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  1. Rory

    Claim: Pleiadian Craft part of a fleet of 40 with a mothership.

    Yep. He believes he's channelling them. I wrote "That's an island" on one of his tweets and he immediately blocked me. :D
  2. Rory

    Claim: Pleiadian Craft part of a fleet of 40 with a mothership.

    Can you show where it's claimed to be a “Pleiadian mothership”? I only see where it's claimed to be "mothership sized" (the previous guy in the chain just says "pretty good sized...about 100 feet wide"). Source: Is it better to link to the original videos...
  3. Rory

    Claim: Pleiadian Craft part of a fleet of 40 with a mothership.

    Just quickly looking into where the origin of "Pleiadians" in modern New Age/woowoo thought lies, I'm not surprised to find it's (as usual) most likely Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophists:
  4. Rory

    Claim: Pleiadian Craft part of a fleet of 40 with a mothership.

    See also Atlantis, Lemuria/Mu, Seth, Ramtha, etc. It's all the same sort of thing. Here's a comment on Pleiadians from a man who believes he channels Sirians: I’m a telepath, and have been communicating with a Sirian, who happens to be in my soul group or “cluster,” as they’re called, since...
  5. Rory

    Mississippi Skunk Ape?

    Please can you do one of these for all the 9/11 building collapse threads please? :cool:
  6. Rory

    Mississippi Skunk Ape?

    Could I also suggest this thread be moved back to the relevant section? It's kind of old and silly but not particularly rambly and contains all the necessary information required for a debunk.
  7. Rory

    Mississippi Skunk Ape?

    Given that information - and the way the so-called "creature" is seen to move in the enhanced video - I'd lean more towards hoax. The YouTube channel only has this one video and a generic banner of some geese. The Facebook profile has zero friends, zero posts, a banner photo taken from the...
  8. Rory

    Mississippi Skunk Ape?

    You have a very vivid imagination. It's so nice to see in this age of cynicism. :) Really? Here's a bear holding - and playing - a horn: Source: He's pretty good at holding the chair too.
  9. Rory

    Mississippi Skunk Ape?

    Have to admit, when I watched the enhanced video it didn't look much like a bear - particularly when it stands up. But then again, it's not like I'm an expert on bears, and a quick check shows that bears can move in some pretty unusual ways sometimes, like so: Source...
  10. Rory

    Mississippi Skunk Ape?

    Also, 9 miles west of Tunica puts him right by the Mississippi River - and bears like rivers: Where do bears live in Mississippi? Bears are woodland animals and can be found mostly in and near large tracts of bottomland forests and mixed hardwood forests along the Mississippi, Pearl, and...
  11. Rory

    Mississippi Skunk Ape?

    Questions I have: 1. What's a skunk ape? 2. Are there bears in Mississippi? 3. Are there bears near Tunica? Since it looks like a bear and acts like a bear and is the same colour as a bear and there are bears in the area I'd say it's most likely a bear, rather than a fantasy creature...
  12. Rory

    Bayesian argument to believe in aliens?

    My theorem: introducing a "Bayesian argument" generally signifies the argument is either lost or the arguer is clutching at straws. At least, that's been my experience thus far (based on a sample size of three).
  13. Rory

    Tic Tac in Greece?

    I believe you're referring to Deirdre there. But what they actually said was: Note: not "the object in your video is a bird" but "we can't prove that it's a bird". They're two quite different assertions, wouldn't you agree? Also: That was probably me, since I've been the main person doing...
  14. Rory

    Tic Tac in Greece?

    I'm not sure anyone's insisting that it's a bird, but rather pointing out that it looks like a bird, acts like a bird, is inhabiting a place birds frequently inhabit, and mathematically could be a bird also. An advanced craft certainly isn't excluded from the possibilities - but there's pretty...
  15. Rory

    Tic Tac in Greece?

    Are there any forums where the smart money isn't on a bird in a case like this? Or would that be a "no true Scotsman" fallacy? Kind of, if the ball size on the image is supposed to represent the ball size as it would appear to the camera. But probably what it's meant to represent is that the...
  16. Rory

    My brief journey down the 2012 doomsday rabbit hole

    Not according to the New Ageists I encountered. They were expecting change - most commonly some kind of universal raising of consciousness/vibration which, yes, would be tricky for some (ie, people resistant to such things, those too hung up on material reality, egocentrics, etc) and perhaps...
  17. Rory

    My brief journey down the 2012 doomsday rabbit hole

    I was running around in New Age circles back in the late-90s and early-00s and the notion of something significant happening on December 21st 2012 was quite widespread even back then, probably quite a while before it hit the mainstream. For New Agers though it was supposed to be more of a "rise...
  18. Rory

    Need help with calculating vertical speed of ascending shadow at sunset

    Jeez, just how low does their sun go?
  19. Rory

    Headline: "Famous Navy UFO video is camera glare hiding something ‘really interesting’, researcher says"

    Nah, I think it's pretty bad form to engage someone in a discussion - to start the discussion even - and then ignore questions they ask you (for reasons savvy people will easily divine). Asking the asker to then wait however many days or weeks for a non-answer and then PM you is only adding to that.
  20. Rory

    Headline: "Famous Navy UFO video is camera glare hiding something ‘really interesting’, researcher says"

    Ah. Now I understand why you avoid answering certain types of questions. ;)