Germanwings Airbus Crash Conspiracy Theories


Senior Member.
A Germanwings Airbus A320 has crashed in the French Alps whilst on route to Dusseldorf from Barcelona.

News broke just over two hours ago from time of posting, and already I've seen things like this cropping up.
i watch flights online fairly frequently, i've never seen one deviate over water towards high altitude landmass unnecessarily. it should've taken the flight path indicated, so why did it veer so far off course... something's not right
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makes me sick, rescue teams have not even reached the crash site yet:mad:

[Mod: Added Wikipedia link]
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and here we go....
OK, me thinks the media doust try to hide too much! It is like the main stream media knows this flight was taken down and they are "hiding" that it will come out that it is "terrorism" and they can start some sort of war or oppressive action on citizens somewhere!

Why do I believe this...well, let us look at the facts...

1.) We have been told that the flight crew signaled "problems" and then something like 34 minutes later the flight went off RADAR.

2.) We are now being told that the flight ended 42 minutes after take-off.

3.) When one actually looks at the place where the flight in the French Alps that the plane supposedly crashed...and then we look at the most direct flight from Barcelona to Dusseldorf...not even close.

4.) Would a commercial light CHOOSE to go over moutainous terrain...instead of going over flat land?!?!

I could try to make some "outlandish" conclusions...but, look at the nationalities they say were on the flight...Germans, Spanish, Turkish. Do you know where that is going?
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I could try to make some "outlandish" conclusions...but, look at the nationalities they say were on the flight...Germans, Spanish, Turkish. Do you know where that is going?

Why, no, no I do not...

Tweet from FR24 seems to cover pretty much 99% of the claims:

The path matched the previous (successful) run until the point where contact was lost. There's no deviation or diversion, just business as usual.

Of course, people are replying saying that no they don't match because this flight descended for ten minutes before contact was lost.

Because apparently real crashing planes are expected to magically teleport down to the ground from normal cruising altitude.
i watch flights online fairly frequently, i've never seen one deviate over water towards high altitude landmass unnecessarily.
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3.) When one actually looks at the place where the flight in the French Alps that the plane supposedly crashed...and then we look at the most direct flight from Barcelona to Dusseldorf...not even close.

4.) Would a commercial light CHOOSE to go over moutainous terrain...instead of going over flat land?!?!
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I was just looking at those flight paths. There is no mysterious deviation over mountains. All Most flights from Barcelona to Düsseldorf fly over the Alps.

Here's missing flight...


...and some previous flights (BER8565, GWI9529, VLG1894).

1BER8565-March23.png 1GWI9529-March23.png 1VLG1894-March24.png
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Because apparently real crashing planes are expected to magically teleport down to the ground from normal cruising altitude
Last week I watched a documentary on the Air France 447 crash, that took 3 and a half minutes to fall 38,000, and that was in what was effectively free fall, tail first after stalling. It's obvious even if the crew had little or no control, if the plane was still in one piece and still had all its aerodynamics intact the descent could have taken longer.
Just an interested question here.
Why DO the flights loop up the way they do instead of going straight?
I know that straight on a flat map is not REALLY straight of course, we are so used to seeing a flat map we forget they are projections (which is why Greenland looks so huge on a world map).

Is there some other reason though, such as not wanting to fly over built up areas until they have built up a bit of height, hence going out to sea, and THEN taking a straight route which happens to go over the alps?
some more wild speculation gleaned from various comment sections
It would be interesting to investigate if the activating of CERN at higher speed today, would have anything to do with the plane accident.
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Rescue teams are preparing to try and reach the site where the plane went down. According to locals in the area, the search and rescue teams will have a tough job as the site is very inaccessible in winter and early spring....

So I am guessing the persons that said everyone died really does not know if they all died or not. How can anyone be sure they all died at this point in time? Odds are they may all be dead, but in fact no one knows for sure. Do they have inside information or what?
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(both from Russia Today)
Just an interested question here.
Why DO the flights loop up the way they do instead of going straight?
I know that straight on a flat map is not REALLY straight of course, we are so used to seeing a flat map we forget they are projections (which is why Greenland looks so huge on a world map).

Is there some other reason though, such as not wanting to fly over built up areas until they have built up a bit of height, hence going out to sea, and THEN taking a straight route which happens to go over the alps?

I see Barcelona has a runway which points out over the Med, I'd assume they just carry on the way they're heading when they take off with a gentle turn towards their destination
Yeah, that plane is a long way from CERN. If the LHC had anything to do with it, we would have seen thousands of airplanes crash over the last five days, with the highest incident being around Geneva, not 180 miles south.
Attached are the last 8 days of that flight in Google Earth format. All but one take about the same path, and the one that does not diverges in the other direction.

Here's the crash flight. Looks like a gradual descent over about ten minutes, starting at the coast.


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It didn't take the chemtrail believers long to post about Germanwings and Lufthansa. Germanwings is one of the budget carriers on their hit list.

I expect that the following will be doing the rounds on the chemtrail websites in relation to this tragedy? Video footage with close-ups of the pylon drains on a Germanwings Airbus. The registration D-AG.. makes this an A319.

Predicted by who, exactly? The article doesn't really make that clear, though it does go into some excellent reasons not to be spraying gunk into the air with respect to engine failures. Too bad he avoided the next link in the chain there...
3.) When one actually looks at the place where the flight in the French Alps that the plane supposedly crashed...and then we look at the most direct flight from Barcelona to Dusseldorf...not even close.

4.) Would a commercial light CHOOSE to go over moutainous terrain...instead of going over flat land?!?!
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OMG! You mean planes don't just fly in straight lines? It's almost as if they are on 'paths' to deconflict them and almost as if they are taking into account of the earths curvature and most favourable conditions.....!

Why would anyone choose to fly several tens of thousands feet over mountains when they can fly tens of thousands of feet over flat land? They will be flying over oceans next! Fools!!!

Sarcasm aside, why is it that they cannot at least restrain their outrage and google their rhetorical and ill-informed questions or observations as to why planes do not fly in straight lines or skirt around mountains, even if they are thousands of feet below them....?
Sarcasm aside, why is it that they cannot at least restrain their outrage and google their rhetorical and ill-informed questions or observations as to why planes do not fly in straight lines or skirt around mountains, even if they are thousands of feet below them....?
Answer that and you'll solve nearly all the reasons for unnecessary conspiracy theories.
I see Barcelona has a runway which points out over the Med, I'd assume they just carry on the way they're heading when they take off with a gentle turn towards their destination
That makes sense. So unless wind makes them take off in the other direction they will take that route. If they take off east to west they will have to do a bigger loop round
I expect some comments along the lines of "Where's the wreckage - there's not a plane there!!" sooner or later:rolleyes:

The claims in the OP are more the product of a lack of understanding of airline operations and flight paths, however I have seen plenty of nonsense in the comments page for the AVHerald account of the accident:

Too many planes falling from cruise level without messages from the pilots. Sudden emergency which might confirm what no body dares to mention. Climate change is bringing humidity to high altitudes, inducing the Ice Crystal Icing phenomena, capable of freezing pitot tubes, stall warning probes, cabin outflow valves and causing engine malfunctions and multiple engine flameouts.

This time is not an Asian airline but a subsidiary of Lufthansa one the most prestiguos airlines involved.
Hopefully this investigation doesn't take long. Safety of air travellers are in jeopardy every day.
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Sorry, saw your post too late. We completely agree on the location. Notice that this place is perfectly accessible by hiking paths and less than 1km from the col du Mariaud. It also means that mountain police with their adapted vehicles can practically drive up to there and then only have a few steps to go. Why do they say that it's so far and inaccessible (as the pretended site really is)?

I don't understand why the police ALWAYS has to lie to the citizen.
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Once again, the pattern seems to be conspiracy theorists comparing an exceptional case (in this case: an apparent accident) against a norm they have set up themselves (in this case: the claim of the flight path being exceptional). With this kind of methodology, they will always successfully arrive at "contradictions" and "strange occurrences".
[It's similar with chemtrails: clouds/contrails never looked like this, contrails dissolve within a few minutes, etc. Or 9/11: "Looks like a controlled demoliton!", or Boston: "Why would people behave this way or that way? Can't be normal!"]
Hasn't any CT'er noticed that this plane came from Barcelona and crashed near the french town called Barcelonette?
That can't be a coïncidence;)
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Hasn't any CT'er noticed that this plane came from Barcelona and crashed near the french town called Barcelonette?
That can't be a coïncedence;)
That has not gone unnoticed, of course. I've already seen it mentioned at a German CT forum.
Once again, the pattern seems to be conspiracy theorists comparing an exceptional case (in this case: an apparent accident) against a norm they have set up themselves (in this case: the claim of the flight path being exceptional). With this kind of methodology, they will always successfully arrive at "contradictions" and "strange occurrences".
[It's similar with chemtrails: clouds/contrails never looked like this, contrails dissolve within a few minutes, etc. Or 9/11: "Looks like a controlled demoliton!", or Boston: "Why would people behave this way or that way? Can't be normal!"]

yes - it is almost as if they "freeze frame" the event - then look for the inevitable inconsistencies (which are usually cleared up / explained by later investigation)

but by then it is too late, any subsequent explanation is discarded as an attempted cover up etc etc

and they get their self-fulfilling prophecy - a conspiracy
That has not gone unnoticed, of course. I've already seen it mentioned at a German CT forum.
They are also picking up on the fact another plane came down in the same area in 1953

The Aviation Safety Network (ASN), has reported that in 1953 an Air France Lockheed L-749A Constellation went down near to Barcelonette – where scores of people are today feared to lay dead on the snowy slopes from the new tragedy.

Of last century’s crash, the ASN wrote: “A Lockheed L-749A Constellation, F-BAZZ, was destroyed when it crashed into the side of Mont Le Cimet (3020 m), 80 km northwest of Nice, France.
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and some 'gems' of illogical conclusion jumping from the David Icke forums


"French aviation authorities confirm there has been a distress signal and also a radio transmission by the crew, prior to the crash."


Aviation official says German Wings crew did not send a distress signal.

They're are setting up the 'ISIS CLAIM' story nicely.
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What’s the pattern? Malaysia suffered three crashes with similar lack of communication from the crew, despite them having radio contact easily available. France lost two long haul flights in similar circumstances a decade ago.

At that time France was refusing to join NATO, and was not willing to involved with NWO wars in Afghanistan and elsewhere. That chnaged and the crashes stopped.

Malaysia convicted the George Bush and Tony Blair of crimes against humanity, by starting the war in Iraq. The planes started to crash.
Now Germany is resisting the war in Ukraine and dragging her feet about involvement in a war against Russia, and she gets aircraft-dropping-from-the-sky treatment.

It seems a switch can be flipped, power to the aircraft gets cut off, and without power, the plane inevitably crashes. Is this the standard method of country control now? Aircraft all have a kill switch, operable by the CIA/Mossad. It gets used as a way to pressure the nations into line. I feel for the families who lost so many children today.
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I think all these crashes and missing planes are part of a wind down of passenger aircraft being used by the people. I think soon they will say it is too unsafe for people to travel by this method and that they will build high speed intercontinental railways for the people to travel across the world.

I think travel by aircraft will be banned except for the rich elite. To me this all falls in line with agenda 21.
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Yeah saw's minimal engines...and they just happen to film the piece of wreckage with plane number on.....hmmm m.....
Looks the pentagon lawn.....
Not a crash site...and why so blurry too....
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The A320 wingspan as 111ft 11 inches, (thanks to the Daily Mail for that)

Wikipedia gives the aircraft lenght as 111ft 0inches, cruising speed 511 mph at
11,000m, thrust 111–120 kN; also Airbus sold 111 aircraft in 1992.

March 24 is 83rd day of the Gregorian year. 8+3=11

March 24 is the last day of the year in the some implentations of Julian calender still used in some parts of Europe.

In Imperial Rome a three-day period of mourning before the rebirth of Attis on 25 March,
the date of the vernal equinox on the Julian calendar.

Attis was a Phrygian god of vegetation, and in his self-mutilation, death, and
resurrection he represents the fruits of the earth, which die in winter only to rise again in
the spring.

The aircraft was probably pagan sacrifice in honor of Attis.
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Just a few highlights... some of them seem quite humorous until you realise how seriously the Ickers take themselves :(
Proof by numerology is always fun. Of course the A320 is 123' 3" long, not 111' - that's the A319. And the wingspan of D-AIPX was 117' 5", not 111' 11", as the aircraft had sharklets on the wingtips. Also I have to believe Attis has seen a decline in worship in the last, oh, 1500 years, but otherwise spot on.
and some 'gems' of illogical conclusion jumping from the David Icke forums

I think all these crashes and missing planes are part of a wind down of passenger aircraft being used by the people. I think soon they will say it is too unsafe for people to travel by this method and that they will build high speed intercontinental railways for the people to travel across the world.

I think travel by aircraft will be banned except for the rich elite. To me this all falls in line with agenda 21.
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And never mind that 2014 was widely reported to be the safest year in aviation history.

All the same this was an unsettling thing to be seeing on the TV screens halfway through a week's skiing holiday in the Alps :(
CT claims of why no fuel fire ?? seem to not able see the smoke blackened rock gully's and burnt vegetation
image (5).jpg
I saw this on Max's page. There were literally hundreds of aircraft within the same range to CERN as the Germanwings A320. Some were overflying it.

The suggestion is ludicrous.
I saw this on Max's page. There were literally hundreds of aircraft within the same range to CERN as the Germanwings A320. Some were overflying it.

The suggestion is ludicrous.

What makes it even more so is the fact that it hasn't been turned back on as of yet due to mechanical issues.

Days before it was supposed to start circulating protons again after a two-year hiatus, the world's largest particle accelerator has developed a short circuit. The team behind the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is now evaluating its options to determine whether the problem will cause a delay of days or months.
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But when it comes to conspiracist mindset, I doubt the fact that it isn't operating yet would hinder the TRUTH®. I mean, look at Dutch and the HAARP thing, even while closed it still is destroying the planet.

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Apparently the recovered CVR files are shedding some light on what might have happened......

I find "suicide-by-airplane" (IF it is indeed the case here) to be reprehensible.

Knowing about post-9/11 features (which I will not discuss in an open Forum)...makes this fully plausible....disgusting, but plausible.
*If* it was the case, in situations like that it's not suicide, it's mass-murder.
I just wasted an hour listening to some fellow on the radio, (the classical music station was having technical problems, so it was this or sports talk), Clyde Lewis, it was, and he had a fellow on who mostly agreed with him....They have decided that the German Wings crash was due to Cern and LHC, of course they did not account for all the other unaffected flights, many of which were a lot closer to Geneva. Apparently one of the passengers was an American Female with her child, who worked for a US Government mapping agency, of course, without anything like proof, they stated that she was killed deliberately along with all the others to cover some kind of geomagnetic effect of the LHC....I found this very much in bad taste to say the least...Less than 48 hours after the crash, such persons are already coming up with the usual CT bunk, without a thought as to truth. They even connected this to the 1953 crash nearby, and claimed it was due to Geo gravitational effects amplified by the LHC. Well, the LHC was not in existence in that year, among other things. I get the feeling that this host would believe almost any CT, as long as it fits his weltanshauung....I once turned this guy off after 20 minutes of contrail/chemtrail rants....I should have known better, but I was driving home and nothing else was on...

As an Aviator, I think the most likely cause was suicide by airliner crash, or by some kind of unusual failure, the other theories I have heard or read elsewhere are just too complicated or unsupported by any facts.
I mentioned it the other day, but... Magnetic fields do not work this way.

The LHC is 180 miles away, and had been on for five days when this happened. Thousands of planes passed through that radius without a problem, and hundreds were in the air at the moment this happened.

But before it could affect planes, the first thing it would cause is a power outage in the Geneva suburbs above the tunnels, possibly some computer damage. If it were strong enough to bring down a plane 180 miles away, it would have been crippling power grids in most of Switzerland and big chunks of France, Germany, Italy, and whatever countries in the area I forgot from high school geography (Austria I think?). The power outage would have been one of the largest ever.

Unless Doctor Doom just took over CERN, I think we're fine (dibs on the Avengers 4 idea).
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