Red Dragon, Cassini Picture Being Used As Nibiru Proof


New Member
googleskyimage.png I've been seeing this picture come up quite a bit the past year in multiple "weird" online worlds from Kek/Trump conspiracies to, now, Nibiru proof. Couldn't find in existing threads. If there, please stop here and just reply with a link to the existing post.

They take this picture from google sky, which is from Cassini (zoom out for context):

Claim the blacked out portion is censored and that there's actually a "red dragon" looking thing there that's being hidden and that it's Nibibiru or, at the very least, is the Red Dragon of the apocalypse.

I honestly regret clicking links in this world so just google "red dragon google sky" and you'll see the multiple "uncensored versions" of the image come up. It looks like a creepy smiling face in any instance.

If we go back to the original googly sky link, though, you can see other blacked out portions for apparently technical reasons. I'm thinking there's a far less conspiratorial explanation for the black space there but I don't know enough about orbital telescopes to figure it out.

Also, I'm not astronomically adept enough to know what's actually there causing the green lights that are blacked out.

Thanks to anyone who knows anything about this!
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  • 88.JPG
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that was quick. thanks!

The lense flare makes total sense and the glitch does too (for the black box).

Follow up questions though would be:

If the black box is is a glitch, how likely is it that the glitch would repeat across multiple orbits like that?

When I zoom in on similarly green colored spaces in the link (even the other lense flair ones), I see nebulae and sometimes stars. When I zoom in on the spot in question, I just see a starry sky. Why would that be?
If the black box is is a glitch, how likely is it that the glitch would repeat across multiple orbits like that?

Those are not multiple orbits. It's the same image tiled horizontally

Like when you zoom out on some map apps:

[oops wrong info, deleted]

although I gotta say the monster they are hiding is a cutie pie! doesn't look like a dragon though.

So that is a double image of Saturn recorded by IRAS in 1983. There are multiple versions of the IRAS data, google sky uses the "Improved Reprocessing of the IRAS Survey" also known as IRIS. The IRIS version has been recalibrated and that particular section was removed since the major planets are not supposed to be part of all-sky surveys. IRAS had to complete its scan of the entire (or almost the entire) sky in about a year of time before its coolant ran out. Once the cryogenic coolant was exhausted the telescope's own internal heat washed out the long wavelength far infrared part of the spectrum it was surveying. Thus there was no time to wait for Saturn to "move out of the way" for the survey to go back and scan that part of the sky without Saturn in it. In fact IRAS was designed to scan the sky line by line with a single column of pixels, and as a result of the way it scanned the sky, Saturn was captured twice at two different time points resulting in a "double image" of the planet.

If you look up the raw data tables on the IRAS data, you'll find that this area of the sky was scanned on two dates, July 14 1983 and July 24 1983.

The above link is a temporary directory created when I called up the tables that correspond to those coordinates, but it will be automatically removed after a certain period of time, so I downloaded a couple of the scan tables and uploaded them here for future reference, they are the .tbl files:

UTCS in the above scan tables refers to seconds from the date January 1, 1981. Adding the seconds seen in those scan tables to that date you arrive at July 14 and July 24, 1983. Now take the coordinates of Saturn as seen from earth on those two dates and plug them back into IRAS raw image search (accessible here: ):
July 14 1983 coordinates:
13h 47m 56.27s -08d 28' 02.9"
July 24 1983 coordinates:
13h 48m 57.41s -08d 36' 36.4"

Here are the resulting charts, the cyan crosshairs show where those coordinates match up with the IRAS data:
July 14 1983 coordinates:

July 24 1983 coordinates:

A perfect match in both cases. These grayscale images are from the 12 micron band. You can take those coordinates into SkyView Virtual Observatory ( ) and generate color versions if you like. The 100 micron band with the "Prism" color table selected appears to be what was featured above:

You'll note the black box is there again in the IRIS data, but not in the original IRAS data which is also available from SkyView.

The WISE telescope is the modern successor to IRAS, and like IRAS it had a limited supply of cryogenic coolant which meant they had about a year to survey the entire sky at far infrared wavelengths in 2010. Similar issues can be seen in the original WISE survey data, and in fact Jupiter in the WISE data has been claimed by at least one "Nibiru researcher" as being "Nibiru." Here's a video I did about that:

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off topic, but ...why?
The purpose of an all-sky survey is to provide a reference for known point sources and faint sources such as stars and galaxies. Moving objects within our solar system such as planets are "artifacts" for the purposes of the survey. The paper describing the creation of the IRIS version of the IRAS dataset describes this and specifically mentions Saturn on page 304 (3rd page of the PDF):

"Before co-adding the individual HCONs, the IRAS team inspected them visually to identify artifacts like moving objects (e.g., asteroids) or residual glitches. To allow for further validity checks of point sources seen (or not) in the co-added maps, the IRAS team decided to provide the individual HCONs that include those artifacts."
"We also dealt manually with Saturn because of its large extension in the affected HCONs."
Content from External Source

As the paper above describes, the main purpose of eliminating Saturn and processing the IRAS data the way that they did was to provide a reference dataset for future missions (particularly in infrared, sub-millimeter and millimeter wavelengths) to use for analyzing the interstellar medium in order to improve the interpretation of their own datasets. In this sense, anything within our solar system, including zodiacal light, asteroids, and major planets become a distraction from the desired data. This is also true of visible light all-sky surveys; I use the Palomar sky surveys all the time to examine the proper motion of stars across decades of time. Major planets on the plates would be a distraction from what I'm seeking to find and would wash out faint stars nearby.
Thanks everyone for chipping so quickly and, especially in the case of Astro, succinctly. That post answered everything.

I appreciate your time and expertise, as well as patience. I mostly just lurk here but hadn't seen a post covering this one so decided it would be my first one. I'll be sure to post more red arrow pics if I need some help again (that's to Mick who was kind enough to add those for me).