Mobile Metabunk


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Yes, i see the topics list, and next page to the topic i wanted to read has forward pages. Older topics in the particular subject thread can't be seen. I think the word is scrolling down, i get to the bottom of a topic area (not a post) and its dead end on mobile, It just lists recent posts. But on PC it keeps going Page 1, 2, 3 etc
Sorry if im coming over stumped
Yes, i see the topics list, and next page to the topic i wanted to read has forward pages. Older topics in the particular subject thread can't be seen. I think the word is scrolling down, i get to the bottom of a topic area (not a post) and its dead end on mobile, It just lists recent posts. But on PC it keeps going Page 1, 2, 3 etc
Sorry if im coming over stumped
yea my phone is the same
Thanks Deirdre, im not on my own then! Its a grey bar where i presume the Fwd / Back option would be, ill try and screenshot
Thanks Deirdre, im not on my own then! Its a grey bar where i presume the Fwd / Back option would be, ill try and screenshot
ok this is a little crazy as the font is so super tiny... if you click the 3dots on top of each other way up in the upper right hand corner of your phone. one option says "desktop site". if you hit tht then all the threads show
My screenshot was taken from my phone.
i think his wording was a bit off.. let's see if what i suggested fixes it for him. i think he is on the main General Discussion Page List. that only shows 20 active threads. until i clicked that "Desktop site" button.
this is a nightmare trying to get a screengrab onto this site lol... anyway tap these three dots, then choose "desktop site"

Active threads or inactive threads its ok on PC, But phone dont like it. Sorry if my wording was off, its 02:45am screen off mobile attched (ive been up scince 05:00am !


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    screen d.jpg
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I do pop on many forums using my phone, mysterys; ufos and weather related, never had this problem on looking into archive posts. On my tablet its ok Fire 10 i think, that dispays ok. Oh well its least of trouble just thought i mention it.
Runs Android 10 EMUI V 11, 8GB ram (my pc has 4!) Browser is the standard issue from huwawi or however its spelt, not or never logged into it.
At the top i see unwatch ... down arrow
maybe its im a newbie?

Full pixel for a P30 pro 1080 x 2340 clarity is ace to say the least old but good
Sorry for late replying. @ Mendel note the difference!
I have found if put my mobile browser into 'computer mode', as apposed to default mode the older threads show up. With a magifying glass!
phone browser.jpg

(Ive just tryed this on firefox mobile too, same results)
I see this:

phone browser computer mode.jpg
But on Mobile browser(s) i see this No option to page two:
thumbnail ed.jpg
Browsing on my phone (Huawei p30 pro with andriod all updates etc..) i cant ever get to page 2 of a topic.

Example is, lets say General discussion

I can only see 15 or 20 topics on mobile with no -> next . Yet on my PC it goes on and on, and on with and next page ->
No next page on mobile ?
I've disabled a couple of plugins that might have been causing the issue. Can you try it now?

The Next Page button only appears at the bottom of the thread list in mobile.
I've disabled a couple of plugins that might have been causing the issue. Can you try it now?

The Next Page button only appears at the bottom of the thread list in mobile.
yup i have the next button now in non-desktop mode. (Chrome on Android) which is nice as my fonts are readable now.
Thanks all, working great now just checked on mobile, standard settings too. FYI The next page button is at the bottom left.
Great! The plugins were older ones that seem to have just got out of date with the various updates to Xenforo. It's actually cleaner in general without them.