Persistent contrails at 26,000ft


Staff member
the conditions this morning didn't allow for persistent contrails at normal high altitude so this one looked a bit out of place.


By the time I spotted the plane responsible it was no longer leaving a contrail, but it was still below 28,000 feet and climbing: it had only recently taken off from Stansted.

A couple of minutes later another plane out of Stansted passed on a similar track and was also leaving a contrail. When I took this FR24 screenshot it was at 26,640ft and the contrail stopped shortly afterwards. Based on the rate of climb the contrail must have started below 26,000ft. (The more distant plane at 35,000ft was visible glinting in the sun but not leaving even a short trail.)


Here are the same two trails a few minutes later.


Shortly afterwards they were joined by a third form a flight on a similar track.

The first plane was an A320, the second and third were B737s, not turboprops like other low-altitude trails that have been noted recently by @Trailspotter.
And over London later this morning, a persistent contrail from a Q400 turboprop in level flight at 25,000ft.


The first plane was an A320, the second and third were B737s, not turboprops like other low-altitude trails that have been noted recently by @Trailspotter.
Actually, most low-altitude trails that I noted on Monday (28-Mar-2016) after Katie passed over East Anglia were not from turboprops. It is just I missed the moments when these trails were formed and could neither verify the plane types by zooming on them, nor determine whether these persistent trails originated from aerodynamic contrails or exhaust ones.
The more I watch contrails the more I'm having to reassess my thoughts on how low they form. I just watched this easyJet plane leaving a persistent contrail (bad photo as taken from a moving train)


By the time I opened FR24 it was just climbing through 25,000ft. Based on the length of the visible trail it must have been forming at 23-24,000ft


Plenty of persistence.



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