Sun rotation

What you are seeing is not the sun itself rotating, but your perspective rotating. If you're in the northern hemisphere, then at dawn, facing the sun to the east, its north pole (as well as the Earth's) are to the right. At noon, when you look up and to the south to face the sun, it's north pole is at the top. As it sets, facing west to watch it, now it's north pole is on the left.

To illustrate this, lay down on your right side and hold a pencil at arm's length on the floor. Roll to your left, keeping the pencil parallel but sweeping it in an arc overhead and then to the floor on the other side.

The sun's north and south are still roughly aligned with Earth's, as is the moon's, however when you look at them in the sky, north is only "up" when you're viewing them very high in the sky from the northern hemisphere. From the southern hemisphere, south is "up" on both when they're high in the sky, and near rise and set, they're always sideways.
What you are seeing is not the sun itself rotating, but your perspective rotating. If you're in the northern hemisphere, then at dawn, facing the sun to the east, its north pole (as well as the Earth's) are to the right. At noon, when you look up and to the south to face the sun, it's north pole is at the top. As it sets, facing west to watch it, now it's north pole is on the left.

And these "rotations' of the Sun and the Moon are just another evidence of the rotating Earth.
What you are seeing is not the sun itself rotating, but your perspective rotating. If you're in the northern hemisphere, then at dawn, facing the sun to the east, its north pole (as well as the Earth's) are to the right. At noon, when you look up and to the south to face the sun, it's north pole is at the top. As it sets, facing west to watch it, now it's north pole is on the left.

Is that the right way round? If I'm facing East then I have to turn to my left to face North.
I find this information very very interesting.. nasa claims this is how sun rotates

It's interesting how it's always "NASA claims" as if NASA is somehow the authority on astronomy. What you should be saying is "every astronomer in the world knows the sun rotates like this". These aren't things that have to be taken on trust. They are independently verifiable.

BTW the rotation period of the sun is roughly 24.5 days. From the Earth it appears to be more like 26.2 days, because after 24.5 days the Earth has rotated another 24.5/365 of the way round the sun, so it needs to rotate some more to "catch up" with the Earth's position.
It's interesting how it's always "NASA claims" as if NASA is somehow the authority on astronomy. What you should be saying is "every astronomer in the world knows the sun rotates like this". These aren't things that have to be taken on trust. They are independently verifiable.
Indeed, in fact astronomy is perhaps THE main branch of science where the amateur can still be at the forefront of observation and discovery. Anyone can do it, all you need to start is some very basic equipment - doesn't even need to be a telescope, a good pair of binoculars will do, a star chart and bobs you mothers brother.
It's interesting how it's always "NASA claims" as if NASA is somehow the authority on astronomy. What you should be saying is "every astronomer in the world knows the sun rotates like this". These aren't things that have to be taken on trust. They are independently verifiable.

not to mention there are at least 2 other big space agencies. why is it not ESA claims or Roscosmos claims? why the USA centric view of the world. dose the flat earth revolve round the USA?


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They are two very different viewpoints: the NASA 'claim' is taken from a fixed point in space near the sun over a month, the other is taken from a rotating planet.