Dane Wigington - Inaccuracies and Omissions

Jay Reynolds

Senior Member.
There is an incredible amount of bunk in Wigington's most recent publication. It is a comprehensive compilation of just about every sort of Mad-Max conspiracy theory ever made about "chemtrails".


If anyone wants to see a speciifc item debunked, just ask. The article is evidently written by someone else, nevertheless he is publishing it and is responsible for what he puts out on his website. The article makes the claim that "chemtrails" contain uranium-238, and reprints the ballast barrel photos among many many other outrageous things.

I just made the following comment so that at least he has been made aware about the extent of misinformation he is publishing.




In this 1974 NASA Flight Research Center photograph, a Boeing B-747 jetliner is shown taking part in the trailing wake vortex study. In the photograph, the two wing tip vortex trails, being the strongest, stay in tight cylindrical rolls. The "strength" of the vortices decreases toward the midspan of each wing, and the trails become less defined.

In 1974 the NASA Flight Research Center (later Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, California) used a Boeing 747 as part of the overall NASA study of trailing vortices. Trailing vortices are the invisible flow of spiraling air that trails from the wings of large aircraft and can "upset" smaller aircraft flying behind them. The 747 that NASA used was on loan from the Johnson Space Center where it was part of the Space Shuttle Program.
The data gathered in the 747 studies complemented data from the previous (1973-74) joint NASA Flight Research Center and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Boeing 727 wake vortices study.

Six smoke generators were installed under the wings of the 747 to provide a visual image of the trailing vortices. The object of the experiments was to test different configurations and mechanical devices on the747 that could be used to break up or lessen the strength of the vortices. The results of the tests could lead to shorter spacing between landings and takeoffs, which, in turn, could alleviate air-traffic congestion. For approximately 30 flights the 747 was flown using various combinations of wing air spoilers in an attempt to reduce wake vortices. To evaluate the effectiveness of the different configurations, chase aircraft were flown into the vortex sheets to probe their strengths and patterns at different times. Two of the chase planes used were the Flight Research Center’s Cessna T-37 and the NASA Ames Research Center’s Learjet. These aircraft represented the types of smaller business jets and other small aircraft that might encounter large passenger aircraft on approach or landings around major airports or in flight.

Tests without the 747’s wing spoilers deployed produced violent "upset" problems for the T-37 aircraft at a distance of approximately 3 miles. From the magnitude of the problems found, distances of as much as ten miles might be required if spoilers were not used. With two spoilers on the outer wing panels, the T-37 could fly at a distance of three miles and not experience the "upset" problem. The wake vortex study continued even after the 747 was returned to its primary mission of carrying the Space Shuttle.
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Does he have to approve your message before it appears? I don't see it there.
Yes, he never approves mine which are eternally "waiting on moderation". Just like my signature says, "Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. It is the "Chemtrail Movement".

I believe it is fully possible that his head is inserted so far that he believes my disapproval is confirmation that what he has published is factually correct, that is how totally wrong-headed the man actually is. When the folks who follow him find out what he has done there could be hell to pay.
And he uses selective copying from the Wikipedia article on 'Chemtrail conspiracy' to 'document' his tale. He KNOWS that it is a lie.
I guess this is where he got the article.


It would be nice to think that Dane would eventually get caught in this sort of deceptive practice, but I'm starting to lose confidence that it will ever happen. A few people might see through it and wander away, but the false info seems to never go away. It just seems to be the nature of internet hoaxes.
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Just skimmed the article to see what was there. This statement is rich:
Likewise, there are areas in the Southeast such as Florida and South Georgia which have just seen their first monsoon season in modern history. The meteorological dynamics for both of these radical shifts are directly cause by geo-engineering. -
what makes me laugh is that the exact picture you mentioned with things labelled nozzles was actually reproduced TWICE MORE (without extra scribbles) in the supposed mass of evidence.
Not to mention that the 7th picture of the "spraying planes" is clearly a photoshopped picture of the 3rd shot to make them look like they really are "flying in formation " as so many chemtrailers believe (not realising when they can see several planes at once that they are miles apart horizontally and often 1000's of feet vertically.
Published on Dane Wigington's website:
by sacks.jpg
Ironically, some areas of California have been cloud seeding in an attempt to enhance precipitation during the dry spell. So they have been trying to manipulate the weather, but to the benefit of the public. Of course, it's still dependent on the natural occurrence of suitable cloud systems, so there's only so much they can do.

California Looks to Cloud Seeding to Bolster Snowpack
SACRAMENTO -- With California experiencing a second straight dry year, water agencies are turning to cloud seeding to help pad the state's snowpack.

The practice has been around for decades, but cloud seeding has gone mainstream as a result of new technology and research showing its reliable, the Sacramento Bee reported Monday.

In a report this year, the California Department of Water Resources estimated cloud seeding projects generate 400,000 acre-feet of additional water supply annually in the state. That's about half the volume of Folsom Reservoir. An acre-foot is enough water to supply a typical household for a year.
Content from External Source
How do the chemtrails create a drought?

Oh, it's really quite simple. You can reverse the mixing ratio vapor pressure by inverting the Riemann manifold hydrostabilizer feed until the flow tensor is metaorthogonally tangent to the tank parity-laminar valve.
In a report this year, the California Department of Water Resources estimated cloud seeding projects generate 400,000 acre-feet of additional water supply annually in the state. That's about half the volume of Folsom Reservoir. An acre-foot is enough water to supply a typical household for a year.
Content from External Source
That's a little over 0.5% of the ~75 million acre-feet of total recoverable precipitation that falls on California annually, the grand total is estimated at around 200 million acre-feet. Most of that cloud seeding is taking place on the western slopes of mountains using propane burners to vaporize silver-iodide, but enough water vapor has to be present for it to snow in the first place. Cloud seeding just adds a little bit to the snow that would have fallen anyway, although whether it works or not is still debatable. Of course we know none of that has anything to do with what they call 'chemtrails', or widespread 'geoengineering' for that matter.

In a report this year, the California Department of Water Resources estimated cloud seeding projects generate 400,000 acre-feet of additional water supply annually in the state. That's about half the volume of Folsom Reservoir. An acre-foot is enough water to supply a typical household for a year.
Content from External Source
That's a little over 0.5% of the ~75 million acre-feet of total recoverable precipitation that falls on California annually, the grand total is estimated at around 200 million acre-feet. Most of that cloud seeding is taking place on the western slopes of mountains using propane burners to vaporize silver-iodide, but enough water vapor has to be present for it to snow in the first place. Cloud seeding just adds a little bit to the snow that would have fallen anyway, although whether it works or not is still debatable. Of course we know none of that has anything to do with what they call 'chemtrails', or widespread 'geoengineering' for that matter.

It's one thing to not understand something but to announce you're educated on the matter (the science of flight and weather) and make such a disinforming post is another game altogether imo.
Oh, it's really quite simple. You can reverse the mixing ratio vapor pressure by inverting the Riemann manifold hydrostabilizer feed until the flow tensor is metaorthogonally tangent to the tank parity-laminar valve.

just dont forget to adjust for the effects of Heisenburgh Uncertainty when trying to recrystalize the trilithium using flux capacitance in the Reimann mannifold, @Chew... almost as bad as crossing the streams
Also in his recent talk, Dane asks the audience a leading question about an easily checked out photo:



Robert Exter is deleting some (but not all) of my critical comments on the video, this one just posted:

That sort of image is sometimes called fear-porn. Dane doesn't care that the image hurts his credibility, he doesn't give a damn about what he publishes. Though he may no have visited the page Mick cites, at a minimum he did not do any due-diligence vetting the images he presents. Interesting is that the psychotic face with gaping mouth on the right seems similar to Dane's face, perhaps he used the image because he found it scary looking.

In one sense, by appealing to those who are attracted to this sort of fear-porn, Dane is operating a kind of selective harvesting for his audience. He doesn't attract people who want detailed, confirmable facts, he wants people who think like him, react like him, and 'get off' on fear based material. It is a self-sustaining sort of selection process which weeds out dissenters, disbelievers and critical thinkers and instead gathers together
only those of like mind who will make up a chorus of 'yes men' for him.

The original image comes from a 2010 nuclear security conference:

Hence my signature. They aren't honest about correcting their mistakes, they silence/wall off anyone who disagrees, and run away from informed debate. Their followers are too invested, brain dead or just suckered in to know or even care. So many decry the "sheep" never realizing the pitiful shape of their own flock.
No debate here:
I suppose the organizers of these events don't have time to research the claims of the panelists. I wonder if anyone there would even ask tough questions.
I am kind of embarrassed for a couple friends that believe him, it just takes a few minutes of research to realize they are just promoting fear and have no scientific research to back it up. When I did my research I expected a little bit more to their claims based on the fever pitched alarms they emit.
"Any that believe such patently false statements are likely not willing to face the truth no matter how compelling the evidence. " His best statement yet, too bad he is not including the true believers of chemtrails.
Sorry for posting his latest proclamations but I have friends on facebook that put this up daily, I look at it thinking there may be some shred of evidence for chemtrails but am always disappointed.
Dane Wigington is pushing this old (20 Aug 2013) story about his wrongly interpreted UV measurements again on his Facebook page.

The page on Geoengineering Watch is here: http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/dont-believe-uv-radiation-levels-are-off-the-charts/
(I know there is a thread specifically about this somewhere else, but this fits just as well in "DW doesn't give a damn ...".)
just dont forget to adjust for the effects of Heisenburgh Uncertainty when trying to recrystalize the trilithium using flux capacitance in the Reimann mannifold, @Chew... almost as bad as crossing the streams
It's actually much more serious than you jokesters realize:
The full implications of the Heisenberg Principle include that the most devastating
of the evil chemtrails--due to their extraordinary purity (99.1%) will actually occur as blue!

So, yes, any time you go outside and look up, if the sky appears to be blue,
well, that actually confirms all the chemtrail conspiracies that Wigington etc.
have been altruistically trying to warn us about. Wake up sheeple! Fear the blue sky!
Dane's presentation is a smorgasbord of misleading images, lots of ballast barrels, which were explained here:

It's entirely possible he's not even seen the page, as he's convinced this is a disinfo site, so refuses to go it it. It's weird sort of blindness.

And how can he expect to be taken seriously with images like:

Christian Bale's face really ties the whole thing together...

I mean, I get it... American Psycho. It's kind of a joke. There to lighten up the mood in the room I suppose.


  • american-psycho-christian-bale.jpg
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Also in his recent talk, Dane asks the audience a leading question about an easily checked out photo:

Dane's presentation is a smorgasbord of misleading images, lots of ballast barrels, which were explained here:

Are people beginning to wake up? (Wishful thinking)
