Conspriacies surrounding the Lockdown...


I'm now hearing from Conspiracy Theorists that the "lockdown" is actually "a training session for Nation Wide Martial Law" which I'm getting the vibe from and they also been claiming that there's videos and photos of police dragging people out of their homes at gunpoint. What do you make out of this? It seems that situations like these are fueling conspiracy theories and there is a response to this?
I'm now hearing from Conspiracy Theorists that the "lockdown" is actually "a training session for Nation Wide Martial Law" which I'm getting the vibe from and they also been claiming that there's videos and photos of police dragging people out of their homes at gunpoint. What do you make out of this? It seems that situations like these are fueling conspiracy theories and there is a response to this?
Interesting thoughts . . . the lockdown in Boston seemed unprecedented in its size and duration . . . but to imply it was an opportunity to test contingency plans for martial law is something that never occurred to me . . .
It also cut off most rapid means of egress from the area as well as lessening the chance of further carjackings and hostage taking. Also remember, there was no certainty as to the perpetrator's whereabouts.

As for videos, I'd like to see them but there were other detentions and if memory serves, two additional arrests in conjunction with the bombings,
Well it's actually mostly from the comments from this youtube video:

joshv85 1 day ago
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there was no martial law or mandatory lockdown. No one was jailed, detained, or otherwise held for leaving their houses. It's fairly simple; residents were told there was a man on the loose with guns and explosives; fuck yeah nearly everyone said "fuck that" and stayed inside. Business stayed closed by choice. Schools closed by choice. Whether or not people believe these conspiracy theories is irrelevant;


[Broken External Image]:[URL] [/URL] freeusup 23 hours ago
have you not seen the footage of people being forcibly removed from their homes at gunpoint by swat teams so they can search their homes? hardly looks voluntary...wake up!

· 2 in reply to joshv85

Natse Tung 1 day ago
There are photos of military police in armored cars pointing their heavy weaponry at residents just for looking out the window. There is You Tube video of an entire family, including old women, kids, and their dog being ejected from their house, hands raised like prisoners. The media bragged that the police were doing house-to-house searches. They shut down the town and disconnected people's cellphones. The susect was NOT read his Miranda rights -- so, the young lady is right to be angry.
Can't speak to the guns and hands up bit but I've seen that used to be sure an armed perp wasn't hiding among hostages.

As for Miranda....

It is important to note that police are only required to Mirandize a suspect if they intend to interrogate that person under custody. Arrests can occur without the Miranda Warning being given. If the police later decide to interrogate the suspect, the warning must be given at that time. Their vigilance to this rule means less chance of a case being overturned in court due to poor procedure on their part.

If public safety is an issue, questions may be asked without the defendant being Mirandized, and any evidence obtained may be used against the suspect under these circumstances. The Miranda Warning is all about questioning and being protected from self-incrimination under the Fifth Amendment, not being arrested.
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The only video I have seen which supports their claim of families being turfed out at gunpoint by the cops is this

It is hardly a family with kids and there is no proof confirming the date or location.

Surely if the polis were throwing entire families out and pointing guns at randoms then someone would have filmed it. Smart phones are everywhere these days. I find it hard that only one man in Boston filmed this. Doesn't nobody in Boston watch AJ these days?
How do I delete on forum runner as it is the wrong picture lol unless this is masquerading as the polis going round Boston turfing families out their houses at gunpoint also?


  • image-3493917989.jpg
    302.3 KB · Views: 581
How do I delete on forum runner as it is the wrong picture lol unless this is masquerading as the polis going round Boston turfing families out their houses at gunpoint also?

I don't think you can

Oh, actually you edit the post, then it's under the + button.

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Yeah, they have to have training sessions in public these days. They've got no where private to do it now.

In fact my mate, who's a policeman, tells me they don't bother with training sessions anymore. They just wait for stuff to happen and use that as the training session.

They make far more mistakes as a result but it gives the conspiracy folks something to talk about.

I actually think it's fair to say that the policemen in the videos have trained many, many, many times doing what they are doing in those videos. But you know, what you don't see doesn't happen.
These theories are supported by people who see what they want to see and were obviously nowhere near Boston during the time of this alleged "lockdown." If there was such a "lockdown" here, then no one told the people wandering the streets outside my apartment. No one told the people frequenting the supermarket across the street from me, which was packed with patrons as usual. No one told the people in Watertown who you could see wandering the streets in the background of the newscasts.

So much for this "lockdown" to secure martial law...
Massachusetts Governor asked (not told) everyone for a voluntary shelter in place, the media turn it into a lock down and the CTers turn it into practice for a police state. It followed a predictable pattern at least.