Is this weather modification or am I paranoid?


New Member
I live in upstate NY and noticed some very strange weather patterns this week. Instead of asking some conspiracy theory quacks, I thought it would be better to ask the people of this form so I can hopefully be "debunked". I tend to not believe in this crap.

Been seeing a lot of increased air traffic lately with very loud jets (military base is ~ 45 miles away). Captured a few nice pics of contrails a fewer weeks ago on a nice clear day. Seemed kind of strange how the end of the contrail suddenly disappeared but I'm sure it can be explained.
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Yesterday morning I was stacking firewood outside when it started to snow quite heavily. I was a little surprised since I thought the area was dominated by high pressure for a few days. It was snowing heavy at 9am est and was finished by around 930am in my area. The Doppler pattern on twc looked like a bulls-eye shape. I've been told it is just a Doppler spread effect, but, isn't that caused by a long distance from the radar tower? The bulls-eye clouds were right smack on top of the tower so I thought it would be from the "dead zone" caused by the angle of the radar but idk. Here are some screen shots from twc on that day:


I am lead to believe that the general consensus about twc is that it sucks. So I tried looking at some radar data from and
I found it a little strange how the data for January 15th 14:08 to ~18:00 UTC (9:08-13:00 EST) is missing for the TYX radar. Maybe it's just a coincidence. The neighboring radar CXX had some strange patterns later on that day around sunset so I'm assuming these are sun spikes?


Around 9:30am EST yesterday I snapped a few more contrail pics:
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Well in any case, I collected a few snow samples and was considering doing some elemental analysis. I just wanted to ask this community if they think it would be worthwhile to do this since it is expensive, I don't have a lot of money, and would be happy to throw them out if I can get some answers.

Thanks for viewing this thread.


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Seemed kind of strange how the end of the contrail suddenly disappeared but I'm sure it can be explained.

Contrails will "stop" when they exit a region that supports their formation. This can simply when they fly out of the region, or it can be due to a change in altitude, generally if they are descending.
Yesterday morning I was stacking firewood outside when it started to snow quite heavily. I was a little surprised since I thought the area was dominated by high pressure for a few days. It was snowing heavy at 9am est and was finished by around 930am in my area.

Are you sure it wasn't a band of lake effect snow?

As for the contrails stopping...contrails are basically clouds (cirrus clouds) and as such are subject to specific formation and/or persistence criteria. Ever notice how clouds just stop? or there is a cloud in one spot but not another? same principle.
I've collected a few weather maps of Yesterday's weather. I will offer some thoughts shortly.



Yes, you are paranoid - or to be more accurate you've been infected with the 'weather modification' meme and are here interpreting phenomena through that meme, at least temporarily.
(and I don't mean that in an insulting way, as you're obviously at least open to natural explanations which is more than some are)

1) No it is not weather modification. This is particularly evident given the wide area of precipitation seen/forecast in the weather maps above around the great lakes area.

2) Real weather modification like cloud seeding attempts to induce precipitation with moisture already present by condensing water vapor (using substances like Silver Iodide) until they coalesce to droplets heavy enough for precipitation.

3) Contrails can potentially cause precipitation if there is enough moisture in the air (because airplanes emit water vapor as a product of combustion), but keep in mind how precipitation works--condensed water droplets coalescing until it is heavy enough for gravity to take over over.

4) Precipitation like snow generally depends on what moisture already present in the atmosphere. This moisture typically originates from bodies of water, such as lakes, and oceans, and may carried in invisible vapor form from a moving air mass.

5) I suspect the snow you received may at least in part be due to lake effect. This occurs when colder air moves over a warmer body of water (i.e., great lakes), picks up the warm moisture from that lake, and such air crosses colder ground, it then condenses and precipitates. I know that colder air was moving into your area (in fact, a cold front crossed from North to South today due to the low above the great lakes that moved east, and a high in Northern Canada moving south and east. The initial formation of this cold front can be seen just west of the LOW above the great lakes). Meteorologists, please correct me if my analysis is totally off.

6.) The "Bullseye" return, and the spikes, is a weather radar thing. I'm no expert in radar, but I think this covers it:

7.) Honestly, I think analyzing snow is a bit of a waste of time, but I would say that if you are still suspicious that the snow is anything but normal (which I don't believe is the case), then go right ahead.
Thanks for the info everybody! It's tough for me to pick out fact from fiction these days with all the mumbo jumbo. I was only concerned about chemicals being poured on my organic garden as I'm a small time farmer.
Thanks for the info everybody! It's tough for me to pick out fact from fiction these days with all the mumbo jumbo. I was only concerned about chemicals being poured on my organic garden as I'm a small time farmer.
It's probably best if you do your own research if you are a farmer.

testing isnt that expensive. This link says "15$ to prep sample and 10$ per metal to test".

heres a link to some testing options in your area that may be even cheaper. Cornell in Ithaca does water too, just follow their link bottom of the page. Testing
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