Photos of Clouds and Skies (That you took yourself)

On the pub-crawl last night (there were contrails too, as the airport is behind us, but alas they didn't get in frame):
Unfortunately for much of the country, Christmas '22 is a deep freeze, but here in Nor Cal we were blessed with a lovely Christmas Eve sunset (and mid 50sF). Although, I'm still trying to figure out how the clouds can appear to be up-lit like this, giving that the Earth is flat.

Merry Christmas and such!

While helping a neighbor on their house, I walked out to see this wild contrail. Apparently the pilot of this A380 went through a chicane on the way to SFO.


A couple of shots I took with my drone today showing some looming clouds. It was surprisingly warm today. These were both shot near Exeter, UK. 852EB8CB-B3D8-46C1-BD48-DAE1AA312AEC.jpeg95719910-EDE7-4A63-AD01-A887D45B3E30.jpeg
A couple of shots I took with my drone today showing some looming clouds. It was surprisingly warm today. These were both shot near Exeter, UK. 852EB8CB-B3D8-46C1-BD48-DAE1AA312AEC.jpeg95719910-EDE7-4A63-AD01-A887D45B3E30.jpeg
Lovely! It's what a California person would think the rolling green hills of the UK looks like. I see your near Dartmoor, isn't that where the "moors" are in Sherlock Holmes Hounds of the Baskervilles? I loved the book back when and the Basil Rathbone film version scarred the hell out of my kids when they were younger.
Lovely! It's what a California person would think the rolling green hills of the UK looks like. I see your near Dartmoor, isn't that where the "moors" are in Sherlock Holmes Hounds of the Baskervilles? I loved the book back when and the Basil Rathbone film version scarred the hell out of my kids when they were younger.
I believe so, though I'm not much of a literary person in all honesty. It's also the same Dartmoor Hitman III's "A Day to Remember" DLC is set in, however it should be noted that the house they set that DLC in is completely fictitious.
The effect can be quite striking. This is a picture I took myself in 2018.
Also have a video, the shadow crossed the whole sky, but the most fascinating part is the visual illusion of pixelation where the cloud creates the shadow.


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You managed to get another faint one above the "primary" one as well. You are going to have SO MUCH GOLD!!!!
I couldn't see that at the time, I did spend many seconds looking for a secondary, but with no joy. And my potato has a terrible screen, so I didn't notice it when showing my g/f the photo later. However, I can pick it out now - thanks for drawing it to my attention! (Edit: I do have deficient colour vision, so surprise levels at such failings should be low.)
Here are a few photos from the Northern California coast, just South of Half Moon Bay. This was around sun rise where the sun was up but just starting to climb above some hills behind me. I think it was the time and orientation that gave this almost rainbow effect of the first photo and then my shadow being cast into the middle of the second photo (I think this effect gives rise to paranormal type reports). The third photo shows the dramatic rolling of fog that happens a lot here, that photo doesn't do it justice though.

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IMG_3728.jpegI noticed this a while back and took a reasonably poor photo of it with my phone. There was an arc through a cloud and I presume an airplane caused it because this is a typical direction for the planes leaving a nearby airport. But I don’t understand the meteorology enough to know why a plane would carve out an arc through the clouds rather than just travel through. Ideas?
But I don’t understand the meteorology enough to know why a plane would carve out an arc through the clouds rather than just travel through. Ideas?
Is it an arc through the clouds? Or is it merely a bright contrail in the moist air below the visible dark cloud?
Is it an arc through the clouds? Or is it merely a bright contrail in the moist air below the visible dark cloud?
It doesn’t show in the photo well but it looked like a gap in the clouds with blue sky showing through. Unfortunately, because it was back in February my memory of it isn’t perfect and all I have is this crappy photon. Wish I had my real camera on me instead of just a phone.
IMG_3728.jpegI noticed this a while back and took a reasonably poor photo of it with my phone. There was an arc through a cloud and I presume an airplane caused it because this is a typical direction for the planes leaving a nearby airport. But I don’t understand the meteorology enough to know why a plane would carve out an arc through the clouds rather than just travel through. Ideas?
That's a sky tornado! ;)

Really, I didn't see what you described until I read what you presumed it was. Of course, then I couldn't unsee what you had offered, yet my sky tornado still stands out. Covering up parts of the image (especially the juicy white arc at the middle) and attempting to resist your suggestion was difficult, but it seems that it's just clouds, and perhaps a contrail. There are occasional features I see on Zoom Earth that make me think wildfires, even tho when I push the wayback button the entire feature has drifted with time, making what I thot was a point of combustion entirely too mobile to be a wildfire.

Without other evidence from different sensors at different locations and angles, it's hard to determine whether its illusion or not.

Cheers - Jon
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