Henry W. McElroy Jr. and the Eisenhower E.T. meeting



In 2010 Henry W. McElroy Jr., a retiring former state representative from New Hampshire, revealed that while he was serving on the State Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs committee he had seen an official briefing document to President Eisenhower concerning the continued presence of extraterrestrial life in the United States and the fact that the president could actually meet with the E.T.s if he so desired.

Here is McElroy's video address cued up to the point where he talks about the briefing document he saw:

Source: https://youtu.be/i8ArZtk5z94&t=203s

A drama by Christopher Munch, The 11th Green (2020), explores the possibility that Eisenhower had a secret meeting with aliens in 1954.

Does McElroy's testimony provide evidence that the meeting might have actually happened?

Complete Transcript of Video Statement made by Henry McElroy:

Following is the transcript of his speech made on May 8, 2010, at Fort Monroe, Virginia.

Hello, I’m speaking with you from Fort Monroe, Virginia. We’re also known as The Gateway to Freedom.

We sit right next to a little town called Phoebus, Virginia. Interestingly, they call themselves The Gateway to the New World.

Phoebus sits inside of Hampton, Virginia whose motto is First from the Sea, First to the Stars.

My name is Henry McElroy, Jr. a retiring, former State Representative from New Hampshire. Thank you for your attention to this brief message concerning the world’s interaction with both earth-based, and off-world astronauts.

The reason I am making this announcement is in the hopes of encouraging better perspective to all who explore the universe. Therefore, as a result, making a more valuable contribution to humanity, for the benefit of all faiths, all races and all nations.

Another reason I am here today is because I believe in the foundational wisdom of our nation, which was laid down by our founding fathers and because we know that highly advanced knowledge and information can assist human beings in solving various problems both in current times, and in our future.

When I was in the New Hampshire State Legislature, I served on the State Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs committee. It was, apparently, important that as a Representative of the Sovereign People who had elected me to this Honorable Office, that I be updated on a large number of topics related to the affairs of our People, and our Nation. As I understood it, some of those ongoing topics had been examined and categorized as Federal, State, Local development, and security matters. These documents related to various topics some of which spanned decades of our nation’s history. One of those recurring topics is the reason I am addressing you this evening.

I would like to submit to our nation my personal testimony of one document related to one of these ongoing topics which I saw while in office, serving on the State Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee.

The document I saw was an official brief to President Eisenhower. To the best of my memory this brief was pervaded with a sense of hope, and it informed President Eisenhower of the continued presence of extraterrestrial beings here in the United States of America.

The brief seemed to indicate that a meeting between the President and some of these visitors could be arranged as appropriate if desired.

The tone of the brief indicated to me that there was no need for concern, since these visitors were in no way, causing any harm, or had any intentions, whatsoever, of causing any disruption then, or in the future.

While I can’t verify the times or places or that any meeting or meetings occurred directly between Eisenhower and these visitors—-because of his optimism in his farewell address in 1961, I personally believe that Eisenhower did, indeed, meet with these extraterrestrial, off world astronauts.

I hope my personal testimony will aid the nation in its quest for continued enlightenment. I am honored to follow in the footsteps of those who have come forward with their personal testimonies – those who deserve the admiration of the American people for sharing their accounts publicly, in an effort to elevate our knowledge to a higher understanding of our existence.

People such as:

Former Astronauts John Glenn, Edgar Mitchell, Gordon Cooper, and Buzz Aldrin

Former Presidents Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter

Captain Bill Uhouse of the United States Marine Corps

Lt. Col John Williams of the United States Air Force

Co Phillip Corso Sr. of the United States Army

Commander Graham Bethune of the United States Navy

Along with:

David Hamilton of the Department of Energy, Donna Hare of NASA, and James Kopf of the National Security Agency

I would also like to thank the countries of France, Brazil, Britain, Russia, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, New Zealand, our neighbor to the North – Canada, Uruguay, and Australia, for also opening their files to the citizens of their countries, and allowing them access to information that is so very important to the evolution of humanity.

I thank you for allowing me this opportunity to have a small part in doing the same, by sharing the information I have given you today.

Thank you very much and I’d like to thank our communications crew for helping us make this happen today.

And, I’d also like to authorize distribution of this video for anyone who wants to use it for educational purposes.

Thank you.
Source: https://alieninterview.org/tag/henry-w-mcelroy/
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It might be worthwhile to ask the Eisenhower presidential library if they have information on this.
From https://www.eisenhowerlibrary.gov/sites/default/files/2020-11/UFOs%20and%20Flying%20Saucers.pdf (excerpt, full list attached):
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Meanwhile, the question remains: Did Ike really meet with ETs 50 years ago?

"Not to our knowledge," says Jim Leyerzapf, an archivist at the Eisenhower Library. "There's nothing in the archives that indicates that."

Then Leyerzapf bursts out laughing.

He has heard this theory before. "We've had so many requests on that subject that we have a person who specializes in this."

That person is archivist Herb Pankratz.

"He specialized in transportation," Leyerzapf says, "and we decided to add UFOs to that. He does trains, planes, automobiles -- and flying saucers."

The library fielded dozens of questions about the alleged Ike-ET meeting in the late '80s and early '90s, when several UFO books advanced the theory, Pankratz says.

"It's interesting how these stories have changed," Pankratz noted in an e-mail. "Initially, the accounts claimed the President made a secret trip to Edwards Air Force Base to view the remains of aliens who had crashed at Roswell, N.M., in 1947. Later stories then claimed he had actually visited with live aliens."

Pankratz doesn't buy either theory. He believes the dentist story, and he cites James Mixson, the dental historian and professor at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Dentistry. Mixson's article "A History of Dwight D. Eisenhower's Oral Health" -- published in the November 1995 issue of the Bulletin of the History of Dentistry -- is the definitive work on Ike's teeth.

Citing the U.S. surgeon general's records on Ike's medical and dental history, opened to researchers in 1991, Mixson reported that on the fateful night of Feb. 20, 1954, Ike chipped the porcelain cap of his "upper left central incisor" and it was repaired by Dr. Francis A. Purcell.

Ike never made any public statement about meeting ETs, Pankratz says. But did he perhaps spill the beans to his family? Ike's son, John S.D. Eisenhower, is a retired Army brigadier general and author of several books on history, including "General Ike: A Personal Reminiscence."

Asked via e-mail if his father had ever mentioned meeting with aliens, Eisenhower responded with a short but emphatic reply:


He declined to comment further.


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A drama by Christopher Munch, The 11th Green (2020), explores the possibility that Eisenhower had a secret meeting with aliens in 1954.
A drama. As in, a fiction.

Does McElroy's testimony provide evidence that the meeting might have actually happened?
No. Not even close. First is the fact that we have someone sharing a recollection in 2010 about a piece of paper he may have seen in the '50s, so ~50 years. Memory doesn't work that way.

We have no physical evidence of this paper.

More importantly, if such a document existed, there would have been ZERO reason for this guy to have seen it. Per his testimony:

My name is Henry McElroy, Jr. a retiring, former State Representative from New Hampshire.

When I was in the New Hampshire State Legislature, I served on the State Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs committee.
Content from External Source
He served in the New Hampshire STATE Legislature. Not the Federal House of Reps. He was concerned with what happened in the State of New Hampshire. He may have served on a State committee that interacted with the Federal Veteran Afaris Administration, but he hardly seemed to be in a position to receive classified material about the President.
The outer reaches of the UFO community also believe that President Eisenhower signed a secret treaty in 1954 with an alien race known as the Greys. The two sides agreed in the “Greada Treaty” not to interfere with each other’s affairs. Also under the treaty, the Greys would share technology with the U.S. and the aliens would be allowed to abduct humans for various experiments, provided they submit the names of abductees to a secret government committee known as the “Majestic 12.”

The National Archives has received numerous inquiries concerning documents identified as "MJ12" and "Briefing Document: Operation Majestic 12." We have made extensive searches among the records in our custody of the U.S. Air Force and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to identify these documents. The Truman and Eisenhower Libraries have also searched their holdings for any references to, or copies of, the documents. In addition, the records of the National Security Council (NSC) for the Truman and Eisenhower Administrations are in the custody of the National Archives. Searches were made of the indexes to the NSC's Policy Paper and Meeting Minute files under the subjects MJ-12, majestic, unidentified flying objects, UFO, flying saucers,extraterrestrial biological entities and Aquarius. These searches were all negative with the exception of a "Memorandum for General Twining, from Robert Cutler, Special Assistant to the President, Subject: "NCS/MJ-12 Special Studies Project" dated July 14, 1954. The memorandum, one page, refers to a briefing to take place on July 16. The memorandum does not identify MJ-12 or the purpose of the briefing.

First is the fact that we have someone sharing a recollection in 2010 about a piece of paper he may have seen in the '50s, so ~50 years.
i can't find any indication of anyone with that name in New Hampshire except 2002-2004. He does have a son with the same name (his son is Henrry W. McElroy lll ). and like so many of these "rage against the government" whistleblowers seems he had a lawsuit the feds won in 2009. I know that is technically ad hominem but we do see that pattern often in whistleblowers.


Bottom line: that which is given without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.
Describe what the claim of evidence is,
First is the fact that we have someone sharing a recollection in 2010 about a piece of paper he may have seen in the '50s, so ~50 years. Memory doesn't work that way.
I assumed this from his lack of clairifing when he saw the memo and this line in the transcript:
While I can’t verify the times or places or that any meeting or meetings occurred directly between Eisenhower and these visitors—-because of his optimism in his farewell address in 1961, I personally believe that Eisenhower did, indeed, meet with these extraterrestrial, off world astronauts.
Content from External Source
However it appears that he claims to have seen this memo in ~2003. Here is some Q&A between, what I take to be a cautious UFOlogist, and McElroy. Even the interviewer has a hard time with McElory's lack of follow up or explanation. It seem like McElroy has a memory of Eisenhower's hopeful outgoing speech and this memo is the reason. He still offers no details on why it was shown to him, a State Representative:

Accordingly, at McElroy's invitation via his intermediary, I recently e-mailed him a list of six questions. Below, I'm posting his answers, along with my pertinent comments in brackets. I leave it to you as to how to rate his account thus far on, say, a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the highest level of credibility for such a piece of testimonial evidence; and 10 signifying the least acceptable piece).

LB: (1) What percentage of confidence do you have that the Ike UFO-E.T. "brief" you'd observed while on duty at the New Hampshire state House of Representatives circa 2003 was an official government document?

HM: 100%
[Note that, for whatever reason, McElroy foregoes this opportunity to give us a detailed rationale for his certitude.]
LB: (2) If a U. S. congressional committee were to hold a series of open hearings on the matter of UFO-E.T. reality, would you be willing to testify, under oath, before that committee?

HM: No.
[Again no explanation offered. Does this absence mean he also would resist a SUBPOENA compelling his delivery of testimony before said committee? How many of the other witnesses to the same document back in the N. H. legislature in 2003-04 also would resist compliance with the subpoena? Are they now putting their heads together to form a bloc of resistance to further exposure of the "brief"?]
LB: (3) During your inspection of the "brief," did you notice any security classification stamped/imprinted thereon (e.g., SECRET)? What kind of federal security clearance (if any) did you possess (and why) as a member of the N. H. House's Committee on State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs?

HM: My memory serves me that it was an official Memorandum to President Eisenhower. I do not remember the presence or absence of any security stamps. No federal security clearance required.
[I suppose I should've asked (as some persons now are asking): Why didn't he photocopy the document in question for later analysis/preservation/dissemination? Also: would he now be willing to undergo a polygraph exam as to the veracity of his account? (Such examination remains customary among certain federal agencies charged with monitoring the associations and conduct of their sensitively assigned personnel.)]
LB: (4) Would you be willing to be interviewed by such renowned radio-talk show hosts as Jerry Pippin (of http://www.jerrypippin.com ) as to your pre-representative education/employment background and as to your motivation, timing, methodology, and prospects for this smoking-gun disclosure of UFO-E.T. reality? (Please explain your answer.)

HM: No. I have nothing more to say on this topic that can’t be gleaned from viewing of the video, the script, and President Eisenhower’s 1961 Farewell Speech. Insightful studies should also be done of what has gone on before us. This would include, but not [be] limited to, what a host of our own American, earth-based Astronauts have said about the existence of off-world Astronauts. Then, integrate this with what twelve other sovereign countries have released in their extraterrestrial (off-world) Astronaut-related files.
[Another missed opportunity to clarify and solidify the public record here - and to put his account into palatable perspective from the point of view of its human-interest value.]
LB: (5) If you could redo any aspect of your pivotal disclosure effort, what would that be - and why ?

HM: No “redo” required.
[Perhaps he needs more time to ponder this question.]
LB: (6) What suggestions do you have as to how certain UFO-E.T. researchers worldwide can help determine the document's whereabouts and investigate its authenticity/provenience?

HM: I do not want to be so presumptive as to suggest that such a distinguished body of researchers on this topic do anything. One last point is that we are speaking of the fact that “Truth Will Come Out.” This reminds me of the following quote which I remember from a story which went something like this: The noises around us make it hard to hear. But the human voice is different from other sounds. It can be heard over noises that bury everything else. Even if it’s just a whisper . . . when it’s telling the truth.
[By this critique, I mean not to disparage Mr. McElroy's integrity, record of public service, or passion for UFO-E.T. truth. With his testimony, we stand at a crossroads, wondering which way to turn in what seems to be an eternal, thankless quest in the public interest. Thank, YOU, sir, for trying to plant a beacon for us.]
Content from External Source
However it appears that he claims to have seen this memo in ~2003. Here is some Q&A between, what I take to be a cautious UFOlogist, and McElroy. Even the interviewer has a hard time with McElory's lack of follow up or explanation. It seem like McElroy has a memory of Eisenhower's hopeful outgoing speech and this memo is the reason. He still offers no details on why it was shown to him, a State Representative:

If he saw the memo as late as 2003 then perhaps it could be fairly recent disinformation that has found it’s way into official records.
HM: My memory serves me that it was an official Memorandum to President Eisenhower. I do not remember the presence or absence of any security stamps. No federal security clearance required.
Then this document was unclassified and should be among the ones held by the Eisenhower library.

I tried to find out when this McElroy was born, but failed.
If he saw the memo as late as 2003 then perhaps it could be fairly recent disinformation that has found it’s way into official records.
But again, what official records like this, fake or otherwise, would this guy be seeing? He's a state representative in New Hampshire. He's not in Washington DC on a Congressional Intelligence oversite Committe or something.

I don't know the UK equivalents, but McElroy is more like a "local counselor" I think. Responsible for a local area and not involved with what goes on in Parliament.

He seems to be a true believer. It's possible that someone showed him "something" in 2003, that he believed totally given his mind set.
But again, what official records like this, fake or otherwise, would this guy be seeing? He's a state representative in New Hampshire. He's not in Washington DC on a Congressional Intelligence oversite Committe or something.

I don't know the UK equivalents, but McElroy is more like a "local counselor" I think. Responsible for a local area and not involved with what goes on in Parliament.

He seems to be a true believer. It's possible that someone showed him "something" in 2003, that he believed totally given his mind set.
i'm wondering.. he says "official brief" then he says "memorandum" ...but he didnt take notice of WHO the author was, which is odd. i'm semi-speculating that maybe some nut sent a letter to the White House and maybe the FBI checked the nut out and wrote a brief basically saying "the nut claimed you can visit the aliens if you want, but we checked the nut the out and he seems harmless enough", they then forwarded the info to New Hampshire because the nut lives in New Hampshire and they might want to keep an eye on this guy. ????

or McElroy had a mild stroke (his mouth movement and diction is a bit off/slurry) and is confusing something he saw on the internet with something he saw in New Hampshire. He was only a rep for 2 years so it's highly doubtful a real doc would have come up during that brief time in office.

and/or he believes in ETs so one of his fellow Reps were playing a joke on him. It is New Hampshire after all. I'm not sure how to describe New Hampshire...its a lovely state, but it's not Seattle or Washington DC ..it's rural all over. :)

again, it's kinda a waste of time to start threads on claims without evidence. Anybody can make up a story like that and being elected to [small district] office isn't as impressive as some people may think. even AOC won and she was a bar tender with no knowledge of political affairs or economics.
even AOC won and she was a bar tender with no knowledge of political affairs or economics.
Ocasio-Cortez attended Boston University, where she double-majored in international relations and economics, graduating cum laude.

Your basic point stands, though:
Boebert dropped out of high school during her senior year, because she had a child. She earned a GED certificate in 2020, a month before her first election primary.
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Majestic 12
In 1988, two FBI offices received similar versions of a memo titled “Operation Majestic-12…” claiming to be highly classified government document. The memo appeared to be a briefing for newly-elected President Eisenhower on a secret committee created to exploit a recovery of an extra-terrestrial aircraft and cover-up this work from public examination. An Air Force investigation determined the document to be a fake.

The FBI page has a PDF with the "document" and their investigation of it:
SmartSelect_20220604-093905_Samsung Notes.jpg

It seems likely to me that McElroy saw this in 2003 (or earlier?) and badly remembered it in 2010.
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Your basic point stands
my point has nothing to do with formal education. Herdonan thinks bird poop is proof of chemtrails and he's a PhD physicist. Don't get me started on MDs who brought us lobotomies, EST, the opioid crisis and the Covid vaccine being excessively dangerous.
This is the Majestic-12 document purporting to be a brief to President-Elect Dwight D. Eisenhower from Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter prepared on Nov 18th, 1952:




Source: https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/eisenhower_briefing.pdf

It seems unlikely that this was the document that McElroy saw. It only describes wreckage of alien spacecraft and dead alien bodies. It does not mention any aliens living in the US or the opportunity to meet them. It is a strictly factual document that could not be construed as being "pervaded with a sense of hope". Also McElroy would not have the security clearance to read such a Top Secret document.
Also McElroy would not have the security clearance to read such a Top Secret document.
Yes, but it's actually a fake published 15 years earlier that anyone could read without a clearance.
Because McElroy remembered reading it when he didn't have clearance, he would have convinced himself that it wasn't classified—that's just how witness memories work.
Whether it was associated with hope or not would depend on how it was presented to McElroy; framing matters.

I also notice that the FBI documents a cover page that is missing from your post. (There's also a list of attachments.) Excerpt:
SmartSelect_20220604-161145_Samsung Notes.jpg
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It seems unlikely that this was the document that McElroy saw. It only describes wreckage of alien spacecraft and dead alien bodies. It does not mention any aliens living in the US or the opportunity to meet them. It is a strictly factual document that could not be construed as being "pervaded with a sense of hope". Also McElroy would not have the security clearance to read such a Top Secret document.
I guess I would answer, so what? What are we trying to say here?

That McElroy actually saw a document that talked, in a positive and uplifting way about Eisenhower meeting with aliens?

That said document actually exists?

That said document is a real authentic government memo about Eisenhower really meeting with aliens?

What is your central claim?

In this case, Mendel and deirdre seem to be in agreement. McElroy might have seen some form of the fake MJ-12 documents, that have been floating around UFO circles for years, in 2003 or earlier and 7 years later confabulated that with the old "Eisenhower met the aliens" trope that had also been floating around the fringes.

He seems to be from the UFO/New Age camp that equates aliens with peace and harmony. So that's how he wove whatever he might have seen together in his head.

At best this is some guy that saw fake documents and told his own story about it. At worst he's delusional.