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  1. TheCholla

    NYT: GIMBAL Video of U.S. Navy Jet Encounter with Unknown Object

    Don't know if all it says has been discussed already, but there is a nice new article on Ryan Graves' description of Gimbal and related events : Found that part interesting : "The wedge...
  2. TheCholla

    Triangle UFO over Shanghai, June 2021

    That's a very nice field investigation ! A shadow it was then.
  3. TheCholla

    Triangle UFO over Shanghai, June 2021

    Well you are jumping on these pictures like if they prove everything, but spending more than 2sec looking at them, one can argue the opposite. The first one shows a clear beam of light, that is not seen in the Shanghai video. In the second one, the statue is very clearly lit from below, and the...
  4. TheCholla

    GoFast : is the background moving relatively to the movement of the jet ? Or the camera only ?

    Yes that's right I did not account for the inclination of the background in the FOV. Well if your numbers are correct then the object would have to be close to the ocean. Is it possible that the instruments estimated a distance from the camera angles (because the given RNG match the lines of...
  5. TheCholla

    GoFast : is the background moving relatively to the movement of the jet ? Or the camera only ?

    Creating a velocity vector for the background in my 3D model, the speed of the background should be ~300 knots if the object is at 12000 ft and ~4Nm from the plane (basically the speed of the plane minus the speed of the object going in the same direction). If the object was near the surface...
  6. TheCholla

    GoFast : is the background moving relatively to the movement of the jet ? Or the camera only ?

    Yeah I just went through the whole GoFast thread, that I had somewhat missed. Sorry for reinventing the wheel here.
  7. TheCholla

    GoFast : is the background moving relatively to the movement of the jet ? Or the camera only ?

    Yes Mick, this is exactly what I find. Here is an upgraded version of my 3D model : It gives the speed of GoFast (in knots) in function of all the potential trajectories based on the camera angle (assuming same altitude). I have also added a measurement of...
  8. TheCholla

    Andrea Themely, Former Air Force Pilot, Breaks Down UFO Footage

    After correcting my vertical camera angles, the RNG are consistent with the camera angles at Point 1 and 2, and I retrieve your results. A speed of ~60 Knots at ~12000 ft. This all makes sense now. Sorry for the wrong analysis above ! Let's assume for some...
  9. TheCholla

    GoFast : is the background moving relatively to the movement of the jet ? Or the camera only ?

    After correcting my vertical camera angles, the RNG are consistent with the camera angles at Point 1 and 2, and I retrieve your results. A speed of 60 Knots at ~12000 ft. This all makes sense now. Sorry for the wrong analysis above !
  10. TheCholla

    GoFast : is the background moving relatively to the movement of the jet ? Or the camera only ?

    Thanks Mick, those simulations are interesting. Indeed the wind may affect the plane trajectory (if it affects the balloon it's included in the trajectory scanned by the camera). It would have to have quite a large effect though, because I did not find big changes in the results when applying...
  11. TheCholla

    Andrea Themely, Former Air Force Pilot, Breaks Down UFO Footage

    380 knots, the results are not very sensitive to it.
  12. TheCholla

    Andrea Themely, Former Air Force Pilot, Breaks Down UFO Footage

    500 knots for GoFast is plausible when doing a careful analysis in 3D : There is no way to reconcile the ranges displayed on the screen (RNG), with the camera angles. This supports the idea that the RNG is not reliable on this video. And the only altitude...
  13. TheCholla

    GoFast : is the background moving relatively to the movement of the jet ? Or the camera only ?

    Edwards, that's a cool video, but I'm not sure I understand how you get your numbers. I get pretty much the same pivot point as you (around 12000 ft), but modeling the whole thing in 3D, I do not retrieve the same results. Here is my 3D model for GoFast : I...
  14. TheCholla

    Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of Bearing and/or DCS

    That's a really neat demonstration. This plus our Geogebra analyses are very consistent, we are making great progress here ! Now I'd like to understand how a Navy pilot can miss he is tracking another jet only 10-15Nm away.
  15. TheCholla

    Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of Bearing and/or DCS

    Thanks for sharing. We have very similar trajectories, and similar conclusion I think : the trajectory of Gimbal is very hard to reconcile with the camera angles if it was beyond 20-25 Nm from the fighter. To me the most plausible is for 7-8 Nm, or even closer. Of course keeping in mind the...
  16. TheCholla

    Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of Bearing and/or DCS

    I am now convinced Gimbal cannot be at more than 25 Nautical miles, with the most likely distance being 7-8 Nm. The geometry is fairly easy because Gimbal and the fighter are at a same altitude, and the fighter goes at constant speed. There is not much uncertainty on the trajectory of the plane...
  17. TheCholla

    Gimbal distance and Speed Range Estimates using Lines of Bearing and/or DCS

    Hey it looks like we are many to play with Geogebra now :D Could you share your model ? Here is mine : If you have a chance could you check if that is consistent with what you find ? I also find that a distance between 5-15Nm is the most likely And I...
  18. TheCholla

    GoFast : is the background moving relatively to the movement of the jet ? Or the camera only ?

    Got it, thanks ! This is simply parallax, I was confused by the beginning of the video. I'm catching up on this ! There must a way to estimate the distance between the object and the background, from how fast it moves away from the screen ? Maybe it's been done before ? That would allow to...
  19. TheCholla

    GoFast : is the background moving relatively to the movement of the jet ? Or the camera only ?

    Thanks ! This is pretty technical with all these acronyms. To put that in context with my more general question, does that mean that the camera movement during the tracking of GoFast is only due to the movement of GoFast ?