Colloidal Silver and ebola

Mathias Olsen

New Member
We should properly try and nib this in the bud. I was presented with this on my facebook page early this morning and thought that given the current situation on ebola it would be quite a good idea to have a thorough examination of colloidal silver claims. I urge anyone with rapports, reference and knowledgable on matter to collect their data in this thread.
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Hi Mathias. Welcome.

I'm not quite sure what you aim to nip: It would appear that the FDA caught a company

(Natural Solutions Foundation) trying to advertise their unproven silver products as health cures
(specifically for Ebola, etc.) and promptly told them--18 days ago--that they were in violation of U.S. law and should desist:

Is your concern that people will still be unwittingly buying or promoting bogus silver products in hopes of avoiding Ebola?
That is exactly my concern, and I apologize, I was very vague.
The story is that the FDA has disapproved, discriminated against and blocked the colloidal silver treatment because of its real effect. The claim is that the colloidal silver is in fact better then the medicine that the "medicinal industry" provides. The evidence is a medicine called NanoSilver that cured a patient the 17th of august this year. I myself haven't been able to find out what this medicine actually contain. Its name would indicate that is was Nano Silver, but that could also just be a catchy name.
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That is exactly my concern, and I apologize, I was very vague.
The story is that the FDA has disapproved, discriminated against and blocked the colloidal silver treatment because of its real effect. The claim is that the colloidal silver is in fact better then the medicine that the "medicinal industry" provides. The evidence is a medicine called NanoSilver that cured a patient the 17th of august this year. I myself haven't been able to find out what this medicine actually contain. Its name would indicate that is was Nano Silver, but that could also just be a catchy name.
Oh, okay.

Do you mean that there is a claim that "NanoSilver...cured a patient the 17th of august this year" ?

(since I'm not aware of any real "evidence" to that effect)
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Silver has been used for anti bacterial purposes for centuries, and still is for a few coatings on surgical instruments etc. It also kills various bacteria in vitro.

Earliest I can find is a plan to test nano silver. Nothing about a done-deal cure.
Ebola victims in Nigeria's commercial capital Lagos will receive an experimental drug called Nano Silver, the country's top health official said on Thursday, in a step that introduces a new untested treatment to the fight against an outbreak in several West African countries.

Nigeria's Minister of Health, Onyebuchi Chukwu, said the experimental drug came from a Nigerian scientist, whose name he wouldn't disclose. He said the drug, which was on its way to Lagos, would aim to treat the eight Nigerians who have tested positive for Ebola.
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This is already strange for not mentioning names.

By August 16 Nigerian online paper is saying the idea of a trial has been rejected

WHO officials also reportedly called off a trial at an Ebola isolation ward where local health authorities were set to begin administering the silver, which the U.S. government previously demonstrated is highly effective against Ebola. WHO ordered the trial not to proceed despite the fact that it had earlier voiced support for experimental treatments.

Both WHO and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have given their blessing to experimental therapies for Ebola, citing a lack of proven treatment options. But when it comes to using therapeutic silver, all bets are off, it seems.
Content from External Source is where I got it from but the same story appears verbatim on various other sites as well. Te story is about nano silver shipments belong to Natural Solutions Foundation the very one already warned to stop.

I can't find anything about any specific case of Ebola having been even treated with this stuff, never mind cured by it.
When I search in Dutch language I get only notorious Dutch quakery sites claiming this is a cure for Ebola. Colloidal silver is sold by these sites and they are in violation of Dutch law, as they make health claims that are baseless. They don't mention specifically that someone was cured by colloidal silver, and they do not give any solid sources. I guess the WHO blocked it because of similar reasons, that health claims made about colloidal silver are baseless. They also claim that there are secret US military documents proving colloidal silver works, but no sources. The source for the Dutch articles seems to be naturalnews, and that site is highly suspect, I do not believe anything coming from the pen of Mike Adams. He has been proven to lie over and over again.

I found a document though claiming to be 'proof' (the research from the military mentioned earlier), but it is ridden with advertizing of......colloidal silver. Very suspect.
I am not certain but I think they are misinterpreting the study.
The page that is circled saying up to 90% fatality rate is, I believe the fatality rate of the virus itself, NOT the fatality rate TO the virus by the colloidal silver.
U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) suffers huge social media backlash from Nigerians yesterday, over its description of Nano Silver as a pesticide, a drug which was recently announced by the country’s Health Minister, Onyebuchi Chukwu, to be an experimental treatment of patients affected with the deadly Ebola disease. -
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Silver has been used as an antibacterial for centuries. Tiny silver particles known as nano-silver have controversially been incorporated into a variety of consumer products such as socks and bedding to help block odors caused by bacteria and mold.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency considers nano-silver a pesticide. Manufacturers of products that contain it must register them with the agency.

Nano-silver is also sometimes sold online as a dietary supplement even though Danish researchers found in a recent study that nano-silver can penetrate and damage cells.
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Yeah, I'm reluctant to put too much stock into what I read in Vanguard Media Limited...
not that I'm claiming to have special insight into the relative merits of Nigerian media,
it just looks a bit informal (even after factoring language/punctuation challenges:

We may try it with rodents and watch out for cultured results or patterns and if we get the gut feeling to proceed based on the results the why not! Let’s ignore everyone. For once let’s look inward for solutions we are not toilet to receive processed products by others.” He ended

p.s. What's worse, is now it's come out that every word and bit of punctuation was plagiarized from Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal!
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I found a document though claiming to be 'proof' (the research from the military mentioned earlier), but it is ridden with advertizing of......colloidal silver. Very suspect.

That seems to have been written by Rima E. Laibow, MD. Her theories are on the more outrageous end of the weirdness spectrum... globalist depopulation, Codex Alimentarious

She has just recently caught the attention of the FDA and the FTC regarding some apparently unsubstantiated medical claims made on her web site about nano silver and Ebola. It will be interesting to see if she changes her claims or provides the scientific evidence to back them up.

Dear Dr. Laibow:

This is to advise you that in August 2014 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reviewed your websites at and, ...

...The therapeutic claims on your websites establish that the products are drugs because they are intended for use in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease. As explained further below, introducing or delivering these products for introduction into interstate commerce for such uses violates the Act.

...The FTC strongly urges you to review all claims for your products and ensure that those claims are supported by competent and reliable scientific evidence. Violations of the FTC Act may result in legal action seeking a Federal District Court injunction or Administrative Cease and Desist Order.
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The entire warning letter is linked below. Well worth taking a look.


Looks like they will be modifying their claims. Ralph Fucetola, a trustee at Natural Solutions Foundation had this to say...

We will offer to make further disclosures and disclaimers, including more carefully nuanced terminology
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Nuance and disclaimers, but no evidence... sigh.
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This seems to re-enforce something from another thread I was reading about how very, very intelligent and accomplished people (MDs, PhDs, etc) can sometimes fall into a "rabbit hole" from which they might not escape.

Hence, the suggestion (rightly) to refrain from an "appeal to authority" as a basis for a discussion. Surely, there IS a need for some expertise in a topic, but it should be a balanced conversation. With citations that support claims....citations that have broad scientific consensus.
This seems to re-enforce something from another thread I was reading about how very, very intelligent and accomplished people (MDs, PhDs, etc) can sometimes fall into a "rabbit hole" from which they might not escape.

Hence, the suggestion (rightly) to refrain from an "appeal to authority" as a basis for a discussion. Surely, there IS a need for some expertise in a topic, but it should be a balanced conversation. With citations that support claims....citations that have broad scientific consensus.
I'm a total layman, so may not be reading the science right.

it (silver nanoparticles) seems (to me) to have some benefit in 'neutralizing' certain viruses (based on nimh etc).. it just poisons you in the process and destroys your cells.
With citations that support claims....citations that have broad scientific consensus.

Exactly. In my opinion, the problem with the claims is that they're based on some obscure 2009 study. Since no links to the actual study are provided, it's impossible to evaluate her claims. Sure, "nano silver" might kill the Ebola virus, as will chlorine bleach, but injecting either of them may not be such a good idea.
It also pays to be careful when looking at a substance that has proven 'anti-bacterial' or 'anti-microbial' effects when talking about how it would interact with Ebola, which is a virus, not bacteria.
It seems ironic that some of the same people who are very worried about cloud seeding with silver iodide advocate colloidal silver as a cure for a number of conditions.
This is the presentation that the supporters claim is from the DOD and shows that silver can block Ebola - ay debunking probably needs to address it:



  • defense-threat-reduction-agency-silver-nanoparticles-neutralize-hemorrhagic-fever-viruses.pdf
    2.8 MB · Views: 1,621
This is the presentation that the supporters claim is from the DOD and shows that silver can block Ebola - ay debunking probably needs to address it:

I've tried finding the actual study without any luck. I did come a cross a comment somewhere that it was not peer reviewed. Anyway, according to the presentation, they did this study using cell cultures and their conclusions examined the effects of nano silver only on the Ebola virus. They don't address the effects of nano silver on the Vero cells.

It turns out that nano silver oxidizes easily, and the cation can cause extensive damage within a cell. This includes disabling proteins and damaging genetic material.

So nano silver does seem to inhibit ebola from multiplying in a petri dish, unfortunately, it can also seriously damage the host cell.
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This seems like a good overview (linked from the first link in the OP):

In 2010 Speshock and Hussain published research on the interaction of silver nanoparticles with Tacaribe virus. The research – published in the Journal of Nanobiotechnology – indicated that in cell cultures, the presence of silver nanoparticles increased the cell uptake of the virus, but also suppressed its activity once in cells. They concluded

“Due to the known toxicity of Ag- NPs [silver nanoparticles] in many human cell lines, and the short time limit of efficacy following infection, the Ag-NPs would likely make a more effective decontamination tool as opposed to an in vivo therapeutic agent. However, if the Ag-NPs do indeed facilitate the uptake of arenaviruses into the cell and inactivate the virus prior to cell entry, further studies should be performed to determine if Ag- NPs can prove to be an effective vaccine adjuvant.”​

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I have a little direct experience with this. I have a 12,000 gallon in ground pool where the summer day temperatures get very high (100F). The pool system has a mineral cartridge in it, which consists of metallic silver and metallic copper imbedded in glass beads. As the pool circulates the beads are broken up over time (3 months+), and release those metals. These cartridges are $150 each, and there are believers and nonbelievers as to their capability. My experience with using these cartridges has been that I can lower the chlorine level to 1/4 of suggested levels (down to 0.2 ppm Cl) with a cartridge and never get any growth of any kind in the pool, even with water temperature of 85F. Without the cartridge, I need at least 1 ppm Cl to get the same effect. These cartridge companies reference the UN efforts to clean drinking water in a developing country after a hurricane. The UN brings in chlorine for this, but claims the chlorine can purify 4x more water for drinking by using silver with the chlorine. Instead of messing with your body by injecting/ingesting silver, maybe just start eating off your real silverware. Won't hurt anything.
One of Sweden's biggest producers of colloidal silver was recently exposed in Swedish media. I have discussed his products with him and even though I only know basic biology and chemistry, this guy seem to know even less. He is also a conspiracy thinker, believes in "Agenda 21" and similar conspiracy theories, and seem to suffer a persecution complex.

Nevertheless, he's got quite some influence as he runs a colloidal silver group on Facebook with almost 20k members, many of them fanatic defenders of colloidal silver.

The point is that this guy gave medical advices through this group, even though he is not allowed to do so, not even in closed groups on Facebook. Among these claims were promises of how colloidal silver can cure cancer and ebola. The producer referenced the DOD "study" linked above as evidence that colloidal silver can in fact battle ebola.

The news paper contacted Pentagon and asked them to verify the study, but Pentagon responded that there is no such study made by them that support the claim that colloidal silver can be used against ebola:

(Swedish source)

(relevant part translated:)

Anders Sultan [the colloidal silver producer] also claims that the American Department of Defence made a successful study already in 2009. The study showed, according to [Sultan], that these nano silver particles in colloidal silver, with the same concentrations as in his own products, "efficiently killed the ebola virus".

This [claim] has been rejected by a spokesperson of Pentagon, Washington.

"A study with the conclusions you are referring to have not been carried out by the DOD or any of its subdivisions. The DOD does not approve this product", writes Amy Derrick-Frost in an email to [the news paper].

Though it is true that one research project was launched concerning nano silver's effect on the ebola virus. The Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), a subdivision of the DOD, contributed with the funding.

The study was shut down in the early stages because it didn't show enough promising results. This is stated by a spokesperson for DTRA in a recent interview with the tv-channel CNN.
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So it seems like it's quite safe to say that the "nano silver study" and the conclusion that CS "kills ebola" is not supported by the DOD.