Mick West

Explained: Birdwatcher's "Amazing UFO", Burwell Fen, UK. [C-130 Landing Lights]

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The above still image from a video was the one chosen by some media outlets a few years ago (2014) to illustrate the story "VIDEO: Birdwatcher spots UFO in skies above Burwell- and has the footage to prove it!." And why not, it looks like a weird diamond shaped craft, almost a flying saucer.

This old story wasn't on my radar until I made a comment on Twitter, wondering why (with their binoculars and long-lens cameras) birdwatchers didn't see UFOs (implying the the question of why there are no god photos of UFOs). Of course people then Googled "birdwatcher UFO" and that's about the only story that pops up, so it was gleefully offered as a counter-example by at least...

Shape-Changing Light From Plane with Nikon P900 - Polarizing filter + Venus?

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Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IF3w0kI53aU


Just looks like Venus at sunset? But when zoomed in, it takes on all kinds of shapes

I've got a P900. To me these all look like some kind of optical distortions of a small light source (i.e. Venus). However I've not seen anything this extreme before, and I wonder what's actually going on. The shapes seem relatively stable, so that seems to rule out the normal atmospheric turbulence. Camera shake and zooming don't really seem to change the shape, and we don't see it actually change shape often, that seems to be off-screen.

It's possible someone is deliberately inducing the distortion with something on the...

Corbell: "Unidentified glowing objects near US Navy ship" [Planes or drones?]

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So here’s the deal. I did find one, you know, piece interesting, it appears that there is a blinking what appears to be like a plane going overhead. I don’t know, if that was a plane, I’m making the assumption It was a plane. But you know, remember when you go back into history with UFOs, I mean, we’re talking as far back as they’ve ever been recorded, there have always been blinking UFOs, I’m not going to count that out. I’m gonna say I don’t know. But it appears to me that the VIPR team individual, they’re focusing on the UFOs, and then a plane happens to pass above, which was kind of interesting, because it’s different looking. It’s blinking, it’s going. So that was neat. He didn’t focus in on it, as far as I can tell. And I was told that if it was an object of extreme interest, the individual would have focused in on it. So as far as the...

Debunked: Diving Triangle UFO Photos from Reddit [Fake]

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One of a set of four photos (attached in zip file, original webp, converted to PNGs).
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/o9a39j/here_ya_go_guys_deleted_pictures_from_the/

What looks fake to me is the grain. It looks like the photoshop "Add Noise" filter, which adds noise at pixel resolution, rather than some actual film grain. So you get lots of random short lines.

Here, I've recreated it on the left, with the "photo" on the right.

By comparison, here's a crop of photo I scanned in at 600dpi

Film grain is there, but fuzzy, not pixel aligned noise.

UAPs, Bigelow, and the "Invisible College"

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Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FuVClipbh4

Puthoff was the brains behind what the intelligence community referred to as the “remote viewing program,” and he worked with an informal group of colleagues on a range of paranormal issues, a team that Vallée termed the “invisible college.” Over the next half-century, Puthoff would help to keep interest in UFOs alive inside the government.

In 1995, Project Stargate ended in failure. Government interest in UFOs and the paranormal might have faded away just as surely if not for the interest of a wealthy hotel magnate, Robert Bigelow, who had spent a lifetime obsessed with the paranormal and became a patron of UFO conspiracy theorists. Bigelow went into business with Area 51 conspiracy nut Bob Lazar, and he funded the research of dubious alien abduction...

FAA Guidelines for Reporting UFOs - From NIDS to BAASS, Bigelow, and NUFORC

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In a recent interview with former Navy pilot Alex Dietrich, she encouraged people (specifically civilian pilots) who saw a UFO to report it to the FAA, and referenced a section of the FAA's FAR/AIM set of regulations.

Part of why I agreed to talk to you [...] is to reduce the stigma, so that when folks see something strange, they will come out and report it up the appropriate channels. [...] So FAA, Federal Aviation Administration has a page in their FAR/AIM manual [...] for you know, what to do if you see a UFO [...], and there's a phone number to call. And I would say, you know, if you see something, no prank calls, but if you see something real, call,
Content from External Source
The page she is referring to is currently:
Section 8. Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) Reports
Persons wanting to report UFO/unexplained phenomena...

USS Omaha "Transmedium" Sphere Descending To the Sea

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DATE / TIME / LOCATION : The USS Omaha related UAP events depicted in the three images (one briefing slide) that I released a couple weeks ago - occurred on July 15th 2019 in the warning area off the coast of San Diego. The UAP event series reached a crescendo, with one of the numerous unknown targets entering the water at 11pm (PST). No wreckage was found / none of the craft were recovered.

PHOTOGRAPH / VIDEO : I’m also providing one additional still image from video - not released in the...

Explained: Why Magnets Stick To Vaccination Sites (Or Your Nose)

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Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQT8vfwomvs

Viral videos showing magnets sticking to the skin near a vaccination site are just a new twist on an old carnival trick. Magnets, coins, and other smooth objects will stick to skin if it's just very slightly oily. Remove the oil, and the object will not stick.

1971 Lake Cote / Lago de Cote UFO Aerial Photo

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It's a classic, now over 50 years old. I was recently reminded of this by the New Yorker article:
Leslie Kean is a self-possessed woman with a sensible demeanor and a nimbus of curly graying hair. She lives alone in a light-filled corner apartment near the northern extreme of Manhattan, where, on the wall behind her desk, there is a framed black-and-white image that looks like a sonogram of a Frisbee. The photograph was given to her, along with chain-of-custody documentation, by contacts in the Costa Rican government; in her estimation, it is the finest image of a U.F.O. ever made public.

Full Frame: https://www.metabunk.org/f/Lake Cote LARGE Tape Scan From Reddit.jpg

Explained: Odd Looking Bidens/Carters Photo - Not Fake, Just Perspective

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This official photo makes the Carters look very small, leading some more imaginative people to suggest it's a fake (without explaining WHY the government would fake such a thing,)

But it's just perspective, I replicated the effect myself.

And made a video showing the placement of big me, mini me, and the camera.

"Pyramid" UFOs in Night Vision Footage are Bokeh

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Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-r2oaQWmqkk

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbxtTEWczRk


An event series described involves the USS Russell.

This UAP event series took place during July of 2019 - involving Strike Group 9 within the Warning areas off of San Diego.

The USS Russell observed and recorded multiple “pyramid” shaped craft (see below image and video).

I suspect these are camera artifacts of mundane objects - specifically stars and a plane (the "flasher"). In the video there are two "pyramid" shapes on the left. The flasher moves towards them in exactly the same way planes move across...

Sphere, Acorn, Metallic Blimp - Three iPhone Photos From an F-18 via Mystery Wire

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Investigators with the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force have requested that airmen try to document their encounters.

On March 4th, 2019, one of them did.

An F-18 weapons systems officer (WSO) seated behind the pilot used his iPhone to capture images of three different objects he encountered in the same airspace.

At 3:02 p.m. he photographed an odd shaped object. Another photo, taken close to the same time, was first posted to twitter on May 11, 2020, then again on social media 6 months later.

Other photos taken on the same day; March 4th, 2019 have never been made public until now. Mystery Wire has taken the step of watermarking these photographs in this article. We will, at a later date, release the photographs without watermarks.

On of these photos, the "Acorn" is discussed here...

USS Kidd (and other Ships) "Drones" Encounter, 2019

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In July of 2019, a truly bizarre series of events unfolded around California’s Channel Islands. Over a number of days, groups of unidentified aircraft, which the U.S. Navy simply refers to as ‘drones’ or 'UAVs,' pursued that service's vessels, prompting a high-level investigation.

During the evening encounters, as many as six aircraft were reported swarming around the ships at once. The drones were described as flying for prolonged periods in low-visibility conditions, and performing brazen maneuvers over the Navy warships near a sensitive military training range less than 100 miles off Los Angeles. The ensuing investigation included elements of the Navy, Coast Guard, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The incidents received major attention...

How Do You Stage UFO Photos and Videos? Let us Count the Ways.

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People keep sending me UFO videos, including old ones from years ago that were also figured out years ago. It struck me it might be useful to have a list of way in which UFO photos and videos can be staged without CGI.

A rough broad overview:
  • Tossed in the air - Something thrown, like a hubcap, and photos taken until you get a good one. Photos only.
  • Thing on a string - something suspended on string, like fishing line, that's too fine to see.
  • Thing on glass - similar, but an object on a sheet of glass or perspex (maybe even a fine mesh?) allowing more detailed photos or videos. Upswinging attic window
  • Reflections - Shot through glass, maybe close to the camera, maybe a window - showing a reflection of a light source.
  • Balloon - Anything lighter than air, maybe on a string.
  • Drone - can carry a light or an exterior shell that looks like anything - but 21st century only.
  • Projection - Laser or...

My Chat With Luis Elizondo

Explained: UFO Filmed With Telescope [Loon Balloon]

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"UFO filmed with telescope" sounds ideal, as most UFOs are TFAs - Too Far Away to get a clear look. Unfortunately this one was not much better - it was filmed with a telescope, but seemingly with a phone camera held up to the eyepiece. The UFO itself was many miles away.
At first I thought it was lense flare, as it changed shape in the video with the phone focussing. But it was also claimed to be something visible to the naked eye. It also seemed to have and "antenna" coming from the top.
Then I remembered that many telescopes invert the image. So maybe was more like.
Now it looks like a ballon, and the obvious contender is a Loon Balloon, like.

The videos come from MUFON, case 114015. With description
Content from External Source

Debunked: Hovering Ship "Fata Morgana" or "Mirage" [False Horizon]

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Tabloid media love to invoke the cool sounding "fata morgana" or "superior mirage" to explain images of things floating in the sky. The problem is that a real fata morgana superior mirage (above the boat) looks like this:

An inferior mirage (under the boat) looks like this:
In both cases there's distortion, and there's inversion.

It does NOT look like this:
Source: Science Channel
Despite the Science Channel's talking heads saying this is a Fata Morgana, it very obviously is not. The giveaway is the total lack of distortion, duplicated...

A "cruise missile type of thing" spotted by AA2292

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At approximately 1:19 CST on the Albuquerque Center frequency of 127.850 MHz or 134.750 MHz (recording wasn't frequency stamped) the pilot reported: "Do you have any targets up here? We just had something go right over the top of us - I hate to say this but it looked like a long cylindrical object that almost looked like a cruise missile type of thing - moving really fast right over the top of us."

American later confirmed this to Tyler Rogoway at The Drive:

We immediately followed up [with American Airlines] looking for clarification on that statement, especially in regards to if the pilots had been directly asked about this or not, and noting that we had clearly heard the flight number's identification in a longer version of...

Three Contrails "Descending" over Denver on Jan 31, 2021 [Military, C-17A Globemasters]

Debunked: Biden signing "Blank" Executive Orders

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In the C-Span footage, the bright lights and the low resolution of the video made it look like Biden was signing blank executive orders. This led some of the more imaginative QAnon holdouts to suggest they were actually blank (and hence part of some kind of fake Presidency). However, a higher resolution photo shows the text.

The text is also briefly visible in the video as he closes the document folder, so the sheet is briefly not being directly lit.


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