Triangle UFO over Shanghai, June 2021

There seem to be other triangles in the clouds too. Could they be spotlights on the ground with triangular cutouts?
I believe the videos were shot on the rooftop of the Hyatt on the Bund hotel. My hypothesis is that it could have been the shadow projected by a building due to ground lights, in particular the shadow of the building that is on the right side of the hotel they were on the rooftop of since in the second video the camera moves downwards left towards the TV Tower then upwards right towards the location of the building, the building which also happens to an office building--perhaps a bank, I'm not sure since on google maps it says that it is the Minsheng Bank as well as an office building.




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Here's some position perspective. I think it's might actually be fairly close, as they seem to look up at a steep angle. Note the red light too.

This might be a bit small, but it's kind of triangular, with powerful upward lights,121.4867249,3a,75y,50.81h,121.8t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOETQG58ZAVDKHY6xWT2vyClq-C9i77aUU4GB0Q!2e10!3e11!6s!7i10240!8i4386!5m1!1e42021-06-22_10-48-37.jpg


That panorama gives us a nighttime look at some of the lighting on the other buildings on the other side of the smaller arm of the river.

Think you hit the nail on the head, will be looking out for this in the future on cloudy nights


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I am curious what the actual shape of these triangular UFO's is supposed to be. An object such as aircraft looks quite different from the front, side and from above or below.

But so many of these triangular UFO's just look like triangles. What shape always looks like a triangle no matter what aspect you view it from? A UFO shaped like an Egyptian pyramid would look square from below, not triangular. A cone shaped UFO would look like a triangle from every side, but would be round from above or below. The consistency of these UFO's always being triangular is troublesome. Has every video of a triangular UFO been made from the same angle with respect to the UFO? Seems unlikely. A triangle is a two dimensional shape. Has anyone proposed what three dimensional shape these UFO's actually have?
I am curious what the actual shape of these triangular UFO's is supposed to be. An object such as aircraft looks quite different from the front, side and from above or below.

But so many of these triangular UFO's just look like triangles. What shape always looks like a triangle no matter what aspect you view it from? A UFO shaped like an Egyptian pyramid would look square from below, not triangular. A cone shaped UFO would look like a triangle from every side, but would be round from above or below. The consistency of these UFO's always being triangular is troublesome. Has every video of a triangular UFO been made from the same angle with respect to the UFO? Seems unlikely. A triangle is a two dimensional shape. Has anyone proposed what three dimensional shape these UFO's actually have?

Mostly seems to be a featureless black triangle with the same light pattern as a plane's landing lights.
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A triangle is a two dimensional shape. Has anyone proposed what three dimensional shape these UFO's actually have?

There seems to have been a recent addition of the third dimension, as historically it has been black triangles that have been reported. Although, the only identifying feature of them has been a lights at each corner, but of course any 3 lights together will make a triangle shape. They sometimes have a fourth, sometimes red, light in the middle of the 3. But as @jarlrmai said, this is suspiciously like a large aircraft's landing lights.
Think you hit the nail on the head, will be looking out for this in the future on cloudy nights
Very nice example! Also the low hanging clouds/mist will increase the likelihood these "shadows" get noticed by observers. This was/is a discussion on Reddit (of course), where people are saying "but if these lamps are always on, why don't we see pictures and video more often?". The answer is likely that the mist/clouds have to be rather low, which might not happen too often. Also people in general will not look up to the sky all night long, as there is much more feasts for the eyes on ground level..
Well you are jumping on these pictures like if they prove everything, but spending more than 2sec looking at them, one can argue the opposite. The first one shows a clear beam of light, that is not seen in the Shanghai video. In the second one, the statue is very clearly lit from below, and the shadow looks fuzzy on the edges, while it's not in the Shanghai triangle. In the Shanghai video we see clouds passing in front of the shape, without clear distortion of it. Look at that video :


Where is the beam of light ? How come the shadow projects in between different layers of clouds ?

I would accept a CGI explanation, but really so far this shadow thing is very unconvincing.
In the Shanghai video we see clouds passing in front of the shape, without clear distortion of it.
Not sure I'd expect distortion if I am standing on the building that is casting the shadow. Would not expect much if it was the building next door. The further away the building casting the shadow is, the more you might notice the triangle distorting due to different cloud layers. But if I'm on or next door, I'd expect to see a pretty sharp shadow as long as the cloud layer was low and thick enough to show the triangle at all.
I suspect the clouds are very low, which adds to the illusion. Here's a photo I took of the shadow of my hand on some clouds, just using a single flashlight. Note tree for scale.

I suspect the clouds are very low, which adds to the illusion. Here's a photo I took of the shadow of my hand on some clouds, just using a single flashlight. Note tree for scale.


This kind of exercise should be included in school science lessons ( maybe it is in some places ) !
This kind of exercise should be included in school science lessons ( maybe it is in some places ) !
It's not something you can do every day. I've only done it once, back when I lived out in the county and walked the dogs with a flashlight. I doubt I'll ever see it again.
Solved! Looks like the illusion is created by lights along the side of a building. Towards the end of this video an employee in the building explains the phenomenon. Really nice job by the YouTuber finding the spot and investigating.


Another nail in the coffin indeed. Sadly, as expected of course, there are plenty of redditors still dismissing this as "no real proof". It is ridiculous, I stopped arguing over there, it just makes me mad.
The ultimate test will be when the meterological conditions at the time the pictures were taken occur again. Will the same shapes be visible again? If so either the Aliens are being very helpful or its just an artifact of ground lights on low hanging clouds.
The ultimate test will be when the meterological conditions at the time the pictures were taken occur again. Will the same shapes be visible again? If so either the Aliens are being very helpful or its just an artifact of ground lights on low hanging clouds.

Check out the YouTube video. The building employee showed some old pictures and also showed the lights that create the phenomenon.