I'm displaying ads for ETRH on Metabunk

Mick West

Staff member
I'm now displaying banner ads for non-members (which is >90% of the traffic here). I was in two minds about it, but I want the book to do well because I think it has an important and useful message. So I'll take the hit of accusations of "shill" if it means I can get the word out.

Metabunk 2018-08-02 16-09-06.jpg

If you don't like the ads then sign up and they will go away .

It's not an ideal situation (ideally I'd get on Oprah and not need to do this :) ), but for now Metabunk provides one of the few ways I can promote my book.
I presume the book's subject matter is 100% consistent with the content on this entire forum. In fact it can be viewed as an extension of the forum.
The book could sorta be viewed as a syllabus for the forum, if it is indeed written close to the same way you present your posts.
I don't have the book yet, so we'll see.
I presume the book's subject matter is 100% consistent with the content on this entire forum. In fact it can be viewed as an extension of the forum.
Pretty much. Especially the chapter on chemtrails :) . Here's a page from the index for flavor.
Metabunk 2018-08-02 16-43-20.jpg
This may not be the best time to mention it, but shouldn't 'David, Kelly' be 'Kelly, David'?
I find looking at the index fascinating, and I wrote it! Here's the full thing.


  • Index from Escaping the Rabbit Hole by Mick West.pdf
    469.5 KB · Views: 781
why? you want to be associated with Dr. Oz and "Dr." Phil and Jenny McCartney? no. no. no.
Appearance is not endorsement - but really I just picked that because of the book choice boost thing - I wasn't thinking about the optics. However I'd be open to pretty much anything. I don't have to agree with people just because I'm on their show.

Not that this is currently a problem :)