Teenager wins prize for improved supercapacitor technology

Greetings all.

So my question is will we see this technology quickly available?

For the pupose of this question, this advance is exactly as claimed, which is a battery charger that will recharge a cell phone in 20 seconds. (. woah !)



No it's not. It's a supercapacitor that can be used as a replacement for a battery (in some applications). All she did was invent a better version of a particular type of supercapacitor.



Khare created a nanorod electrode capacitor with increased electricity density that retained a supercapacitor's energy density and long life.

"I wanted to see if I could apply my research to a commercial idea," Khare told TechNewsWorld. There hasn't been as much research done in the supercapacitor area as there is for batteries and capacitors, so she decided to focus on supercapacitors.

There's been speculation that the supercapacitor might be able to recharge a cell phone battery rapidly, but "this advancement is not really about charging mobile solutions, it's about power storage," said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at
Tirias Research. "Perhaps instead of two batteries or cells, you might have a single battery or cell with something like this capacitor to recharge the battery."
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And has this anything to do with the thread topic? New topics should go in new threads.
Hi Mick,

It is a true mis-cat. I had read more about the tech. than the question I posed. I will post to a different thread.
It is fascinating to gauge the establishments response to her work. The spin and nay-saying begins immediately. Self importance
rises up quickly to categorize her work and isolate and limit it's real world potential immediately.

Ms. Khare is entering the express lane of ABC's and politics of technology improvement which is a million times more information packed than a University degree.

Hi Mick,

It is a true mis-cat. I had read more about the tech. than the question I posed. I will post to a different thread.
It is fascinating to gauge the establishments response to her work. The spin and nay-saying begins immediately. Self importance
rises up quickly to categorize her work and isolate and limit it's real world potential immediately.

Nonsense. It's just a possible incremental improvement on an existing technology. The commercial viability is unknown - she got better results in part by using a type of crystal that is harder to grow.

It's just silly media hype: "hey look at the amazing whizz-kid and their super invention", like that kid who put solar panels on a fibonacci tree. It's nonsense reporting from reporters who do not understand what they are reading (or, quite often, writing).

What exactly do you think is the real world potential of her work?
Hi Mick,

It is a true mis-cat. I had read more about the tech. than the question I posed. I will post to a different thread.
It is fascinating to gauge the establishments response to her work. The spin and nay-saying begins immediately. Self importance
rises up quickly to categorize her work and isolate and limit it's real world potential immediately.

Ms. Khare is entering the express lane of ABC's and politics of technology improvement which is a million times more information packed than a University degree.


It's real world potential is no more than super fast charging of cell phones and other portable electronic devices. It can also handle more charge/discharge cycles but has to be charged more frequently so it may or may not last longer. That's pretty much it. It takes the same total amount of energy to charge her supercapacitor as it does a battery, but the design of a supercapacitor allows them to handle a higher energy density input making charging times much faster.

Khare's supercapacitor is meant to serve as a replacement for a small battery, specifically those used in cell phones. She says the inspiration for her design came out of frustration from constantly finding her cell phone battery dead. The supercapacitor she developed is small enough to fit inside a standard cell phone battery housing, and can be fully charged in just 20 to 30 seconds. As if that weren't enough, it also has a much longer useful life offering 10,000 charge/recharge cycles instead of the 1,000 available now for batteries. The supercapacitor is based on nanochemistry, which Khare told the crowd during her acceptance speech is her main area of scientific interest.
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What's there to spin or nay-say? 30 second cell phone charging, yippee... another solution for first world inconveniences. ;)
She came up with an idea that is a variation on supercapacitor with a higher energy density and demonstrated it in action. That’s impressive enough!
Her supercapcitor has only been tested to light up a LED but it appears to have done that proficiently and consistently. The prototype's new format has potential to be scaled. It can be re-charged many more times than current units.

Here is the graphene version. If it is scalable, a higher energy density (perhaps 30x better) has applications that would upset the current power structure.


A Toyota Prius *adverstises* 53 mpg. This is absolutely pathetic. This is what multi-national corporations currently offer as 'new and improved technology' or "green" technology.

There is a Honda that sold a limited number of units in the U.S. in the nineties that averages 65-70 mpg... gas only. One of these vehicles is owned by a mechanic in Southern California and he can still coax 70 mpg out of his well maintained vehicle.

Already with these supercapacitors, there are numerous variant comparisons of the energy density vs. lithium ion batteries.

A Toyota Prius *adverstises* 53 mpg. This is absolutely pathetic. This is what multi-national corporations currently offer as 'new and improved technology' or "green" technology.

There is a Honda that sold a limited number of units in the U.S. in the nineties that averages 65-70 mpg... gas only. One of these vehicles is owned by a mechanic in Southern California and he can still coax 70 mpg out of his well maintained vehicle.

You probably mean the Honda CRX HF, a bare bones 2-seat car that got 51mpg (using modern EPA standards)

Market forces. Add in AC, airbags, back seats, and you get the modern Ford Fiesta (or several other similar cars), 40mpg.

For comparison, see China:

To convert L/100km divide into 235. e.g. Smart Fortwo, 4.9L -> 235/4.9 = 48mpg.
Hi Mick,

I am claiming that greed is suppressing fuel efficiency. I am not familiar with the term 'conspiracy' ... sounds ominous though.

The mechanic claimed that by keeping his vehicle tuned he could coax 70mpg out of it. It was a honda civic that was sold on a limited basis for 1 year only in the nineties in California. I researched that vehicle right after seeing him discuss the vehicle and recall it was a honda FCX (?) - searching doesn't show that as a valid model from the nineties though. As I recall only 160,000 were shipped to the U.S. and I believe that the actual sales may have been far lower.

Fuel efficiency is not getting better. Many individuals with 80's and 90's model cars in forums claim 40-60 mpg with 100,000-200,000 miles, wrong tires etc.

The Smart Fortwo is small. A vehicle that small=48 mpg? It is often stated that our tough emission standards are the reason efficiency is not improving. Lean burns increase NOX for example.

If I were king for a day, I would make every 4x4 diesel truck owner (beginning with the lifted over-sized tire guys) drive that Fortwo!

Fuel efficiency is not getting better. Many individuals with 80's and 90's model cars in forums claim 40-60 mpg with 100,000-200,000 miles, wrong tires etc.

Well yes it is.
And another important difference is that in a crash that might kill you in one of those 80's cars may well have you just walk away in a current car. It's one of the reasons they weigh a lot more than they used to; it's because of the far stronger structure and extra safety gear. The extra weight makes it difficult to get better economy but with modern engine technology it's still possible.
I am claiming that greed is suppressing fuel efficiency. I am not familiar with the term 'conspiracy' ... sounds ominous though.

What exactly is the greed doing? Are you talking about consumer greed or executive greed?

What do you think should be done, and who do you think should do it, and why should they?

Executive greed. This is not a new development. The issue with a better battery is one that is extremely interesting to watch going forward and backwards. A quick look says that a better battery will be available immediately. I am a lot more skeptical based upon how better energy storage will completely transform the current power structure. Purposely slowing down of technology advances...? Solar tech is owned by oil companies, this slows down real advances. I see a conflict of interest, perhaps other people are not going to see that. Today I can charge my all electric car from a home fully powered by solar, but the techs of both are not nearly as good as they can be and the price points of both are a little higher than they could be. Greed at the top.

This world doesn't have the answers. The love of Money tramples around recklessly leaving destruction in it's wake. It effects everything.

What do you think are the answers?


Weight is a valid point, especially with a honda crx and some other models.

The perfect car ... I think Neil Young was working on that,http://www.biodieselmagazine.com/articles/4501/business-briefs
The combination of biodiesel and electric batteries gives Lincvolt a range of more than 400 miles, while the efficient, biodiesel-powered engine and electric motor allow the vehicle to achieve 80 miles-per-gallon.

How many industries would have to shape up because of this vehicles proven innovations ? Not saying that the fire is suspicious. Neil states matter of factly that it was a charging system error on their part. I really don't feel strongly about this as a suspicious fire. It is interesting that he didn't re-build it, or that others aren't.

So one answer is build your own vehicle. Do a Prius upgrade and engineer it to be safe. Combine a VTEC-E with one of those 'fantasy' carburetors. Turn it upside down. Get paid to go away, live a nice quiet little life.

Executive greed. This is not a new development. The issue with a better battery is one that is extremely interesting to watch going forward and backwards. A quick look says that a better battery will be available immediately. I am a lot more skeptical based upon how better energy storage will completely transform the current power structure. Purposely slowing down of technology advances...? Solar tech is owned by oil companies, this slows down real advances. I see a conflict of interest, perhaps other people are not going to see that. Today I can charge my all electric car from a home fully powered by solar, but the techs of both are not nearly as good as they can be and the price points of both are a little higher than they could be. Greed at the top.

This world doesn't have the answers. The love of Money tramples around recklessly leaving destruction in it's wake. It effects everything.

What do you think are the answers?

Better public education, teaching critical thinking skills at school.

But I don't really agree with you assessment that technology is being held back to any significant degree. The first to market would make a lot of money. It's more that these things take time to become economically viable. I've never heard ANY plausible testimony about tech being held back. None of this supposedly held-back tech has very been leaked. Plus it would require a world-wide conspiracy to pull off such a thing. Why do cars in China have similar milage to cars in the US? It's because they have the same technology, and fairly similar markets.

Here's a 240 mpg car. There's just no market.

...Today I can charge my all electric car from a home fully powered by solar, but the techs of both are not nearly as good as they can be and the price points of both are a little higher than they could be. Greed at the top.

It sounds like you are just resentful that the technology you choose to use is not currently as good as you think it should be, and so are inventing a narrative to explain that.
While I'm sure profit interests determine a lot in this world, I think you are inventing (or picking up the popular narrative) a situation where things are actively being suppressed to protect greed interests.
Greetings Mick, Pete and Cairenn,

There is a market for the right 200 plus mpg car certainly. It will make the little prius bubble pale in popularity. Look at the volkwagen, look at Neil Young's little hobby car. So, honestly is the Volkswagon the best vehicle? No. It is a niche car, managed by the current power structure to not be a game changer. Would Neil Young's car cause a serious headache for SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association) ? Yes it would. Fact is that we are not seeing the very best technology with regards to any type of transport. Preston Tucker? Henry "Smokey" Tunick ? Tunick was a workaholic, inventor, his carburetor is still not available. His character is far from that of a huckster. Game changing tech. 1st to market didn't work out for him on the carburetor. To know how and why is illuminating. Where is the Mag train connecting L.A. to S.F. ? This kind of transport is in my view a very significant improvement in technology that is not available today in Southern California. Politics-and it does get 'dirty'. Many years ago there was very serious discussion of a high speed train connecting Los Angeles to Las Vegas. It later came to light that L.A. Council members had accepted bribes from the Auto industry and voted it down. This did come to the surface and must be incorporated in any fully developed view point of technology and the power structures in place. Edwin Gray won a science award handed out by then Governor of California Ronald Reagan for a magnetic car, never made it to market. Edwin died very suspiciously. The L.A. D.A. went to all his investors and said 'Edwin is being prosecuted for fraud, please sign. How many of his investors signed? Zero. Edwin had demonstrated the technology, they knew that he had a HUGE, game changing '1st to market' tech. This is why he had won the award, he had the real deal. This did come to light. There are a couple of articles available about it still. You tube will show his radiant energy tube cascading energy. So how did this happen and it got shoved under the rug ? 0.9% of the population was thoroughly disgusted 35.1% of the population said 'He musta been another one of those huckster / swindler guys-you know those people exist-disgusting isn't it' and 63% of the population doesn't care, isn't paying attention at all. Beach weather and a movie today ! Now Edwin isn't alone. He is preceeded by a whole host of other guys with 'fantasy' advances. Henry Moray essentially had the same thing as Gray. Gray's work is based off of Tesla. Radiant energy, cold electricity is real. You can demonstrate and make your own Gray tube, the avalanche effect that Gray perfected. The ionizing radiation is not even a health concern. You want to connect it to batteries and a magnetic motor, get ready, Toyota or someone else is going to get involved and shelve it unless you are silent about it. It is going to cost a huge amount of time and money to make Gray's work run. See Gary Magrattan's follow up work on Gray's invention if interested. He has walked away from it, perhaps with a nice amount of Money (personal speculation). Cold fusion / LENR - proven, languishing technology. 1st to market failures are abundant and traverse many decades. Just the way this World is currently set up. Greed and the current paradigm will stop this tech in any number of ways. They may get ya at step 2 in the process or they may knock you out at step 43, but they have thus far maintained their money stream.

I have (in a previous life) explored this rabbit hole very thoroughly, literally hundreds of hours invested including some actual tinkering with the Gray tube technology based upon Tesla - Henry Moray - Edwin Gray - Gary Magrattan. This tech. is still not available to benefit Mankind. Proof of concept exists for the avalanche of energy, the final product is not.

Hi Pete.

I don't have time to maintain any regrets when I consider how much Jesus loves me. I once became quite worked up on these issues but now I am in a different service that is abundantly rewarding. I may, if instructed return to it.

Oh almost forgot the links for the aforementioned. Bing or Google.



Mick, I certainly agree with better education. Critical thinking begins with an emphasis on ideas and creativity being more golden than current constructs.

“I want to concoct an invention I’ll call the “Portable Mass Hysteria Modulator,” which will manipulate markets from greed to fear, and conversely, fear to greed. Not only will this device help me make a fortune, and come equipped with a metal clip that enables it to affix itself onto your car’s sun visor, but it will also be able to open and close your garage door.”
Jarod Kintz, I Want Two apply for a job at our country's largest funeral home, and then wear a suit and noose to the job interview.

“There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West. Some courage and some wisdom, blended in measure. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

“Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves.”
Horace Mann

“Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful”
Warren Buffett


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Edwin Gray won a science award handed out by then Governor of California Ronald Reagan for a magnetic car, never made it to market. Edwin died very suspiciously. The L.A. D.A. went to all his investors and said 'Edwin is being prosecuted for fraud, please sign. How many of his investors signed? Zero. Edwin had demonstrated the technology, they knew that he had a HUGE, game changing '1st to market' tech. This is why he had won the award, he had the real deal. This did come to light. There are a couple of articles available about it still. You tube will show his radiant energy tube cascading energy. So how did this happen and it got shoved under the rug ? 0.9% of the population was thoroughly disgusted 35.1% of the population said 'He musta been another one of those huckster / swindler guys-you know those people exist-disgusting isn't it' and 63% of the population doesn't care, isn't paying attention at all. Beach weather and a movie today ! Now Edwin isn't alone. He is preceeded by a whole host of other guys with 'fantasy' advances. Henry Moray essentially had the same thing as Gray. Gray's work is based off of Tesla. Radiant energy, cold electricity is real. You can demonstrate and make your own Gray tube, the avalanche effect that Gray perfected. The ionizing radiation is not even a health concern. You want to connect it to batteries and a magnetic motor, get ready, Toyota or someone else is going to get involved and shelve it unless you are silent about it.

Is this free-energy technology exists, and people can demonstrate it on YouTube, then why is nobody in the world using it? Why does nobody build a hobby car to run on this? Why does nobody power their house on it?

Why are you even talking about improved mpg if you think there's free energy?

What you say makes no sense at all. Tens of thousands of scientists would have to conspiring to keep the knowledge out of the public domain.

Show me one demonstration of such technology.
Hi Cairenn, re; who powers my home when it rains for a week. Southern California Edison. Now if photovoltaic technology were 40% more efficient and we had a better battery. Southern California Edison and coal burning are gone.

As for photovoltaics, this is but one example of how difficult and long it takes to get through a game changing tech. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NucNews/message/23680 About a year and a half ago I followed up and Mr. Alberts was in West Germany. Still no panels available. The technology gains were far more modest (no longer game changing) this is a result of oil owning the solar industry. I suspect eventually someone will patch all the best together and get it out to market. It should cost half as much as it does today and be nearly 50% more efficient which will truly be paradigm changing. Decoupling of the boot from the neck of the common Man stuff. Power and control changing technology has many huge obstacles. Or, if you like your current paradigm Vivian Alberts was over-stating his claims in order to cash out. What eventually makes it to market is exactly what he originally had.

Shalom Shabat,


Here's a cursory look at Smokey's advance (it was 'Tuckered') http://www.hotrod.com/techarticles/...ened_to_smokeys_hot_vapor_engine/viewall.html
If there the improvements you say are there, the Chinese or the Indians or the Brazilians would jump on them as quick as a hen on a junebug. They haven't. Because those improvement are NOT real. There is no 'free energy'.
LENR / Cold fusion was demonstrated by F & P and on the cover of Time magazine in 1989. Then the scientific establishment had much difficulty replicating their results and F&P were ostracized for doing shoddy work and prematurely announcing a breakthrough.

Gene Mallove (incorrectly associated with chemtrails) left MIT because he saw that the Pons & Fleischman replication attempts were purposely transcribed incorrectly. He reported on this in real time, left MIT, started his own research and was tragically killed in a home invasion - a week before attending an important event discussing cold fusion. If you don't know about it, never heard about it, then you are now better able to see how technology is scrapped. Toyota Corporation is now involved with LENR, a sure sign that there is something there. You want to be ostracized and removed from academia ? Do LENR work, even today it is still considered a questionable career move to be involved with.

If this free-energy technology exists, and people can demonstrate it on YouTube, then why is nobody in the world using it? Why does nobody build a hobby car to run on this? Why does nobody power their house on it?

Why are you even talking about improved mpg if you think there's free energy?

What you say makes no sense at all. Tens of thousands of scientists would have to conspiring to keep the knowledge out of the public domain.

Show me one demonstration of such technology.

The radiant energy tube simply shows a significant gain in voltage.

Who says people are not powering their home or running a car with these technologies? If they demonstrate it or bring it to market, big investors become involved, or patent rights are infringed and all documents and items are removed. It is an issue of greed and the current power structure rather than conspiracy. See Tucker and Smokey. See Edwin Gray. See Henry Moray. See the Los Angeles County city council taking bribes.

Most people are not interested or involved with LENR. They are on the sidelines (if looking at all.) Most people are not inventors-especially Scientists. Most scientists work on the assignments that they are given, they have families, value their free time and are just getting by. Of scientists, a very very small percentage are pioneers / inventors.

I could go to 25 atmospheric scientists with phd's and ask them about LENR / Cold fusion and 1 or 2 of them (perhaps) would have seriously investigated it. 19 of them would act as if their current edjumacashun was enough to speak authoritatively about it and 4 or 5 of them would just flat out say they have no idea at all.

The reason that I am looking at cars / transportation is because you stated that you had seen no significant holding back of technology. So the examples of transportation are to show that improvements do get held back.

This World is confounding. The Warren Buffet quote is very revealing.
Any world wide market system that works the angles of fear and greed is going to have very serious deficits and very huge issues with inequities of resources, ethic issues etc. Human nature.

It's like going to Harvard School of Business and giving a lecture to graduates about honoring others above yourself. ninety something % are not going to hear the message the actual way that it is intended. Probably quite a few will say 'oh that's good, I'm going to use that in my business' but they aren't really interested.

Hi Cairenn,
Perhaps LENR is an issue of national security. If Brazil develops it, Country A, B and C go and snuff it, individually or together. Even if it is not an issue of national security, there are 'interests' that might have a very serious issue with it being developed. Put an individual in ANY country and the moment it hits the media who is going to come knocking? Google or Toyota or Shell. They will be there even in China. They will be in front of developer.

I prefer the quote that you have over Buffets ~ !



I read this issue as it came out, probably was my first time considering paradigm changing technology. I also recall being dismayed during the follow up reports of it being smashed. The ridicule pointed at Pons and Flieschman was severe. They were just hammered.


She came up with an idea that is a variation on supercapacitor with a higher energy density and demonstrated it in action. That’s impressive enough!
Her supercapcitor has only been tested to light up a LED but it appears to have done that proficiently and consistently. The prototype's new format has potential to be scaled. It can be re-charged many more times than current units.

Big deal. An LED would probably draw around 10-20mA with a drop voltage of 1.7v but for how long? More to the point a mobile phone needs about 3x that voltage and draws considerably more current when in transmit mode.
Hi Mick,

It did work as F & P stated. They even discussed uncertainty of what the precise mechanism of their heat gain was and stated more research needed.

Appears to be working now. http://www.e-catworld.com/2012/12/report-toyota-replicates-mitsubishi-lenr-transmutation-experiment/ It has been replicated hundreds of times over the interveening 24 years.

Hi Fuzzy, I am looking at the tech and trying to really figure out exactly what the future of it might be. We need to know how much charge can be stored in the capacitor. Eventually any capacitor will reach a breakdown voltage when it shorts itself out. With one watt hour per kilogram = to 3600 joules. Batteries and capacitors work differently. A cell phone or car being powered by capacitors is not a straight forward exchange. Capacitors based on this technology might hold somewhat less energy than lithium batteries, but they would be able to be charged and discharged very rapidly. This might have safety issues or it might not. A super capacitator can unload its charge so rapidly that it might start a fire or explode. Might make previous Lithium battery fires look like a walk in the park. There are potential benefits to the rapid charging cycle also. I am still looking at it. It may not be that big of a deal.

So why are there not EV1's right now? Large form Nimh battery pack vehicles? Where are these cars?

Hi Mick,

It did work as F & P stated. They even discussed uncertainty of what the precise mechanism of their heat gain was and stated more research needed.

Appears to be working now. http://www.e-catworld.com/2012/12/report-toyota-replicates-mitsubishi-lenr-transmutation-experiment/ It has been replicated hundreds of times over the interveening 24 years.


The reported results received wide media attention,[3] and raised hopes of a cheap and abundant source of energy.[4] Many scientists tried to replicate the experiment with the few details available. Hopes fell with the large number of negative replications, the withdrawal of many positive replications, the discovery of flaws and sources of experimental error in the original experiment, and finally the discovery that Fleischmann and Pons had not actually detected nuclear reaction byproducts.[5]
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What is considered good mileage? I get an average of 23km/l or 53.4 m/g on my 400cc motorbike. It's my first vehicle, so I don't know how that compares.
Hello Pete,

I am not very familiar w motorcycle efficiency.

With regards to the demonstration of energy,
I don't think a video is going to be very convincing. A personal demonstration with an engineer present might be more compelling evidence.

Wiki is an insufficient examination obviously.

or Read Beaudette’s book “Excess Heat, Why Cold Fusion Research Prevailed”, or Mallove's book. The mainstream is always slow to embrace new paradigms. You can learn what has actually been happening if you dig in a little more thoroughly. It is a fascinating journey that is still developing. The replication failures that occurred immediately after F & P are largely resolved. A. Rossi's work is an important push forward for a better source of energy. The mainstream is still under con-fusion. MIT still has not admitted their role in delaying a real energy option.

With regards to the EV1...

Why does the 2013 all electric Ford Focus have a range of only 76 miles when a bank of NiMH EV1's would have a range of 160 miles?
GM released about 200 1999 EV1 with NiMH batteries. They proved to have a 160 mile range, and never failed.
read http://www.ev1.org/
Why offer a car that is not as good to the consumer as it can be ?

I was hoping for a comparison to car efficiency. 54/g is considered good for bike I think, a gs500 which is more roadbike has about the same, my bike is a drz which is more a dirt bike so it revs higher, anything bigger and the consumption goes up. 250cc bikes get you 60 and up.
But it seems like you're complaining about cars of today getting around 50m/g, which makes me feel a little cheated as a bike should have way better fuel economy than a car which has a larger engine and more horsepower.
But, at least a bike's not a car. I'll stick around the 500-650cc range and take my 55-40m/g over a car. :)

What's considered good for a car compared to engine size these days (fuel only)?
It is fascinating to gauge the establishments response to her work. The spin and nay-saying begins immediately. Self importance
rises up quickly to categorize her work and isolate and limit it's real world potential immediately.

Or perhaps it is just a fact based attempt to curb the mis-information...
Eesha Khare did something pretty incredible. She experimented with materials and developed one which acts like a supercapacitor – a capacitor with a structure which allows for a much smaller package than a traditional capacitor (a higher energy density). To improve on this area of research is a great contribution to science, and certainly demonstrates her drive and her understanding of both the science and the commercial application of this product.

What isn’t so incredible is how this story was reported.
Science reporters should be ashamed of themselves for not acknowledging the work on which Ms. Khare based her work, and spreading a misunderstanding of how this technology would work. We won’t be “charging a battery” in 30 seconds, or 20 seconds. Her innovation may lead to a change in how we think about charging our devices. It certainly will only increase the convenience of these devices. It may lead to further innovations as Ms. Khare and other scientists build on her work. That is how science works – and how it should be reported.
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Hi Pete,

Your motor bike in the U.S. would outperform a smart car or a prius. For the initial cost of your bike vs. the most common and affordable automobiles here, it is still a thrifty mode of transport. Be careful on it :) !

Thanks for the skeptoid piece. I am curious how familiar she was with Supercaps. She may have known quite a bit about graphene capacitors which have some similar advantages to her idea. The skeptoid is correct caps do NOT work like current batteries. Now if it can be scaled - there is a way to step and arrange the circuitry and engineer a really nice power source. The skeptoid blog is really very well written.

If u study Edwin Gray's circuit, there are some startling similarities. Gray's circuit had extremely high and very short lasting voltage spikes. Many people who look at the Gray tube also say, 'no big deal, can't really do much with that and (lol) isn't that a little dangerous?' engineering of such an advance as Khare's has already been solved by others relegated to the fringe. The part that fascinates me is that I suspect that Ms. Khare intuitively knows that her humble L.E.D. capacitor can be engineered to do a whole lot more than the current configuration. She is about to be saturated by those who are in the mainstream. I am reading comments by supercap experts and they do not even know where to look or how to overcome the obstacles. I pray that Khare maintains her ability to think outside the box, because she is going to be surrounded by those who are more obstacle focused than her. She may be one of the rare ones that just see it.

If so she is entering the strange zone where she is going to be hard pressed from every side. The current paradigm is a Mountain. She may find it to feel like she is trying to box a glacier.


Children are born true scientists. They spontaneously experiment and experience and reexperience again. They select, combine, and test, seeking to find order in their experiences - "which is the mostest? which is the leastest?" They smell, taste, bite, and touch-test for hardness, softness, springiness, roughness, smoothness, coldness, warmness: they heft, shake, punch, squeeze, push, crush, rub, and try to pull things apart.
R. Buckminster Fuller
US architect & engineer (1895 - 1983)

Of course, our failures are a consequence of many factors, but possibly one of the most important is the fact that society operates on the theory that specialization is the key to success, not realizing that specialization precludes comprehensive thinking.
R.B. Fuller, Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, 1963
Okay, Hello everyone! and great thread, idk if its still alive but i felt like signing up and giving my two cents!

id frist like to introduce my self as a 2nd year auto tech student and a 15 year mechanic. i love electronics and have build/created/fabricated just about everything.

a few things i noticed, one stood out, Free energy.

If you figured out how to get free energy, you were either shot, or to smart to patent your idea. so i think that's a dead route. also you wouldn't want to share that sort of technology. :p

as for fuel efficiency, its a giant scheme, people want fancy cars, not cheap plastic crap cars. Ive owned many cars now only to realize, i want my diesel truck to hual things and i want my saturn to save gas.

a couple of times i have come across better technology. Take for example, the most fuel effienct car in america,

The Geo Metro. three cylinder, XFI. curb weight of 1600lbs, and 5 speed automatic, tuned for weight reduction and modified cam duration. This got me close to 63mpg. but the car was plastic and reallly cold in the winter. i absolutely hated driving the crap ass car. A buddy of mine told me about a friend who modified his Metro with a electric motor and a hydrogen fuel cell. he pushed his car to about 90 mpg. so the idea that yea your ordinary joe can modify a car to reach the 100mpg is possible.

another unique thing i was taught in school was the future and direction of cars. The future for cars is going to be diesel hybrids. think of a diesel generator that powers battery's that power a electric motor of some sort. the principal is based on locomotives. when they throttle up they use a slow process of the engines reaching a certain "optimal rpm" range then maintaining that for extended periods of time. there isnt a throttle pedal in that sort of application. hence the future of cars. if you can understand that.

in my personal experience, there is a whole slew of more efficient engine designs that currently employ higher mpg.
take for example the idea of VARIABLE TIMMING TURBOS or the ford ecoboost technology. the idea of that a turbo takes a min to spool up, why not use a smaller second turbo to spool up the first turbo?

or variable intake runners? A engine needs more air faster at high rpms so short intake runners increase efficiency, where as long runners are great for loads on low acceleration.

Or the idea of direct injection helps atomize fuel better. these technology are already implemented.

now for the stuff that will blow your mind.

Quasiturbine engines, use the same principal of Wankle rotary engines, except they use a 4 chamber design.
wankle motors have less moving components there for more efficient design.

Massive yet tiny engine

the idea that internal combustion engines havnt changed in the last 100 years just sickens me.
if you have a afternoon check out all these engine alternative.


i like the wave disk generator, same principal as a turbine engine.

anyways i dont claim to be an expert by any means, but theres always a better way of doing something especially when it comes to cars. :D
Hi Mick,

Hi Fuzzy, I am looking at the tech and trying to really figure out exactly what the future of it might be. We need to know how much charge can be stored in the capacitor. Eventually any capacitor will reach a breakdown voltage when it shorts itself out. With one watt hour per kilogram = to 3600 joules. Batteries and capacitors work differently.

Yes, rechargeable batteries maintain their nominal working voltage more or less until the end point when they konk out rather rapidly:

Capacitors on the other hand discharge rather quickly right from the word go and are grossly unsuited as a substitute:
So are you suggesting there's a conspiracy to suppress fuel efficiency technology?

My friends dad made a water powered car a while back and they were going to have New York cabs running on it. Was bought out, crushed by oil company. He was thrown out of his own company, it's one of those rare times when those things you think are probably going on actually come into your life. It's human greed, its so commonplace people mistakenly attribute it to conspiracy most of the time i would say.
My friends dad made a water powered car a while back and they were going to have New York cabs running on it. Was bought out, crushed by oil company. He was thrown out of his own company, it's one of those rare times when those things you think are probably going on actually come into your life. It's human greed, its so commonplace people mistakenly attribute it to conspiracy most of the time i would say.
An extraordinary claim. Do you have any evidence?
Like it says in the post i know the family personally. [...]. I wasn't willing to post evidence just giving a personal anecdote.
If the family still buys electricity and gasoline, then you should consider to stop believing your friend. If the family indeed no more uses any electricity, gas, oil, or gasoline, and they just have a higher bill for water, then it might be worth of investigating closer.
My friends dad made a water powered car a while back and they were going to have New York cabs running on it. Was bought out, crushed by oil company. He was thrown out of his own company, it's one of those rare times when those things you think are probably going on actually come into your life. It's human greed, its so commonplace people mistakenly attribute it to conspiracy most of the time i would say.
It's impossible to "run a car on water". Water is the combustion product of hydrogen. It's the end product after the useful chemical energy of hydrogen has been used up. There's no substance you can get to from water that has a lower energy, therefore you can't extract chemical energy from water.

You can use water as a source of hydrogen and then run the car on hydrogen, but you will always need to put in at least as much energy to split the water into hydrogen and oxygen as you will get back from burning the hydrogen. (And in practice you'll need to put significantly more in, due to inefficiencies.)

"Water powered" cars are basically just electric cars with an additional step. You need electricity to split the water.
Like it says in the post i know the family personally. [...]. I wasn't willing to post evidence just giving a personal anecdote.
Anecdotes are not what we do here at Metabunk. BTW, they didn't lose their business. You said they sold it.