Claim: Pleiadian Craft part of a fleet of 40 with a mothership.

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Deleted member 16321

Claim: This video shows a craft with occupants which is part of a fleet of 40 with a mothership 50 miles up.



Despite the images only showing one object the claim is that this is one of "a fleet of 40". There's no evidence of a "mothership" or any details about the camera used, other than it being a drone camera, but the claimed altitude of "50 miles up" makes this unlikely.

Can it be geolocated?
Is it an aircraft or drone?
Is it a camera artefact similar to "rods" described in this discussion?

What is intriguing about it is not simply the specific claim made in this tweet about some kind of visiting craft, but the huge social media following the broader conspiracy theory about "Pleiadians" has. It appears to be among other things a kind of doomsday cult involving technologically superior beings.

This tweet is from an account with 67k followers. A search for the term "pleiadian" shows there is significant reach to this idea.

Screenshot 2022-05-26 at 15.13.46.png


There are also many other Twitter accounts which tweet about Pleiadians and their "mission" often including dubious looking UFO videos. What many of them have in common are broken sentences, incomplete thoughts, where the subject, predicate relationship is vague at best.

Screenshot 2022-05-26 at 13.41.59.png
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Claim: This video shows a craft with occupants which is part of a fleet of 40 with a mothership 50 miles up.
I see three claims here:

“This video shows a craft with occupants” - I don’t think this video shows a craft, much less one with occupants. It looks like a still photo overlaid with a “moving” object. Probably a Photoshop-style composite.

“which is part of a fleet of 40” - I failed to see the other 39 in this video.

“With a mothership 50 miles up” - Again, no evidence of a mothership in the video. At 250 miles, the ISS is visible to the naked eye, cameras, and telescopes. At 50 miles, you would think there would be photos of the mothership somewhere.

The claim is debunked due to lack of evidence.
I see three claims here
I agree it's confusing. I was trying to use their own words to create the thread. The claims made in the voice over on the video and the subsequent tweeting of it out from an account with more Twitter followers with the further claims about Pleiadians is a lot of bunk to debunk.

So if we resolve the original claim to just "this is an extraordinary non-human craft", what are the best answers to the questions I asked?

Can it be geolocated?

There's no information about the location even in the original YouTube video.

The huge number of credulous comments below this video alone make this worth white pursing IMO.

Is it an aircraft or drone?
i.e. something real like this
Screenshot 2022-05-27 at 16.27.03.png

Or is it just a camera artefact?
Something non-real like this.
Screenshot 2022-05-27 at 16.30.04.png

Side note: amusingly a Google Lens search of the object brings up the Gimbal images:

The twitter user "Kab" took this from a YT video and added even more imagination to it.

We don't know where this video comes from originally. Just that it "was sent in just yesterday by Ali Khan." And that "it's visible from a drone." It could be from a movie or video game for all we know. Until someone identifies the original source, and we can see the original video without the zoom and so forth, I don't think this is worth pursuing.
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The twitter user "Kab" took this from a YT video and added even more imagination to it.
This was already acknowledged and linked to in [#5]
It could be from a movie or video game for all we know. Until someone identifies the original source, and we can see the original video without the zoom and so forth, I don't think this is worth pursuing.
This makes it even more worth pursuing. If it is from a game or a movie it should be easy to locate, and that “someone” is us isn’t it? Is that not the purpose of these collaborative discussion threads?

To reiterate, these claims of the extraordinary are being made in a public forum with large followings. (67k Twitter followers for Kab, and 526k YouTube subscribers for MrMBB333). This stuff is circulated, repeated, and rolled into an overarching conspiracy with ever more embellishments at each iteration. It goes unquestioned, therefore it needs to be pursued.
This was already acknowledged and linked to in [#5]

This makes it even more worth pursuing. If it is from a game or a movie it should be easy to locate, and that “someone” is us isn’t it? Is that not the purpose of these collaborative discussion threads?

To reiterate, these claims of the extraordinary are being made in a public forum with large followings. (67k Twitter followers for Kab, and 526k YouTube subscribers for MrMBB333). This stuff is circulated, repeated, and rolled into an overarching conspiracy with ever more embellishments at each iteration. It goes unquestioned, therefore it needs to be pursued.
There's a limit to what we can do, if "genuine" footage is ever to emerge that footage, no matter how compelling will need to be shared in its original, unedited form at some point.

We can't do more than what we've done with this video. Sure we've done some great detective work on previous videos, but those videos had clues or metadata, hell I solved one by stalking someone's reddit profile to get a slightly more specific location but there's not much to go on here. If this video is genuine lets see the original.
I agree with you that without the original video that piece of evidence can‘t be satisfactorily debunked and I don’t really expect people to go to great lengths to do so given what little we have.

My interest in this discussion is a more meta, as in it is obvious they are aware of their own misinformation and elisions. I was treating the tweet as the primary source - which is why the number of claims to debunk cascaded - and yes like in [#3] most of those claims fail due to lack of evidence. I tried to refocus on one claim in [#5].

The Tweet and the Youtube video, and the claim that one object in one video is the exact same class of object as that in another, which somehow supports - and is confirmed by other believers - the grander ”Pleiadians” theory is (I realise now) what I see is the real target for discussion. If the video clip used to support the wild claims can be picked apart to undermine those claims all the better.
Yes this sounds like “let's debunk wacky stuff people say online”. I’m just amazed by the level of engagement it produces and was looking for a way in to analyse and discuss it.
I agree with you that without the original video that piece of evidence can‘t be satisfactorily debunked and I don’t really expect people to go to great lengths to do so given what little we have.

My interest in this discussion is a more meta, as in it is obvious they are aware of their own misinformation and elisions. I was treating the tweet as the primary source - which is why the number of claims to debunk cascaded - and yes like in [#3] most of those claims fail due to lack of evidence. I tried to refocus on one claim in [#5]. The Tweet and the Youtube video, and the claim that one object in one video is the exact same class of object as that in another, which somehow supports - and is confirmed by other believers - the grander ”Pleiadians” theory is (I realise now) what I see is the real target for discussion. If the video clip used to support the wild claims can be picked apart to undermine those claims all the better.
Yes this sounds like “let's debunk wacky stuff people say online”. I’m just amazed by the level of engagement it produces and was looking for a way in to analyse it.
You're getting more into the psychology of delusion now, there's admitted some debunkable evidence shown for "an unusual craft" there is 0 evidence shown for "Pleiadeans"
You're getting more into the psychology of delusion now, there's admitted some debunkable evidence shown for "an unusual craft" there is 0 evidence shown for "Pleiadeans"
Agreed. The "Pleiadians theory," (it's not a theory as there is no evidence to support it) requires no debunking as there really very little to debunk.
The "Pleiadians theory," (it's not a theory as there is no evidence to support it) requires no debunking as there really very little to debunk.
Yes it's not a formal scientific theory in that sense. It is a “theory” in the sense that it is a statement of opinion or explanation for something, which may be wrong. They present debunkable “evidence” to a large audience.
Yes it's not a formal scientific theory in that sense. It is a “theory” in the sense that it is a statement of opinion or explanation for something, which may be wrong. They present debunkable “evidence” to a large audience.
It's utterly baseless though, there's nothing to debunk, where do you even start? It's "not even wrong."

Show me the debunkable evidence of "Pleiadeans/Pleideiens"
What is intriguing about it is not simply the specific claim made in this tweet about some kind of visiting craft, but the huge social media following the broader conspiracy theory about "Pleiadians" has. It appears to be among other things a kind of doomsday cult involving technologically superior beings.

See also Atlantis, Lemuria/Mu, Seth, Ramtha, etc. It's all the same sort of thing.

Here's a comment on Pleiadians from a man who believes he channels Sirians:

I’m a telepath, and have been communicating with a Sirian, who happens to be in my soul group or “cluster,” as they’re called, since 2008. All my communications with him are contained in a book, released in 2013, and since then in my weekly newsletters that you can access on my website

There are people that can communicate with Pleiadians, and there are Pleiadians that have meetings with various governments—and have for years. One of the most well known was Valiant Thor, who tried to work on a world peace plan back in the late 50s. A book was written about him (Stranger at the Pentagon). He said he was from Venus, so as not to scare people.

I’ll just add that the Pleiadians have been dragging their feet about Disclosure, as there is the Earth Directive that was voted on by the Federation of Planets, after both Atlantis and Lemuria destroyed themselves, using free energy provided to them by ETs.
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Things mentioned there should lead to some interesting rabbit holes. You'll probably land on Dwight D. Eisenhower's great-granddaughter soon enough. She's working to "open Natural Stargates and assist in the activation of the 13th gate through consciously being a part of the grounding of the Mother Arc energies into the Earth core [...] and also in revealing the energies and Galactic History of the Great Cosmic and Earth Mother, who is supporting our growth as we heal, activate and transform together into the Crystalline Silicate Matrix."

Sounds cool!
The evidence they present is falsifiable, while your correct the Pleiadian theory more broadly is not. Without going too far outside the craft described in this thread there‘s a stream of readily debunkable things that the twitter account feeds to/from the Youtube account.

For example this ISS footage, likely of an atol, is presented as a “Pleiadian mothership”


It's probably this.

Google Earth Link

Or basically any of the Billy Meier photos/videos, which are part of the broader theory.
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The evidence they present is falsifiable, while your correct the Pleiadian theory more broadly is not. Without going too far outside the craft described in this thread there‘s a stream of readily debunkable things that the twitter account feeds to the Youtube account.

For example this ISS footage, likely of an atol, is presented as a “Pleiadian mothership”


It's probably this.

Google Earth Link

Or basically any of the Billy Meier photos/videos, which are part of the broader theory.

I wonder how long the Pleiadian mother ship had to hang around before it got its current designation as a nature reserve. :D
For example this ISS footage, likely of an atol, is presented as a “Pleiadian mothership”

Can you show where it's claimed to be a “Pleiadian mothership”? I only see where it's claimed to be "mothership sized" (the previous guy in the chain just says "pretty good sized...about 100 feet wide").


Is it better to link to the original videos rather than Twitter reshares? Though I suppose if it's the Twitter guy making the claim then perhaps that's the one to go with, and then refer to where he got it.

Overlay of the ISS footage and a Google Maps image of Browse Island and Ashmore Reef:

bowse island.jpg

Not an exact match, probably either due to my scaling or differing camera angles, but should be close enough to convince even the original posters given Bowse Island would be missing from the ISS footage if they wanted to stick with UFO.

According to the Earth Watchman channel (MrMB333) it was "sent in" by Mary Hall, If you go to her channel it looks like she's got a constant stream of "UFOs" seen from the ISS - generally 3 or 4 videos per day.

So if someone wanted to work through all those they've got a job on their hands. Though the first one I looked at, from two days earlier...


...shows what one can expect - it's our old friend Browse Island again:

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Is it better to link to the original videos rather than Twitter reshares?

It’s the reshares with wilder claims and their social media engagement that I find interesting. Often the original video isn’t available.

I wouldnt focus too much on the ISS clip, it was just an example I gave in response to [#17] it’s easy to debunk/explain like I think the craft in the first post is.

Can you show where it's claimed to be a “Pleiadian mothership
I inferred it from reading other posts from that account. To them it’s all Pleiadians.
Can you show where it's claimed to be a “Pleiadian mothership”?
If you run this in Twitter search you’ll see countless other examples.
"Pleiadian" (from:Kabamur_taygeta).
Like this? (to:Kabamur_taygeta)&src=typed_query

Some very whacky posts among those search results. I see he and other Pleiadian lovers are also into QAnon. This one's a doozy:


If you gimme a few hundred of those, I'll create a generative grammar for them so that we can create an infinite number of our own, and then beat them at their own game. What does MegaHAL think about all this?
The Tweet and the Youtube video, and the claim that one object in one video is the exact same class of object as that in another, which somehow supports - and is confirmed by other believers - the grander ”Pleiadians” theory is (I realise now) what I see is the real target for discussion. If the video clip used to support the wild claims can be picked apart to undermine those claims all the better.
Yes this sounds like “let's debunk wacky stuff people say online”. I’m just amazed by the level of engagement it produces and was looking for a way in to analyse and discuss it.
I too, am amazed at the amount of engagement some of this stuff gets and I find the underlying theories interesting. But I've come to understand that here on Metabunk, trying to debunk whole theories or belief systems is almost impossible. Therefore, the idea of focusing on single bits of evidence, regardless of how it fits into the overall theory, is the preferred method.

We can't tell someone who believes that Pleiadeans are visiting us that Pleiadeans don't exist. We can show them that the video of the Pleiadean spaceship is, in fact, something mundane like United Airlines flight 367 with the sun reflecting off of it. The believer may agree that a particular ship is actually a jetliner, but the other sightings are real, because the Pleiadeans are visiting us. But it's a start.

My understanding of Metabunk, is that it is a kind of reverse Gish Gallop. One little de-bunk at a time, that at least for some people, begins to chip away at the basis of beliefs in things like Pleiadeans.

I think we can still discuss overall theories, but it would be under Rambles or Chitchat. And I think sometimes it is important to have some understanding of these beliefs to better understand where a particular piece of de-bunkable evidence fits in.

If you gimme a few hundred of those, I'll create a generative grammar for them so that we can create an infinite number of our own, and then beat them at their own game. What does MegaHAL think about all this?

That is some gibberish.

Just a little off topic, but did you ever read the book Foucault's Pendulum Phil? Late '80s satire of the book Holy Blood Holy Grail. The main characters feed random phrases into a word processer and create a whole Templar treasure conspiracy that is believed by very powerful people. It got me into skeptical thinking in a round about way.
Pleiadian lovers are also into QAnon

This is it. I’m on a mobile device at the moment so am not able to replicate this exactly, but if you do a sentiment / hashtag/ word cloud search on a site like - a tool for analyzing twitter accounts and the connection between accounts - using the term ”pleiadian” or for the twitter handles mentioned, you should get a huge amount of “MAGA”, “The Storm”, “Awakening”, “higherself” type language. (You should be able to include up to 3,000 tweets in the data set, but you have to add them manually 200 at a time).
Rambles or Chitchat
Agreed. This started with a specific video to debunk but I think there’s an interesting wider conversation to be had in another category.
Just a little off topic, but did you ever read the book Foucault's Pendulum Phil? Late '80s satire of the book Holy Blood Holy Grail. The main characters feed random phrases into a word processer and create a whole Templar treasure conspiracy that is believed by very powerful people. It got me into skeptical thinking in a round about way.

If course I'm superficially familiar with the Eco work (though not the prior work it satirised at all), but I had presumed that its style would be a bit too heavy for my tastes - I'd be well up for a movie adaption of it though (I like the creators to provide me real sounds and visuals, not just descriptions of them). But not an adaptation of a perversion of it, as I do remember the discussion surrounding Foucault's Pendulum at the time of Peak Dan Brown - I think Umberto helped persuade me to not see Da Vinci Code:

Foucault's Pendulum (1988) has been called "the thinking man's Da Vinci Code".[14] The parchment that sparks the Plan plays a role which is similar to the parchments in the Rennes-le-Château story in Brown's novel and in The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail (1982), from which Brown drew inspiration. Eco's novel predated the Da Vinci phenomenon by more than a decade, but both novels are concerned with the Knights Templar, complex conspiracies, secret codes, and even a chase around the monuments of Paris. Eco does so, however, from a much more critical perspective; Foucault is more a satire on the futility of conspiracy theories and those who believe them, rather than an attempt to proliferate such beliefs.

Eco was asked whether he had read the Brown novel; he replied:

I was obliged to read it because everybody was asking me about it. My answer is that Dan Brown is one of the characters in my novel Foucault's Pendulum, which is about people who start believing in occult stuff.

– But you yourself seem interested in the kabbalah, alchemy, and other occult practices explored in the novel.

No. In Foucault's Pendulum I wrote the grotesque representation of these kind of people. So Dan Brown is one of my creatures.[15]
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He said he was from Venus, so as not to scare people.
The evidence they present is falsifiable
more broadly, if we trust the evidence, we learn that Pleiadians lie and are not to be taken at their word

This one's a doozy:
I first had the thought when I encountered the "mud flood" people, that this would be some great creative writing, what with all the research that goes into it, if the writers only treated it as such. The fact that they think it's true ruins it.

I think we can still discuss overall theories, but it would be under Rambles or Chitchat.
sounds like a good fit for "open discussion" which allows discussing broader frameworks not limited to single claims of evidence
sounds like a good fit for "open discussion" which allows discussing broader frameworks not limited to single claims of evidence
While I understand that Metabunk is "not about overall conspiracy theories" I think general discussions of some of them are interesting, especially here, as the Metabunk community is so unique. I, for one, am very interested in yours and others takes on some of these ideas. Might have to start a thread or two for that.
Now we have the exact location for the video my new theory is that the object in the video is a base jumper, or two.
I'm confused TopBunk, are you saying that the white craft in the original video is a base jumper(s)? That some sort of way the drone camera caught it made it look the way it does? I mean it doesn't really look like any skydiver I've ever seen. Can a skydiver move that far laterally while staying at the same altitude? It doesn't seem to be dropping as it moves across the screen. They would be moving towards a mountain from looking at the Google Earth location and be under the drone.

I guess we could look up hot base-jumping spots in Romania.

I'm still think it just looks like a bad animation. It looks like Lego craft moving in a pixelated way across the screen. I'm not convinced that this is even from a drone. I wouldn't be surprised if its just a still shot from something like Google Earth that the zooms and the Lego craft were composited onto. It would seem the target audience isn't all that critical of what they're being presented.

However, Vanatarea lui Buteanu is nearby. It's a 2500m peak that is relatively accessible:

Vânătarea lui Buteanu
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, at 2,507 metres, is the eighth-highest peak in Romania and the fifth-highest peak from Făgăraș Mountains, after Moldoveanu, Negoiu, Viștea Mare and Lespezi. It is one of the easiest mountains to climb in Romania that is more than 2500 metres tall. It can be reached in 2 hours from the Bâlea lake which is accessible by car in the summer and cable car in the winter.
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Here's some guys on the peak from a YouTube video. It's a steep, but doable hike. Weather one can jump off and manage to land safely, I have no idea.

I'm confused TopBunk, are you saying that the white craft in the original video is a base jumper(s)? That some sort of way the drone camera caught it made it look the way it does? I mean it doesn't really look like any skydiver I've ever seen. Can a skydiver move that far laterally while staying at the same altitude? It doesn't seem to be dropping as it moves across the screen. They would be moving towards a mountain from looking at the Google Earth location and be under the drone.

I guess we could look up hot base-jumping spots in Romania.

I'm still think it just looks like a bad animation. It looks like Lego craft moving in a pixelated way across the screen. I'm not convinced that this is even from a drone. I wouldn't be surprised if its just a still shot from something like Google Earth that the zooms and the Lego craft were composited onto. It would seem the target audience isn't all that critical of what they're being presented.

However, Vanatarea lui Buteanu is nearby. It's a 2500m peak that is relatively accessible:

Vânătarea lui Buteanu
Content from External Source
, at 2,507 metres, is the eighth-highest peak in Romania and the fifth-highest peak from Făgăraș Mountains, after Moldoveanu, Negoiu, Viștea Mare and Lespezi. It is one of the easiest mountains to climb in Romania that is more than 2500 metres tall. It can be reached in 2 hours from the Bâlea lake which is accessible by car in the summer and cable car in the winter.
Content from External Source

Here's some guys on the peak from a YouTube video. It's a steep, but doable hike. Weather one can jump off and manage to land safely, I have no idea.

They are correctly called wing suits

Wingsuit flying (or wingsuiting) is the sport of skydiving using a webbing-sleeved jumpsuit called a wingsuit to add wetted area to the diver's body and generate increased lift, which allows extended air time by gliding flight rather than just free falling.
Now we have the exact location for the video my new theory is that the object in the video is a base jumper, or two.
You can see the ground between the side flaps of the object, so it lacks the full "wing" typical of wingsuits. Nice idea, though.