London bombings 7/7. Was official photo of bombers photoshopped? [No]


New Member
I have searched but cannot find if this has been discussed before?
The official release of a cctv image of the four bombers entering the station at Luton, has been claimed to be photoshopped by conspiracy theorists.
London UK. July 7 - Suicide bombers Mohammed Sidique Khan, 30, Shehzad Tanweer, 22, Hasib Hussain, 18, and Jermaine Lindsay, 19, meet at Luton station.
They take the 7.25am train to King's Cross in London, then hug and separate to carry out their deadly missions.
Within three minutes around 8.50am, Tanweer detonates his bomb at Aldgate, Khan sets his device off at Edgware Road and Lindsay blows himself up between King's Cross and Russell Square.
Hussain detonates his device on the number 30 bus at Tavistock Square nearly an hour later.

On July 16th, at another Metropolitan police press conference, DAC Peter Clarke stated, "We are this evening releasing a CCTV image showing the four men at Luton train station at approximately 7.20am. We know they traveled together from here on a Thameslink train to King's Cross in central London."

Here is the image from cctv that was released showing the four alleged bombers.

Yet there appear to be abnormalities as if the released image had been photoshopped?

The three faces on the right appear to have been blurred.

The two images below claim, that a railing bar has been claimed to appear to go through one of the men: this is most likely due to compression artefacts or an optical illusion due to a confluence of apparently aligned features between foreground and background.

7:7 5.jpg
The legs of the Bomber below right are not matching of the body

Also look at the kerb stones on the right. The second one up appears to stick out where it joins third stone which is angled to the right? now compare this with a cctv image from three of the Bombers when they did a
Now compare this with a cctv image from the same camera, of three of the Bombers when they did a dummy run on the 28th June?
7:7 bomber  4.jpg


  • 7-7-bombers-Edit-2.jpg
    51 KB · Views: 472
Fair one! I have not seen some of that footage before, Though if someone was pedantic they may ask why the first image i posted of the four together was released not some of the other cctv stills at luton?
i admit the railings on the image which appear in front of the bomber look strange, could this be due to the camera, do they suffer with the same problem as on CRT and plasma computer monitors with phosphor burn-in?
Fair one! I have not seen some of that footage before, Though if someone was pedantic they may ask why the first image i posted of the four together was released not some of the other cctv stills at luton?
i admit the railings on the image which appear in front of the bomber look strange, could this be due to the camera, do they suffer with the same problem as on CRT and plasma computer monitors with phosphor burn-in?

No, it's just because of the limited color range and low resolution. You are seeing the lower rail under the white hat guy's elbow.
The Bomber with the white hat, had his hand up behind him, as he was doing something to his rucksack, hence the railing appearing to go in front of him.
The top railing appears to go through his head slightly i guess is due to the low res image, a similar colour shade being at the same level as the top image?
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