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  1. Trailblazer

    Pre 1995 Persistent Contrail Archive

    And a nice one from an old postcard of Norfolk, UK. Exact date not known but described as "late 1960s/early 1970s" here: The building pictured is the Bure Court Hotel, which burned down in 1975, so the photo certainly pre-dates that.
  2. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    You posted a Metabunk link, therefore you are a CIA shill. That is Look-Up logic I'm afraid.
  3. Trailblazer

    N22387 Zig-Zig flight path near Sacramento [LIDAR data collection]

    A similar flight path doing the rounds on Twitter: N441FS is a Cessna registered to Surdex Corporation in Chesterfield, Missouri. Surdex is a leading provider of geospatial data services to a diverse client base. We are committed to accurate services that are of the highest quality. We have...
  4. Trailblazer

    Pre 1995 Persistent Contrail Archive

    Contrails from Life magazine: 27 February 1950, page 29 15 August 1955, page 45 24 June 1966, page 28 18 October 1968, page 40 And a bonus from 20 November 1944, page 36: a vapour trail being formed on the deck of an aircraft carrier by a propeller plane!
  5. Trailblazer

    Pre 1995 Persistent Contrail Archive

    I am at my in-laws at the moment and found this on their bookshelf. Hard to tell for certain but that looks like a contrail (just above the distant mountains) on the cover of a book published in 1963. It also has mention of those "new" cloud types such as cirrus uncinus, and photos of halos etc...
  6. Trailblazer

    Look-Up "No more lies" campaign

    The latest natural phenomenon that Ian claims has been invented to cover up the conspiracy is moonbows. Surely this must be trolling by this stage? Obviously the photo doesn't depict the scene as it would be seen by the naked eye, as the...
  7. Trailblazer

    Photos of trails over Switzerland [back to the 1970s] and Chemical Analysis of Jacuzzi Cover Water

    Oh dear. Don't these people understand that if you want to sample rainwater, you have to sample RAINWATER, by collecting it as it falls, in a CLEAN container? You can't sample it after it has collected on a jacuzzi cover which has God knows what kind of dust on it! Soil contains huge amounts of...
  8. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    But these drains are nothing to do with fuel dumping, are they? He is confused about that too. Fuel isn't dumped via the pylon drains; they are just for incidental leaks.
  9. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    The "Legal Action" page also says: Look-Up would like to force the police to open a plane at one of Britain’s hub airports to prove conclusively that these airlines have been fitted with sophisticated delivery systems. I would actually pay good money to see that, as long as Mr Simpson was...
  10. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    And now Mike Campbell's posts have vanished, making it once again look as if Ian is arguing with himself! Doesn't he realise that deleting posts just makes his comments look even more nonsensical?
  11. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    Is Ian really quoting his OWN assertion that Airbus say they are retrofitted as evidence to back up that same assertion? That is taking circular logic to new extremes! That sentence "Airbus recently confirmed to us that their aircraft are NOT fitted with these pipes!" is taken from the post...
  12. Trailblazer

    Look-Up "No more lies" campaign

    Look-Up responds to the mammatus link in the Encyclopedia Britannica. In the latest response we start to hear the scraping of goalposts being shifted.
  13. Trailblazer

    Bugs and Suggestions for

    I'm not sure if this is specific to Metabunk or just an iOS/Safari issue, but I find it quite tricky to compose lengthy replies on my iPhone. If the reply is longer than will fit in the visible screen, then trying to place the cursor into the text doesn't work properly - it jumps back up to a...
  14. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Alien Pilot The Extraordinary Plane, UFO In Transformation

    Autofocus is pretty hopeless when it comes to trying to focus on a small distant object in an empty sky. If you can't use manual focus then a good trick (with still cameras) is to half-press the shutter while pointing at a larger but still distant object, eg a tree or house roof, to get the...
  15. Trailblazer

    Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

    And just look what the same person has posted on their Timeline. The lab test just came back and dangerously high levels of irony were detected.
  16. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Alien Pilot The Extraordinary Plane, UFO In Transformation

    Yes, the "square" looking bit is the fuselage, as should be clear from the picture above. It looks as though the bright highlights on the aircraft are distorting the shape. The camera sensor seems to be overloaded somewhat at the nose of the plane, so the image is smeared out a bit, making the...
  17. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Alien Pilot The Extraordinary Plane, UFO In Transformation

    I'm not sure which plane you are trying to match up with here? The only red-looking one I can see in the original video appears to be an ordinary jet distorted by camera movement and lit up by a low sun. Look at the way the highlights have been stretched out into lines. The camera was moving...
  18. Trailblazer

    Interesting Contrail Shadow in the Polar Vortex

    Slightly off topic but isn't that the case with noctilucent clouds, which are much, much higher than ordinary clouds (I've seen 80km mentioned)? We had a good display of them over the UK a few weeks ago.
  19. Trailblazer

    Who is Making Money off the Chemtrail Conspiracy Theory?

    Got 200 quid burning a hole in your pocket? Go to a "chembuster workshop"! offering 2 types of Chembusters and a new consideration for those who wish to obtain the knowledge behind how to build, understand the mechanics of & correctly maintain long-term usage of your Chembuster. -- price...
  20. Trailblazer

    Who is Making Money off the Chemtrail Conspiracy Theory?

    They stopped chemtrails in Santa Cruz? So if I go there I won't see any white lines in the sky? Really?