Debunked: Fukushima Causing Bloody Tumors in Fish [Old Photos]


Senior Member. reposted a story involving Fukushima radiation, bloody tumors found on fish, and the impending danger to the food chain.

Americans and Canadians have been eating radioactive fish filled with bloody, cancerous tumors, as a result of contamination with radiation in the Pacific ocean from the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.
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The article knits together a series of correlations in an attempt to make its point.

The flow of radioactive water into the Pacific is contaminating and killing sea life. Fish caught locally near the power plant and out in the deep sea, have all tested positive for radiation contamination. Other fish, Shrimp, clams and such, caught hundreds of miles offshore, have also tested 100% positive for radiation contamination. In fact, of 15 Blue-Fin Tuna caught off the coast of California, 100% tested positive for radioactive substances!

Hundreds-of-thousands of these sea creatures have already died from the radiation and millions more are sick and dying to this day. People who consume this seafood are ALSO getting contaminated by radiation.
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Ironically, the one and only link between fish and Fukushima radiation comes from a mainstream media source.

The Blue Fin tuna story goes back to 2012 and does seem to establish a link between Fukushima and radiation in fish. However, the story also notes:

The levels of radioactive cesium were 10 times higher than the amount measured in tuna off the California coast in previous years. But even so, that's still far below safe-to-eat limits set by the U.S. and Japanese governments.
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But the article then goes on to say:

Alaska salmon as well as all types of Pacific seafood (Shrimp, clams, scallops, squid, etc.) are being tainted with radioactive contamination. So are the people who consume them. What do you think happens to people who eat radiation-contaminated food? Worse, what happens to people who eat cancerous tumors without knowing what they are?
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Evidence of this comes from the Local Environmental Observers Network in Alaska

According to the Local Environmental Observers (LEO) Network in Hydaburg, Alaska, they have found strange growths in the flesh or meat of salmon. "We were fishing for Cohos (silver salmon) at the mouth of the Hydaburg River with line and reel." said Brian Holter, Jr. who said that eight fish were filled up inside with strange growths that were either white or pink in color. "On the outside the fish looked fine. The growths looked kind of like individual little salmon eggs, and about the same size. their people were seeing the same kind of growths in their fish as well." he continued.
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I checked their website and found the attached 2013 report

Unusual growth observed in salmon tissue

Hydaburg, Alaska, August 12, 2013 (fish) Strange growths in the flesh or meat of the salmon. This is not the only salmon found with these growths, there are many. Brian Holter Jr, LEO
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The Local Environmental Observers gave no indication that these growths were caused by radiation.

The rest of the article goes on to illustrate a serious of mysterious growths and tumors occurring on different types of sea life. I won't go into each one here.

There is a large body of science dedicated to fish pathology. This was certainly true with respect to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

It seems very clear that growths, tumors, or other diseases have multiple causes aside from radiation poisoning. In other words, these are fairly routine in nature.

But here is where I admit my limitations and pass along the conversation to people who hopefully know more.


  • LEO-OD2013.pdf
    306.3 KB · Views: 1,166
  • fish_disease_book.pdf
    4.2 MB · Views: 1,263
the tumour picture is actually henneguya salminicola, a common salmon parasite. The pictures from the claimed 2013 report have been stolen/lifted/altered from a 2009 wiki upload. And they are cysts, not tumours.

Kudos thyrsites is another similar marine fish parasite that can cause similar cyst/tumours/lesions, but neither are caused by radiation.
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A reverse image search has several of those pictures leading to The picture of the star fish ("are supposed to have FIVE legs. The shape of a star. Look what radiation did to this one") was taken in 2006, five years before Fukushima.
Yet another example of Dane Wigington's fear-mongering and misleading paraphrasing of scientific articles. Regarding the photo of the white shark with the tumor he says:
We've all heard for years that sharks don't get cancer. Well, when they swim around the Pacific Ocean nowadays, the radiation is so terrible that even sharks are getting cancer!
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But the abstract of the original article that reported on the great white tumor makes it clear that tumors have been reported in numerous shark species for decades. There is no mention in the abstract of any link between shark tumors and radiation (though it does mention generally that
such tumors could be reflective of environmental distress syndrome triggered by human-related activities
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). And, none of the articles that I found reporting on this story said anything about radiation (such as this one). It seems that the motive for the original article was to dispel the myth that sharks do not get tumors, because there is a belief that eating shark cartilage can help treat cancer, which contributes to the demand for shark products, overfishing, and their population decline.

And the picture of the star fish that according to Wigington should have only 5 legs appears to be a sunflower starfish.

I only looked into 2 of his claims on this subject and both are fabrications... no point in wasting time following up on the rest!
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By the end of 2010, both Schindler's alarming discovery of toxic pollution and the media attention Cameron's visit had raised were putting federal and provincial environmental policy under serious pressure. Separate reports by Canada's Auditor General, the Royal Society of Canada, and a panel of experts appointed by then-Environment Minister Jim Prentice revealed a decade of incompetent pollution monitoring, paid for by the oil industry in Alberta's oil sands.

Dr. David Schindler holding a fish from the river.
The documentary's climax shows how Professor Schindler's research findings, and the determination of Fort Chipewyan residents, led to change. In December 2010, a special scientific review by the high-level federal panel declared environmental monitoring standards in the oil sands to be seriously flawed. In a dramatic reversal of their previous position, both the Federal and Alberta governments announced steps to improve their pollution monitoring. The age of innocence for the oil sands is over.
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debunked almost 2 years ago.. dane should learn google image search. Looks like they did try to update some pics from the original article of the same name though.
So, not content with using photoshopped pictures to promote his chemtrail hoax, Dane now uses a photo taken more than six years before the Tohoku earthquake to promote his Fukushima scare stories.

I think we just need a sticky thread entitled "Latest misleading images from". :)

Incidentally, why is Geoengineering Watch posting stories about Fukushima anyway? That article doesn't even attampt to make any link between geoengineering and the earthquake. Or is it just part of the general doom porn?
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This is a good article....
The amounts the fish carried were minuscule — far less, ounce for ounce, than the amount of naturally occurring radiation in a banana — but enough for scientists to gain insight into animal migration. The detected concentrations of cesium-134 and cesium-137 were well below safety limits set by the most stringent government regulations. But, it’s probably a good thing if this finding gives you another reason to avoid consuming this endangered species. Here's a blog post by Miriam Goldstein at Deep Sea News that further explains why we shouldn't be concerned about the detections of radioactivity in bluefin tuna.
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In 2013 and early 2014 articles appeared on several websites and blogs which made rather sensationalist claims that the release of radioactive water into the ocean near Fukushima had already affected sea life (and even human life) along the west coast of the U.S.[18] [19] [20] Analysis of these claims by scientists has failed to find any connection between radiation releases and West Coast sea life health. [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] One of the referenced "rebuttals" from Deep Sea News states the following regarding why there is no logical connection between recent incidences of "sea star wasting syndrome" and radiation releases from Fukushima:

  1. "Starfish Wasting Disease/Syndrome (SWD/SWS) pre-Dates Fukushima by 3 to 15 years. This is probably the most self-evident of reasons. One of the earliest accounts of starfish wasting disease was recorded from Southern California (Channel Islands) in 1997 (pdf). The account of SWS in British Columbia was first documented by Bates et al. in 2009, and their data was collected in 2008. Fukushima? March 2011.
  2. Starfish Wasting Syndrome Occurs on the East Coast as well as the Pacific. Many of the accounts alleging a Fukushima connection to Starfish Wasting Syndrome forget that there are also accounts of SWS on the east coast of the United States affecting the asteriid Asterias rubens. There is no evidence (or apparent mechanism) for Fukushima radiation to have reached the east coast and therefore the Fukushima idea is again not supported.
  3. No other life in these regions seems to have been affected. If we watch the original British Columbia Pycnopodia die-off videos, and the later Washington state die-off vidoes, one cannot help but notice that other than the starfish, EVERYTHING else remains alive. Fish. Seaweed, encrusting animals. etc."
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Gotta love how geoengineeringwatch takes for granted that their faithful audience is dim enough to eat the bloody, cancerous tumors they find in their seafood.
the tumour picture is actually henneguya salminicola, a common salmon parasite. The pictures from the claimed 2013 report have been stolen/lifted/altered from a 2009 wiki upload. And they are cysts, not tumours.

Kudos thyrsites is another similar marine fish parasite that can cause similar cyst/tumours/lesions, but neither are caused by radiation.

Exactly the sort of help that I needed. As is the case with the rest of the replies.

Many thanks!
So, not content with using photoshopped pictures to promote his chemtrail hoax, Dane now uses a photo taken more than six years before the Tohoko earthquake to promote his Fukushima scare stories.

I think we just need a sticky thread entitled "Latest misleading images from". :)

Incidentally, why is Geoengineering Watch posting stories about Fukushima anyway? That article doesn't even attampt to make any link between geoengineering and the earthquake. Or is it just part of the general doom porn?

It looks like has branched out into a more general series of exposes. Some are still environmental in nature.

Other stories are now grouped under a feature called “Critical Global Flashpoints”

Critical Global Flashpoints.png

It looks like Wigington is expanding his repertoire. It may be that his geoengineering stories are getting repetitive and losing traction even among his constituency.
It looks like Wigington is expanding his repertoire. It may be that his geoengineering stories are getting repetitive and losing traction even among his constituency.

Or widening the net to catch more "believers". A non-chemtrail believer may stumble across the site because of an article like this, and then latch onto some of the other core ideals being shared by the site and then down the rabbit hole.
And the picture of the star fish that according to Wigington should have only 5 legs appears to be a sunflower starfish.

I only looked into 2 of his claims on this subject and both are fabrications... no point in wasting time following up on the rest!

I noticed that the picture of the sunflower starfish has since been deleted from the article.
Incidentally, why is Geoengineering Watch posting stories about Fukushima anyway? That article doesn't even attampt to make any link between geoengineering and the earthquake. Or is it just part of the general doom porn?

I think it could also be part of the general Chemtrails work with HAARP which causes earthquakes meme

By the end of 2010, both Schindler's alarming discovery of toxic pollution and the media attention Cameron's visit had raised were putting federal and provincial environmental policy under serious pressure. Separate reports by Canada's Auditor General, the Royal Society of Canada, and a panel of experts appointed by then-Environment Minister Jim Prentice revealed a decade of incompetent pollution monitoring, paid for by the oil industry in Alberta's oil sands.

Dr. David Schindler holding a fish from the river.
The documentary's climax shows how Professor Schindler's research findings, and the determination of Fort Chipewyan residents, led to change. In December 2010, a special scientific review by the high-level federal panel declared environmental monitoring standards in the oil sands to be seriously flawed. In a dramatic reversal of their previous position, both the Federal and Alberta governments announced steps to improve their pollution monitoring. The age of innocence for the oil sands is over.
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debunked almost 2 years ago.. dane should learn google image search. Looks like they did try to update some pics from the original article of the same name though.

What gets me is, this story is something that really happened and it sucks! If only Dane and these other people spreading misinformation put their energy into things that are actually happening they might get somewhere ... not much chance of that though ...