Please ID this trail

I finally found the "morse code" trail within the thousands of photos that I mentioned in another thread. Here are three of the pictures (taken Jan 8, 2016 at 11:42 a little east of Sacramento), one showing how the trail was laid out as on, off, on, off, on, off to look like Morse Code to me, one that shows the angle to the earth, 16-01-08 1143 trail-14 dashed trail-13 (12).JPG 16-01-08 1143 trail-14 dashed trail-13 (12).JPG 16-01-08 1143 trail-14 dashed trail-13 (13).JPG 16-01-08 1144 trail-14 dashed trail-13 (19).JPG and one photo that shows the relation to the sun, which seems to help ID it
Okay, so it's in january so it's PST, not PDT, so UTC is +8, so it's 19:42 UTC.

That means it's likely UA1857, climbing out of SFO

That altitude is consistent with the type of trail observed. Aerodynamic contrails exhibit that on/off behaviour
I attached the KML file of the flight. Open it in Google Earth and look from the viewpoint you took the photo. Here it is from the park you mentioned earlier


  • UA1857-886e3e4.kml
    551.1 KB · Views: 949
I attached the KML file of the flight. Open it in Google Earth and look from the viewpoint you took the photo. Here it is from the park you mentioned earlier
And it did pass near the Sun:
Screen Shot 2016-10-10 at 10.52.29.png
A high-altitude westerly wind on the day would soon have carried the trail away and below the Sun as in the OP photo.
The important thing is not the trail position relative the Sun, but the fact that Sun elevation in the sky at the date and time was 30°, and that the trail at its highest point was at about the same elevation, as the @Mick West's identification suggests.
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