Problem with 'disappearing images'


Senior Member
It has happened to me a couple of times that an image 'disappeared' from a post, leaving only a file name, ie.:


It's, sigh, a bit annoying when this happens.

Just to report the bug (if even it is a bug and not me pressing some key or clicking somewhere where I shouldn't have).


  • 1637449909569.png
    7.8 KB · Views: 197
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@Mick West
I've had this happen several times recently, the latest is at

SmartSelect_20220801-094445_Samsung Internet.jpg

it looks fine at first, then when I come back later, the image fails to display.

this suggests to me some server-side processing issues, possibly generating a cached version? does the server have sufficient space?

thie above example is notable in that the 3 images were created identically, and are all fairly small.
It has happened with bigger images from different sources, and a re-upload typically fixes it.
@Mick West
I've had this happen several times recently, the latest is at

SmartSelect_20220801-094445_Samsung Internet.jpg

it looks fine at first, then when I come back later, the image fails to display.

this suggests to me some server-side processing issues, possibly generating a cached version? does the server have sufficient space?

thie above example is notable in that the 3 images were created identically, and are all fairly small.
It has happened with bigger images from different sources, and a re-upload typically fixes it.

I noticed the same problem with other posts in that thread. While going back to find my example, I scrolled past yours, which just a couple of hours back rendered all 3 fine, but now showed the image you don't get, but failed to show the two that you do. Nondeterminism abounds. (Looking at the HTML implied there's some lazy loading going on, but I don't enable JS, so we might be experiencing different things just because of that.)
It's like a Skinwalker bug, never there when you look for it.

It might be that some plugin is out-of-date, or that the Cloudflare caching is borked. I'll check the plugins.

If you see an example of a currently broken image, please post a link
So it seems to be a Cloudflare-related issue.

One image vanished from the Hairdryer thread. I cleared the cache for that one URL in Cloudflare, and it came back.

I've disabled this setting, which is something CF recommends you do if some images are not loading. Fingers crossed!