Corny UFO Article


Active Member
It seems all it takes is another viral site publishing more rubbish supposed "breakthrough pictures." stolen from the NSA... Because that's how things work for whoever puts together these hoaxes... I'll post a few from the article and I'll leave the link here ( ) for anyone that wants to see the rest... I was wondering the origin of some of these pictures from previous bunk? Can anyone provide some info? (THE BOTTOM 3 IN PARTICULAR)

Some are obvious Photoshop's... Almost laughable (OOOO SPOOKY They pulled a UFO out of the water)
[Broken External Image]:


[Broken External Image]:

BUT some I'm curious... Where did THESE come from? [Broken External Image]:

[Broken External Image]:

And this one?

I haven't seen these three before and I was curious if they were from some past hoaxes? Just curious as I like to keep track of my internet bunk xP


  • DELETE.jpg
    108.5 KB · Views: 548
Thanks @WeedWhacker I was thinking that. This BS video is just some crap with random photos put together by self claiming "experts" with random pictures its comical... I'm interested as to where the other two bottom links cames from. They looked older and staged so I'm fascinated by what older hoaxes they may have been from
A video accompanying the article... I cant believe someone is really passing this off as news!

This reminds me greatly of the ending video sequences in the movie, "The Abyss". With some added elements, such as the large yellow inflatables. Someone went to great effort to pirate an actual Hollywood movie ending coda, and then spawn this hoax.

After the 0:45 mark, the horrible PhotoShop is exposed. I say this because, look at the clip at 0:12, for example....the CGI of the "UFO" just about to emerge and its size relative to the ship on the surface....then, the helicopter "carrying" what we are expected to believe is the same "UFO"? (at 0:45).

Quite unconvincing, really.
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I'm interested as to where the other two bottom links cames from. They looked older and staged so I'm fascinated by what older hoaxes they may have been from

right click google search for this image is your best friend for when digging to find a pictures origins

the other is called the grey alien,,, your home work if you chose the assignment is to track backwards though web till you find its hoax origin
I just wonder where these two older shots came from. Old movies?

Those last two have me stumped. (In that, I had never seen them before, in any context....whether "UFO"-based, or fiction entertainment).

Others will perhaps have more experience, and perception.
! Why do people purposely spread disinfo?

Why do people purposely spread disinfo? look for the disinfo sites shop, donation icon or sales section, its about getting web hits traffic for advert funds cash or selling product to hoodwinked or its just trolling for kicks and giggles.
A video accompanying the article... I cant believe someone is really passing this off as news! Why do people purposely spread disinfo?

No idea, though it seems to be a human characteristic, there was a recent episode of the Exposing PseudoAstronomy podcast on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and the claims it was a spacecraft and the first item discussed is a breathless 'disclosure' that the ESA Rosetta mission was a 'military reconnaissance' that appeared on a UFO website in September of 2014.

So far as I can tell, this claim in particular originated with the venerable bastion of journalism, UFO Sightings Daily. They posted an alleged e-mail from an alleged person on allegedly September 29, 2014, that stated, in part:

“I cannot disclose my name [sic] my rank within the ESA (European space agency) or any other distinguishable information about myself that could jeopardize my safety down the road. However, I have written this email, which I have sent to you along with certain (illegally obtained) photographs in question
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Needless to say the author is probably not a scientist, nor a high ranking member of ESA.

Heres the original picture they photo shopped... Absolutely pathetic how people feel the need to do this... test.jpg

Thanks for finding that image of the USS Arkansas (CGN-41), from the full picture that can be dated to 1982.

An explosive charge is detonated off the starboard side of the nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser USS Arkansas (CGN-41) during a shock test, 17 March 1982.
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fun stuff. not only are they photoshopped but they are just pieces of the original pics so searching is difficult without tag words.

here i put your two together so people could see them better. (no click policy and all)
original here: test.jpg

im close with the helicopter but i cant figure out a tag word. i think its this helicopter but need help identifying it and its location. this link says date taken 1/9/2005.


and i found a zoomed out and photoshopped out the ufo if that helps.

@deirdre It's a CH-53E Super Stallion, and they flipped the original photo to make it harder to GIS. Here is the original.
A CH-53E Super Stallion, carrying a decommissioned assault amphibious vehicle, creates a dust storm behind it as the pilot prepares to lower the nearly 25,000 pound load to the desert floor. A pair of heavy-lift helicopters from Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 166 (reinforced), Marine Aircraft Group 16, conducted dual point airlifts of several old Iraqi armored personnel carriers and two assault amphibious vehicles at Al Asad, Iraq, Jan. 9, 2005. The vehicles were moved to a range for use as aerial target practice by Marine aircraft.
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ok all the pics of the flying saucer frisbee is a movie fiction 'documentary' by film maker Seb Janiak called The Orion Conspiracy (code word for larger pics is ORION99), website here.

The Orion Conspiracyis a short fiction1Royalty Free aired on theInternetbySeb Janiak, who directed music videos forLaurent VoulzyandDaft Punk.It is characterized by a positioning combiningfantastic realismto theconspiracy theoryon a simulated realistic fashion to the way in feature films such asThe Blair Witch ProjectorCloverfield, or series likeThe X-Files.We also find there the basic idea of some recent films likeMen in BlackorAlien vs.Predator : The Hidden contact between representatives of the human race and civilization (s) alien (s).
The author talks about her "extended reality" rather thanesotericorfantastic.Although the project is essentially artistic purpose, it is designed to be shown as adocumentary
Content from External Source'Orion

the frisbee looking shots start around 9:30 mins in video below.


the 'frisbee' in the snow shot from OP link is around 12:30.
oh and hes also who faked the "helicopter pic" at 10:30.

he actually does beautiful work
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if you check out the films website, there is a full gallery of all the photoshoppings used.
and gotta say they are great bits of work. I think the film itself is well done.

Its also caused a bit of a row in the CT world..
Don't bother watching this 20 minute disinfo movie which manages to touch most of the conspiracy bases unless you have a keen interest in Photoshopping original photos, in which case visit I say disinfo because true disinfo mixes real and fake, which is exactly what this glossy production does. Those of you who are just getting into conspiracy theory, especially, should NOT watch it as it will do you more harm than good by totally confusing you.
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This video is presented in such great form and fashion. A couple of questions, are the photos real at all? I mean, most of them are obviously animations. What about those giant skeletons? I believe it's fact that we weren't the first humanoid civilization to grace this planet, and we won't be the last. I wish it was a little easier to understand what the presenter was saying, especially the part about the Moon colliding with the earth, etc. Awesome find. I can see this being totally true, and I think it is one of the most viable explanations for UFO's. The CIA has already admitted they used aliens as a cover story for experimental craft, and other black projects. There always has been a connection between UFO's and Nazi's as well, maybe they did find something that we used.
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This film is neither a work of fiction, nor a documentary.
Forget the words "esoteric" or "fantastic", here we're speaking about REALITY...
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One more picture from the article I'm curious about is this one here.

^Isn't that Alan Jones? That conspiracy dude? I cant remember if I saw this picture on TV or randomly on the net once!
These guys are saying its from a movie with Martin Sheen called Roswell. Havent looked at the movie myself.

Ummm... your kidding right? hey im no hardline skeptic but I point out reality when I recognize it, the OP's vid shows a cropped version of an image showing Paul Davids standing over a prop for the film "Roswell"
Content from External Source above posted by BigfootNZ

Haha sure thing I'll warm it up for you!

ok great a few laps of laguna seca be good :) cuz now my youtube user algorithm has it stuck on ufo, aliens and area 51 BS..:eek:. This is also a function that may sadly steer the lesser minds into get taken down the rabbit hole asleep at the wheel finding more and more bunk as all gets linked.
ok great a few laps of laguna seca be good :) cuz now my youtube user algorithm has it stuck on ufo, aliens and area 51 BS..:eek:. This is also a function that may sadly steer the lesser minds into get taken down the rabbit hole asleep at the wheel finding more and more bunk as all gets linked.

Hahahaha so true that happened to me the first time I ran into all of that as a teenager... Then I found sites like this hahaha =P Languna it is! A wonderful race circuit!
@Whitebeard @deirdre Ah! So those others I was curious about were from films too! My mind was a bit unsure there. I agree they did a good job photo shopping pictures for that Orion Conspiracy flick! So it's a fake documentary like the Blair Witch Project? Or does director of this movie seriously trying to promote this?
@Whitebeard @deirdre Ah! So those others I was curious about were from films too! My mind was a bit unsure there. I agree they did a good job photo shopping pictures for that Orion Conspiracy flick! So it's a fake documentary like the Blair Witch Project? Or does director of this movie seriously trying to promote this?
cant find where i read it now. i read he released it as a free film and got something like 6 million hits. so not sure what 'promote' term you are using.

The artist's focus in all his art seems to be reality mixed with fantasy. or "beyond reality" (apologizes to Janiak for describing it badly if i am). maybe... its "MetaReality" - although i'm still not sure how "meta" is used in popular culture : )

It's his style. I personally do not think and find no evidence that he wanted people to assume it was real... well anymore than the Blair Witch Project say.

I know kinda strange ALL the pics from your OP link are from movies. Talk about cheating!

add: what i want to know is what is the deal with that little fish by the diver in his "Third Wreck" series.. the frisbee shots. When i found the second pic with the torpedo thats when i started looking for a film... but that fish is not compatible with footage!! maybe he has "tells" like that in all the photos... someday i might look a bit harder.
cant find where i read it now. i read he released it as a free film and got something like 6 million hits. so not sure what 'promote' term you are using.

The artist's focus in all his art seems to be reality mixed with fantasy. or "beyond reality" (apologizes to Janiak for describing it badly if i am). maybe... its "MetaReality" - although i'm still not sure how "meta" is used in popular culture : )

It's his style. I personally do not think and find no evidence that he wanted people to assume it was real... well anymore than the Blair Witch Project say.

I know kinda strange ALL the pics from your OP link are from movies. Talk about cheating!

add: what i want to know is what is the deal with that little fish by the diver in his "Third Wreck" series.. the frisbee shots. When i found the second pic with the torpedo thats when i started looking for a film... but that fish is not compatible with footage!! maybe he has "tells" like that in all the photos... someday i might look a bit harder.

Oh you answered my question! So the movie was made as a fictional documentary like The Blair Witch or Cloverfield. Its for entertainment purposes not to actually promote a theory lol the website for the movie had me confused haha
I had fervently "believed" (maybe "hoped" is more accurate) in extraterrestrial visitations since my teen years. Part of my early obsession with Science Fiction, in literature and video entertainment venues.

Even my own father (though we never spoke of it) had the book by "Col. Philip J. Corso"...."The Day After Roswell" in his nightstand drawer....I found it after my father's death. I was incredibly surprised....(my father never struck me as the "type" to have been interested in such topics. He thumbed his nose at "Star Trek" as I watched it in the late 1960s. Said there was too much eye-shadow and mascara on "Spock"!) LOL....

Whitley Strieber's book "Communion" seems to have
'cemented' the modern-era version of "ET visitors" appearance, physically. I know (from online only, never met in person) a fellow who has worked in Hollywood doing make-up AND model construction (he helped make Leonard Nimoy's ear appliances, for the first "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" released in 1979.)

Point is this man is personal friends with Whitley Strieber....and believes his story.

I "dunno" what to make of much of these I've said, I'd like them to be 'true'....but must remain skeptical, out of abundance of caution.

Side-bar? The "ETs" depicted rarely seem to be wearing any clothing.....what's up with that??? :)
The "ETs" depicted rarely seem to be wearing any clothing.....what's up with that???
and no genitals. :(

but i always thought that about Spock too! and i think is why i never liked blue eye shadow on anyone (no joke). I refused to vote for Al Gore and begged everyone not to because he wore too much makeup during interviews and i didnt want to look a tthat 4 for years! but i adored Duran Duran... go figure.
@deirdre.....I am 'gobsmacked'....I wanted to "quote" your post, but....let it stand....'Stet'....

VERY funny....thanks!!!

("no genitals"....."oh my", I am on the floor laughing because I didn't want to be the "one" to bring it up first!!!).....

I JUST thought of something? ALL of those "Roswell Aliens" are female!!! Makes sense...when you "think" about it.... ;)

....females rule....males "drool"....(Isn't that how the saying goes??)....
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Females can't drive is the gist I'm getting from you

On a 'serious' note....not at all my "message". My mother (when she drove, she doesn't anymore) had a 'lead foot'...and was what we now call an "aggressive driver". But, no accidents. Just speed. So, no 'gender-based' digs here. No cultural-based digs, either.

I see too many drivers pre-occupied with their SmartPhones nowadays....but that's another topic........OH!! That could explain "UFO crashes"?? (errrm, maybe not...).

( fact the reason I got into flying was because of my mother's proclivity to exceed the speed limit when she drove...but that is WAY off-topic....and a tell).
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Maybe they have social media too and they keep trying to update their status while forgetting to keep an eye on warp drive then BOOM... Hahaha