Sitrec Mods and Custom Sitches

Mick West

Staff member
If you are logged into Metabunk, you'll get a new button "SAVE MOD". This will give a URL that will have (hopefully) all the changes you made to a sitch.

(I might make these URLs shorter in the future)
You can see it references a .js file, which you can look at if you are curious.

So with this you could, for example, edit the cloud motion graph in Gimbal, and then save a version with that new configuration. Or tweak the wind and setting in FLIR1. @TheCholla might be interested.

There's also a new "Custom" sitch when you can drag in videos and tracks and then set up how the camera moves, and what it focusses on. Needs some documentation.

There's a "Terrain" control, where you can specify the terrain that's loaded. Hold T to move it around.


Double click on a window to full-size it (like above).

This is somewhat beta, so bug reports are appreciated. Docs coming later when I'm less busy.
I've not tested this with the Night Sky / Starlink sitch yet, and I don't think it will save the current TLE correctly, so keep using the "Permalink" button for that for now.
For future-proofing, you could avoid exposing the nitty gritty details of Amazon's present hosting arrangements in the mod parameter. It looks like it's content-addressible already given what appears to be a hash, that's all you need (plus the human-readable part for us non-computers).
Appreciate the new functionalities. I'm abroad with a slow internet at the moment so Sitrec is very laggy and cannot be tested properly on my end. I just had a quick look and noticed a few things.

In the FLIR1 stitch, I can't see the option to set the UAP heading under the "straight line" config. Also, I can't see how to adjust the F-18's bank under the "From bank and speed" config. Stuff that was there and is needed to investigate our scenarios for FLIR1.
Just FYI.
In the FLIR1 stitch, I can't see the option to set the UAP heading under the "straight line" config. Also, I can't see how to adjust the F-18's bank under the "From bank and speed" config. Stuff that was there and is needed to investigate our scenarios for FLIR1.
Just FYI.
Sorry about the slow speed, that's something that needs work. I'm spoiled with gigabit internet at home.

Missing parameters ... darn! Looks like I broke something. I'm a bit busy today but will try to get this fixed ASAP.

People can report bugs here, with a GitHub account. I've added that one for you.
In the FLIR1 stitch, I can't see the option to set the UAP heading under the "straight line" config. Also, I can't see how to adjust the F-18's bank under the "From bank and speed" config. Stuff that was there and is needed to investigate our scenarios for FLIR1.
Just FYI.
Should all be fixed now. As of version 1.2.2