Search results

  1. Giddierone

    Sitrec Night Sky and Starlink Development

    Just curious, how little data one would need to determine what these exact satellites are? I'm guessing just a time/date? Source:
  2. Giddierone

    Ron James UFO crashed UFO pictures

    There's more. [Timestamp 45:03] UFO in a hanger photo. [Timestamp 45:47] Some thumbnails with curious names. Source:
  3. Giddierone

    Debunking Humor...

    I'm not sure how old this is but I seem to fall for it every single time...
  4. Giddierone

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    I thought that particular crop was a photo of a monitor. The lines look uniform diagonals bottom left to top right. (slightly adjusted version)
  5. Giddierone

    Bugs and Suggestions for

    I'm not sure. It was just an idea that I thought might be a neat shortcut to eyeballing how a conversation has progressed where there isn't a clear answer, but only good arguments for the truth value of a thing. Maybe we should have a "are polls desirable" poll. It appears to be an option...
  6. Giddierone

    Bugs and Suggestions for

    Are in-thread polls possible? I saw some mention of them on the Xforo forums but couldn't see a definitive answer. They might be useful in long threads to take an opinion on the claim under discussion at the start, and then toward the end, or after some debate that might have shifted opinion.
  7. Giddierone

    Claim: UFO's May Be Stealth Aliens Living in Caves, on the Dark Side of the Moon or Alaska

    The 2001-2015 version is available for free here:
  8. Giddierone

    Claim: UFO's May Be Stealth Aliens Living in Caves, on the Dark Side of the Moon or Alaska

    Man apparently attempting Bigfoot hoax killed on Montana highway Montana man told police a hunter ‘mistook him for Bigfoot’ and shot at him, cops say Read more at...
  9. Giddierone

    Claim: Pareidolia is bias

    Saw this on Twitter. JAPAN- Tokyo's world famous 'Museum of the Many Faced Rocks'. Source:
  10. Giddierone

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    There's a few more using the same formula [branches, plane, UFO, overcast sky] here, given without much info about dates or locations, starting at around [30:00] Source:
  11. Giddierone

    Debunking Humor...

  12. Giddierone

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    There's a not dissimilar "Pleiadian Beamship" film he made. Which echos the framing of the Calvine photo with branches in the foreground, overcast sky, hills, low angle shot etc. Source: [scroll to timestamp 21:24]
  13. Giddierone

    Claim: Pareidolia is bias

    Yes & yes, but aren't we talking about seeing apparently purposeful things in natural environments? If there is a creator of the scene, such as an illustrator, they can provoke paredolia but (as far as i'm aware) can't purposfully influence which one the viewer sees. Like with the young/old lady...
  14. Giddierone

    Claim: Pareidolia is bias

    The authors make a very weak argument that Joseph and Schild's paper examines the "evidence" with "due openness and objectivity". When on review they're just adding together instances of paredolia (that looks like a fort, those look like bones, plus that looks like a pyramid, etc) and claiming...
  15. Giddierone

    Claim: Pareidolia is bias

    It's probably worth pointing out that it’s AI generated art. Like this is: Source:
  16. Giddierone

    Claim: Pareidolia is bias

    Here's an example of how powerful paredolia can be. I recently looked through some old school books of mine from when I was 5. One of the images (which just happens to have UFOs in it) had some funny sketchmarks on it. When I looked at it I immediatly thought of Francis Bacon’s Portrait of...
  17. Giddierone

    Claim: Pareidolia is bias

    Just adding a link to a related post which has a PDF of the target paper. The original URL no longer appears to work. #37
  18. Giddierone

    Debunking Humor...

    Reminds me of William Blake's book of Urizan. "Los howld in a dismal stupor, Groaning! gnashing! groaning! Till the wrenching apart was healed But the wrenching of Urizen heal'd not..."
  19. Giddierone

    Claim: UFO's May Be Stealth Aliens Living in Caves, on the Dark Side of the Moon or Alaska

    This passage from p.13 is just weird and self referential. Why say "some observers" when they mean themselves? [Edit] does this indicate that it's AI generated text? [/edit] Such observations have prompted some observers, including in the US federal government and defense establishment, to...