Debunking: "The Dimming" - New Documentary From Dane Wigington

Mick West

Staff member
A year ago, we were promised atmospheric testing that would provide conclusive proof we were not seeing condensation.


They flew a turbo-prop to between 17,000-20,000 ft. and sampled a cloud layer.


What did they find? Dust, condensation nuclei.


Later in the video, they fly a learjet into condensation trails. Using a particle meter, they found a few unidentified nano-particles coming through the vents of the bleed air system.

I have identified the unnamed geomicrobiologist performing the measurements as Yuri Gorby who is (or used to be) an assistant professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

He's an actual scientist with an impressive publication record (see
But apparently he has fallen for the chemtrail theory, as indicated by his comments at Dane's site.
Although as a scientist, he should know that his measurements presented in this movie do not prove anything, other than the fact that there is mineral dust in the air, which is hardly a new finding.
The movie does not present any actual quantitative data, people look at screens and mention the compositions of a few particles they see in the electron microscope. It doesn't appear that number concentrations of particles were measured. Also, they seem to just randomly select particles without doing any systematic analysis. Very unscientific.
Perhaps we should contact dr. Gorby and ask him a few questions.
OK so when they fly in the learjet and sample the air from the vent they used a TSI P-Trak instrument which measures the number concentration of particles of 20 to 1000 nm. BTW nanoparticles are <100 nm by definition, so this instrument doesn't only measure nanoparticles. It measures ultrafine particles, also called PM0.1​

As the screenshot below shows they measure around 1700 ultrafine particles per cubic centimeter.
There are no standards about the ultrafine particle number concentration, but this page says that for indoor air quality (IAQ)

  • <5,000 particles per cubic centimeter – desirable; limited amount of IAQ complaints
  • <10,000 particles per cubic centimeter – acceptable; normal amount of IAQ complaints
  • >10,000 particles per cubic centimeter – likelihood and frequency of IAQ complaints increases.
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So apparently they had excellent air quality in that cabin, with quite a low number of ultrafine particles.

Did they also sample air away from flight paths? A standalone reading means nothing without something to compare it to.
Did they also sample air away from flight paths? A standalone reading means nothing without something to compare it to.
Gorby said that the particle numbers were lower below and above the contrail layer than within the layer. But no actual numbers were named or shown.
I'm pretty late to this discussion, but I watched this documentary a few months ago and noticed a Dylos air quality monitor was used in Wigington's documentary.

This device is not rated to detect nanoparticulates. It is rated down to PM2.5. I know this because I have one sitting next to me right now and use it frequently as a roving air quality monitor as part of an urban pollution research project in which I participate.


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    dylos monitor.jpg
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Sorry to revive this thread. Dane is still out there spouting his wild conspiracy fear porn. Unfortunately a relative of mine has fallen under the spell and told me to look at his site. I had a quick look and the memories came flooding back of my journey and it made feel a little sick. It has made me feel very angry so I am reading Escaping the Rabbit Hole for ideas. I have already had to refute that old chestnut the flight path from aerial surveying. Part of me feels like just letting it run it's course but this person is very precious to me almost like my child, we have been through a lot together and I don't want to see them suffer from these fear based manipulators. If anyone has any current information on Dane that might help me please let me know.
I've not really been following Dane, as he seemed to simply be repeating the same stuff over and over. Were there some new claims he's been making?
Lake Mead, Lake Powell, Lake Shasta, Lake Oroville and countless other Western US reservoirs are all drying up by the day. When the water runs out, chaos will commence at blinding speed.
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Climate chaos continues to crush crops all over the world. How long till the food shortages hit home?
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Proselytizing at the end of each article.
"All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.

Nice use of fear porn from Dane.

Has Fear Porn Inserted Its Way Into Your Mind?
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Lake Mead, Lake Powell, Lake Shasta, Lake Oroville and countless other Western US reservoirs are all drying up by the day. When the water runs out, chaos will commence at blinding speed.
Interesting, as 2022 is actually quite a bit better than 2021 for water levels in the California lakes. I follow Lake Folsom mostly, as it's local, but Shasta (Near Dane) and Oroville are also both doing better than last year. There are certainly issues, but not "drying up". Lake Mead is a problem though. This might be worth addressing.
How long till the food shortages hit home?
With Dane the end of the world is always just around the corner. His tone is unchanged from 10 years ago - which is something that might be useful to share with your friend. None of his dire predictions ever come true.
With Dane the end of the world is always just around the corner. His tone is unchanged from 10 years ago - which is something that might be useful to share with your friend. None of his dire predictions ever come true.
I just found it is an alternative health practitioner feeding my relative with the fear porn and a lot of members of their small town. Posting on Facebook to spread their gospel. I think I will not spend long on this but hopefully get them asking questions and looking at/for facts. It was a naturopath that hooked me in originally. Fear works well for these people.

Reading your book now, I am sure it is going to help. I will let you know how I go.
I have identified the unnamed geomicrobiologist performing the measurements as Yuri Gorby who is (or used to be) an assistant professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

He's an actual scientist with an impressive publication record (see
But apparently he has fallen for the chemtrail theory, as indicated by his comments at Dane's site.
Although as a scientist, he should know that his measurements presented in this movie do not prove anything, other than the fact that there is mineral dust in the air, which is hardly a new finding.
The movie does not present any actual quantitative data, people look at screens and mention the compositions of a few particles they see in the electron microscope. It doesn't appear that number concentrations of particles were measured. Also, they seem to just randomly select particles without doing any systematic analysis. Very unscientific.
Perhaps we should contact dr. Gorby and ask him a few questions.
Hi - just curious if you were ever able to reach Dr. Gorby - I think your findings here are interesting.