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  1. Mendel

    Effectiveness of "vague" language in official reports to avoid lying.

    Attempting a summary: Your answer is, it would work if it deceived the judge. Going back to your previous post: I'd translate that as, the AARO wording may have a specific purpose, but there are no indications that it is part of a deception, and there is no indication that the people...
  2. Mendel

    US forensic scientist Dr John McDowell says the small Nazca mummies are NOT REAL

    well, if person A is looking for real humans and person B is looking for real aliens, "they're real" is a bit ambiguous ;) Though I think we all agree nobody is looking for real bean-paste-and-llama-skull assemblies. :p
  3. Mendel

    US forensic scientist Dr John McDowell says the small Nazca mummies are NOT REAL

    That depends on McDowell having access to journalists willing to amplify such a statement? Either way, it's a masterpiece of selective quoting. Dr. John McDowell: Nazca mummies are real specimens and some are clearly not human is really Dr. John McDowell: Nazca mummies that we've examined are...
  4. Mendel

    Effectiveness of "vague" language in official reports to avoid lying.

    Which question, exactly, are you answering here? Generally, I can't say I understood most of your post. If you'd replace every instance of "it" and "people" with more precise referents, I might have a better chance? What I think I did get is this: • "ambiguity decreasing" means the deceiver...
  5. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

    Source: a simple solution to paranormal phenomena
  6. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Yes, it's not suspicious, I agree.
  7. Mendel

    The Ariel School, Zimbabwe UFO sighting - has it ever been debunked?

    Our comments are not desparate, and they're not attempts, and their aim is not to discredit people, but to discredit a narrative that won't stand up to an unbiased look at the evidence. Ideas that are false should be discredited, don't you agree?
  8. Mendel

    Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident

    ty for confirming my contention that, to debunk, all one needs is to read that site thoroughly
  9. Mendel

    How Can Highly Trained Military Pilots Possibly Misinterpret Things They See?

    In one of the GIMBAL threads, I argue that the "J-hook" is most certainly a parallax effect. pp.
  10. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Stephen Bryen indique surtout s’être basé sur un tweet publié par… Sputnik, le média porte-voix du Kremlin (et bien connu pour diffuser de fausses informations). Dans ce message, daté du 13 avril (et qui n’est aujourd’hui plus accessible), Sputnik rapportait les mêmes informations que l’auteur...
  11. Mendel

    Family claim Amber Alert ruptured son's eardrums, file lawsuit against Apple

    my go-to intuition for this is the engine of an agricultural tractor idling, with individual cylinders firing audibly. It's hard to imagine that the frequency alone would make this more dangerous than a higher frequency at the same volume. Source:
  12. Mendel

    Family claim Amber Alert ruptured son's eardrums, file lawsuit against Apple

    L. Carney measured the sound level of crying children (3.5 months to 6 years) in two situations.[2] At a distance of 12 inches away (6 children) to estimate the exposure of a parent soothing their child. The average sound level was 112 dBA (102–120 dbA). I conclude that children of all ages can...
  13. Mendel

    Family claim Amber Alert ruptured son's eardrums, file lawsuit against Apple

    That's a speculative question which can't possibly yield any evidence.
  14. Mendel

    Family claim Amber Alert ruptured son's eardrums, file lawsuit against Apple

    Phil's chart in post #2 proves the opposite. Obviously a shockwave from an explosion or a clap on the ear can burst an eardrum, but an airpod membrane seems too small to move that much air.
  15. Mendel

    How Can Highly Trained Military Pilots Possibly Misinterpret Things They See?

    As soon as you get the distance wrong, you're victim to parallax error (unless you notice and correct it). It's not "easy" or "hard", it just is.
  16. Mendel

    The Ariel School, Zimbabwe UFO sighting - has it ever been debunked?

    There is no need to turn this personal.
  17. Mendel

    Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident

    ... for my ChitChat thread at
  18. Mendel

    David Grusch's DOPSR Cleared Statement and IG Complaint

    And the interface hides the dodginess of the reports.
  19. Mendel

    Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident

    Ridpath can claim that because he follows Halt's notes dictated to tape at the time: As you can see, Ridpath only compares the position to the base a full 45 minutes after he first saw the Southern light, and that's half an hour after he notes that they had turned back—he could easily have...