Snowden reveals the secrets of chemtrails

Internet Chronicle is satire, like The Onion. They even have a satirical article about Snowden being granted sainthood.

The bio of the fake “Greenwild” account includes a link to The Internet Chronicle, a satirical news site that’s part of the Internet culture associated with sites like Reddit, 4chan and Encyclopaedia Dramatica. The latest story on The Internet Chronicle is “Edward Snowden dead in apparent drone attack,” so the parody “Greenwild” account seems to be a way of trolling mainstream journalists (like Mr. De Rosa) and driving traffic to the satirical article.
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Here's the "About" page from Internet Chronicle.

At the Chronicle.SU, we take truth seriously. We take what we do so seriusly, untruths at are punishable by mutilation or death.

Sadly, is not of this earth. After crash landing in an asteroid December 30th, 1976, the alien husks of Chronicle editors rapidly adapted to Earth climates and bacterial flora. They are able to survive naturally in the wild and reproduce freely.
Here at, we take a liberal stance on drug abuse and theft of intellectual property, but that does not mean we are liberal because liberals are faggots and I ain’t no steer-boatin’ queer!
Receiving tweets twice daily via fax from religious advisers impregnates our right-wing furnace of hate, enabling us to bring you the most horrifyingly sensational headlines you’ve ever seen, or your money back – guaranteed!
If you wish to write us spam, please use and we will get back to you at our earliest possible convenience, or whenever.
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Check out this satirical piece about Snowden exposing HAARP, and the comments telling skeptics to do some research. In fact, the majority of comments are from conspiracy folks who apparently can't be bothered to research what the website they're leaving comments on is all about.

It is unbelievable the number of people who don’t believe in HAARP, charm trails, mind control. Google MK ULTRA. Do some research you might learn how evil our govt has been — from beginning but only worse now due to the advanced technology today.
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Madison has fully bought into it. Madison, I know you read these need to check stuff before you post.... you really do.

It's satire? Damn my lack of research time!

I had a full blown Facebook battle the other day over a chronicle piece claiming that Snowden was divulging UFO secrets! Could've ended it with one response if I'd paid more attention.
This is the actual Headline of

In Germany, we call this "Wink mit den Zaunpfahl" (to wink with a fencepost)


If you have some drink in your hand:

Take it to a save place on the table!

Be prepared for a great Facepalm

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Our beloved Weathermen Scott Stevens has also fallen in this trap...

... but he deleted it.

It´s still in the Google-Cache:

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