Debunked: Justin Bieber's Reptilian Eyes Shapeshifting in Court

Mick West

Staff member
This video has something strange going on with Justin Bieber's eyes:
[Youtube video removed, I've replaced it with this short focused clip]

When the on-screen clock reads 13:07:45, his eyes take on a strange half-lidded appearance, as if they are both open and closed.

And actually they kind of are, but only in the video. It's a very common video compression artifact. The video software tries to save bandwidth by not updating areas that don't seem to have changed. This video is rather heavily compressed, so you see things like the judge's glasses being messed up, his ear falling off, and an odd square line on his forehead. But nobody is looking at the judge.

This compression happens upon specific boundaries in the image, here it looks like the top half of his eyes are from a frame where they are open, but the bottom half are from a frame where they are closed. Some regions of his face had a change detected, so were updated. The other regions did not change enough, so still has the old parts of the image in it, so you get this off split. Likely the bottom half of the eyes are from a few frames earlier.

A better version of the video can be found here:

And in this version, there is a lot less compression, and the eyes look fine. Here's the same frame in both videos:

and a close up:

This is a surprisingly common artifact in video compression, as there's a lot of close up video of people, and people blink, and sometimes the bottom of their eyes falls into a region of the video that does not make the cut (in terms of changes being detected). The software works well for objects that are moving around, but not so well for changes within an object, like the eyes.

But this is one odd conspiracy theory that's going to keep cropping up again and again, which is why I wrote this rather detailed debunk for a silly Bieber story. It can be re-used for the future "reptile eye stories", and re-applied to those in the past. Ultimately saving good debunking time.
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The poor Reptiles?

If this is all they have to offer they are either not very smart, or playing a very poor joke on us lowly Earthlings......
Interesting the video was removed and now says:

Which is theoretically good in preventing the spread of bunk - however past experience has shown that attempts to suppress a video often result in it being even more popular: "The video they tried to ban!!!!" type thing.
Interesting the video was removed and now says:

Which is theoretically good in preventing the spread of bunk - however past experience has shown that attempts to suppress a video often result in it being even more popular: "The video they tried to ban!!!!" type thing.
I think it's hilarious when you consider all the misinformation they allow on You-Tube. My guess - someone at Google is a "Belieber".
im perfectly happy with saying that this could be a complete hoax. as i watched the video from different people each time i heard the same thing in the background right before he turns his head.

if you listen it sounds as though a female in the background is either saying, "jason cover your eyes" or "justin cover your eyes."

im perfectly happy with saying that this could be a complete hoax. as i watched the video from different people each time i heard the same thing in the background right before he turns his head.

if you listen it sounds as though a female in the background is either saying, "jason cover your eyes" or "justin cover your eyes."

It sounds nothing at all like that. It's more like "this, coming out".
You'd be better off watching the ACTUAL original video, which is better quality, does not have the compression that makes the eyes look weird, and has better audio.
lol are you serious its even clearer on the video you posted. it starts at 1:04. i wont argue but i would like to make a point of what ive heard.
lol are you serious its even clearer on the video you posted. it starts at 1:04. i wont argue but i would like to make a point of what ive heard.

I've extracted that bit of audio here. What do you think it says?

(all kind of irrelevant anyway, as there's nothing wrong with his eyes in the uncompressed video, but it's interesting regardless)


  • Beiber-woman-voice.mp3
    19.4 KB · Views: 13,338
This kind of thing happens all of the time in sci-fi and horror films, It's a common device to let the audience in on an evil characters disguise. My problem with this theory is that the people who believe in this kind of thing generally call the rest of us sheeple for watching TV programs and the like. The reality of the situation is that the average conspiracy theorist is far more influenced by that type of fictional media than anyone should be.
Why would someone say cover your eyes . . . an unusual flash of light expected ? There was nothing in the video that would explain that . . . we assume if he were photographed for processing it would not occur in court in front of the judge . . . maybe the woman most likely a Bailiff said something else?
Why would someone say cover your eyes . . . an unusual flash of light expected ? There was nothing in the video that would explain that . . . we assume if he were photographed for processing it would not occur in court in front of the judge . . . maybe the woman most likely a Bailiff said something else?

And why speculate about something that didn't happen? The audio sounds nothing like "cover your eyes", that's all you need.
but in the audio you clipped you clipped after the beginning and before the end of her speaking, i dont mean to be rude but maybe your ears are giving up on ya old timer.
i just dont hear it. i dont understand why if someone would jerk their head down at the precise moment that someone says "this, coming out". (also the moment that the other videos glitch out on his eyes)
And why speculate about something that didn't happen? The audio sounds nothing like "cover your eyes", that's all you need.
Well your ears are better than mine are . . . I think that was my statement . . . the Bailiff probably said something else . . .
i just dont hear it. i dont understand why if someone would jerk their head down at the precise moment that someone says "this, coming out". (also the moment that the other videos glitch out on his eyes)

It's perfectly obvious why he looked down. He was looking at the cue cards his lawyer had put in front of him.
I heard the words "beast coming out to hear".
Of course that's my creative interpretation, and my brain led by the context of this discussion. Bias.
im perfectly happy with saying that this could be a complete hoax. as i watched the video from different people each time i heard the same thing in the background right before he turns his head.

if you listen it sounds as though a female in the background is either saying, "jason cover your eyes" or "justin cover your eyes."

It sounds like it, but it's probably not what is actually being said. The voice is far too muffled and quiet to hear what is being said to any degree of certainty.
pretty sure it's a bailiff or someone else talking to someone off screen 'miss, come on out through here'
pretty sure it's a bailiff or someone else talking to someone off screen 'miss, come on out through here'
I first heard it as "It's coming out through here" but given the context, yes, Arty, it probably is 'miss, come on out through here.'
(I'm 100% mystified as to the "jason cover your eyes" theory)
It's perfectly obvious why he looked down. He was looking at the cue cards his lawyer had put in front of him.

I keep watching this gif and all I see is the arrogant look at his face while he start reading the accusations, like he is above it all.
It sounds nothing at all like that. It's more like "this, coming out".
You'd be better off watching the ACTUAL original video, which is better quality, does not have the compression that makes the eyes look weird, and has better audio.

Actually I'm pretty sure it was a Bailiff talking to a woman saying "Miss, come in or out" as in someone blocking a doorway
It does seem odd that all these reptilian shape-shifters, UFOs, demons, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monsters, ghosts and time travellers only appear on low resolution video....
It does seem odd that all these reptilian shape-shifters, UFOs, demons, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monsters, ghosts and time travellers only appear on low resolution video....
Its cos low res video sees through their cloaking thingies. Cos of quantum, or something like that.
(I've actually had a CT say that to me!)