Photos of trails over Switzerland [back to the 1970s] and Chemical Analysis of Jacuzzi Cover Water

Hi Liz, you need to post at least a summary or the main claim, not just a link; also it was in the wrong forum, but I've moved it now.

Anyway, quite a nice collection of pictures of contrails over Switzerland, plus a rain analysis (collected from a jacuzzi cover).
I live in the Valais in Switzerland, a once beautiful area with breathtaking views, once boasting over 300 sunny blue skies a year. This was due to the fact that we are surrounded by the Alps which create a natural block to the passage of clouds. Unfortunately this is a thing of the past. We are lucky if we have 50 full blue skies a year now. In any event I have counted no less than 300 days of chemtrail spraying within the last year alone and have photo graphic evidence of each day of spraying since August 2011!
Last but not least… in June I had rainwater that accumulated on my jacuzzi cover analyzed and guess what I found…among other things 38mg/liter of aluminium…that is 38’000 micrograms!!! Normal acceptable amounts found in rainwater are between 10 and 1200 micrograms!!!! YOU DO THE MATH!
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I can't see that it actually says too much. That would be quite a high level of aluminium, but without knowing details of the provenance, meaningless, and as the poster is a friend of a chemtrail documentary maker, suspect.
'Is the jacuzzi close to a roof or shelter with aluminium flashing?' is an obvious first question that comes to mind. In any analysis, sampling considerations are key to interpretation, beyond that all you can say is these are the results of a sample tested.
Every metal was tested for except silver, which is used in chemtrails. CHECK FOR SILVER! Jeez, how many times do I have to tell people, they are using silver iodide. It’s the only thing that expands like this, and it is a perfect CCN.
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Every metal was tested for except silver
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They did check for silver, its the first item on the list.
Had to look that one up.
(the origin of the symbol Ag comes from the Latin word "argentum" meaning "silver").
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Heh-heh! You'd have thought if he's always telling people to test for silver, he'd have known Ag=Silver. Well it made me laugh like a drain.
Hi Liz, you need to post at least a summary or the main claim, not just a link; also it was in the wrong forum, but I've moved it now.

Anyway, quite a nice collection of pictures of contrails over Switzerland, plus a rain analysis (collected from a jacuzzi cover).
I live in the Valais in Switzerland, a once beautiful area with breathtaking views, once boasting over 300 sunny blue skies a year. This was due to the fact that we are surrounded by the Alps which create a natural block to the passage of clouds. Unfortunately this is a thing of the past. We are lucky if we have 50 full blue skies a year now. In any event I have counted no less than 300 days of chemtrail spraying within the last year alone and have photo graphic evidence of each day of spraying since August 2011!
Last but not least… in June I had rainwater that accumulated on my jacuzzi cover analyzed and guess what I found…among other things 38mg/liter of aluminium…that is 38’000 micrograms!!! Normal acceptable amounts found in rainwater are between 10 and 1200 micrograms!!!! YOU DO THE MATH!
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Oh dear. Don't these people understand that if you want to sample rainwater, you have to sample RAINWATER, by collecting it as it falls, in a CLEAN container?

You can't sample it after it has collected on a jacuzzi cover which has God knows what kind of dust on it! Soil contains huge amounts of aluminium, so the slightest bit of windblown soil dust on the jacuzzi cover will totally skew the readings!

As for the claims about the skies over the Alps, I have photos from school skiing trips in the early 1990s showing large contrails in those blue Alpine skies. They are nothing new.
You can't sample it after it has collected on a jacuzzi cover which has God knows what kind of dust on it! Soil contains huge amounts of aluminium, so the slightest bit of windblown soil dust on the jacuzzi cover will totally skew the readings!

Not to mention the chemical contamination coming from the Jacuzzi water, assuming it's a working hot tub and not sitting idle.

Here's a picture of the stuff I need to use to stabilize the water. I can't imagine what's in all that stuff. I'm sure it's safe though :eek:

I'm sure it's safe though :eek:

Yes, you are going to get quite a build up of chemicals on the top. But the main components are going be dirt. You'll also get concentrated rainwater, as it evaporates quickly from a flat surface, so even if was clean, it's not really a meaningful number.

So the test results are not showing anything unexpected.
Valais is in the middle of this lot somewhere
So pictures like this from the OP are not unexpected given persistant contrail conditions.

Valais is in the middle of this lot somewhere

Yes, a few miles East of Geneva. Here is the IFR Aeronautical Chart (High Altitude) showing the typical routes flown by the great deal of air traffic that is commonplace in Europe:


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