Debunking Humor...

that the truth must be somewhere in between.
Content from External Source
That made my brain explode. What is "Somewhere in between" aliens and not aliens? Alien-ish?
Schrödinger's alien: it could be extraterrestrial as long as you don't open the box (and examine the evidence).


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I was "talking" with some FaceBook friends, expressing surprise at how few fake aurora pics I'd seen, to that point, on social media.

In response, a friend shared this one. As a semi-professional debunker now, I looked at this with a skeptical eye, and I have to admit I am slightly suspicious...

aurora over the UK absolutely real.jpg

(...and of course my feed is now flooded with AI aurora pics! eyeroll.gif)
I promise to let this go after this, but I finally got to watch Alien Outlaw today with my son. I was gratified to see that I got a mention in the opening credits (I think this has never happened to me other than here) and was astonished to see that I had a second scene, WITH cowboy star Lash Larue no less, that I had no memory of at all, though some of the lines came back to me watching it. (There's a lesson there for the fallibility of witness testimony!)

To deflate any ego-boost from the opening credits, I noted that Bert the Dog and Lady Hampton,the horse who somewhat confusingly played Mr. Stud, were listed ahead of me in the end credits. But I did manage to get ahead of a couple of other horses, and Bert was a cute dog, so I guess that's OK... and maybe humorous enough to make this on-topic, sorts, here.

alien outlaw 3.JPG
I promise to let this go after this, but I finally got to watch Alien Outlaw today with my son.
Did you dream of this stardom that would someday be yours?

I once got an actual speaking part in a school Christmas play in about fifth grade. That was the year it started snowing heavily around the beginning of December, and we were out of school until the middle of January, so it never happened... :(
I once got an actual speaking part in a school Christmas play in about fifth grade. That was the year it started snowing heavily around the beginning of December, and we were out of school until the middle of January, so it never happened...
We need a "sad face" response emoji.
I promise to let this go after this, but I finally got to watch Alien Outlaw today with my son. I was gratified to see that I got a mention in the opening credits (I think this has never happened to me other than here) and was astonished to see that I had a second scene, WITH cowboy star Lash Larue no less, that I had no memory of at all, though some of the lines came back to me watching it. (There's a lesson there for the fallibility of witness testimony!)

To deflate any ego-boost from the opening credits, I noted that Bert the Dog and Lady Hampton,the horse who somewhat confusingly played Mr. Stud, were listed ahead of me in the end credits. But I did manage to get ahead of a couple of other horses, and Bert was a cute dog, so I guess that's OK... and maybe humorous enough to make this on-topic, sorts, here.

alien outlaw 3.JPG
Bert was just any dog, but "Dog in Ferrari"!
(@JMartJr shhhhh!)
Yeah, I'll admit to having seen those mysterious objects myself...

Their true nature, of course, remains an unexplainable mystery.

Though I have been involved in recovery operations at a "crash site," where we stuffed the "crypto-meta-nylon-material" back into duffle bags after the wind died...

Reading the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident thread
it struck me that there's not much "merch" to blatantly cash in on commemorate this possibly* important encounter**.
-As well as the publishing contracts and media appearances, more could be done to milk this tale for every last dollar
raise the public's consciousness.
What better than a collectable action figure?

sp half size.png

*Probably not.
**With normal stuff at night, in an unfamiliar place.
Not bad, but I'd have gone with "Screaming Muntjac Deer (tm) sold separately." To maximize income potential. And just for the rare chance to use the phrase ""Screaming Muntjac Deer (tm) sold separately."
I asked GPT4o to simulate a debate between Elizondo and Trump (i had to finetune it a bit to go online and search for their typical antics etc). i think it did a really great job

Simulated Debate: Luis Elizondo vs. Donald Trump on UFOs

Luis Elizondo’s Opening Statement:

“Ladies and gentlemen, as a former Pentagon official who ran the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, I can tell you unequivocally that UFOs are real. We have documented numerous encounters with unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) that demonstrate advanced technology far beyond our current capabilities. The government has been withholding information from the public, and it’s time we address this truth openly and transparently.”

Donald Trump’s Opening Statement:

“Folks, let me tell you, this UFO stuff is ridiculous. It’s just another distraction, believe me. We have the best military in the world. If there were UFOs, we’d know about it. It’s all about creating fear and confusion. Let’s focus on real issues, not sci-fi fantasies. Believe me, folks, I know what I’m talking about.”

Debate Simulation:

Luis Elizondo:

“Mr. President, with all due respect, the evidence is compelling. We have radar data, pilot testimonies, and even video footage. The Pentagon has acknowledged the existence of UAPs. Are you suggesting these credible sources are all part of a conspiracy?”

Donald Trump:
“Look, ‘Loony Luis,’ you’re out here talking about flying saucers and little green men. Even a kid can see through this nonsense. I’ve talked to a lot of smart people—good people, great people. They say, ‘Mr. President, why waste time on this?’ Our pilots are the best, but they’re not seeing UFOs—they’re seeing bugs on the windshield or something. This is just crazy talk, folks.”

Luis Elizondo:
“This isn’t about little green men, Mr. President. This is about advanced technology that we don’t understand. The Tic Tac incident, for example, involved objects moving at hypersonic speeds without visible propulsion. Are you saying our pilots and radar systems are all faulty?”

Donald Trump:
“Tic Tac? Really? Sounds like a candy, folks. I’ve seen radar screens—they’re complicated, but they’re not showing alien spaceships. Maybe you saw a seagull, Luis. I talked to a farmer in Iowa—great guy, knows his stuff. He said, ‘Mr. Trump, my kid has better stories than this.’ It’s a distraction, people. Our real threats are China, Russia, not these fairy tales.”

Luis Elizondo:
“I have here a photograph of a supposed alien artifact found in a farmer’s field in Nebraska. It looks like a piece of metal but tests showed it’s not from this Earth. This is real evidence!”

Donald Trump:
“Look at this, folks. ‘Loony Luis’ with his piece of metal. Maybe it’s a hubcap from an old car. Even kids playing in the sandbox can see this is a joke. I talked to a construction worker in New York—fantastic guy, really knows his stuff. He said, ‘Mr. Trump, my kid brings home rocks from the park that look more like UFOs.’ Come on, Luis, this is embarrassing. We need to focus on real threats.”

Luis Elizondo:
“Mr. President, the media has covered it. The New York Times, Washington Post, and other credible outlets have reported on these incidents. The problem is not the media; it’s the lack of transparency from the government. And I have even more evidence, but I can’t share it because I’m bound by an NDA.”

Donald Trump:
“Oh, here we go. More evidence he can’t show because of an NDA. Folks, this is the biggest cop-out I’ve ever heard. ‘Loony Luis’ with his secret evidence. What a joke! I talked to a guy in Texas—a smart guy, really great. He said, ‘Mr. Trump, if they had real evidence, they’d show it.’ This is all a distraction, people. Let’s focus on real issues, not fairy tales and fantasies. Believe me, if there was something out there, we’d know about it. And Luis, maybe it’s time to come back to reality.”
I asked GPT4o to simulate a debate between Elizondo and Trump (i had to finetune it a bit to go online and search for their typical antics etc). i think it did a really great job

Simulated Debate: Luis Elizondo vs. Donald Trump on UFOs

Luis Elizondo’s Opening Statement:

“Ladies and gentlemen, as a former Pentagon official who ran the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, I can tell you unequivocally that UFOs are real. We have documented numerous encounters with unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) that demonstrate advanced technology far beyond our current capabilities. The government has been withholding information from the public, and it’s time we address this truth openly and transparently.”

Donald Trump’s Opening Statement:

“Folks, let me tell you, this UFO stuff is ridiculous. It’s just another distraction, believe me. We have the best military in the world. If there were UFOs, we’d know about it. It’s all about creating fear and confusion. Let’s focus on real issues, not sci-fi fantasies. Believe me, folks, I know what I’m talking about.”

Debate Simulation:

Luis Elizondo:

“Mr. President, with all due respect, the evidence is compelling. We have radar data, pilot testimonies, and even video footage. The Pentagon has acknowledged the existence of UAPs. Are you suggesting these credible sources are all part of a conspiracy?”

Donald Trump:
“Look, ‘Loony Luis,’ you’re out here talking about flying saucers and little green men. Even a kid can see through this nonsense. I’ve talked to a lot of smart people—good people, great people. They say, ‘Mr. President, why waste time on this?’ Our pilots are the best, but they’re not seeing UFOs—they’re seeing bugs on the windshield or something. This is just crazy talk, folks.”

Luis Elizondo:
“This isn’t about little green men, Mr. President. This is about advanced technology that we don’t understand. The Tic Tac incident, for example, involved objects moving at hypersonic speeds without visible propulsion. Are you saying our pilots and radar systems are all faulty?”

Donald Trump:
“Tic Tac? Really? Sounds like a candy, folks. I’ve seen radar screens—they’re complicated, but they’re not showing alien spaceships. Maybe you saw a seagull, Luis. I talked to a farmer in Iowa—great guy, knows his stuff. He said, ‘Mr. Trump, my kid has better stories than this.’ It’s a distraction, people. Our real threats are China, Russia, not these fairy tales.”

Luis Elizondo:
“I have here a photograph of a supposed alien artifact found in a farmer’s field in Nebraska. It looks like a piece of metal but tests showed it’s not from this Earth. This is real evidence!”

Donald Trump:
“Look at this, folks. ‘Loony Luis’ with his piece of metal. Maybe it’s a hubcap from an old car. Even kids playing in the sandbox can see this is a joke. I talked to a construction worker in New York—fantastic guy, really knows his stuff. He said, ‘Mr. Trump, my kid brings home rocks from the park that look more like UFOs.’ Come on, Luis, this is embarrassing. We need to focus on real threats.”

Luis Elizondo:
“Mr. President, the media has covered it. The New York Times, Washington Post, and other credible outlets have reported on these incidents. The problem is not the media; it’s the lack of transparency from the government. And I have even more evidence, but I can’t share it because I’m bound by an NDA.”

Donald Trump:
“Oh, here we go. More evidence he can’t show because of an NDA. Folks, this is the biggest cop-out I’ve ever heard. ‘Loony Luis’ with his secret evidence. What a joke! I talked to a guy in Texas—a smart guy, really great. He said, ‘Mr. Trump, if they had real evidence, they’d show it.’ This is all a distraction, people. Let’s focus on real issues, not fairy tales and fantasies. Believe me, if there was something out there, we’d know about it. And Luis, maybe it’s time to come back to reality.”
It took ChatGP4 for me to agree with Trump on something...
Not bad, but I'd have gone with "Screaming Muntjac Deer (tm) sold separately." To maximize income potential. And just for the rare chance to use the phrase ""Screaming Muntjac Deer (tm) sold separately."
"Screaming Muntjac Deer™" was my favorite band when I was in college in the '80s!
As I have mentioned elsewhere, "reality TV" shows are entertainment. If what actually happens is not entertaining enough, they are free to jazz it up a bit. I suspect strongly that they have done so here. (Captain Disillusion catching "America's Got Talent," a "reality show" in the form of a competition, helping a magic act look better by messing with the video is HERE, cued up to the most relevant bit, for another example.)
Happens on BGT, too! And it takes a practised eye to spot. Look here:



Not wanting to clutter up a substantive thread with a mildly humorous aside, I didn't post this there but will stick it here...

(This is me learning restraint...)

Forgive me if I'm compelled to refer to you as "Officer Bob" from now on, but that's a hell of a handle :D

If that's the case, then perhaps I should now reveal that at the weekends I go by the name "Lady Hampton", I hope you liked my glorious shiny costume! The director told me to keep my prancing to the minimum during filming, alas.
Sir, I knew Lady Hampton. Lady Hampton was a friend of mine . And you, sir, are no Lady Hampton.
True story: it was right about that time when I ended up in hospital with a head injury. The doctor was trying to figure out if I had any brain damage. He asked me what two plus two was. I told him that was four, and three to the fourth power was 81, Bush had just named Dan Quayle as his running mate for reasons nobody could understand, and I had no idea what the capitol of South Dakota was. He went away laughing, saying "You'll be just fine!"