rebels in the Golan Heights

Not New Evidence Suggests Israel Is Helping Al-Nusra Front in the Golan Heights

It is not in the least indicative of some massive global Jewish conspiracy, but it will fuel such conspiracy theories nonetheless

Was the point of posting those sources to show how these anti-Israel CT's are being fueled? Because the first one does so admirably. It even quotes anonymous "activists" and a Syrian General!

Communications increased between rebels and the Israeli army before the eruption of the southern front in Daraa and Quneitra in September, according to Quneitra opposition activist Mohammad Qasim, a pseudonym due to the sensitivity of the subject. Qasim, who was active in a support capacity to the rebels during the September offensive, told Al-Monitor via Skype, “The battle to capture Quneitra on Sept. 27 was preceded by coordination and communications between Abu Dardaa, a leader of Jabhat al-Nusra, and the Israeli army to pave the way for the attack. And according to an FSA commander who partly participated in this battle, the Israeli army provided Abu Dardaa with maps of the border area and the Syrian army’s strategic posts in the southern area.
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On Oct. 4, rebel fighters and Jabhat al-Nusra captured Tal al-Hara in the northwest Daraa countryside, which is adjacent to the countryside of Quneitra. This significant victory could not have happened without Israeli support, according to Daraa opposition activist Ghazwan al-Hourani, also a pseudonym, who witnessed communication between Jabhat al-Nusra and Israel. “Israeli support in the battle of Tal al-Hara was at a high level, and the Israeli army was the mastermind of this battle in terms of plans, tactics and follow-up. The communication devices released precise instructions in Arabic about what should be done by the fighters, moment by moment,” he told Al-Monitor.
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Other than that it's a Syrian General who, surprise surprise, sees Israeli involvement behind the failures of his army.
The forces of Gen. Rami al-Hasan are stationed at the entrances of the town of Madinat al-Baath in Quneitra governorate. Armored vehicles, tanks and dozens of checkpoints are scattered around the city, which lies adjacent to rebel-controlled areas.
“The first outcomes of the cooperation between the Israeli army and the gunmen took place in Quneitra, when they took control over the border crossing. Back then, Israel supported gunmen by providing them with cover under the pretext of ‘shooting back,’ hindering any attempts by the Syrian air force to intervene and bringing down one of our planes. It has also provided gunmen with the necessary equipment to face the fortifications of the Syrian army.”
Hasan added, “Israel wants to exert control over the entire Golan, and contributed significantly to the intimidation of UN observers to push them to withdraw from most of their positions."
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Honestly, it will take more than that to convince me, personally, that Israel somehow helps jihadist militants ON PURPOSE.

The second link has me perplexed. While it actually DOES claim that Al-Nusra are creating a stronghold in the Golan Heights, it makes 0 accusations about Israel helping Al-Nusra.

This is an area that is mostly controlled by the al-Nusra Front. That means that the good news for Israel from Syria is that, for now at least, the Sunni terror groups are focusing their efforts on Bashar Assad and Hezbollah. The bad news is that this is only temporary. The al-Nusra Front is creating a real stronghold on the Syrian Golan Heights, and despite what the media believes, it is no less dangerous or extreme than Islamic State, just different in its methods of operation. It is these practices that make it in many ways more dangerous for Israel in the long run.

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You seemed convinced earlier that Israel was supplying Al-Nusra through the Golan Heights. Has your position changed?
Ah well that makes sense.

So was the Vice report I linked to for Trigger Hippie the one you were referring to? I don't want to misrepresent your evidence or claims.
It's largely all nonsense indeed, but what do you guys think of the support Israel has lately been giving to the Al Nusra front across the Golan heights between Israel and Syria? Is it just an ordinary case of 'the enemy (Al Nusra) of my enemy (Assad, Hezbollah) is my friend'? Vice did a report on this.
Yeah I believe I was referring to the same report but it had been a while since I had seen their coverage so I have missed out on the specifics of the case.
the support Israel has lately been giving to the Al Nusra front across the Golan heights between Israel and Syria?... Vice did a report on this.

Yeah I believe I was referring to the same report but it had been a while since I had seen their coverage so I have missed out on the specifics of the case.

This is a good example of how conspiracy theories get perpetuated; Make the vague and unsubstantiated claim that "Israel is supporting Al Nusra", when the reality is that Israel is treating unidentified wounded combatants.
when the reality is that Israel is treating unidentified wounded combatants.

And in doing so is fulfilling its obligations under article 1 of the 1929 Geneva Convention.
Officers and soldiers and other persons officially attached to the armed forces who are wounded or sick shall be respected and protected in all circumstances; they shall be treated with humanity and cared for medically, without distinction of nationality, by the belligerent in whose power they may be.
Nevertheless, the belligerent who is compelled to abandon wounded or sick to the enemy, shall, as far as military exigencies permit, leave with them a portion of his medical personnel and material to help with their treatment.
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And in doing so is fulfilling its obligations under article 1 of the 1929 Geneva Convention.
I don't think Geneva would apply here, since the fighters are not attached to the armed forces or any entity of an official defence force/army.

If the fighters are indeed JN then that would seem more than a little strange, since JN is connected to al Qaeda. Although who knows which groups remain allies with each other, it seems to change weekly.
excuse me for the next two platitudes: "in war and love everything is permitted"; and "the first victim of war is the truth". The middle east is an almost inextricable tangle of interests. As Whitebeard explained above it was a theater of the cold war. It is still the world's main supplier of oil. Various ethnic groups are competing across nation borders that were imposed by the former colonial powers. Conflicting religious movements fight within and between nations.
All this means that claims like the above have in general two sides: on the one hand, several parties have an interest in spreading lies and disinfomation. Claims like the above mostly originate from Iranian or Russian press agencies, and why should you even want to believe those?
On the other hand: is it really so unlikely that western powers (including Israel) initially funded rebels (without looking too sharp at the ideological basis) against a Russian and Iranian ally (Syria)? It used to be a quite normal way of "fighting" in the cold war, just remember what happened in Afghanistan with the Mudjahideen. Now that things have possibly gone out of hand it seems very unlikely (silly actually) to assume that ISIS would still be supported and combatted at the same time
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On the other hand: is it really so unlikely that western powers (including Israel) initially funded rebels (without looking too sharp at the ideological basis) against a Russian and Iranian ally (Syria)? It used to be a quite normal way of "fighting" in the cold war, just remember what happened in Afghanistan with the Mudjahideen. Now that things have possibly gone out of hand it seems very unlikely (silly actually) to assume that ISIS would still be supported and combatted at the same time

I personally don't think that's an unlikely scenario but it's just conjecture. You need to provide EVIDENCE supporting your claim that Western powers supplied the rebels at first then cut off the relationship. Preferably involving the CIA considering that's what this thread is supposed to be about.
With all the shifting allegiances in Syria it's almost impossible to track and control the flow of western money and weapons.

This just in from the NY Times. In 2010, Afghanistan used CIA money to pay the ransom on a kidnapped official. Unbeknownst to the CIA, their money ended up in Al Qaeda’s hands.

WASHINGTON — In the spring of 2010, Afghan officials struck a deal to free an Afghan diplomat held hostage by Al Qaeda. But the price was steep — $5 million — and senior security officials were scrambling to come up with the money.

They first turned to a secret fund that the Central Intelligence Agency bankrolled with monthly cash deliveries to the presidential palace in Kabul, according to several Afghan officials involved in the episode. The Afghan government, they said, had already squirreled away about $1 million from that fund.

Within weeks, that money and $4 million more provided from other countries was handed over to Al Qaeda, replenishing its coffers after a relentless C.I.A. campaign of drone strikes in Pakistan had decimated the militant network’s upper ranks.
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More fuel for the conspiracy theorists... "the CIA is funding Al Qaeda!!!"
I personally don't think that's an unlikely scenario but it's just conjecture. You need to provide EVIDENCE supporting your claim that Western powers supplied the rebels at first then cut off the relationship. Preferably involving the CIA considering that's what this thread is supposed to be about.
I agree but I'm not claiming anything. (Although I wouldn't be surprised). I thought this thread was about the CIA and the Mossad actually creating ISIS in order to demonize Islam. And I tried to make plausible that that intention is Iranian or Russian fiction, even IF there could be shown any connection between CIA/Mossad and (the precursor of) ISIS in the past.
The US created ISIS only in the sense that *you* created the disaster on the Walmart floor, when, after repeated warnings from your family as to the effect and consequences, you insisted on reaching into the stacked display and removing the centre tin. And then repeating the stunt in Libya.:(

[... everyone knows Saudi Arabia created ISIS...]
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I agree but I'm not claiming anything. (Although I wouldn't be surprised). I thought this thread was about the CIA and the Mossad actually creating ISIS in order to demonize Islam. And I tried to make plausible that that intention is Iranian or Russian fiction, even IF there could be shown any connection between CIA/Mossad and (the precursor of) ISIS in the past.

I apologize, I obviously jumped the gun on what you said. I'm sort of new (which is no excuse) and I think I've been a tad overzealous, especially in this thread. I've already had one post pulled for being OT.

You're right about this:

I thought this thread was about the CIA...

But Mossad isn't in the title, nor is demonizing Islam. The title is "ISIS: Created and Supported by the CIA?"

So I'll settle down and wait for new evidence to be posted that links the CIA to ISIS.

Sorry again if I came across as rude.
I apologize, I obviously jumped the gun on wha t you said. I'm sort of new (which is no excuse) and I think I've been a tad overzealous, especially in this thread. I've already had one post pulled for being OT.

But Mossad isn't in the title, nor is demonizing Islam. The title is "ISIS: Created and Supported by the CIA?"

So I'll settle down and wait for new evidence to be posted that links the CIA to ISIS.

Sorry again if I came across as rude.
You don't need to apologize. I could have been more specific about what I meant to say. The Mossad and the demonising thing are not in the title, but they appear in Chuck's first line of this thread. And most of the conspiracy claims that go around on the blogosphere indeed name CIA and Mossad together.
Infowars and a number of websites have recently touted a declassified 2012 DIA document obtained by Judicial Watch as “proof” that the United States created ISIS.

Of course, a careful read of the heavily redacted, seven-page document reveals no such links.

It does identify the main opposition groups involved in Syria as “the Salafist the Muslim Brotherhood, and AQI (Al Qaeda Iraq),” however, at no point does it mention ISIS or Western support for ISIS.

Assuming good faith for a moment, one of the mistakes that I see over and over again is the penchant for conflating the anti-Assad opposition into ISIS. The reality is far more complex.

Alternatively, people like Alex Jones also make hysterical claims for the sake of pumping up their own volume.


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