Irish Weatherman debunks chemtrail speculation


Senior Member.
I recently listened to a youtube recording of someone calling their (US) news/weatherstation practically threatening them if they didn't admit chemtrails. I didn't mention it at the time but today I came across this one from Ireland, of a caller who politely discusses his beliefs. The resulting conversation is worth posting imo as the meteorologist is well aware of the scaremongering that is the chemtrail hoax.

@9:25 He doesn't understand physics at all!

Ya know, listening to it there, you're right. But, it added another element of the general public's misunderstanding --- water vapor.

Since water vapor is invisible, those not fully informed about the science of atmosphere, and meteorology, just don't understand "how" clouds can seem to form from (in their eyes) "nothing". Hence --- "chem"trail!
Do you have a link to that?

Could you please give a summary or transcript? For the folks who can't watch videos.
It's a bit of a lengthy ask as it was the usual gish gallop of common chemtrail misconceptions from the web which the weatherman corrected inline.

The caller begins his enquiry "Are MetAir planning anyway soon on talking about the ongoing weather modification programs going on in Ireland?"
WM: "There are no weather modification programs going on in Ireland that I know about"
Could you please give a summary or transcript? For the folks who can't watch videos.

As "Balance" said, it is a rather lengthy phone call.

@8:42 in the video, there is a still frame of an engine pylon of a commercial passenger jet, showing the small tubes (circled in red) that have become a common "gotcha" from 'chem'trail enthusiasts...and of course, these tubes are explained as drains already (here on MB).

@8:45 -- Caller: "I don't know what they are, I'm only speculating.....All it is, is hot vapor hitting the freezing cold temperatures and forming ice crystals..."

Weatherman: "What you're seeing is just water, water droplets..." (interrupted here) --

Caller: "....but, these return back to ambient temperature a few seconds later, and that's how a contrail is formed and always dissipated in the past..."

Right there, we see a cognitive disconnect. The caller is polite, but misinformed as to the nature of contrails, and how/why they can persist in some conditions, and dissipate in other conditions.
Got it, thanks guys. So basically it's a misinformed caller expressing their concerns about contrails (or what they believe to be chemtrails), with points that have probably all been thoroughly debunked here at metabunk and at similar sites, right? I'll try to get to somewhere I can view video soon.
I'll try to get to somewhere I can view video soon.

Yes. It's not a "video" in the usual sense....although posted on YouTube, which of course, is a video-hosting site.

If I were more tech-savvy, perhaps I would know how to strip just the audio, and put it into another format that is less streaming-intensive(?)...if that makes sense? (iTunes, or something? Pod-Cast??)

I'm sure others who read this might have this technical knowledge.......
Got it, thanks guys. So basically it's a misinformed caller expressing their concerns about contrails (or what they believe to be chemtrails), with points that have probably all been thoroughly debunked here at metabunk and at similar sites, right? I'll try to get to somewhere I can view video soon.

Josh I feel the post would have been better in the "Metadebunking" forum as it is more of a discussion than a debunk, but there is so much about chemtrails it seems often the criteria cross.
Obviously I'm happy if admin want to move it. Wasn't sure which forum was most suitable tbh.

I've attached mp3 (16MB) of the video if that's any help?

ETA: Well I uploaded it but it's not showing after hitting "post"
Trying again


  • Phonecall To RTE Weatherman about Geoengineering 7th Feb 2014..mp3
    16 MB · Views: 782
At around 9:15 the caller states he can't understand how the vapor could expand out to that degree. Why doesn't he have the same question about whatever he thinks is being "sprayed"? There is always a logical disconnect like that in their thinking.
At around 9:15 the caller states he can't understand how the vapor could expand out to that degree. Why doesn't he have the same question about whatever he thinks is being "sprayed"? There is always a logical disconnect like that in their thinking.

I have started asking people why it gets thicker and thicker as the "chemtrail" is sprayed. Someone once described ice nucleation to which I countered "Oh like a contrail then". Answer "No, they melt"
I have started asking people why it gets thicker and thicker as the "chemtrail" is sprayed. Someone once described ice nucleation to which I countered "Oh like a contrail then". Answer "No, they melt"

I have seen some of them presume some sort of exotic chemical which just "does that". Of course they can't flesh out that premise at all- it's just something they thought to invent to "explain" how the "spray" can expand.
Admin related:
Josh I feel the post would have been better in the "Metadebunking" forum as it is more of a discussion than a debunk, but there is so much about chemtrails it seems often the criteria cross.

The contrail/chemtrails forum has a bit of a grandfathered relaxation of the posting guidelines, allowing more discussion around the topic - as MB historically arose from the Contrail Science comments sections.

TA: Well I uploaded it but it's not showing after hitting "post"
You have to wait until it show's it has finished uploading. Bit annoying, sorry.
Wow, the meteorologist was very informative, and the caller was basically saying "yeah" to all his information, then keeps saying "well I have photographs" or the usual "they didn't use to look like this" argument.