orb filmed in the daytime


New Member
hi i filmed an orb or silver/white thing in the sky on september the 4th at 10 am.
i attempted to upload the video but the file was to big and not sure how to change that so i have uploaded it to my you tube account {my kids use it so old fortnite stuff on their}.

i noticed this orb for maybe 1 second or 2 once i had stopped filming. i filmed the area agai but couldnt see it but i did catch it on the video i had just made.
this is the explanation i wrote previously on the contrail section awaiting approval.:

Hi mick this is my first post and great to find the site and get a balanced view on all manner of topics. Watched many of your videos and after initially finding many things believable only to find the rational explanation on you tube.
one of the reasons I have sought out this page was to ask why the contrails seem to be intermittent. I have observed many planes with the standard small trail behind but then in certain places the trail be a few miles long from various planes on similar flight paths over several hours.

That was my first question my second was asking for help in explaining something I witnessed in the sky (silver/white orb) and actually caught it on film (while filming the question I have above) .
Know doubt it has a rational explanation and I was after some advice on how to explain it with maybe your opinion and help. Could it have been a satellite or star that I could see momentarily in a blue sky.
I have attached the video and although it's momentarily you see this silver orb I did see it with my own eyes and not only through the camera.

At 46 seconds about 1/4 of the way in from left to right at the very top of the screen you can see what I am talking about.
Then again at 1m 11s on the centre of the far right of the screen.

For context I was at work and it was a lovely clear sunny day and I noticed a few mile or so long contrails and I noticed a plane then come from over the sea onto the land and then leave another contrail.

I thought is it the difference in the air between land and sea that makes these contrails stay longer. So this is what had my attention and I tried to catch this on film.

I filmed 15 minutes of this on several videos over 20 minutes roughly some I paused and started again and from what I can remember I stopped filming and as I looked straight ahead to go down the ladder I noticed this silver orb that appeared then disappeared directly in my line of site. So I filmed that area again but couldn't see it again.

I was wondering if what I saw was a star or satellite and how I can see what would have been in that area of the sky when I was filming
Many thanks and any positive input is appreciated

the you tube link is:

Source: https://youtu.be/1vqLI0v87N0?si=56hqLaM2aPYwEsaX

after spending a little bit of time on a pc looking at the video again{and again} at 1.20 i can see 2 orbs at once o the screen and it is the orb in the centre of the screen that i think i seen with my eyes and not just the camera.
more than likely distant planes but any input would be appreciated
thanks barry
hi i filmed an orb or silver/white thing in the sky on september the 4th at 10 am.
if it was an aircraft, more precision may help identify it, such as a precise location (to the nearest mile is sufficient), precise time (check if your camera clock is accurate, if it's not, the time on the video file will be off), and the direction (north, southwest etc.) that the camera was pointed.
after spending a little bit of time on a pc looking at the video again{and again} at 1.20 i can see 2 orbs at once o the screen and it is the orb in the centre of the screen that i think i seen with my eyes and not just the camera.
more than likely distant planes but any input would be appreciated
thanks barry

If you have smartphone you can go online to flightradar24 and see in real-time the transponder id. and track of commercial aircraft flying near your location
Hi manxmac, I've no ideas about your video, but regarding your question about contrails:

...why the contrails seem to be intermittent. I have observed many planes with the standard small trail behind but then in certain places the trail be a few miles long from various planes on similar flight paths over several hours.

A good observation; the reasons for this have been broadly understood for many decades.
The main factors in contrail formation and duration include the temperature and humidity of the air (affected mainly by altitude, also time of day and climatic conditions) and of course the nature of the aircraft's exhaust- volume, temperature, impurities present (impurities can act as nucleation sites for the growth of water droplets which freeze and become ice crystals). Contrails are pretty much all water,
Persistent contrails are mainly composed of water naturally present along the aircraft flight path.
Content from External Source
(USAF AFD-051013-001, PDF attached below).

Volume and temperature of exhaust varies from aircraft to aircraft, engine type to engine type, and can vary in an individual aircraft depending on how the engines are being used.


An example of two aircraft at the same altitude, one forming contrails, one not. Same source as above.
(Not sure the text has the 707 and A340 the right way round; the plane at right looks like it has the broader fuselage of an A340. Then again, maybe the left plane is considerably further ahead of the right plane, hard to tell).

There are some threads about contrails on this forum- this might be useful

In the first post of that thread, Mick West quotes "Cloud Formation by Supercharged Plane" from U.S. Air Service July 1921- over a century ago! It has some pretty accurate theorizing about how contrails are formed.
This was the type of plane responsible, a Packard-Le Père LUSAC-11. (There's a good chance this is the actual plane):


Two months after the report about the "cloud formation", the same pilot (Lieutenant John A. Macready) broke the world altitude record in the aircraft pictured

Also from Mick's post, from 1943 (so dealing with propeller aircraft; my underlining added)

mick west contrails.JPG

From Wikipedia:

Depending on the temperature and humidity at the altitude the contrails form, they may be visible for only a few seconds or minutes, or may persist for hours and spread to be several miles wide, eventually resembling natural cirrus or altocumulus clouds.
Content from External Source


contrail, also called condensation trail or vapour trail, streamer of cloud sometimes observed behind an airplane flying in clear cold humid air. A contrail forms when water vapour produced by the combustion of fuel in airplane engines condenses upon soot particles or sulfur aerosols in the plane’s exhaust. When the ambient relative humidity is high, the resulting ice-crystal plume may last several hours.
Content from External Source
...atmospheric scientists have explained that some contrails last longer than others because of factors such as the humidity of the air (which can vary quite sharply over short distances) and the temperature of the airplane’s exhaust.
Content from External Source

Since the early 50's and the growth of commercial jet aviation, contrails of various durations- seconds to hours- have been a constant feature of the skies around the world.

Other Metabunk contrail-related threads here,

Attached below, "Contrails Facts", USAF,13 October 2005, document AFD-051013-001


  • AFD-051013-001 Contrails Facts USAF.pdf
    534.5 KB · Views: 86
if it was an aircraft, more precision may help identify it, such as a precise location (to the nearest mile is sufficient), precise time (check if your camera clock is accurate, if it's not, the time on the video file will be off), and the direction (north, southwest etc.) that the camera was pointed.
The location is in the NW corner of the Isle of Man near the former RAF Jurby, Ballasalla area. Looking SE towards Snaefell. The time of 10:00 local on the 4th seems close enough going by the Sun's position. Well maybe a bit later than that.
The plane that leaves the curving contrail on the left might be DLH4C and the one to the right might be ACA850. Time at the start of the video would be 10:20 then. Really not all that convinced though - there's also a third contrail that I couldn't find a good candidate for in my admittedly cursory search. Neither did I notice any other planes around could have reflected the Sun at that time.
Maybe someone else can dig up a time that fits better. I'm pretty sure I got the location right, though.
if it was an aircraft, more precision may help identify it, such as a precise location (to the nearest mile is sufficient), precise time (check if your camera clock is accurate, if it's not, the time on the video file will be off), and the direction (north, southwest etc.) that the camera was pointed.
Ok I will put the data up on the origonal video.
I was trying to see if the thing moved at the speed of a plane but my filming leaves much to be desired thanks for the input
The location is in the NW corner of the Isle of Man near the former RAF Jurby, Ballasalla area. Looking SE towards Snaefell. The time of 10:00 local on the 4th seems close enough going by the Sun's position. Well maybe a bit later than that.
The plane that leaves the curving contrail on the left might be DLH4C and the one to the right might be ACA850. Time at the start of the video would be 10:20 then. Really not all that convinced though - there's also a third contrail that I couldn't find a good candidate for in my admittedly cursory search. Neither did I notice any other planes around could have reflected the Sun at that time.
Maybe someone else can dig up a time that fits better. I'm pretty sure I got the location right, though.
Yeah I was at jurby church filming between castletown to peel.
When I observed this thing i would describe it like it pulsed, it appeared I seen it then disappeared.
The reasons for the way I seen it could have been many but it was very intriguing.
Many thanks for your help
That, at 1:20, looks like a distant plane briefly reflecting the sun.
yeah i have to agree. How do i find old flight paths to identify any suspects, i was going to check the live flight tracker on monday at the same time.
what sort of distance could such a sighting be made would i limit the distance to say 50 or 100 miles.
thanks for the input cheers
Let me address the reason you were filming in the first place. The layers of greater or lesser humidity in the atmosphere can take the form of waves, and indeed the clear sky of the sunny portion gives way to the hazier sky that's more humid. Look closely at the sky in your video; the image shows multiple such waves of haze, getting closer and closer as the distance between them diminishes with perspective as they approach the horizon. The planes, staying at their own constant altitude and making their own constant emission, cut across the tops (or bottoms) of the undulating humidity waves, going in and out of the humid portion so that the condensation trail intermittently stops and starts.
Hi manxmac, I've no ideas about your video, but regarding your question about contrails:

A good observation; the reasons for this have been broadly understood for many decades.
The main factors in contrail formation and duration include the temperature and humidity of the air (affected mainly by altitude, also time of day and climatic conditions) and of course the nature of the aircraft's exhaust- volume, temperature, impurities present (impurities can act as nucleation sites for the growth of water droplets which freeze and become ice crystals). Contrails are pretty much all water,
Persistent contrails are mainly composed of water naturally present along the aircraft flight path.
Content from External Source
(USAF AFD-051013-001, PDF attached below).

Volume and temperature of exhaust varies from aircraft to aircraft, engine type to engine type, and can vary in an individual aircraft depending on how the engines are being used.


An example of two aircraft at the same altitude, one forming contrails, one not. Same source as above.
(Not sure the text has the 707 and A340 the right way round; the plane at right looks like it has the broader fuselage of an A340. Then again, maybe the left plane is considerably further ahead of the right plane, hard to tell).

There are some threads about contrails on this forum- this might be useful

In the first post of that thread, Mick West quotes "Cloud Formation by Supercharged Plane" from U.S. Air Service July 1921- over a century ago! It has some pretty accurate theorizing about how contrails are formed.
This was the type of plane responsible, a Packard-Le Père LUSAC-11. (There's a good chance this is the actual plane):


Two months after the report about the "cloud formation", the same pilot (Lieutenant John A. Macready) broke the world altitude record in the aircraft pictured

Also from Mick's post, from 1943 (so dealing with propeller aircraft; my underlining added)

mick west contrails.JPG

From Wikipedia:

Depending on the temperature and humidity at the altitude the contrails form, they may be visible for only a few seconds or minutes, or may persist for hours and spread to be several miles wide, eventually resembling natural cirrus or altocumulus clouds.
Content from External Source


contrail, also called condensation trail or vapour trail, streamer of cloud sometimes observed behind an airplane flying in clear cold humid air. A contrail forms when water vapour produced by the combustion of fuel in airplane engines condenses upon soot particles or sulfur aerosols in the plane’s exhaust. When the ambient relative humidity is high, the resulting ice-crystal plume may last several hours.
Content from External Source
...atmospheric scientists have explained that some contrails last longer than others because of factors such as the humidity of the air (which can vary quite sharply over short distances) and the temperature of the airplane’s exhaust.
Content from External Source

Since the early 50's and the growth of commercial jet aviation, contrails of various durations- seconds to hours- have been a constant feature of the skies around the world.

Other Metabunk contrail-related threads here,

Attached below, "Contrails Facts", USAF,13 October 2005, document AFD-051013-001
thanks john. i can see how this topic has created so many theories online. with some planes leaving trails and others not but if you didnt look on flight radar you would not believe how many planes are in the sky at any one time. thanks for the info i can put that conspiracy theory to bed lol
This is the photo data.


  • Screenshot_20230924_140104_Gallery.jpg
    86.1 KB · Views: 66